Scavengers Ladder Cycles

Hosting a Pokemon Ranger fish at 8 pm EDT (12:00 AM GMT) on August 17th.

QCs provided by aQrator and lovemathboy
1st place: skybounds [08:47].
2nd place: GrubbinTheGreat [09:21].
3rd place: Merlee [10:45].
4th place: Menace02 [32:29].
5th place: RespectPickles [34:58].
Consolation Prize: BubidaJeffery! [35:49]

1) One of the buildings owned by the Go Rock Squad requires this password to enter. [60]
2) Excluding the player, alphabetically list the partner pokemon of the rangers whose names are engraved on the pledge stone. [Budew,Fearow, Makuhita, Skarmory]
3) In Guardian Signs, certain obstacles can be removed by completing missions in the past. Only one of the pokemon depicted on those obstacles was not a boss in either of the first two Pokemon Ranger games. This pokemon can be found inside the chamber blocked by that obstacle. [Tyranitar]
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Hosted a Glitches & Beta Jumpstart Official (surprise was that the first was incognito) for August 21st, 1 P.M. EDT (5 P.M. GMT).

Thanks to aQrator and turtalkatthing for QCing.

Winner: Computerwizard8800
2nd place: 111ace111
3rd place: BubidaJeffery!
4th place: Pepsi Man 2
5th place: theaura
None of Base Set Magmar's Attacks trigger additional effects in this deck.|Xtra Deck; Xtra
An unused encounter against this wild Pokémon could have either increased or decreased your Magikarp's Jumping Power.|Magikarp
Baton Passing Substitute to a form of this Pokemon will cause it to turn invisible in a certain game.|Arceus

Winner: skybounds
2nd place: Pepsi Man 2
3rd place: Computerwizard8800
4th place: BubidaJeffery!
5th place: Teutonic✠Squire
Consolation Prize: 111ace111
This file contains data that lets the GameCube controller in the fourth slot make a Pikachu wake up and fall asleep by pressing the A button.|superpikaviewer.pkc;superpikaviewer
The player can initiate a battle possibly left during testing of a 1v1 mirror match with this Pokémon, except all of the player's moves become Pound when used.|Rhydon
In the English versions of Pokémon Red and Blue, this item is required to turn Aerodactyl into any other Pokémon without the use of Super Glitch or save corruption (or ACE).|Hyper Potion
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Hosting a mobile games fish on August 20th at 4:00PM CDT

Thanks to aQ and Turt for QCes

1st place: skybounds [13:50].
2nd place: BubidaJeffery! [25:13].
3rd place: dot Comfey [28:11].
4th place: Computerwizard8800 [33:34].
5th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [34:46].

1) This sync pair has the trainer move with the smallest amount of letters in it in Pokemon masters EX (format trainer & Pokemon)
[Acerola (Fall 2020) & Mimikyu]

2) These 4 star (starting rarity) sync pairs in Pokemon masters EX consist of a female trainer and a male Pokemon (format "Trainer & Pokemon", alpha order)
[Kahili & Toucannon, Karen & Umbreon, Rachel & Umbreon, Valerie & Sylveon, Zinnia & Salamence]

3) These Pokemon that are part of a multistage evolution line in the main series games are part of a non egg sync pair, and the type they're weak to in PMEX is not one they’re 4x weak to in the main series games, despite having a 4x weakness in the main series games (alpha order, if the same Pokemon applies more than once just put it once)
[Charizard, Salamence, Salazzle, Swanna, Torterra]
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Reserving a TCG Odyssey at 1 am EDT tomorrow, August 22nd at 1 pm EDT (17:00 UTC).
1st place: 111ace111 [01:06:52].
2nd place: skybounds [01:49:40].
3rd place: Pepsi Man 2 [02:10:06].
4th place: mrwhy124 [02:47:14].

