Samurai vs Chomper (Samurai win)

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Engineer Pikachu

Good morning, you bastards!
is a Contributor Alumnus
Battle is currently going on. Please don't comment until it's over. Thanks.

3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.
The possibility of rainfall is undisclosed.

Let's take a look at our two combatants today:
Swinub(*) [Swirl] (M)

Nature: Rash (+1 * Special Attack, -1 * Special Defense)

<Typing>: Ice/Ground
Ice: Ice STAB; immune to freezing, no vision loss or damage in Hail, perfectly accurate and 30% Protect breaking Blizzard in Hail, Hail heals burns on Ice-typed Pokemon.
Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: *** (+)
SpD: * (-)
Spe: 50

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Oblivious: (Innate) This Pokemon is incapable of being effected by Attract or Cute Charm.
Snow Cloak: (Innate) This Pokemon is used to snowy blizzard conditions and gains a 20% evasion boost during Hail.
Thick Fat (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon has a great deal of extra fat or muscle that increases its resistance to extreme heat or extreme cold, reducing the type effectiveness of Fire and Ice-typed attacks to the next level of resistance (2x weak becomes neutral, neutral becomes resistance, etc.)

Tackle (*)
Odor Sleuth (*)
Mud Sport (*)
Powder Snow (*)
Mud-Slap (*)
Endure (*)
Mud Bomb (*)
Icy Wind(*)
Ancientpower (*)
Stealth Rock (*)
Body Slam (*)
Ice Beam (*)
Roar (*)
Protect (*)

Omanyte(*) [ShellShock!] (M)

Nature: Mild (+1 * Special Attack, -1 * Defense)

<Typing>: Rock/Water
Rock: Rock STAB; Take 2 less damage from all special attacks during Sandstorm, Earth Power, Earthquake and Magnitude have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).
Water: Water STAB; Can breathe and have excellent mobility when underwater, are less capable on land unless they are entirely amphibious. Splash and Ice Moves have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: *** (-)
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: **
Spe: 35

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Swift Swim: (Innate) The Pokemon with this ability moves extremely fast is slick, rainy conditions, doubling (x2) its speed in the rain.
Shell Armor: (Innate) This Pokemon’s thick, bony outer shell prevents it from taking critical hits.
Breakable Armor (DW): (Can Be Enabled) The Pokemon can loosen its worn defensive armor so that it will break off when an opponent uses a contact attack, reducing the Pokemon's Defense and increasing their Speed by one (1) stage for each hit.

Constrict (*)
Withdraw (*)
Bite (*)
Water Gun (*)
Rollout (*)
Leer (*)
Mud Shot (*)
Spikes (*)
Toxic Spikes (*)
Knock Off (*)
Gyro Ball (*)
Ice Beam (*)
Rain Dance (*)

Monohm(*) [Agony] (F)

Nature: Mild (+1 * Special Attack, -1 * Defense)

<Typing>: Electric/Dragon
Electric: Electric STAB; 50% reduction in paralysis chance from other electrical attacks, perfect accuracy and 30% chance of Protect breaking Thunder during Rain.
Dragon: Dragon STAB; Roar has have Energy Cost reduced by one (1). (Dragonite line can breathe underwater.)

HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: ** (-)
SpA: **** (+)
SpD: **
Spe: 60

EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Shield Dust: (Innate) This Pokemon has dust covering the outside of its body that prevents opponents secondary effects from taking place (eg burn from Flamethrower). It does not block direct status moves (such as Thunder Wave.)
Static: (Innate) This Pokemon’s body is surrounded by an electric field that has a 30% chance of paralyzing opponents that use contact moves on this Pokemon.
Sheer Force (DW): (Can Be Enabled) This Pokemon can energize all its attacks with secondary effect chances less than 100%. When Enabled, the Base Attack Power of every move with an effect chance less than 100% increases by two (2), but they will never have a secondary effect.

Tackle (*)
Growl (*)
Leer (*)
Thundershock (*)
Charge (*)
Rain Dance (*)
Twister (*)
Spark (*)
Dragon Rage (*)
Sonicboom (*)
Dragonbreath (*)
Hydro Pump (*)
Power Gem (*)
Thunder (*)
Charge Beam (*)
Flamethrower (*)
Cubone [Ken] (Male)
Nature: Adamant (+Atk/-Spa)

Ground: Ground STAB; Immune to all electrical attacks, Evasive Digging reduced from 3 per action Energy Cost to 2 per action, superior senses in darkened cave surroundings. Knock Down, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, and Stealth Rock have Energy Cost reduced by one (1).

