Team Hyjack: 2 tech used
HP: 40/85 EN: 42/100
4/6*/9/6*/60 | 2/3
aqua ring(2)
recoveries used 1
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Torrent, Liquid Voice
C/R: 5/2
HP: ko/85 EN: 4/100
11/6*/5/6*/17 | 2/3
partially trapped (2t)
chills used 1
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor, Overcoat
-10% Eva

Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.
Quick Ball
Sport Ball
Team Hyjack: 2 tech used
HP: 46/85 EN: 11/100
4/6*/9/6*/60 | 2/3
aqua ring(1)
song (1)
recoveries used 1
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Torrent, Liquid Voice
C/R: 5/2
HP: ko/85 EN: 4/100
11/6*/5/6*/17 | 2/3
partially trapped (2t)
chills used 1
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor, Overcoat
-10% Eva

Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.
Quick Ball
Sport Ball
Hyjack to order
Team Hyjack: 2 tech used

HP: 40/85 EN: 42/100
4/6*/9/6*/60 | 2/3
aqua ring(2)
recoveries used 1
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Torrent, Liquid Voice
C/R: 5/2

HP: ko/85 EN: 4/100
11/6*/5/6*/17 | 2/3
partially trapped (2t)
chills used 1
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor, Overcoat
-10% Eva
No Switching (2)
Packing Light (2)
Defense Limit (1)
Littering (1)
No Switching (2)
Packing Light (2)
Defense Limit (1)
Littering (1)

Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.

Tech used 1
Iron Leaves ::
EP: 77/100 (77%)
CT: [ O O O O ]
MOOD: Enraged
9/6/5/8/104 | 3/5
Type: Grass/Psychic
Abilities: Quark Drive
C/R: 0/0

EP: 77/100 (77%)
CT: [ O O O O ]
MOOD: Enraged
9/6/5/8/104 | 3/5
Type: Grass/Psychic
Abilities: Quark Drive
C/R: 0/0

dice are d600, roll low to hit/crit/effect, roll high for balls and for multi hit

Step 1:
rockaby baby
-24 en
-1 tech
-1 atk (5t)
is asleep (2t)
takes 20 damage
is too enraged to stop attacking but swords dance is not an attack.
+2 song
takes 3 damage, poison intensifies
Step 2:
leaf blade
126 crit no
(9 + 9 + 3 - 6 - 3) * 1.5 -3 = 15 damage
draining kiss
-7 en
118 crit no
(5 + 9 + 4 + 3 - 8) = 13 damage
heals 7 + 4
+1 music
takes 4 damage, poison intensifies
heals 10

Step 1:

-24 en
-1 tech

Step 2:

126 crit no
(9 + 9 + 3 - 6 - 3) * 1.5 -3 = 15 damage

-7 en
118 crit no
(5 + 9 + 4 + 3 - 8) = 13 damage

Team Hyjack: 2 tech used

HP: 46/85 EN: 11/100
4/6*/9/6*/60 | 2/3
aqua ring(1)
song (1)
recoveries used 1
Type: Water/Fairy
Abilities: Torrent, Liquid Voice
C/R: 5/2

HP: ko/85 EN: 4/100
11/6*/5/6*/17 | 2/3
partially trapped (2t)
chills used 1
Type: Bug/Steel
Abilities: Swarm, Shell Armor, Overcoat
-10% Eva
No Switching (2)
Packing Light (2)
Defense Limit (1)
Littering (1)
No Switching (2)
Packing Light (2)
Defense Limit (1)
Littering (1)

Battle Assist: Immoral Support
The Pokemon jeers and sneers at other Pokemon, unsettling them and undermining their confidence.
The explorer's Pokemon have Defense Aid.

Tech used 1
Iron Leaves ::
EP: 37/100 (37%)
CT: [ O O O O ]
MOOD: Enraged
9/6/5/8/104 | 3/5
atk -1 (3t)
Type: Grass/Psychic
Abilities: Quark Drive
C/R: 0/0
wildlife to order
EP: 37/100 (37%)
CT: [ O O O O ]
MOOD: Enraged
9/6/5/8/104 | 3/5
atk -1 (3t)
Type: Grass/Psychic
Abilities: Quark Drive
C/R: 0/0

Hyjack to order
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