1) Welcome to Decks, Techs, & Effects, a TCG Odyssey on Pokemon TCG metas and decks throughout its history! During this hunt, do not include the expansion and card number unless specified otherwise. With our first question, we begin in the near future: Cards printed of this type are set to return in 5 days after a 1.5 year hiatus. [Dragon / Dragon Type]
2) In the Standard format of the past year, Dragon types never quite disappeared. This Dragon type defined the Standard format with its rule-altering attack. [Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX]
3) In Expanded, Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX has a few checks, including this 40-HP Fairy type. [Clefairy]
4) One of Clefairy's fellow Gen 1 Fairy types introduced a staple deck archetype to the game with this attack, although its 10+10x pales in comparison to today's 60+30x. [Do the Wave]
5) Do the Wave's newest true iteration, Snorlax VMAX, would be capped at 180 damage (barring damage modifiers/weakness/resistance) if your opponent has any of these Pokemon in play in Pokemon Trading Card Game Online (alphabetical order). [Ditto Sudowoodo]
6) Ditto has had only 1 other printing that doesn't involve it copying, changing or becoming another Pokemon or card. Around the time that printing was made, an official tournament was played with a special ruleset (all cards available but deck building restricted) named this. [Prop 15/3 / Prop 15 / Proposition 15/3]
7) The next set, Neo Genesis, also brought the first rotation soon after, and then the first bans. A refusal to errata ("play as printed") resulted in this card's ban after rotation. [Slowking]
8) "Play as printed" fell out of favour when TPCi took over from WotC, but this card managed to be one of the last ruled that way, making some versions of it a unique Basic pivot in the 2004 and 2005 formats. [Marill]
9) Perhaps one of the most impactful card erratas made during the BW era was adding additional restrictions to this staple card introduced in EX Sandstorm. [Rare Candy]
10) Since the change, Rare Candy has only won 1 World Championships in the Masters Division, in a deck where it could be used to put these Pokemon into play (alphabetical order). [Gallade Gardevoir-GX]
11) Gardevoir & Gallade is a recurring combo that had won another World Championships in the past. Doing so, it overcame not only many other Gardevoir & Gallade decks, but a deck designed to beat Gardevoir & Gallade as well (which it did until the finals). That deck was built around this Pokemon. [Blissey]
12) Blissey made its triumphant return to the top of the current Expanded format with an attack with similar mechanics. It is often paired with this item, which puts Energy it needs where it needs to be (on the turn of its first attack) so that it can reach 280 unmodified damage on its second attack of the game. [Battle Compressor / Battle Compressor Team Flare Gear]
13) A deck built around single-prize attackers centered around the various forms of this Pokemon can use Battle Compressor to put Stadiums into the discard pile, as a substitute for Energy. [Castform]
14) Another Castform print shares a unique and powerful attribute with these two other Stage 1 Pokemon (alphabetical order). [Holon's Electrode Holon's Magneton]
15) One of the other major impacts Holon had was its Supporters, which combined with Holon Transceiver formed the Holon engine. Another Supporter engine is associated with this item that also grabs Supporters that share a group of attributes, and that attribute, like Holon, involves discarding cards before use. [Tag Call]
16) Tag Call was able to grab this Supporter before it was banned at the beginning of the 2020-2021 Standard format. [Bellelba & Brycenman]
17) What is allowed to be done on the first turn of a game has an immense impact on the game as a whole. First-turn rules changing at the beginning of BW likely would have lead to this Pokemon card being banned if not for the decision to rotate out its entire expansion instead. Another card of that Pokemon is presently banned from Expanded. [Sableye]
18) A change to how the first turn is decided had made this Expanded-legal Item card functionally useless. [First Ticket]
19) First Ticket was only printed in a set which also introduced this type to the game. [Dragon / Dragon Type] (Cards) & (competitive play) and (Retro Pokemon TCG info)
Congrats to all finishers!
Thanks to turtalkatthing and aQrator for QCing!
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A little in advance (sorry part) just so I can announce it early.
The return of Tori's sTori! Sunday, August 29th, 06:30 UTC (00:30PDT, 02:30 EDT, 08:30 CET, 12:00 IST)
QCs by Litt♡Eleven and PartMan

The results are in!
The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [01:20:38].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:44:06].
3rd place: yaicanea [02:51:19].
4th place: Teutonic✠Squire [02:51:21].
5th place: schaillop [03:10:50].
Consolation Prize: WarriorGallade [03:41:18]

Thank you all for playing! I hope you enjoyed, and Tori's sTori will return again soon!

The full hunt can be found here:
Q1. Hello everyone and welcome to Tori's sTori Part 3! Through this odyssey, we will be exploring the first part of the post-game of Explorers of Sky together, picking up where it left off back in December. I'll be traversing through the game as Tori, asking questions along the way. Some questions may even refer back to the past two odysseys! Don't worry, an overview of all relevant information can be found here:[]( Since the past odyssey, peace has slowly started to return to the world of Pokémon. Tori and Riolu continued training rigorously under Wigglytuff's tutelage, and many Pokémon have been alleviated of their worries thanks to the jobs team Scavengers has completed. Now, a few months later... Tori and Riolu have proven themselves worthy to conduct the graduation exam! For it, they have to traverse this dungeon. | Mystifying Forest |

Q2. At the end of the dungeon you can find Luminous Spring, the place where Pokémon went to evolve. Sadly, it has lost its function ever since the flow of time started going awry. Anyway, if they bring back the treasure found at Luminous Spring, they are considered a full-fledged exploration team! Should be easy right? Well... they have to be aware though, as a frighteningly strong enemy resides in Mystifying Forest. It is known as... | the Grand master of all things bad; Grand Master of all things bad |

