[SANDard] Revenge of the WINNERS - The Allied SNOWS and STARS!


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

It did not end well for two men. This night was bloody. This night left two men dead and two more missing.

First, everyone notices macle has vanished. After telling Nightmare cluelesspuff who the new man in town was, he did not join everyone that morning!!

The furious hunt begins for his body, but it cannot be found, nor is there any blood in his room. It seems he just vanished, probably for the day.

You all expect the snicker of one Nightmare icantreadthelastpagepuff, but it never comes. After a thorough search of the town, macle still cannot be found, nor can Nightmare jigglypuff. Both have gone missing for the day, it would appear. Perhaps even longer...

They cannot be spoken with during this time as usual.

The total count leaves you all still a bit scared. Four men did not show up today... A quick glance around and the smell of blood in the air leads you to assume the worst has happened to the remaining missing two.

UltraPorygon did not show up for breakfast, which was quite unlike him. You all look around nervously, seeing he is still not there, and walk out to find him.

He is found in his office, the window shattered to the inside, desk incinerated and charred papers littered across the floor. Whatever struck him, it was, SUPER EFFECTIVE, and has certainly taken its toll. UltraPorygon did not survive the night, not by a long shot. His girth was unable to absorb the blow. What this devastating attack truly was, you may never know. Brutal as it was, perhaps another clone of his will be resurrected, but as for UltraPorygon himself, his time has swiftly come to an end.

Dear UltraPorygon

The undeniable, lovable, power hungry but proven genius head of SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC., you have many clones in storage in case your untimely death should be so discourteous as to appear. Fortunately for you, nobody ever really knows the difference, and you are back in business, angry as <snip> the MUDS REBELS ever got an edge over you. It is pretty obvious why you are on the SANDS, merely a shortened name for your global monopoly corporation: SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC.

At night you may send a PM to Quagsires and Yeti with the following: "NX- Retrieve massive SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC. files on <user>." You will have your loyal servant/employee, SANDS DATABASER, dig up all the files you have on that user, providing you with what is sure to be their full role PM.

During the day you may PM Quagsires and Yeti with the following: "DX- Use massive SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC. resources to help/stop <user>." Select ‘help’ OR ‘harm’ and delete the other. Because your company’s assets are still very vast and significant, you can have SANDS MOTIVATOR increase your target’s priority should you select ‘help’, boosting them to top priority for that day/night cycle. Should you select ‘harm’, SANDS LAWYER will tie that your target up in petty, tedious legal matters, lowering them to bottom priority for that day/night cycle.

Because you are MR SANDSMAN himself, the wealthiest, most notable person around, you have… certain friends who can get you extra votes. During the day you may PM Quagsires and Yeti with the following: “DX – Use SANDSLY influence to vote <user>.” You will have SANDS BLACKMARKET EXPERT, a shady but resourceful secret member of the great SANDS emporium of helpful but illegal individuals, submit a secret vote that will count as two votes and override anything you may post in the thread.


You are allied with the SANDS. To win, the SNOWS, MUDS, and STARS must be defeated.
After mourning the extremely regrettable loss of such a great figure, who has now suffered highly tragic and untimely deaths twice, and listening to his fellow SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC. allies wail in sorrow and mourning for hours on end, you all finally go out to find the last missing man.

RaRe555 never made it out of his bathroom. He is found with his pants around his ankles, head smashed against the side of his bathtub. Laser burns litter his body, as though something with a futuristic zapping device smacked him up multiple times. Whether the brain trauma or laser wounds killed him, it will take the coroners a while to determine. Both seem to be from the same event... poor, poor man.

Dear RaRe555
You are the Titanic,

The greatest ship that ever existed, you did well in SANDS mafia until you were sunk yet again by the horrible MUDS and SANDS. While you may have tried to amend your ways in the past, you are hated for your ultimate failure to the Iceberg, and have been outcasted by all factions.

During the day you may PM Quagsires and Yeti with the following: DX-Come Sail Away, <user>." <user> will sail away with you for a day, and you will somehow not sink. However, no one knows where <user> went, so they will be considered kidnapped.

Additionally, once per game you may PM Quagsires and Yeti with the following, "NX- Sail <user>." <user> must have died in the last cycle, but their powers will replace this one.

