Hello everyone and welcome to Tori's sTori Part 4! Through this odyssey, we will be exploring the second part of the post-game of Explorers of Sky together, picking up where it left off. I'll be traversing through the game as Tori, asking questions along the way. Some questions may even refer back to the past three odysseys! Don't worry, an overview of all relevant information can be found here: https://bit.ly/Torisstori3. The next morning, Riolu and Tori woke up in a gloomy mood. Though they lament what felt like losing their child, they know it is for the best. Reluctantly, Tori got up and went to the guild to get some more jobs to complete, not wanting to stay inside sulking. She collected some jobs to do in Crevice Cave, a 4★, 5★ and a 6★. The results were nice: a Solrock joined, an Altaria gave a Leaf Stone as a reward, and team Scavengers ranked up once again. Another day, this time heading to a new place called Shi̵mmer Hill. A 3★ and two 4★ missions were put up. As they picked the jobs off the board, Tori and Riolu overheard a local exploration team talking about a famous team that was on their way to the base. The twosome had a hard time understanding who said what amongst the team, they all looked alike.
What team did Tori and Riolu overhear talking?|
Team Poochy; Poochy |
Q25. Though the escortee Ninjask posed some trouble, the jobs were completed successfully. The chest at the end had an item called the Sun Ribbon, which was pretty cool. Furthermore, two water-type Pokémon joined, though they both were normal-types once they were back at the guild. Tori and Riolu decided to go to the Café for a little pick-me-up. The blue gummi teas that Tori orders make her learn some new skills, including Quick Healer. Riolu’s Orange gummi shakes let him acquire the skill that increases super effective damage and decreases not very effective damage dealt and received. During their binge drinking, a Hoppip and a Geodude overheard their story and decide to join the team. Someone even left an egg for them.
What IQ skills do Tori and Riolu have in common that aren’t universal across all IQ groups? List alphabetically.|
Brick-Tough, Power Pitcher, Survivalist |
Q26. The following day, as Tori and Riolu head for the bulletin board, they notice the room is completely empty, and commotion can be heard from downstairs. Team Poochy was right: The famous Master rank exploration team, Team Charm has come to the guild for a visit. After reconnecting with Wigglytuff, an old acquaintance of the trio, they ask him about a certain key that they had found long ago. Though Wigglytuff doesn’t remember at first, a Perfect Apple seems to jog his memory, and after looking in his room, he hands it over to Lopunny.
In order, list what the key is shaped after, and the location where it can be used.|
Unown, Aegis Cave |
Q27. As the three ladies start to leave, they invite the onlookers to join their mission. Riolu and Tori accept the invitation and head out to Aegis Cave, alongside three other Pokémon from the Guild. Upon arrival, they notice Team Charm awaiting them, as well as a giant stone pillar with some familiar indentations. Team Charm set out to solve the mystery, and so do the three Pokémon.
Which three Pokémon of the guild also travelled to Aegis Cave? List alphabetically.|
Bidoof, Corphish, Loudred |
Q28. Since team Scavengers doesn’t have anything to fill the indentation yet, they venture off to the Ice Chamber. On their first run through, they notice a lot of Unown, as well as two other Pokémon occasionally. Riolu gets one Unown-K to join, two Unown E and an Unown-L also join the team, and their dropped stones are also picked up. Finally, after four runs through the first dungeon, an Unown-I dropped its associated stone, and was recruited by Tori. Tori’s bag was getting full, so she opted to throw one of them away, towards one of the Unowns.
This deals this amount of damage to it.|
90 |
Q29. Back at the stone, Tori submits the team’s proof. The stone started to glow and disintegrated, revealing a set of stairs. Moving down, they stumble upon a Regice. Three Brick Breaks and a Spore later, the Regice was down. Next up was the Rock Chamber. Noticing a pattern, Tori and Riolu look in their bag to see which stones they currently have. It seems that the stones in the bag are Q, E, F, L, K, P, A, I, G, !, E and F.
Which stones do Tori and Riolu still need to get through to the end of the dungeon? List alphabetically.|
C, O, R, S, T |
Q30. Though it took many tries to find all the stones (as well as recruiting two Zubat, and five unowns: Q,D,J,N and O), the Regirock and Registeel standing between the blue duo and the bottom of the dungeon were pushovers. Team Charm appears to be as well, since they were defeated by the Registeel. At the bottom of Aegis cave, Tori and crew battled Regigigas, and ultimately won.