Q3. Tori and Riolu are terrified of the grandmaster, even if the Ursaring and Teddiursa in Treasure Town mentioned they often play in the forest and never heard of them. Still, the twosome want to do some preparation to ensure they are ready. Together with a Pokémon that can learn Poison Powder through level-up and a Pokémon that can learn Ember through level-up, they set course to Northern Desert to do some more jobs (1 A rank and 5 S rank missions) to get to the Diamond rank. Which two Pokémon joined them? List alphabetically. | Bagon, Paras |

Q4. Team Scavengers' reputation appears to precede itself, since four Pokémon were accepted to be part of the team: a Cacnea, a Larvitar and two Aron. Thanks to their adoration, Tori and Riolu now feel they’re ready to go to Mystifying Forest. They stock up on some extra reviver seeds and oran berries, give Paras and Bagon the day off, and head out. Meanwhile, Bagon and Paras are back at Spinda's Café enjoying some drinks. There, they notice a special offer advertised at the recycle shop for an HP boosting item. They think this must be something Tori and Riolu want, so they ask what they need to trade for said item. Which four items do they need to trade to get said item? List alphabetically. | Oran Berry, Oran Berry, Oran Berry, Plain Seed |

Q5. Making their way to the top, Tori and Riolu come across a special Kecleon's Shop that sells some weird items: 2 Moon Stones and a Metal Coat. Intrigued, they decide to buy all for 1000 Poké each. Then, in the depths of the forest, the grandmaster and his henchmen trap them in a pitfall. The twosome must battle their way through… a Wigglytuff, Chatot, Loudred, Corphish, Sunflora, Dugtrio, Diglett, Croagunk and Chimecho. Another Pokémon opened the pitfall. Which Pokémon did this? | Bidoof |

Q6. The battle ensues as the grandmaster’s minions close in on team Scavengers, only for the duo to unleash their STAB attacks on the colorful cast. Chatot and Diglett are the first and second to fall, followed quickly by Chimecho. Wait… No, Corphish is actually third, because it blocked the attack for her. Chimecho is next though, and a few turns (and 1 reviver seed) later, only the Grandmaster is left standing. It tries to use Yawn on Riolu, but this is ineffective. Force Palm keeps missing due to a move used by one of the henchmen (though it was facing the right direction every time), so Tori actually takes the spotlight and defeats the pink menace with a barrage of water guns. In order, list the skill that caused Corphish to be defeated before Chimecho, the skill that caused Riolu to be unaffected by Yawn, and the move that caused Force Palm to miss. Assume level-up movesets. | Bodyguard, Nonsleeper, Mud Bomb|

Q7. After the tough battle, Tori and Riolu climb back up and join Teddiursa and Ursaring at Luminous Cave. There, they find the treasure: a Perfect Apple. A sound is heard, and suddenly, a light is shining down in front of them. Luminous Spring regained its power! Excited, Teddiursa walks into the light, and is finally able to evolve into an Ursaring. When Riolu stands underneath the light, however… the emanating voice states that Riolu cannot evolve. And it’s not just Riolu, but Tori as well. “Why? It may be influenced by a distortion in the fabric of space. Your presence is somehow related to the distortion of space itself. And as a result, you cannot evolve”. When he first stepped into the light, Riolu stated that it probably does not need an item to evolve. This is, however, incorrect. What item does he need to evolve? | Sun Ribbon |

Q8. Huzzah! Tori and Riolu graduated! Time for a celebration in Spinda’s Cafe. Seems like the party already started, as Spinda had an announcement. A new route to a location called Sky Peak has been discovered. At the bottom is a village where Project P has set up camp. Excited by the news but bound by duty, Team Scavengers left for Mystifying Forest once more to do some jobs: four 3★ jobs to be specific. A Bulbasaur also joined the ranks. The day after, the promoted duo head across the new route to Shaymin Village. After a pleasant exchange with one of the resident Shaymin, he vows to bring them to the top of the mountain. Across the mountain, many different Pokémon roam, appearing across various passes. Which Pokémon can be found in the highest amount of Sky Peak pass floors? | Hitmonchan |

Q9. At the 4th station clearing, set up by Spinda’s representatives of the equally levelled team Frontier, an Octillery can be heard shouting for help. The explorer Sneasel is getting picked on by a group of Carnivine on the fifth floor. Always one to help out, team Scavengers rush up alongside the aforementioned explorers team to help out. There, after a quick skirmish where Sneasel seems to have fled, it turns out he stole a treasure from the Pokémon that ganged up on him. Time to give chase. Blazing past the final Drifblim stop, on the 7th station pass, they recruited a Furret. At the next clearing, they find Machoke, Breloom and Mawile surrounding a downed Sneasel. He’s in critical condition, and needs some help. To that end, team Scavengers and Shaymin continue up to the 8th station clearing, where this Pokémon lives. | Ampharos |