You may also PM Quagsires and Yeti nightly with the following: "NX-Ram <user>." If <user> is a member of the STARS who condemned you, they will fare much worse than the fateful iceberg and die.


You are allied with yourself. To win, <snip> must lose. Additionally, you seek revenge on the STARS who outcasted you. In order for you to win, they must be hunted down and killed.
Sorry, RaRe, your role was not the best for victory ):.

You all prepare to take the bodies to their final resting places, once their deaths have been fully analyzed. It is truly a sad morning.

It is now Day Four. Day Four will end in 48 hours at 4:00 PM PST, 4/1/11, as always. This is April Fools. Quag and I may or may not do something for it, I personally think the holiday is stupid. So don't believe EVERYTHING you may hear...

Result PMs going out asap - all out. We had all PMs last night!!! Yay thanks everyone.

Also Fatecrashers is a very generous man, you should all be more like him.

Wow, two ships sank in a single night. Spiffy, tell your parents to ground to death the dickhead who sank the S.S. Fat Guy!

Good luck, my fellow SANDSMEN. May the force be with you.
And, while it is notable that we have had a few deaths now, this is the first time someone died with an item.

Thus, the Power Suit that Ultraporygon held is now in the SANDS arena. You may forego your day action to attempt to scavenge it, but if anyone else attempts the same, they will all fail.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus
tbh i hate neutrals

and i hate every neutral i don't design in SANDS games

which is all of them in this game and undisputed in the last one. n/o to my cohosts they're pretty cool roles i just love my factions and villages :C

,,|,, neutrals BIGSANDS will need serious design fixes so i don't hate the neutrals

also missing a couple PMs, 2 I think? update will come as soon as we get those and majority, majority will require 11 votes or more - status change, all PMs in. thanks guys C:
5 more PMs needed for majority but I'll be leaving in ~an hour and home ~noon PST tomorrow so you guys can get 4 hours early if you do work.

ALSO BIGSANDS needs some interested parties to cohost. Snype and Quag have priority should they want to however we could use a third, preferably someone with experience hosting a big game or balancing games well. this game is a ways out, everything needs to be designed, written, and double-checked, all result flavors etc. will be prepared beforehand so doing actual actions will be easy. I have some innovative ideas so if you want to get on board with the design process, and not play, drop me a line.


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus


Something has happened.

Everyone surrounds Tsuk, who is restrained as he screams and kicks violently. He insists there's no need for this, and only those chump MUDS REBELS need him dead, so everyone else should value his presence because he will help them!!

But nobody's having any of it. Tsuk protests more, but his cries fall on bloodthirsty ears, and his blood is probably very red.

Suddenly, a bullet punctures his throat. Bloods begins spurting out, gushing all over those who were restraining him. You scatter, ducking for cover, in case more bullets begin to fly.

Things go quiet once again as you all watch Tsuk flail on the ground from your hiding places. He has slowly slumped to the ground, hands weakly clasping at the fountain of blood emerging from his neck. Soon, the blood flow ebbs, and Tsuk ceases to move.

It appears he has met his end.

Dear zorbees/Tsuk
You are Phantoon,

You are the horrible reject of almost everything. Metroid hates you, Mafia people hate you after Other M, and even now, the rest of the people in this game hate you. Therefore, you have become the only thing that can get revenge on everyone else, that of a neutral, to take revenge on the MUDS who have outcasted you.

At night you may PM Quagsires and Yeti with the following: "NX- Scare <user>." You will simply look at <user> and they will die if they are a member of the MUDS. However, everyone else will just point and laugh, and this will have no effect on them.

At night you may PM Quagsires and Yeti with the following: "NX- Scare <user>." You will simply look at <user> and they will die if they are a member of the MUDS. However, everyone else will just point and laugh, and this will have no effect on them.

You are also protected from one single night kill because you are a boss. In more ways than one.


You are allied with yourself. To win, the MUDS must all be dead. Additionally, you know <snip> is in this game and <snip>. In order to win, <snip> must be dead.
This seems to be the last of Tsuk.

Soon, macle swaggers back in to town. He smalls rather foul and is coated in something brown, but otherwise looks content with his life. Nightmare jigglypuff runs wildly around after he disembarks from his small rocketship.
Both have survived, but suddenly...