HP: 90
Atk: *** (+)
Def: ***
SpA: * (-)
SpD: **
Spe: 35

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Rock Head: (Innate) This Pokemon's hard body prevents it from taking recoil moves such as Double-Edge, Flare Blitz and Head Smash

Lightningrod: (Innate) These Pokemon naturally attract electricity to themselves and away from partners in double battles. When struck with an electric attack, they transfer the energy into their body, using it to increase their Special Attack by one (1) stage. This boost is maintained at the end of each round.

Battle Armor (DW): (Innate) This Pokemon's thick armor prevents it from taking critical hits

Bone Club (*)
Growl (*)
Tail Whip (*)
Headbutt (*)
Leer (*)
Focus Energy (*)
Bonemerang (*)
Rage (*)
Rock Slide (*)
Knock Down (*)
Sunny Day (*)
Swords Dance (*)
Perish Song (*)
Fire Blast (*)

Vulpix [Chidori] (Female)
Nature: Naive (+Spe/-Spd)


Fire: Fire STAB; immune to burn, 50% reduction in freeze chance, emit a low glow in dark places, takes additiona; damage if active open flames are exposed to a water attack. Solarbeam has Energy Cost reduced by one (1)

HP: 90
Atk: **
Def: **
SpA: **
SpD: ** (-)
Spe: 75 (65 * 1.15)

EC: 0/4
MC: 0
DC: 0/5

Flash Fire: (Innate) This Pokemon thrives in high temperatures and takes the energy of any fire attack, nullifies the damage, and uses the additional power to boost its own fire attack's Base Attack Power by two (2)

Drought: (Innate) When this Pokemon is sent out it summons blistering sunlight that scorches the field and does not end, expending 10% of its energy to do so

Ember (*)
Tail Whip (*)
Roar (*)
Quick Attack (*)
Fire Spin (*)
Will-O-Wisp (*)
Confuse Ray (*)
Imprison (*)
Flame Burst (*)
Flamethrower (*)
Safeguard (*)
Disable (*)
Hypnosis (*)
Power Swap (*)
Energy Ball (*)
Swagger (*)
Overheat (*)

Machop [Akihiko] (Male)
Nature: Brave (+Atk/-Spe)

Fighting: Fighting STAB; ignore weight restrictions of throwing/grappling moves, Medidate and Cheer Up have Energy Cost reduced by one (1)

HP: 100
Atk: **** (+)
Def: **
SpA: **
SpD: **
Spe: 30 (35 * .85)
EC: 0/6
MC: 0
DC: 0/5


Guts: (Innate) This Pokemon is tenacious and will work ever harder when under a status condition, raising the base attack power of all its physical attacks by two (2). Pokemon with Guts ignore the attack drop from burn.

No Guard: (Innate) This Pokemon has an immense confidence from perfecting each of its attacks, giving them all perfect accuracy. Resultingly it feels it can weather every strike, and will not dodge an attack even if ordered to. Only when an OHKO move is issued by the opponent does sense return, and the Pokemon acts normally

Steadfast (DW): (Innate) If this Pokemon is flinched, it becomes aware of the speed difference and increases speed by one (1) stage to make up for the difference.

Low Kick (*)
Leer (*)
Focus Energy (*)
Karate Chop (*)
Foresight (*)
Ankle Sweep (*)
Seismic Toss (*)
Revenge (*)
Vital Throw (*)
Encore (*)
Bullet Punch (*)
Light Screen (*)
Counter (*)
Swagger (*)
Substitute (*)
Swinub, Omanyte, Monohm vs. Machop, Vulpix, Cubone

I. Samurai
will send out the first Pokemon.
II. Chomper will then send out his first Pokemon.
III. Chomper will issue actions.
IV. Samurai will issue actions.
V. Engineer Pikachu will ref the round.
VI. Samurai will issue actions.
VII. Chomper will issue actions.
. Engineer Pikachu will ref the round.
IX. Start from step III.

Samurai, please send out your first Pokemon.
Go get him Ken! (cubone)

The sky looks too cloudy, clear up the skies and make it a Sunny Day! Next raise your strength for a high-powered bonemerang!

