Facility Safari Zone: HeliosAflame

Trek 2, Round 3

Team Helios
Sphinx :full restore: Full Restore
HP: 64/85 EN: 66/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Electric Abilities: Rivalry, Intimidate
Status: -1 Atk(2), Charge, Sleep(2) Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:Item urge:Blank Record
:arcanine: 74/85HP, 58/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Granbull :soft sand: Soft Sand
[ O O ]
EP: 12 (17.1%) Stats: 9/6/5/5/90 Typing: Fairy Abilities: Intimidate, Quick Feet
Mood: Irritated Status: +1 Def(6), Poison(5), Toxin, Confused(1) Field: Reflect(2)​
Step 1
:park ball:
Helios threw a Park Ball!
Park Ball was added to Granbull's capture tracker!

Granbull used Earthquake!
Crit (10, d240): 71 (No)
(10+(9-6))*1.5 = 20 DMG
Granbull hurt itself in confusion! -5EP (hit the cap)

:Granbull::toxic orb:
Granbull was hurt by it's poison! -0EP

Step 2
:safari ball:
Helios threw a Safari Ball!
Safari Ball was added to Granbull's capture tracker!
Granbull was caught!

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:luxray: HP: -20
:luxray: EN: -0
:granbull: EP: -5
Team Helios
Sphinx :full restore: Full Restore
HP: 44/85 EN: 66/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Electric Abilities: Rivalry, Intimidate
Status: Charge Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:Item urge:Blank Record
:arcanine: 74/85HP, 58/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
Granbull :soft sand: Soft Sand
[ :park ball: :safari ball: ]
EP: 7 (10%) Stats: 9/6/5/5/90 Typing: Fairy Abilities: Intimidate, Quick Feet
Mood: Irritated Status: +1 Def(4), Poison(6), Toxin Field: Clear​

HeliosAflame to keep/Release, stay/proceed, use/don't use medicine
Full Restore used on Arcanine & Luxray, they both lost any Major Conditions
:arcanine: 85/85HP, 58/100EN
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN

The Throne of the Mutt Lord

At the deepest end of the canyon, the divide ends in a stunning clearing, opening into a wide grassy field faced on three sides with sheer, rainbow-stratified cliffs. In the clearing, innumerable canine Pokemon lounge lazily, registering your presence with disinterest.

At the center of the clearing stands a stone, striped with the colors of the cliffs. Upon that stone lazes a Rockruff of regal bearing, imperceptibly special in some way, who turns up their nose from you.

The inhabitants of the clearing begin to make way; not for you, but for the Rockruff's muscle: A dog's guard dog, first champion of the lord of the valley, striding forward to meet your unspoken challenge.

Arena Effects:

The wild Pokemon with access to Mega Evolution are always Mega Evolved, even while inactive.

Wild Pokemon have Strong Jaw, in addition to their other abilities.

When a Pokemon completes Howl, Odor Sleuth, or a move tagged #Jaw: Each wild Pokemon in play heals 7 EP.
Camouflage: Ground | Nature Power: Rock Tomb | Secret Power: The user calls and attempts Howl.

Conservation Reward: 8:rare candy:TC (Release a Wayfinder caught in this Trek to obtain this.)

Wild Items (unlimited supply):

  • None.

A wild Lucario-Mega showed up!
Level 1

Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified Hidden Ability: Adaptability (Locked)

Battle Assist: Cheer Assist

The Pokemon can't help but offer backseat advice regarding the battles of other Pokemon.
While issuing orders in the first round of battle: The explorer may specify a non-attack move the Wayfinder knows.

At the start of the round (before the first step): The Wayfinder attempts the specified attack targeting a random Pokemon of the explorer's, if able.
(If the move targets only the user—in this case, the Wayfinder—it won't be very helpful.)

Capture Tracker: [ O O O ]

EP: 100
Attack: 10
Defen.: 6
Sp.Atk: 10
Sp.Def: 5
Speed: 112
Size: 3
Weight: 4

Level 0:
Aerial Ace
Aura Sphere
Blaze Kick
Brick Break
Bulk Up
Bullet Punch
Calm Mind
Circle Throw
Dark Pulse
Dragon Pulse
Flash Cannon
Focus Blast
Hone Claws
Ice Punch
Metal Sound
Nasty Plot
Poison Jab
Quick Attack
Rock Slide
Shadow Ball
Shadow Claw
Sleep Talk
Swords Dance
Thunder Punch
Vacuum Wave
Work Up
Zen Headbutt

Level 1:
Double Team
Dual Chop
Force Palm
Heal Pulse
Helping Hand
Iron Defense
Life Dew
Mega Punch
Metal Claw
Power-Up Punch
Quick Guard
Rain Dance
Rock Climb
Rock Smash
Role Play
Scary Face
Sunny Day
Water Pulse

HeliosAflame to send out, equip a blank record, and order
Trek 3, Round 1

Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 85/85 EN: 58/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:full restore:Full Restore
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 100 Stats: 10/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inned Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Curious Status: Clear Field: Clear​
Arcanine's intimidate tried to lower Lucario's attack!
Lucario's Inner Focus make's it immune!