Out of the dust swirling around, four shadowy figures emerge. A voice calls out, booming through the fragmented light, "HEY YOU MOTHER<SNIP>ERS, GUESS WHO'S BACK? You thought you could just off Dialga like I was nobody, huh, you didn't think I was anyone, well guess what <snip>suckers, Dialga's BACK and you're all gonna get it."

theangryscientist rages forward, carrying two AK-47s. Behind him emerges StevenSnype, armed to the teeth with grenades and a revolver. RaRe555 carries four Uzis, and UltraPorygon brings up the rear, lugging a rocket launcher slowly along.

RaRe pauses to toss two Uzis to Tsuk, while theangryscientist chants several unknown words. Tsuk shakes a bit, rising up slowly to his feet and grabbing the Uzis.

"We are the DEADS and we are here to eat your mothers' pus-" StevenSnype begins before his fellow DEADS glare at him.

"We are the DEADS and we are here to eat your SOULS," UltraPorygon clarifies.

"Let's start with the MUDS, those filthy slimes lynched me!" Tsuk suggests, glaring angrily at the MUDS. The five men scream, before everyone begins running away.

Manafii101 is the slowest, and he runs in a straight line. An easy target. Soon, blood begins bursting from the bulletholes littering his body. The first casualty of the DEADS strike has fallen.

Dear Manafii101
You are Horatio Cain,

The star of CSI Miami, you are a better lead than CSI has. You also have sunglasses that you wear on top of sunglasses. In fact, your eyes may have morphed into sunglasses. You decided to stay true to your roots and bro it up in the Everglades, so you have joined the quest for MUDS.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Pull shades on USER". You will gain that user's full Role PM, including the name (but not details) of the item they currently hold.

Alternatively, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Forensic evidence of USER's SUV". You will provide that user with your team's forensics and SUVs, allowing them to perform two of their night actions the following night. You may not use this ability on yourself.

Additionally, once during the game, you may send in a PM during the day with "DX - Send the team to take USER1 in and USER2 out". You will send your CSI team to bring USER1 (who is being lynched) into protective custody for the day, and send them to arrest USER2 which will end in their being shot as they try to run. This is a lynch redirect and can only be done once.

You currently hold the Sunglasses. <snip>.


You are allied with the MUDS. You win if the MUDS eliminate STARS, SNOWS, and SANDS.
UltraPorygon is not satisfied. He drops down and fires his rocket launcher. Flamestrike is caught and instantly blows to pieces, however the rocket keeps going and strikes his comrade, Khz, who falls while the rocket explodes.

Dear Flamestrike
You are Captain Jean Luc Picard,

The captain of the USS Enterprise D and E, you are a big Frenchman. Most notable for being bald and having an English actor, also for wanting to bone your ship's doctor but beating around the bush for 7+ years of the show, you are a pretty cool guy. Because the women in your crew use MUDS to exfoliate their skin, and your secret sex slave trade is how you get so much status despite being bald, you have joined the MUDS REBELS.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Warp speed USER". This will increase that user's priority and they may be able to act before someone else because of it.

Alternatively, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Make USER listen to the Picard Song". You will have your crew force that user to listen to the song about you, preventing them from completing their night action because they'll keep hitting replay.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Send Worf to get beat up by USER". You will send your terrible Chief of Security to engage that user in a fight, however because he is so bad at actually winning, they will be too occupied to talk to anyone for a full cycle.


You are allied with the MUDS. You win if the MUDS eliminate STARS, SNOWS, and SANDS.
Dear Khz
You are Okay,

As a more recent Rageguy Variant, you are trying to make a name for yourself. You have a name, but your attempt in this war is to solidify it. Being the Okay guy, you are a complete pussy, and you are alright with anything. Girlfriend gangbanged 10 guys? Okay. Mother had a threesome with your wife and sister? Okay. Fired from your job because you wouldn't lick your boss' feet? Okay. Well that may be untrue, had you been asked to lick you boss' feet, your answer would have been 'Okay'. The MUDS REBELLION asked you to join their cause first, and naturally your answer was 'Okay'.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Teach USER how to be a doormat". You will show that user the wonders of being a pushover and always accepting the situation, however because few people actually enjoy always been walked on, this will occupy their entire night, stopping them from performing a night action.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - USER1 Me Gusta USER2". Through the power of one of your Rageguy Variant brethren, you will be able to direct the first user's attentions away from their original target and onto the second user's. This does not work on kills, obviously, as it is a day action.