Sunny Day > Swords Dance > Bonemerang
No! Overcast is good, it's nice, let it Rain (er.. Dance).

After that set up a layer of Spikes and a layer of Toxic Spikes.

Rain Dance----Spikes----Toxic Spikes
3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

Arena: A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.

Omanyte [ShellShocked] (M)
Nature : Mild
HP : 90
Energy : 100
Boosts: None.
Other: None.


Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 90
Energy : 100
Boosts: None.
Other: None.

Round 1 Start!
The round starts with ShellShocked and Ken around fifteen feet apart from each other. The weather is slightly overcast, and it starts to become apparent that it will rain soon. Ken disagrees with this weather and summons up a Sunny Day to make the weather sunnier; however, ShellShocked chooses to Rain Dance at the exact same time. After a short time of the two Pokemon summoning up weather, they stop, slightly exhausted, with no change in the weather.

Both Pokemon decide that weather changing will be a waste of energy, but it also seems that attacking isn't the way to go right now. ShellShocked spreads barbs and spikes into the ground. Ken decides that he wants to dance after seeing ShellShocked, so he Dances around with Swords.

Done with laying down Spikes, ShellShocked decides to lay down a different layer of spikes. Ken decides to take the initiative and launches an energized bone at ShellShocked. As ShellShocked lays down a layer of Spikes, bubbling with Toxicity, the Bonemerang hits ShellShocked, flies behind him, then doubles back and strikes him yet again.

Round 1 End.

Omanyte [ShellShocked] (M)
Nature : Mild
HP : 50
Energy : 77
Boosts : None.
Other : None.


Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 90
Energy : 77
Boosts : +2 Attack
Other : None.

Field Effects:
The weather is still overcast, but it seems that rain is inevitable...

Samurai, your turn for actions!
Let's try to get the rest of the layers up!
Start with a Spikes, then Toxic Spikes, and finish with Spikes!

Spikes-Toxic Spikes-Spikes
His hazards won't do much if we don't plan on switching. As soon as your last bonemerang returns to you smack him with a Bone Club. Then try to use your Bonemerang in close range, then your action depends on his status. If he's still spiking finish him off with another Bone Club as soon as the bone touches your hand, otherwise begin another Swords Dance to give yourself the advantage against whoever comes in.

Bone Club > Bonemerang > dependent
(If not fainted) Bone Club
(If fainted) Swords Dance
Let's try to get the rest of the layers up!
Start with a Spikes, then Toxic Spikes, and finish with Spikes!

Spikes-Toxic Spikes-Spikes

His hazards won't do much if we don't plan on switching. As soon as your last bonemerang returns to you smack him with a Bone Club. Then try to use your Bonemerang in close range, then your action depends on his status. If he's still spiking finish him off with another Bone Club as soon as the bone touches your hand, otherwise begin another Swords Dance to give yourself the advantage against whoever comes in.

Bone Club > Bonemerang > dependent
(If not fainted) Bone Club
(If fainted) Swords Dance
3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

Arena: A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.

To recap:

Omanyte [ShellShocked] (M)
Nature : Mild
HP : 50
Energy : 77
Boosts : None.
Other : None.


Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 90
Energy : 77
Boosts : +2 Attack
Other : None.

Field Effects:
The weather is still overcast, but it seems that rain is inevitable...

Round 2 Start!

The clouds are starting to gather above the two combatants. ShellShocked and Ken stand about fifteen feet apart from each other. The trees sway slightly in the breeze, and the round commences.

ShellShocked chooses to do the exact same thing as the round before, namely laying down several types of spikes. A second layer of Spikes are strewn across the battlefield. Meanwhile, Ken decides that it is time to knock the spike-spewing Omanyte out and strikes the him with an energized Bone Club. However, Ken overshoots and he misses the Omanyte.

Quite irritated at the miss, Ken immediately turns around and throws yet another energized bone at ShellShocked. The Bonemerang smacks ShellShocked on his shell and flies away while the Omanyte spreads a layer of Toxic Spikes on the damp soil. The Bonemerang doubles back and hits ShellShocked once more on the shell, leaving him extremely exhausted.

ShellShocked decides that he might as well finish the job of placing spikes all over the place and spreads one more layer of spiky Spikes across the soil. It even reaches the base of the trees. Ken decides to take advantage of this to whack ShellShocked with a Bone Club. It hits the Omanyte straight-on, leaving it unconscious and lying down on the ground.