Q10. Ampharos carried Sneasel to his base and made sure to nurture him to full health as the others progressed up the mountain. It didn’t take long for team Frontier and team Scavengers (with the newly recruited Primeape) to make it to the top. The place is filled with a noxious gas, and the nearby water sources have a purple hue. A group of Grimer and Muk have invaded the mountain’s peak. It’s time to knock some sense into them so they can return home. Primeape starts with a Cross Chop, Riolu paralyzes a Grimer, and Tori heals Primeape and herself up to full after being bombarded with Sludge Bombs. When using Cross Chop for the second time, Primeape becomes terrified for some reason. The same happened to Shaymin, Breloom and Mawile as well. A few turns later, Machoke takes first blood as Seismic Toss deals 55 damage. Sequentially, Primeape gets paralyzed by a Grimer, only for Breloom to put it to sleep, as well as confusing another. Finally, the last Muk is taken out by Tori’s Water Gun after the two teams had picked off every opponent one by one. What were the causes of all the inflicted status conditions? List alphabetically. Assume level-up movesets, except for Tori and Riolu, who have unchanged movesets. | Disable, Dynamic Punch, Effect Spore, Force Palm, Stench

Q11. With the sense knocked into the poison-types, the Grimer and Muk finally notice Shaymin amidst the Pokémon. The summit has been abandoned for so long that it has fallen into disrepair, and the group of Sludge Pokémon erroneously believed that this was the place they always called home because of it. They left, leaving Shaymin to clean up the waste using its powers. The result is a magnificent verdant peak full of Gracideas and a view stretching across a massive mountain range, all covered in the cloudy weather everyone had to endure when ascending. After a flight back down on the now sky forme Shaymin, and on their way to their base in Sharpedo Bluff, Tori and Riolu got a message. They now have access to this feature. | Sky Jukebox |

Q12. Time to get back to the daily routine: The first day, a job was completed on the 5th, 6th, 7th and 10th floor. Furthermore, Two Koffing and a Scyther were impressed by the Totodile's Aqua Tail and joined the party. Team Scavengers also received an egg after defeating a thieving Yanmega, and a Yanma was inspired by Tori’s heroics too! The day after, the team recruited a Beldum and a Golem, and finished a mission on the 4th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 10th floor of a certain location. How many rank points does team Scavengers have now? | 7150 (should be 7270) |

Q13. Outside Spinda’s Café, one of its regulars was looking for Riolu and Tori. He tells about the famous explorer Scizor, and how his fame stretched the entire continent many decades ago. At some point, he went missing while exploring Blizzard Island. Many exploration teams set out to rescue him, but all were sent packing by the bitter cold and swirling blizzards. No one has tried to go to the island in a long while, but maybe team Scavengers can do it. With Primeape and Shelgon (who still knows Ember) in tow, they set out to the island. Alphabetically list the dungeons found on the same island as Blizzard island (that are not exclusive to the future timeline of Primal Dialga) | Altar of Ice, Crevice Cave, Mt. Avalanche |

Q14. At Blizzard Island, team Scavengers got two new recruits: An Azurill and a Smoochum. Once they reached Crevice Cave and restocked at the Kangaskhan rock, the quartet continued further down. A Marill and a Piplup were also enticed to join. In the pit, Tori, Riolu, Primeape and the new recruit Marill are met with the host of the island. She welcomes you to the island, and beckons you to come closer.. so she can freeze you to the bone! Another boss battle ensues. This move causes massive damage to Primeape, causes Marill to use a Reviver Seed, and causes its user to have a status condition. | Ominous Wind |

Q15. Tori quickly sent Primeape and Marill home, and threw a Totter Seed to buy Tori and Riolu some time. Since one knows Crunch and the other knows Bite, the battle was uneventful from that point on. The blizzard subsides and the encased Scizor is freed from its icy prison. He seems a bit disoriented, but he’s thankful towards his rescuers. Tori and Riolu lead the Pincer Pokémon back to Treasure Town, the latter profusely thanking the double over and over. Since he has no money after decades of being frozen solid, he instead bestows the Secret Rank upon the double, which allows them to go on Special missions. These items can exclusively be found by accepting special missions and going up a dungeon. | Fiery Drum, Grass Cornet, Icy Flute, Sky Melodica, Terra Cymbal |

Q16. After that strange interaction, the blue mon group went back to bed, and cleared out Mystifying Forest (once again) the following day with three 3★ jobs. When collecting their rewards in the guild, Riolu notices Sunflora’s giddy behaviour, and asks her about it. She explains that, in an uncharted part of the ocean, encased in ice for millenia, lies a dungeon called the Surrounded Sea, rife with treasure. Recently, the ice has started to crack, and the location appears to be accessible for the first time in tens of thousands of years! “Oh my gosh! Just thinking about it is enough to make me feel faint!”. Tori and Riolu have to get in on the action! After restocking their items, Riolu, Tori, Parasect and Shelgon head out. Once there, they recruit a Horsea, and at the bottom of the dungeon, they find this item exclusive to the location. | Wonder Egg |