As a reward, a new dungeon opened up. In it, they can find these four items on the penultimate floor, provided they have a key in their inventory. List alphabetically.|
Ancient Ring, Ice Sash, Rock Sash, Steel Sash |
Q31. Inspired, Tori and Riolu redouble their efforts to help people and explore new locations. One such location is Lost Wilderness, where two 5★ jobs are completed, a Meditite, a Lickitung, and an Abra join. On their trek back to Sharpedo Bluff, they notice a storm brewing. Tori’s eyes wander, and she notices a shadowy figure through the woods, mumbling to itself. All she can make out is the word “distortion”. That night, her dreams start to become a little weird. In it, she sees the recently recruited Unown moving around, creating words and names. One name she recognizes as a member of team Scavengers.
What name is this?|
Elekid |
Q32. The next dungeon to explore is World Abyss. There, a Pidgeotto is recruited, a 7★ and 8★ missions are completed, and two chests containing a Beauty Scarf and a Razor Claw, respectively, are found. That night, Tori’s dreams become even weirder, and take a dark turn. In it, a Pokémon called Cresselia appears. “Your… your very existence is… pushing the world toward ruin. If you remain, it will be destroyed”. The Totodile wakes up the next morning in a cold sweat, feeling wearier than usual. But hey, the weather is great like Riolu points out, so it’s another good day for exploring. At Blizzard Island, the 7★ job and the recruited Delibird help minimize the malicious midnight memory. Riolu and Tori get a message from the Explorer’s association.
They now have access to this dungeon because they have this amount of points. List in that order.|
Oblivion Forest, 17750 |
Q33. Once again, Tori’s dreams were intruded upon by Cresselia that night. She explains that Tori is creating a distortion in the fabric of space, which, if left to expand, will ultimately lead to the ruination of this world. “You must… not… be here” are her parting words. A while later, Tori feels a push at her sides. She slowly wakes, even wearier than the night before. Tori overslept, morning has broken already. “Hey, look at this! The weather’s great again!” Riolu exclaims. “Let’s see some energy, Tori, and let’s go to the guild for another great day!” Outside, Bidoof can be seen quickly pacing towards the base. “Th-there’s trouble afoot! Little Azurill is in trouble!”
Azurill can be found lying in the bed of this character.|
Tori |
Q34. Azurill doesn’t seem to be in danger, but he has been sleeping for days, without waking. He’s also tormented by a nightmare the entire time. Everyone seems stumped on what to do, until Bidoof comes up with the idea of somehow looking into the nightmare. While this sounds crazy, Chatot notes that it might be possible.
This Pokémon is rumored to have the ability to enter another Pokémon’s dreams.|
Drowzee |
Q35. Drowzee can be found on Mt. Travail, so Tori and Riolu head east in hopes of acquiring his assistance. The former convict will hopefully recognize them and Azurill, and be willing to help the duo. Going up the mountain, Tori learns a great new tool in Hydro Pump, losing Aqua Tail for the added range. At the top, Drowzee can be seen meditating before being awoken by the shout of a familiar voice. After explaining the situation to him, Drowzee agrees to help, however much he can. On their way back, Tori, Drowzee and Riolu get to talking and, on a tangent, Drowzee mentions a unique strategy that can defeat every Pokémon on an entire floor, using just two moves. It’s very exclusive though, since only these two Pokémon can learn both moves. List alphabetically.|
Politoed, Smeargle |
Q36. Finally, the threesome return to the guild. After some examination, Drowzee confirms that he can provide an entrance to Azurill’s dreams, and he will send Tori and Riolu to explore. Riolu stocked up while Tori got the full explanation. Once the fighting type returns, it’s time to go inside. The twosome feel themselves get teleported, and end up in a dungeon emanating a pale indigo hue. Inside, they find many Pokémon that do not seem to fit the atmosphere of the dungeon on their way to the end, and also manage to level up once again. This is the only Pokémon of its typing found within the dungeon.|
Croagunk |
Q37. The final room is dark, but after a few flashes, the light returns and Cresselia appears in front of the double. “I cannot fathom how you’ve come here, but I find your visit ever so convenient. You two are not supposed to exist in this world. The only way to save it is for you to disappear!” Riolu seems resigned to his fate. He asks Cresselia whether the world will really be saved if they no longer exist in it. “Yes. It will be saved.” The purple Pokémon confirms. “I’m very sorry that I must do this.” As she gets ready to strike, the shouts from Drowzee can be heard. Cresselia hesitates with the attack, and leaves the nightmare.. “If you want to help save the world, you can always choose to make yourselves disappear.” The tapir Pokémon closes in, worried for the blue duo. He takes a look around, notices the incredibly dangerous aura, and teleports the duo back out.