Alternatively, you may PM both hosts with "DX - Hold USER's bags while they shut off the music". You will get a fellow Rageguy Variant, Today I Will Listen To X, to play some Katy Perry, which will enrage that user and they will have you hold their bags while they go break the sound system. Because you are so nice, you will say, "Okay" to holding their items, only to steal them.


You are allied with the MUDS. You win if the MUDS eliminate STARS, SNOWS, and SANDS.
Nightmare jigglypuff, still confused on what has happened, stands frozen out in the open. StevenSnype cocks his head, smiles, and tosses his grenade. NJ's eyes bulge as he watches it fly towards him, before his eyes fly out and hit macle. Snype turns and looks at macle, who, in his fright, decides the best way out is to simply impale himself on a broken metal beam nearby before the DEADS can get him.

Dear Nightmare Jigglypuff
You are Scooby Doo,

The cowardly Great Dane with a severe speech impediment, you love food. You drive around in a van with 4 kids who apparently graduated high school despite cross-country journeys solving mysteries. You know that despite their tendancy for girl/guy only rooms at the start of the night, things never stay that way, and you eventually left when you couldn't get any sleep over some kids moaning. Because you generally get rid of Fred and Daphne more on cases that take place near swamps or areas with MUDS and dirty water (for some reason filthy outdoor situations turns them on), you enjoy the peace and quiet of MUDS more, and would prefer a MUDS-only world.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Running around a building you broke into with USER following". After breaking and entering, a trick you learned from your Mystery, Inc. days, that user will startle you, and as you run, they will give chase, preventing them from completing their night action. This is a hook, not a martyr.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Snoop for USER's clues". You will snoop around that user's room after breaking in and take all the items in their possession, which you believe to be clues.


You are allied with the MUDS. You win if the MUDS eliminate STARS, SNOWS, and SANDS.
Dear Macle
You are Rageguy,

You are the classic, four-panel, emotion-related meme. Nobody else is as classy as you, shouting a cut off FU- whenever some terribly unfortunate events occurs. You are RAGEGUY, and you are mad there are now imitation Rageguys. These cheap knock-offs follow your format - a four-panel cartoon ending with their face. But they are actually pretty skillfull, so you have accepted them and their MUDS ways as a strong ally in memeland.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Insert USER into a detective comic". You will put that user in a comic with you, in which you uncover their full Role PM.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Rage around USER furiously". You will rage around this user, which will deter everyone from approaching, unless they are a killer. You can rage around yourself, because you are Rageguy.

Once during the game, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Make USER rage as they die". You will shove an automatic weapon in that user's mouth and superglue the trigger, killing them for not being allied with the MUDS.


You are allied with the MUDS. You win if the MUDS eliminate STARS, SNOWS, and SANDS.
And with that, the MUDS REBELS have been eliminated from the game.
The DEADS turn their ghostly glares towards the STARS next, who have stupidly huddled together. Perhaps they figured the bullets wouldn't hit the man behind the rest of them? It is a hopeless endeavor - UltraPorygon loads his rocket launcher again as the three DEADS with automatics simply smirk before firing.

The STARS all fall, before being incinerated. None remain.

Dear Fangren
You are Gobo the Fraggle,

One of the five main Fraggles in Fraggle Rock, you are amazing. Not only are you an explorer, but you are an amazing guitar player and singer. You do have an allergic reaction to not only radish bars, but also to SANDS. However, you are a STAR, and naturally joined them so as to be an enemy to the SANDS.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Exploring with USER". You will take that user spelunking with you as you explore Fraggle Rock's caverns. That user will have such a great time that they will give you their win condition.

Additionally, during the day, you may PM both hosts with "DX - Play a gig for USER". You will play for that user; unfortunately, they will have no money on them, but will instead give you their win condition as compensation.

Additionally, you may PM the hosts once during the day with "DX - Have a concert". You will play your guitar fervently. In fact, you will play so fervently that the crowd will forget who they were lynching and your guitar will break, preventing you from having another concert. Your musical and exploring abilities are well-known. Therefore, the people in this game value your vote as two votes.