Q17. Another job well done, with some peculiar treasure to bring back. The Wonder Egg is put on a third bed in Sharpedo Bluff, so that Riolu and Tori can look after it. They also opened the treasure chests found at the bottom, one of which held a Lunar Ribbon. The next morning, Riolu is woken up from a little ticking sound. He opens his eyes to a slowly wobbling blue spheroid. Bolting out of bed, he shakes Tori to quickly wake up. “The egg moved!” he squeals. Another tick, another shake. “It’s hatching!” A bright light envelops the two, and once it fades, a blue Pokémon is floating where the egg used to be.“Hi...iiii!♪” he says to the new parents. “Hi there buddy, what is your name?” “yor naym?” Naturally, the hatchling understands very little of what Tori is saying. Neither knows anything about him either (except that he's super cute). Pondering, Riolu suggests going to Chatot. He’s the head of intelligence after all! “Let’s go see Chatot!” “Kya!♪” What Pokémon just hatched? | Manaphy |

Q18. At the guild, Chatot confirms that the youngster is a Manaphy. While he knows very little about it, he can tell them that he usually grows up in the sea, so it’s a rare sight. When asked what Riolu and Tori want to do with the youngster, Manaphy suddenly starts crying. Unsure of what to do, Tori eyes the bird, who concludes that he must be hungry. Seeing as it’s a water-type Pokémon, Chatot suggests getting a blue gummi. Luckily, Tori and Riolu have been saving gummis, so after a quick stop at Kangaskhan Storage, their bag is filled with them to sate the infant’s hunger. “Weh.. wah?...“ “Look Manaphy, a blue gummi.” Tori extends the squishy food. “...Goomi?” Manaphy looks at it and takes a nibble. This quickly puts a smile on the little guy’s face. Phew, crisis averted. “Goomi!♪ Goomi!♪” The baby sticks out his little arms. “Seems like he wants another”. Riolu laughs. Tori happily obliges and hands over another goomi. If he were in the right IQ group for it, what IQ skill would Manaphy learn after eating the second goomi? | Efficiency Expert |

Q19. Tori and Riolu decide to watch over the little guy for a while. Though Chatot expressed some concerns about him staying in Treasure Town (a Manaphy should grow up in the sea after all), just dropping it in the sea isn’t exactly safe either. So it’s settled. With his belly full, Manaphy has fallen asleep, thus Riolu carries him back to Sharpedo Bluff where he can sleep. The next morning, Tori and Riolu wake up to the happy smile of Manaphy. “Good morning, Tori.” exclaims Riolu through a yawn. “Hi!♪” Riolu smiles. “Good morning, Manaphy” “Moning Toree! Reeoloo!” Aw, he’s a quick learner. To make sure he’s healthy too, Tori proposes to take a walk to the beach. “I’m sure he will love it!” she says. While on their way there, they are reminded of their other egg, and decide to check up with Chansey. A healthy dark-type Pokémon hatched, and it wants to join the team! Which Pokémon wants to join? | Stunky |

Q20. “Over here, Manaphy!” Riolu leads the way down the hill. The baby looks in absolute awe at the rolling waves. “Kyakya! ♪ Kyakya!♪” he excitedly announces. “This is the sea.” Riolu explains. Tori follows up: “Sea? it’s right there.” “Sea?” “That’s right, Manaphy. Sea.” Tori answers after a jab from Riolu. “Sea! Sea!” Manaphy begins to dance around. “Reoloo!♪ Toree!♪” Looking at the happy Pokémon, Riolu mentions that it was a great idea to bring him down here. They played until sunset, and made sure Manaphy had his fill of gummis so he had a great day. But the next morning, as Riolu and Tori wake up... Manaphy is gone! Both are wide awake and frantically start looking around the base, both inside and out. No luck. Where can he be?! “You look in Treasure Town, I’ll search the guild.” Riolu says, and starts to make a run for it. A little while later, both meet at the crossroads. No luck. He couldn’t have gone too far though. Suddenly, Riolu exclaims “[the answer]! That’s where he is!” | The Beach; Beach |

Q21. Out of breath, they reach the bottom of the hill. Thankfully, Manaphy was floating right there at the edge of the water. Riolu pipes up “Why did you come here by yourself?! You had us both very worried! Manaphy!” Calming down a little, Riolu takes another look at him... right before Manaphy collapses in the sand. “Manaphy! …This isn’t good, Tori. He’s running a high fever. Go get Chatot, I’ll bring him back to Sharpedo Bluff. Hang on, Manaphy!” And he quickly scoops the baby and rushes back. When Tori also arrives with Chatot following closely behind, the fever appears to have gotten worse. Tori tries to use a small Water Gun to cool him down, but it has little effect. Manaphy is in desperate need of medicine. This item should hopefully cure his illness. | Phione Dew |