/scavenge back outside to continue.|
back outside |
Q38. Outside, team Scavengers relay all info back to the guild, though they omit the crucial detail of their disappearance’s integral part to stop the expansion of the distortion of space. For now, they’ve had a rough day. Back at Sharpedo Bluff, Tori and Riolu lament Cresselia’s words. Neither of them really got any sleep the following night. Maybe it is best for them to disappear, like how Tori knew she would disappear after battling Dialga. Though something feels different this time around… Many words were exchanged, even after the sun came up. One of the discussed ideas was asking a certain Pokémon if she knows about the distortions of space. She gave a lot of insight on Temporal Tower, so maybe she has knowledge on this as well.
What Pokémon is it?|
Lapras |
Q39. Lapras sadly knows very little, but she does know that Palkia is the being that governs space and dimensions. Maybe by asking them about it, we can resolve this. As Riolu and Tori head back up, the sleepless night catches up to them and they call an early night. The rest is short-lived, though. Rather than needing to look for their home region, Palkia arrives at Sharpedo Bluff and abducts the defilers of space, taking the double to Palkia’s domain. After a scuffle, Tori and Riolu fall all the way down to the bottom, the former manages to break their fall using a well timed Hydro Pump. To keep their lives, they must continue onward.
Knowing Tori and Riolu are the same level, what Pokémon can Tori and Riolu find in this dungeon right now that have a strictly lower level than they do every time they encounter said Pokémon? List alphabetically.|
Bronzor, Drowzee, Lunatone, Porygon, Solrock |
Q40. A dead end! Tori and Riolu have nowhere to run, and Palkia finally catches up with them. “YOUR RESISTANCE IS USELESS. IT IS YOUR FATE TO BE OBLITERATED BY ME.” Before either Pokémon can even react, a massive Spacial Rend deals huge damage to both Pokémon. Palkia thankfully spares them a second signature move, and Riolu takes the time to Force Palm Palkia a few times, who eventually gets paralyzed by it. No… it’s more than just paralyzed. “Palkia was enveloped by a nightmare. He’s no longer in control over the distortion.” That voice… Tori vaguely recognizes it. The voice continues “By entering the nightmare, you will learn why it attacked you. ” Tori is hesitant to enter, but eventually gives in and accepts.
Inside, Tori and Riolu encounter this Pokémon for the first time.|
Cresselia |
Q41. The real Cresselia is here to stop Palkia’s nightmare and rescue the cornered duo. The Cresselia in front of them was an imposter. The one that has been haunting Tori and Riolu across all nightmares is actually Darkrai. They have been misled by his nightmarish illusions. Darkrai’s the one behind the distortion of space, the visions in Palkia’s dreams, Azurill’s nightmare, and even the destruction of Temporal Tower.
Darkrai invites the twosome to this dungeon, where he will be waiting.|
Dark Crater |
Q42. With Cresselia’s help, Azurill is finally woken up from his eternal slumber. Tori and Riolu breathe a sigh of relief, and the feelings of the past few days come out. They were certain their disappearance was for the better, that they were unwanted in this world. Wigglytuff reassures them that It’s just not possible for either of them to be unwanted in this world. “If either of you went away, it would make me sad. It makes the guild happy that you’re with us, Scavengers. No Pokémon’s life is without meaning, so never think that you’re not wanted again!” Chansey also chimes in, how their many hatched eggs were all happy to be part of team Scavengers. Their latest egg included, which has recently hatched. A Mareep from back when they were drinking away sorrow over Manaphy.
This Mareep knows the moves Odor Sleuth and Body Slam. What are its two parents if no chain breeding is involved? List alphabetically.|
Mareep, Snorlax; Flaaffy, Snorlax; Ampharos, Snorlax |
Q43. Wiping away tears, Tori and Riolu’s game faces are back on. Grief turns to anger, and they want to make sure Darkrai’s influence on the world disappears. Even if it's a trap, Tori and Riolu are more than willing to take the bait. Cresselia will join them to help catch the Bad Dreams Pokemon. Dark Crater is found on an island northwest of Sharpedo Bluff.