Step 1
Lucario used Substitute! -20EP
Lucario made a decoy!

Arcanine used Flamethrower! -7EN
Lucario's Decoy took 9 damage!

Step 2
Lucario used Swords Dance!
Lucario's attack rose greatly!

Arcanine used Flamethrower! -7EN
Lucario's Decoy broke!

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:arcanine: HP: -0
:arcanine: EN: -7 -7 = -14
:lucario: EP: -20
Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 85/85 EN: 44/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:full restore:Full Restore
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 80 (80%) Stats: 10/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inned Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Irritated Status: +2 Atk(5) Field: Clear​

Mamoswindle to order
HeliosAflame to order
Mamoswindle to ref
Earthquake ~ Earthquake
At start of step IF Arcanine is to use a burn inflicting move AND you are faster AND you do not have a decoy THEN use Substitute
At start of turn IF Arcanine is to use a speed reducing move AND you don't have a decoy THEN use Substitute
Trek 3, Round 2

Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 85/85 EN: 44/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:full restore:Full Restore
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 80 (80%) Stats: 10/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inned Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Irritated Status: +2 Atk(5) Field: Clear​

Step 1
Lucario used Substitute! -16EP
Lucario made a decoy!

Arcanine used Will-O-Wisp! -7EN
But it failed!

Step 2
Lucario used Earthquake!
Crit (10, d240): 28 (No)
(10+(10-6))*1.5 +8 = 29 DMG

Arcanine used Roar! -5EN
Lucario's got phazing!

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:arcanine: HP: -29
:arcanine: EN: -7-5 = -12
:lucario: EP: -16
Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 56/85 EN: 32/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:full restore:Full Restore
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 64 (64%) Stats: 10/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inned Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Irritated Status: Clear Field: Clear​

HeliosAflame to order
Last edited:
I think I missed it earlier but shouldn't I have some flash fire stacks?

flame thrower x 2

At the start of my turn, if my opponent has a protective status, use chill.
At the start of my turn if my opponent has a decoy, use dragon rage.
At the start of my turn, if my opponent is not burned and does not have a decoy, use will-o-wisp
Trek 3, Round 3

Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 56/85 EN: 25/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 64 (64%) Stats: 10/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Irritated Status: Clear Field: Clear​

Step 1
Lucario used Rock Slide!
Hit (216, d240): 107 (Yes)
Crit (10, d240): 174 (No)
Effect (72, d240): 211 (No)
(8+(10-6))*1.5 = 18 DMG

Arcanine used Will-O-Wisp! -7EN
Hit (204, d240): 103 (Yes)
Lucario was burned! -20EP

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
Lucario used Rock Slide!
Hit (216, d240): 82 (Yes)
Crit (10, d240): 63 (No)
Effect (72, d240): 64 (Yes)
(8+(5-6))*1.5 = 11 DMG

Arcanine flinched!

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:arcanine: HP: -18-11 = -29
:arcanine: EN: -7
:lucario: EP: -20-2-2 = -24
Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 27/85 EN: 32/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 40 (40%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned Field: Clear​

Mamoswindle to order
HeliosAflame to order
Trek 3, Round 4

Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 27/85 EN: 32/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ O O O ]
EP: 40 (40%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned Field: Clear​

Step 1
:ultra ball:
Helios threw and ultra ball!
Ultra Ball was added to Lucario's Capture Tracker!

Lucario used Ball Reject!
Ultra Ball was removed from Lucario's Capture Tracker!

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
:ultra ball:
Helios threw and ultra ball!
Ultra Ball was added to Lucario's Capture Tracker!

Lucario used Water Pulse!
Crit (10, d240): 182 (No)
Effect (24, d240): 28 (No)
(6+(10-6))*1.5 = 15 DMG

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:arcanine: HP: -15
:arcanine: EN: -0
:lucario: EP: -2-2 = -4
Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 13/85 EN: 32/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: O O ]
EP: 36 (36%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned Field: Clear​

HeliosAflame to order
Trek 3, Round 5

Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 13/85 EN: 32/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: O O ]
EP: 36 (36%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned Field: Clear​

Step 1
Lucario used Psychic!
Crit (10, d240): 4 (Yes)
(9+3+(10-6)) = 16 DMG
Arcanine fainted!