Q22. Phione Dew can be found in Miracle Sea. Riolu and Tori will go look for it as quickly as possible, while Chatot will look after the sick infant. Though the water-types in the dungeon are tough, some Pokémon sympathise with the dire circumstances and are willing to help. A Qwilfish and a Clamperl help clear the way to the bottom (and join the team), where they find some Phione… who were under attack by a Gyarados. Oh @#&! no. Before Tori could even react, Riolu is already attacking the Atrocious Pokémon. Tori and Shelgon quickly follow up with Superpower and Headbutt, respectively. Dealing significant damage, the moves scared the sea serpent enough to cause it to flee. The Phione express their gratitude by giving team Scavengers exactly what they needed: a Phione Dew. The two rush back and administer the cure. A few hours later, the fever has gone down significantly, and Manaphy is calmly sleeping in his bed. ``/scavenge a few days later…`` to continue. | A few days later… |

Q23. Manaphy has thankfully recovered completely from the illness, and is once again playing outside. Tori and Riolu know what must be done, though. They take him down to the beach, where the Northern Sea’s Walrein was waiting to take in Manaphy and help the little guy flourish elsewhere. Riolu and Tori then shifted their attention to Manaphy “From now on, I want you to be good and listen to Walrein.” Fighting back tears, Tori added “Please, don’t forget us as you grow up.” Manaphy of course did not understand, and tried to cheer the two up. “...Riolu? ...Tori?” Not wanting to prolong this any longer, Chatot, Tori and Riolu gave the go-ahead to Walrein to take Manaphy with him. The little guy was scared, looking at his parental figures for support. “We’re going, Manaphy.” As Walrein started dragging the baby to the sea, he started to cry.. “...Tori! … Riolu!” … *And on that somber note, I’ll leave you all for part one of this odyssey. Part two will be done later, so this one doesn’t become too long.* For this final question, I want to know Tori’s latest moveset. If a move is not mentioned in this hunt, it is no longer in the moveset of Tori. List alphabetically. | Aqua Tail, Crunch, Superpower, Water Gun |

Need an overview of all the info? You can find the original two hunts here and here. For a short and sweet overview, look no further than
Overview of TSIII

In Tori's sTori parts 1 and 2, the following Pokémon are recruited, in chronological order:
  1. Tori;
  2. Riolu;
  3. Shellos-East;
  4. Starly;
  5. Spinarak;
  6. Spinarak;
  7. Shellder;
  8. Grimer;
  9. Poliwag;
  10. Combee;
  11. Wooper;
  12. Wooper;
  13. Starly;
  14. Paras;
  15. Nidorino;
  16. Starly;
  17. Smeargle;
  18. Barboach;
  19. Elekid;
  20. Tauros;
  21. Cubone;
  22. Mawile;
  23. Cranidos;
  24. Bagon;
  25. Mareep;
  26. Zigzagoon;
  27. Cherubi;
  28. Girafarig
  29. Wooper
  30. Barboach
In part 3, the following Pokémon have also been recruited:
  1. Cacnea
  2. Larvitar
  3. Aron
  4. Aron
  5. Furret
  6. Primeape
  7. Koffing
  8. Koffing
  9. Scyther
  10. Beldum
  11. Golem
  12. Azurill
  13. Smoochum
  14. Marill
  15. Piplup
  16. Horsea
  17. Stunky
  18. Qwilfish
  19. Clamperl
At the end of the odyssey, team Scavengers has 7150 points, after which 3 3★ jobs have been completed.
The following (relevant) items have been obtained:
  • 2 Moon Stones
  • Metal Coat
  • Lunar Ribbon
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Hosting a Gen 4 official planned on Monday, August 30 at GMT 16:00 [CST: 11:00 | EST: 12:00 | IST: 21:30]. Much thanks to the QC'ers LittEleven and TurtalKatThing.

The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: woe unto you [23:44].
2nd place: Computerwizard8800 [01:10:00].
3rd place: NewsDan ^-^ [01:36:05].

1) This Gen 4 location has some bushes arranged in the shape of tetrominos. [battlepark]
2) [DP] Without using Pal Park or events, these Gen 4 Pokemon require use of some mainline Gen 3 game to be obtained. (alpha) [electivire gliscor magmortar]
3) At this location, the player can obtain an infinite amount of Pokemon [not eggs] without entering into any form of battle. [use city/town etc. if applicable] [cianwood city]
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Hosted my 100th hunt as an Incognito Odyssey on Tuesday, August 31 at 21:00 GMT +3 [GMT 18:00 | CST 13:00 | EST: 14:00 | IST: 23:30]. QC'ers LittEleven and 111ace111 have my eternal gratitude.