Alphabetically list the dungeons found on the same island as Dark Crater.|
Giant Volcano, Hidden Cave, Inferno Cave, Magma Chamber, Mt. Mistral |
Q44. The dungeon proves to be Team Scavengers biggest challenge yet. Monster houses, room wide attacks and Pokémon that set up the sun are all not uncommon. The double level up one final time.
They even lost a reviver seed thanks to this multi-hit move, which is not multi-hit within mainline games. Tori, Riolu and Cresselia finally reach the pit of the crater. A dark aura surrounds the threesome. "You've kept me waiting." (Use levelup movesets)|
Rollout |
Q45. Darkrai appears. The one who wishes to engulf the world in darkness, by any means necessary. He even tries to persuade Tori to join him, like Riolu already had once he had seen the dark type's power.. or at least, that's what his illusions try to make her believe. Not even the visions of Riolu and Tori getting pummeled over and over dissuade her. It's time for the ultimate showdown. Darkrai unleashes a monster house with 6 Powerful Pokémon to surround the triple threat, Tori in front with Riolu and Cresselia to the left and right of her. She Hydro Pumps the dark-type for decent damage as Cresselia sets up a Double Team. Now fully surrounded, Tori sets her sight to the right, and takes out the first Pokémon with a super effective Hydro Pump. Riolu turns to take down the Pokémon behind him with a super effective Force Palm. He gets hit from behind by a Thunder Fang, though he manages to dodge a Fury Attack coming from his right. Cresselia uses Slash, while the adjacent Pokémon Protect and Spite, respectively. Tori turns around and hits another Hydro Pump, defeating the Pokemon who just hit Riolu. Cresselia's STAB confusion also takes out a Pokémon adjacent to her. Darkrai takes the opportunity to take out Tori. One Reviver Seed down. Tori takes a step back to help out Cresselia, while Riolu takes out a second Pokémon. Darkrai paralyses and sleeps Cresselia, while Tori takes out Darkrai's final henchman with a Water Gun. Only Darkrai remains. He uses Faint Attack to pummel Tori, who manages to hang on and heals using an Oran Berry. The triple finally have the upper hand, and Darkrai is knocked down.
Chronologically list the Pokémon to be knocked out by Tori or Riolu.|
Magmortar, Magcargo, Arbok, Rhyperior, Aggron |
Q46. In an effort to not get captured, Darkrai has a contingency plan. He doesn't know where it'll take him, but wherever he ends up, he'll be sure to- "I WON'T ALLOW THAT!" Palkia appears. "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR DISTORTION OF SPACE!" And starts to charge an attack. Frightened, Darkrai flees through his escape route. Palkia's Spacial Rend cuts through it, shattering Darkrai's getaway… while he's inside. Though he hasn't been killed, he sustained massive damage and will have caused amnesia to the Pokémon like with Tori, making him but a lost wanderer. It's over.
This is what Darkrai tried to use to escape.|
Dimensional Hole |
Q47. Tori, Riolu, Palkia and Cresselia all head home. At Treasure Town, Riolu and Tori are welcomed to an uproar of cheers. Darkrai may have broken their spirit before, but this praise proved to Tori she had a place in this world. Next to Riolu, exploring the world and helping it recover from all the hardship it faced. Some may fight back at times, but ultimately, they can always prevail. That's when Tori finally knew: It's wonderful to be alive.
hank you all for playing through the final part of Tori's sTori! I hope you enjoyed this version of the story and I hope I’ve done the postgame at least as much justice as I did the main story. For the final question, we return to Luminous Spring…
Assuming that no other Pokémon other than those mentioned to join exploration have had level-ups, and those that have are below Tori and Riolu's level, alphabetically list the Pokémon of team Scavengers that can currently evolve (100% of the time).|
Beldum, Marill, Mareep, Nidorino, Pidgeotto. |
Q48. One day, a few weeks later, Tori and Riolu decide to take a stroll down the beach. They had taken the day off to relax, and wanted to watch the waves roll and the bubbles float on the shore. They've been recalling stories all day, about team Skull, Grovyle, Dusknoir, and many more. Tori looks across the sea.. and notices a figure slowly swimming to the shore. Is that… no, it couldn't be… it is! The blue figure slowly swam to the shore. "Tori… Riolu..." "You.. you remember us. You're back!" Tori and Riolu started to shed tears. "Of course! I didn't forget you. Not once.. not ever. I missed you." Manaphy floated up to the two and hugged them tight. The family had been reunited and this time, Manaphy was here to stay.
/Scavenge the end to finish.|
The end |