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:arcanine: HP: -16
:arcanine: EN: -0
:lucario: EP: -2
Team HeliosAflame
Clifford @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: KO EN: 32/100 Stats: 8/6/8/6/100 Typing: Fire Abilities: Intimidate, Flash Fire(2)
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:luxray: 84/85HP, 66/100EN
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: O O ]
EP: 34 (34%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned Field: Clear​

HeliosAflame to replace
Trek 3, Round 5

Team HeliosAflame
Sphinx @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 84/85 EN: 66/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Electric Abilities: Rivalry, Intimidate, Guts
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:arcanine: KO
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: O O ]
EP: 34 (34%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned Field: Clear​

Step 1
Lucario used Earthquake!
Crit (10, d240): 131 (No)
(10+(5-6)) = 14 DMG
Arcanine fainted!

Luxray used Double Kick!
Crit (10, d240): 198 (No)
(3+(8-6))*1.5 = 8 DMG
Crit (10, d240): 57 (No)
(3)*1.5 = 5 DMG

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

Step 2
:park ball:
Helios threw a Park Ball
Park Ball was added to Lucario's Capture Tracker!

Lucario used Earthquake!
Crit (10, d240): 40 (No)
(10+(6-6))*1.5 = 15 DMG

:lucario::flame orb:
Lucario was hurt by it's burn -2EP

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:luxray: HP: -14-15 = -29
:luxray: EN: -4
:lucario: EP: -8-5-2-2 = -17
Team HeliosAflame
Sphinx @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 55/85 EN: 62/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Electric Abilities: Rivalry, Intimidate, Guts
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:arcanine: KO
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: :park ball: O ]
EP: 17 (17%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned, Attack Aid(Park Ball), Defense Aid(Park Ball) Field: Clear​

HeliosAflame to end him
Trek 3, Round 6

Team HeliosAflame
Sphinx @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 55/85 EN: 62/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Electric Abilities: Rivalry, Intimidate, Guts
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:arcanine: KO
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: :park ball: O ]
EP: 17 (17%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned, Attack Aid(Park Ball), Defense Aid(Park Ball) Field: Clear​

Step 1
:safari ball:
Helios threw a safari ball!
Safari Ball was added to Lucario's Capture Tracker!
Lucario was caught!

:rotom: Round Summary :rotom:
:luxray: HP: -0
:luxray: EN: -0
:lucario: EP: -0
Team HeliosAflame
Sphinx @ :item urge: Blank Record
HP: 55/85 EN: 62/100 Stats: 8/6/7/6/100 Typing: Electric Abilities: Rivalry, Intimidate, Guts
Status: Clear Field: Tailwind(Assist)
:item urge:Blank Record
:item urge:Blank Record
:arcanine: KO
Field Assist: Bolt
The Pokemon's wild stampede frustrates any attempt to lay traps for other Pokemon.
The explorer's Pokemon can't create Field Conditions, Trapping, or Partial Trapping.
Battle Assist: Outpace
The explorer's team is carried forward by the wake of the Pokemon's breakneck pace.
The explorer's team always has Tailwind. Other teams can't create Tailwind.
Battlefield: Clear​
Wild Pokémon
[ :ultra ball: :park ball: :safari ball: ]
EP: 17 (17%) Stats: 5/6/10/5/112 Typing: Fighting / Steel Abilities: Steadfast, Inner Focus, Justified, Strong Jaw
Mood: Threatened Status: Burned, Attack Aid(Park Ball), Defense Aid(Park Ball) Field: Clear​

Rewards post incoming
Helios successfully navigated the Valley despite their Bravado!

:point card: Rewards :point card:
HelioAflame: +8:rare candy:TC, -7:tea:JC, +30 pooled EXP, :zapdos-galar: at Level 1, and the ability allocate the pooled EXP
1x:charcoal:Charcoal or 1x:hard stone:Hard Stone or 2:amulet coin:RC for releasing Boltund
1x:super potion:Super Potion or 2:amulet coin:RC for releasing Granbull
8x:rare candy:TC for releasing Lucario
1x:ability urge:Lo-EXP Record or 1x:strange ball:Strange Ball or 1x:comet shard:Comet Shard or 1x:cherish ball:Cherish Ball for completing 10 bravado score boast

Mamoswindle: +7:amulet coin:RC, +11:tea:JC, 1x:luxury ball:Luxury Ball, 10x:rule book:Accolades​