Official Hunt Results:

1st place: skybounds [24:15].
2nd place: pults [01:51:54].
3rd place: BubidaJeffery! [02:14:58].
4th place: Menace02 [02:50:11].
5th place: p^_^okemonvortex. [03:16:23].
6th place: AndrewThePenguin [03:45:29].
Consolation Prize: toxic boosted [03:58:38], WarriorGallade [04:12:41], Notater517 [04:41:53]

1) "WTF Is OHKOff⁇ Talking About?" Hunt! This is the kissing number of the fourth contact number. [196560]
2) According to a certain rhyme, there was a farmer who had a dog, and this was his name-o. [Bingo]
3) In Smogon's Trainer's School's Team Showcase, this forum user is the builder of the only team that features a Pokémon that is the evolution of a baby Pokémon but requires reaching a certain level to evolve again. [Euphonos]
4) A certain YouTuber, who is well-versed in the older generations of competitive Pokémon, has made an almost 30-minute-long video about the possible options for the fourth move of a certain popular ADV OU Choice Band user. According to that video, and various other sources, this Pokémon's other three moves on a Choice Band set are mandatorily Earthquake, Explosion, and [REDACTED]. In the same video, a certain Pokémon Showdown global staff member is revealed to be the reason for this video to exist. Alphabetically name the Pokémon Showdown public rooms in which this global staff member is roomvoice or above. [neverused, overused]
5) A certain Scavengers roomauth has a recolored Caitlin sprite next to a recolored Jirachi sprite as their custom avatar. Alphabetically list every Pokémon Showdown nickname that was awarded with that custom avatar. [FarNeo Two, OHKOff, pisx, Supanova / FarNeo Two, OHKOff, pisxel, Supanova]
6) In the corresponding SmogDex article, a certain Pokémon is regarded as "the single most dominant Pokémon in any OU tier in history". Alphabetically list every base-forme Pokémon that shares exactly two base stats with that Pokémon in Generation VII. [Gallade, Grumpig, Seaking, Slowking, Trevenant]
7) This Pokémon currently has the lowest base HP among the Pokémon that yield two or more HP EVs upon defeat. [Shedinja]
8) In a certain American police sitcom, a certain (toy) character's signature attack is name "Riga Hammer". The same character is mentioned to have the ability to talk to a certain species animal. Name this animal. [possum / possums]
9) The YouTuber that has chemically made alcohol from toilet paper in one of his videos has also turned a pair of these objects into grape soda, according to the title of another video of theirs. [plastic gloves / plastic glove]
10) In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure manga, a certain villain is defeated via a shredded plastic glove swallowed by the protagonist. Give the full name of this villain. [Anjuro "Angelo" Katagiri / Anjuro Katagiri / Angelo Katagiri / Katagiri Anjuro / Katagiri Angelo]
11) On YouTube, BKC has an in-depth guide about building a Gen V OU Rain Team, in which he mentions a certain number of mandatory Pokémon for such a team to be robust. Alphabetically list these Pokémon. [Ferrothorn, Latios, Politoed, Tentacruel / Ferrothorn, Latios, Politoed-Shiny, Tentacruel]
12) In the non-decimal-centric numeric base naming system created by the host of Conlang Critic, who is also the creator of a certain numbering system, give the names of the numeric bases with dozen four digits, foursy two digits, and six nif five digits, in that order. [hex, biker's dozenal, bakersuboptimal]

Q1: Kissing number and contact number are the same thing. The 4th contact number is 24, and the 24th kissing number is the answer.
Q2: It's a very famous nursery rhyme.
Q3: The Pokémon is Marill. It could also be Mr. Mime-Galar, but it isn't. Here's the (ORAS UU) team that featues Marill.
ADV means Gen III.
"/ds3 eq, explosion, ou" gives Claydol, Forretress, Metagross.
A quick check on these Pokémon's ADV SmogDex entries shows only Metagross fits the bill.
A quick search on YouTube for "fourth move on ADV Choice Band Metagross" gives you this video. By watching the first few seconds of this video, the global staff member in the question is revealed to be Finchinator.
"/auth Finchinator" on PS! reveals the answer.
Q5: Smogon Forums has a list of all custom avatars. The name of the described CA is "pstl2020clowns". A quick search with "PSTL" on Smogon Forums reveals this page about the PSTL 2020 event. The winners of that event form the answer.
Q6: The Pokémon is Snorlax. The phrase "exactly two" eliminates Glastrier; "base forme" eliminates Corsola-Galar and Slowking-Galar. I actually didn't mean to put the "Gen VII" clause on there, but I forgot to remove it. <_<
Q7: Please.
Q8: The sitcom is Brooklyn Nine-Nine. A quick Google search of Riga Hammer reveals everything.
Q9: The YouTuber is NileRed. A quick YouTube search reveals everything.
Here is the video. Searching "BKC Rain" reveals this video on YouTube. The thumbnail of the video also contains the answer.
Hoo boy.
So uh, "Conlang Critic" is a YouTube-based show by the YouTuber jan Misali.
This guy has a video called "A better way to count" that introduces his viewers to his own base-6 numbering system.
He also has a website dedicated entirely to this numbering system he created.
If you browse this site a bit, you can see a page called "names of other bases." In here, jan Misali comes up with a language system to name number bases that isn't reliant on other bases, including decimal. (He also has a YouTube video about this called "a base-neutal system for naming numbering systems" but its title is misleading af so I don't expect anyone to find it.)
In this page, there is a link to the names of first 1296 (unexian) numeric bases, according to this base naming system.
According to his base-6 numbering system, "dozen four" is 24 base 6 = 16 base 10, "foursy two" is 42 base 6 = 26, and "six nif five" is 1005 base 6 = 221 base 10.
The corresponding base names on the aforementioned list to 24, 42, and 1005 (base 6) are hex, biker's dozenal, and bakersuboptimal, respectively.