You are allied with the STARS. To win, the MUDS, SANDS, and SNOWS must be defeated.
Dear Fatecrashers
You are Michael J. Caboose,

Everybody loves you, especially Church, who in your mind, is your best friend. You are a member of the Blues and have made amazing friends with people at Blood Gulch Outpost #1 and Agent Washingtub. However, you did not just want to be friends with them and you wanted to meet more people. As a result, you followed Tucker's call that it is under the STARS, and the search has led you here.

Every day, you may PM both hosts with "DX - Make friends with USER". You will hang out with USER and have fun. USER will be your very good friend. In fact, USER will become such a good friend that he will not only give you his full role PM, but he will also find the time to make a request for you, effectively allowing you to use USER's role. USER will still get USER's night action in; however, because you are the friendly Caboose, your requests will be performed at your priority, not USER's priority. Do note though that if a friend you have has the same role as another friend, you may only use one of those roles.

In addition, because you are such a friendly guy, the first time you are targetted with a kill, your killer will sympathize for your situation to make friends and not kill you.


You are allied with the STARS. To win, the MUDS, SANDS, and SNOWS must be defeated.
Dear Nachos
You are the Iceberg,

You raped the Titanic. They said it couldn't be sunk. They said nobody could destroy the TITANIC. That didn't sit well with you, so you positioned yourself in its general vicinity and expected the natural stupidity of people would do the rest. Made of frozen water, you did not take nearly as much damage as that heap of scrap metal did when it rammed right into you in a genius display of piloting. Because you are a formidable troll, you shall be attempting to jock other players' swag as a STAR while they vainly hunt for SANDS and MUDS.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Loom ominously over USER". You will present your full girth to that user, prompting them to obey the posting restriction you place on them. Put the restriction you choose in the body of your PM.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Give USER a chunk of ice". You will break a small portion of your girth off and give it to that user, spreading your icy magic. This is an infection, and while it has no effect on its targets, it spreads whenever they perform a night or day action on another user.


You are allied with the STARS. To win, the MUDS, SANDS, and SNOWS must be defeated.
Dear Athenodoros
You are Forever Alone,

A newer Rageguy Variant, you are a loser. As your name would suggest, you are incapable of gaining a spouse, or even holding a relationship with a boy or girl. In fact, it's probable you can't even make friends and even the dog your parents own hates you. Because you are so socially inept, you still think playing with STARS is cool, despite the beating your mother gives you when she has to hose you off. You're going to be forever alone anyway right, so why bother with long walks on SANDS beaches?

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Virtually pining away for USER". You will take notice of that user and feel attracted to them, however due to your social inabilities, you cannot actually approach them and instead you will hunt for information on them on the internet, gaining their Role PM. This will include their item name, but not its function.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Be caught in public with USER". You will get so daring as to approach that user in public, however because you are so hideous and awkward, that user will be avoided like the plague by everyone but killers, who have a job to do regardless of your loneliness.


You are allied with the STARS. To win, the MUDS, SANDS, and SNOWS must be defeated.
Dear danmantincan
You are Everything Went Better Than Expected,

You are a Rageguy Variant, differing from the original in your contentment with the happier ending than anticipated. Whereas Rageguy always encounters an unfortunate circumstance to rage to, you always encounter more fortune with the events of your life. Because you are so optimistic and lucky, you believe the STARS of HOLLYWOOD will provide a better ending than the SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC. monopoly, or anyone else's crackhead plans for that matter, but regardless, everything will probably go better than expected.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Star in a comic with USER". You will include that user in your next comic appearance, and because you always have good endings, no killer will be able to accomplish their goal.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Give USER a better outcome". You will provide that user with a better-than-expected result for the next day, so nobody will be able to successfully lynch them the day after you target them. However, because Challenge Accepted thinks you get off too easy, after two successful protections, he will defy the odds to ensure individuals are lynched, so you cannot use this after it has worked two times.


You are allied with the STARS. To win, the MUDS, SANDS, and SNOWS must be defeated.
And with that, the DEADS have exterminated the STARS. It seems California is doomed to vacancy in the new world order.

SNOWS, SANDS, and one lone man run frantically, trying to hide.

The DEADS hone in on one.

"WTF, Spiffy, why aren't you dead already?" Snype asks.

"Not that we want you on our team, but, um, wtf? Everyone hates you, so why have you made it this far?" RaRe comments.