The rain clouds gather, and rain starts to drizzle!

Round 2 End.

Omanyte [ShellShocked] (M)
Nature : Mild
HP : 0
Energy : 57
Boosts : None.
Other : Swift Swim Speed Boost KO


Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 90
Energy : 60
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Field Effects:
It is now raining. As this rain is an effect of the arena, there is no limit on duration; however, the rain may stop.

Samurai, you need to send out your next Pokemon.
Chomper can issue his actions, then Samurai can react with his actions.
Then I start off by laying down Stealth Rock. After, I use a freezing cold Ice Beam! Then, I finish by using a ferocious Roar to remove his stat boosts.

Stealth Rock-Ice Beam-Roar
Okay Ken. Bury that Swinub in rocks, power yourself up and bury him again

Rock Slide > Swords Dance > Rock Slide

Then I start off by laying down Stealth Rock. After, I use a freezing cold Ice Beam! Then, I finish by using a ferocious Roar to remove his stat boosts.

Stealth Rock-Ice Beam-Roar
3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

Arena: A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.

Samurai: XOA (thanks Deck for the idea)

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 90
Energy : 100
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: OOA

Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 90
Energy : 60
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Round 3 Start!
Ken stands proud as ShellShocked is called back to its Pokeball, unconscious. However, a new challenger, Swirl, is immediately sent out. Both Pokemon get into their fighting stances under the pouring rain, and the round begins.

Swirl starts by throwing rocks at Ken with Stealth Rock; instead of hitting the Cubone, they split apart, fly into the treeline, and anchor themselves somewhere. This doesn't really impress Ken, as he summons a swath of huge rocks to throw at Swirl; they hit him for a small portion of damage.

Getting on the offensive, the Swinub opens its mouth and releases a blast of azure ice. The Ice Beam hits Ken's entire body; it is so cold that Ken is frozen from head to toe! Though frozen, the Cubone's face makes it evident that there will be blood soon.

Now quite happy that Ken was unable to do anything last round, Swirl unleashes a ridiculously loud Roar. The roar shocks the Cubone and resets Ken's nonexistent stat changes. The soundwaves from the roar crack the ice open, but Ken is too cold to do anything more for this round.

Round 3 End.

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 90
Energy : 74
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: OOA

Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 68
Energy : 54
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Field Effects:
It is still raining.

EDIT: Forgot to say Samurai, your turn for actions.
That did good damage so... Let's Ice Beam again! Follow it up with a Bod Slam! (inb4parahax) Finally, send it packing with another Ice Beam!

Ice Beam-Body Slam-Ice Beam
Ice Beam-Body Slam-Ice Beam
Rock Slide > Swords Dance > Rock Slide
3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

Arena: A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 90
Energy : 74
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: OOA

Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 68
Energy : 54
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Field Effects:
It is still raining.

Round 4 Start!
A fresh-looking Ken stares down an even fresher-looking Swirl. The battlefield is strewn with spikes, and an army of impassive rocks lie inside the treeline. Rain falls steadily as the round begins.Swirl starts off by blasting Ken with a beam of azure ice. The Ice Beam strikes the entire Cubone once again, dealing huge damage, and Ken moves around in order to shake off the ice before it freezes him again. Ken summons a bunch of boulders and tosses them at a happy-looking Swirl. Rocks slide down from the sky and hit Swirl straight-on, but the Swinub appears... oblivious.

Next, the Swinub launches into a flying tackle towards Ken. However, Ken performs a graceful, spinning dance to increase its fighting prowess; this Swords Dance allows Ken to avoid part of the Body Slam, dealing only half damage! However, Ken is shocked by the tackle, and is now paralyzed! The Swords Dance raises Cubone's attack by two (2) stages!

Seemingly annoyed, Swirl opens its mouth and fires another Ice Beam at the Cubone; after all, this seems to be the most effective attack. Ken takes the hit hard, but manages to summon another Rock Slide to hit the Swinub. The rocks hit Swinub right on the nose, dealing more damage than expected (Critical Hit!).

The dark clouds above rumble ominously, then the rain showers suddenly stop. Will they be back soon?

Round 4 End

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 65
Energy : 55
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: OOA

Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 21
Energy : 37
Boosts : +2 Attack
Other : 20% Paralysis.

Field Effects:
The rain has stopped, but the weather is still overcast.