Spiffy begins crying, and it is quickly evident to the DEADS he has urinated himself, several times, in fear.

"This is pathetic," theangryscientist scowls, and raises his gun to finally remove Spiffy, once and for all.

Dear Spiffy
You are Spiffy,

You will die n0.

You lose if you die.
Spiffy never had a chance.

The SNOWS have gathered themselves, in the time it took the DEADS to piss all over Spiffy's corpse.

They approach the zombies, offering a truce. "So uh, the cold helps you guys not decay as fast, so uh, if you just don't kill u- omg please PLEASE don't kill me please no nooo NOOOO" Blue_Tornado blubbers as iiMKUltra begins sobbing.

But it's no use. The DEADS, dead as they are, do not see logic, and the SNOWS are simply more souls to be eaten.

Blue_Tornado embraces his fellow SNOWS lovingly as he watches the DEADS take aim.


"WHAT THE <SNIP> HE SURVIVED??? DUDE HE'S STILL ALIVE?! WHAT THE <SNIIIIIIIP>" RaRe yells, as UltraPorygon swears up a storm.

theangryscientist shows just how angry he can be as he rages, turning into a burning inferno of anger.

The SNOWS take this opportunity to escape, trying to slink away.

StevenSnype, however, was not standing with the DEADS. He smiles in the dimming twilight, moon glinting off his white teeth, not yet decayed.

"Hello, SNOWS."

And then the grenades detonate.

Dear Ditto
You are a Homeless Guy,

You live on the streets and hundreds of thousands of people pass you daily. Depending on your city and chosen begging position, you may earn hundreds of dollars a day and thus become more wealthy than a man working minimum wage. Alternatively, you can be entirely whacked out and constantly smashed on hallucenogenic substances. MUDS make you filthier than you are so you prefer clean SNOWS.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Bum around USER". You will stagger as if completely smashed around that user, keeping all possible killers away, because who knows what you could do to them in your supposed state of mind.

Additonally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Ask USER for profit". You will stutter and mumble while demanding that user's money, and they will be slowed down in performing their day action.

Alternatively, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Mug USER for their drug money". You will mug that user and take whatever item(s) they may be holding, thinking that if they don't have money you can use to feed your habits, you can at least pawn what they did have.


You are allied with the SNOWS. You win if the SNOWS eliminate the MUDS, STARS, and SANDS.
Dear iiMKUltra
You are Air Bud,

The star of a cute children's movie that was milked for cash until the plotlines became too terrible, you are extremely athletic. A natural talent at physical stunts, you are sick and tired of the abuse your good name suffered at the hands of greedy executives who authorize bad sequels. These execs' wives enjoy coating their botox faces with MUDS in an attempt to reduce the wrinkles on their faces, so you would rather suffocate in the SANDS spilling from their <snip>s than take part in securing items that could beautify these other golddiggers. You hope the SNOWS can freeze them to death.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Get the Yankees to pay off USER1 to vote USER2 MVP". You will use your influence in the sports world as one of the greatest atheletes to gain access to the Yankees' seemingly infinite bank accounts. The Yankees will give the first user great sums of money in exchange for a vote in the lynch for the second user, thinking they will win MVP instead of a death sentence.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Send in the scouts on USER". Because your sports talent is so notable, you will get the talent scouts and agents to look in on that user, gaining their Role PM. This will include their item name, but not its function.


You are allied with the SNOWS. You win if the SNOWS eliminate the MUDS, STARS, and SANDS.
Dear ginganinja
You are Fall Out Boy,

DANCE DANCE, THIS SONG SOUNDS A LOT LIKE EVERY OTHER ONE YOU SUNG THIS THIS IS THE ONLY BEAT YOU CAN MAKE. You are a pretty bad band because all your songs have indistinguishable lyrics, yet you are an 'edgy pop' sound. They also all sound exactly the same. Not to mention your members are really unfortunate in the looks department. Dance, Dance was probably the best of your sound-alikes, but even then, it's bad. Additionally, you have vowel problems. However, because you have a degree of popularity, you get many chicks wanting to say they screwed a famous guy, so you like SNOWS because girls like to be frolicking in the snow instead of mudwrestling in MUDS, an oxersexualized endeavor.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Take USER down swinging while you dance, dance". You will attempt to seduce that user, not realizing they are most likely a guy because your main host is one of the few females who plays Mafia, stopping them from performing a night action as you engage in sexual relations.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Thk USR1 fr USR2s mmrs". You will delete all of the vowels in the first user's target and replace them with the second user's, directing the first user's attentions away from their original target and onto the second user's. This does not work on kills, obviously, as it is a day action.


You are allied with the SNOWS. You win if the SNOWS eliminate the MUDS, STARS, and SANDS.
Dear Captain Bagman
You are Justin Bieber,

You are without a doubt the worst member of your faction. Once you hit puberty, your career will be shot, because nobody will think lesbian hair on an acne-ridden guy with a cracking, low voice is attractive, even your mentally-crippled tweenage fans who finger themselves to your high-pitched voice now. I presume you offer oral sex to rappers to get them on your CDs, because you certainly have nothing to actually offer in the musical world. Because you enjoy shoving weird things up your undeveloped <snip>, you have decided to seek out SNOWS, since no one will find out what you do in the northern wilderness, and you can masturbate to frozen black rappers and they will never know.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Walk into a door away from USER". You will prove you are a moron and walk into a glass door and proceed to cry in the opposite direction of that user, dragging everyone's attention onto you as they wonder how anyone could be that stupid. Killers will disregard your idiocy and complete their goals, however.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Baby, baby, USER". You will sing one of your stupid love songs to that user, not understanding what is actually going on. They will think you are either so adorably dumb or so mentally crippled they will let their guard down, allowing you to take whatever items they may have.


You are allied with the SNOWS. You win if the SNOWS eliminate the MUDS, STARS, and SANDS.
Dear Blue_Tornado
You are the Pumpking,

You take Halloween seriously. You rage at anyone who pisses on the spirit of Halloween, and you have a deformed pumpkin for a head. You starred in an early Key of Awesome video. Unfortunately, you're not the most cautious sort and you are prone to eating Razor Apples whole. Not the best idea out there, but what can we expect when your skull is a gourd? You are in this fight to make everyone who disgraces Halloween slob on your knob, and the SNOWS have agreed to honor Halloween.

Every night you may PM both hosts with either "NX - Hiding in a pumpkin" OR "NX - Knocking USER's head against a doorknob". You will protect yourself from a kill, should you do the first action. You will knock that user's head against a doorknob, knocking them out and rendering them unable to perform their night action, should you do the second action.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Sending pumpkin spy into USER's house". You will send one of your pumpkin spies into that user's house and it will return with their full Role PM. Alternatively, three days total, you may PM both hosts with "DX - Replacing USER's treat with a Razor Apple". You will take their item for your own.

Once per game, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Taking USER to my pumpkin piatch". You will take that user to your pumpkin piatch and engage in anal sex with them, tearing through their rectal walls and causing them to bleed out. They will die, because they are not a SNOWS.


You are allied with the SNOWS. You win if the SNOWS eliminate the MUDS, STARS and SANDS.
With that, the SNOWS have been eliminated as well.

Only the SANDS are left.

"We used to be with you guys, before your crappy BG didn't work and we transcended to another realm of kick<snip> existence. So we'll just pop a bullet in your heads so it hurts less, hm?" UltraPorygon sweetly says, as the three DEADS with guns raise them.

Three shots, and it's over. The SANDS never had a chance to beg, nor would they have met with success.

Dear GoldenKnight
You are the Cookie Monster,

You are one of the classic stars of Sesame Street. Infamously known for your Letter of the Day, you have found multiple letters and then devoured the cookies mercilessly. You know that the guy who screwed up your role PM so badly hates SANDS, so you joined the SANDS to crush him.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Appearing on USER's TV". You will open Sesame Street for that day, and that user will watch you. Because Sesame Street is from childhood, all killers will be so affected they will be unable to kill that user while you are on TV.

Additionally, you may PM both hosts with "DX - Taking USER's cookie". You will approach that user, and ask if they have a cookie. They will think their item is a cookie, and because everyone loves Cookie Monster, you will get their item.