Chomper, your turn for actions. I forgot to note that Ken has a KO Counter which can be redeemed at the end of this battle in the Prize Claiming thread.
You've done well but there's not much else you can do Ken. Finish strong by bringing the sun back out and sending as many Bonemerangs as you can muster

Sunny Day > Bonemerang > Bonemerang
Put that poor thing out of its misery. Ice Beam, Protect, Ice Beam
(psst) Swirl after you take it out, check under that big bone mask. I'm really curious.

Ice Beam-Protect-Ice Beam
Sunny Day > Bonemerang > Bonemerang
Ice Beam-Protect-Ice Beam
3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

Arena: A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 65
Energy : 55
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: OOA

Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
HP : 21
Energy : 37
Boosts : +2 Attack
Other : 20% Paralysis.

Round 5 Start!
[This round is really simple]

Swirl takes the initiative and fires an Ice Beam from its mouth at Ken. Ken faints.
Round 5 End.

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 65
Energy : 49
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: OOX

Cubone [Ken] (M)
Nature: Adamant
Energy : 37
Boosts : +2 Attack
Other : 20% Paralysis.

Field Effects:
The clouds are starting to gather again...

Chomper, send out your next (don't do actions). Samurai, please don't respond with your actions until I post something in reply. Then, post your actions and Chomper can reply to those.

Oh, and Swirl now has a KO Counter to apply after the match.
Go get him Akihiko (Machop)
Akihiko is released from the Pokeball.

Machop (Akihiko) (M)
Nature: Brave
HP: 100

Energy: 100

Akihiko takes one step into the battlefield and immediately takes damage from the spikes and barbs that have been strewn across the ground. The Machop shrugs off the damage, but some of the spikes had toxins in them; it's not doing much damage now, but the toxins are slowly gaining in power. But wait! It's not over. The army of rocks in the treeline suddenly become active. They smash down on the Machop and return to their places. Luckily for Akihiko, the days spent training with rocks have reduced the damage, but it's still a good hit.


Machop (Akihiko) (M)
Nature: Brave
HP: 76
Energy: 100
Status: Badly Poisoned (1 dmg)

OK, carry on.
Ice Beam-Body Slam-Ice Beam
Ankle Sweep > Karate Chop > Ankle Sweep
3 vs. 3 Singles
2 Day DQ
2 uses of Rest / Recover and 5 chills

Arena: A plain field with some trees surrounding the area. The soil is damp from rain, but easily diggable. Weather is slightly overcast and possiblity of rainfall during battle.

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 65
Energy : 49
Boosts : None.
Other : None.

Chomper: XOA

Machop (Akihiko) (M)
Nature: Brave
HP: 76
Energy: 100
Status: Badly Poisoned (1 dmg)
Boosts: None.

Round Six Start.
Swirl looks at his new opponent. Akihiko came out of the Pokeball perfectly healthy, but the spikes and rocks have taken a heavy toll on him. Still, it's a threat to be reckoned with. Swirl immediately fires an Ice Beam at Akihiko. The blue beam of ice hits the Machop, dealing significant damage. With his newfound tenacity, Akihiko makes a sweeping motion and hits Swirl's... ankle for significant damage. The Ankle Sweep also lowers Swirl's Speed by one (1) stage!

Swirl finds another way to deal damage. He slams against the Machop, pinning his limbs down. Swirl pins Akihiko right at the joints, dealing more damage than expected. The Swinub, evidently pleased at his damage output, presses a bit harder; this shocks Akihiko's nerve, which means that Akihiko may be unable to move (20%)! However, the Machop immediately counters this by rolling over and attacking with a Karate Chop, dealing a fair amount of damage.

Relatively unphased by the Karate Chop, Swirl shuffles away as fast as possible, turns around, and fires another Ice Beam from his mouth. It deals a good amount of damage to Akihiko, who runs up to Swirl and uses Ankle Sweep on the Swinub. It deals a large amount of damage and lowers Swirl's Speed by another stage.

Round Six End.

Samurai: XOA

Swinub [Swirl] (M)
Nature : Rash
HP : 2
Energy : 30
Boosts : -2 Speed
Other : None.

Chomper: XOA

Machop (Akihiko) (M)
Nature: Brave
HP: 30
Energy: 92
Status: Badly Poisoned (4 dmg), 20% Paralysis
Boosts: None.

Field Effects:
Still not raining.
RNG screwed Machop over.

Chomper, your turn.
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