You are allied with the SANDS. You win if the SANDS eliminate the SNOWS, MUDS, and STARS.
Dear Nook
You are Pepe the King Prawn,

You are Pepino Rodrigo Serrano Gonzales. Born in Madrid, you have been mistaken for an appetizer and are very proud to be the KING Prawn. You recall your days back in Madrid and despise the days when everyone called you a shrimp rather than a king prawn. Since MUDS remind you of swamps and marshes, you much prefer to have the more cleaner SANDS.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Taking USER for a great night out". Unbeknownst to everyone, you secretly have a drinking habit, and you love to get wasted with friends. After all, you're a king so anyone will be willing to go with you, but you select that user to go with you and get wasted together. Eventually, that will get so drunk that he/she will accidentally call you a shrimp and you will get into a barfight. The owner of the bar will throw you and that out, effectively preventing them from completing any night action. However, the bar owner will not permanently ban you and you may repeatedly do this action, even on the same user.

In addition, you may PM both hosts with "DX - Being worshipped by USER1 and insulted by USER2". You are a king, and you're loaded. During the day, everyone will come to kiss up to you. The first user will worship you so much that he will be so shocked at the second user for calling you a jack<snip> that the first user will change his target to the second user.


You are allied with the SANDS. You win if the SANDS eliminate the SNOWS, MUDS, and STARS.
Dear askaninjask
You are Lassie,

Does Lassie really need flavor? I think everyone knows the great deeds done by the true, blue Lassie. You are a hero dog, strong, skilled, intelligent, and able to communicate what needs to be done with the humans around you. A Collie, you are a true hero, and thus commendable. SANDS are easier to brush out of your coat, long as it is, than MUDS, especially once they dry, so you are hoping to gain SANDS to help you help little boys in wells.

Every night, you may PM both hosts with "NX - Barking to alert everyone to the threat against USER". You will notify everyone around that user could be in trouble, ensuring no killer will be able to accomplish their goal.
Alternatively, you may PM both hosts with "NX - point USER to the well". You will take that user to the well, where everyone is, and because so many people are there anyone targeting them with a night action will meet with no success, excluding kills.

Additionally, every day you may PM both hosts with "DX - Look like a cute puppy around USER". You will look so adorable around this user that nobody will be able to successfully lynch them the next day. Eventually, people will get tired of your cute face being everywhere, so after two successful protections, you cannot use this anymore.


You are allied with the SANDS. You win if the SANDS eliminate the SNOWS, MUDS, and STARS.
The SANDS fall as well. SANDS ACQUISITIONS, INC. has been eliminated.


I know most of you guys are probably super confused. Basically the DEADS took the first 5 or so people who died and put them on a secret faction. All they had to do was correctly line up their kill strategy, and by the time you guys realized what was going on, they would've been able to prevent anyone else from winning and killed you all.

Good job DEADS, you guys planned things out really well.

Here was the PM that went out to them once they died:

Dear DEAD MAN, you have died.
Welcome to the DEADS.

You probably figured they don't actually exist as live members. That's because the first 5 eligible folks to die become the DEADS.

Your only real abilities are a kill. You can save these kills, you get one for each Day and Night that goes by. However, you can only use a maximum of 3 kills each cycle.

You can deadtalk as much as you like amongst yourselves, and speak with your factionmates to see what the best strategy is.

Your faction consists of:

If you can figure out the proper way to make use of your kills, before anyone gets on to your existence, we can call the game.
This was super experimental and stuff, yeah, but we'll explain more in the postgame. I wasn't sure how it'd work but... guess this is it LOL thanks to the mods for being open to this concept.

Thanks to Quag for cohosting and everyone for playing, we appreciate your activity levels a lot!

Stay tuned for the postgame, we'll explain all the mechanics etc. In the meantime:


little gk

competitive oosos player
is a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Battle Simulator Moderator Alumnus
I'm actually a Copyright Jim Henson, but the hosts messing up is to be expected, since they had to edit my role pm like four times after i got it


dark saturday
is a Community Contributor Alumnus

Finally all you meatheads got your acts together.

Every faction has been successfully united.

You are now able to ally with another faction.

Remember, this is one shot and must be done in one cycle. If all your members do not PM between both factions, you lose.

Night 4 will end 4/3/11 at 4:00PM PST, the usual time.

For those wondering, Tsuk did actually die in the lynch.

(o 7:43:20 pm o) <UltraPorygon> yeti is it normal that i never got the deads faction PM when i died?


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