Special shoutout to RespectPickles and arcavee for getting to the final question and making a lot of progress on it!
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And just like that, August is over and we have our new top three players. In first, we have our newest voice (spoilers) skybounds with 379 points. They are followed up by BubidaJeffery in second place with 182 points, and 111ace111 in third with 179 points.

8woe unto you118
10dot Comfey74
12yeet dab xd66
14toxic boosted57
15Pepsi Man 255
26NewsDan ^-^35
27ShinyTurtlez ツ34
30Soft Flex31
37one for my baby17
41gallant's pear12
48p0ip0le ∆8
50100 gecs fan7
52tl the legend6
52Ing Pichu6
62bro torterra4
62Lady Monita4
71Desktop Stapler ❀3
71Amaura Aurora3
81Lyndon J Bohnson2
81Wan the Avatar2
981987 was a year1
98Rand's House1
98Sir Tetris ⌐▭‿▭1
98Imperfect Instinct1
98Mega Eevee X1
98Stan the Nova1
98gaggle specs1
98Tis I Me1
98andY >_>1
98Saya Amanogawa1

The twist for September is Joust: During officials, if you finish within 30 seconds of the previous player, you can challenge them to a 1v1 hunt in Treasure Town to take their placement.

Finally, we have one nomination that is totally out of the blue and not at all something I mentioned before: Skybounds has become our newest voice!

If you try your hardest this cycle, you could be first. Welcome to Scavengers, come and do a hunt.
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Mini roundup!

The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: WarriorGallade [07:38].
2nd place: Merlee [14:06].
3rd place: PartMan [19:42].
Consolation Prize: Pepsi Man 2 [24:36], schaillop [01:11:03], The「∞」Aura [01:24:00], Discordual [01:42:05], adiass [01:46:24], BubidaJeffery! [02:00:32], Luca12379 [02:15:01], arcavee [03:14:51]

QC: Litt♥Eleven
The mini scavenger hunt by PartMan was ended automatically.
1st place: adiass [06:41].
2nd place: Pepsi Man 2 [11:19].
3rd place: Devoxys [15:59].
Consolation Prize: toxic boosted [23:44], CynicCyndaquil [44:02], Teutonic✠Squire [52:05], Qtierater [54:35], Menace02 [55:18], skybounds [57:31], dot Comfey [58:07], WarriorGallade [01:07:48]

QC: Litt♥Eleven
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: The-Aura [07:45].
2nd place: dot Comfey [09:47].
3rd place: adiass [14:49].
Consolation Prize: Menace02 [19:52], Computerwizard8800 [20:14], BubidaJeffery! [25:49], 111ace111 [26:28], AndrewThePenguin [31:19], NewsDan ^-^ [36:44], skybounds [36:44], toxic boosted [40:43], lph [42:39]

QC: PartMan
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: schaillop [06:25].
2nd place: WarriorGallade [06:39].
3rd place: EpicCreeper9002 [10:09].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey [11:19], adiass [15:41], Menace02 [16:42], one for my baby [18:28], mrwhy124 [19:16], estanislau77 [25:01], arcavee [31:19], skybounds [33:53], toxic boosted [37:00]

QC: Litt♥Eleven
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: BubidaJeffery! [06:26].
2nd place: adiass [10:38].
3rd place: Mystiphox [11:43].
Consolation Prize: WarriorGallade [15:20], Teutonic✠Squire [17:20], schaillop [20:46], GrubbinTheGreat [23:56]

QC: PartMan
The mini scavenger hunt by deftinwolf was ended automatically.
1st place: 111ace111 [01:08].
2nd place: skybounds [01:30].
3rd place: toxic boosted [01:41].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey [01:57], Devoxys [02:50], Menace02 [02:59], GrubbinTheGreat [03:42], Pepsi Man 2 [03:47], bro torterra [04:38], The-Aura [05:24], Soft Flex [11:55], scoobydoobydrew [12:30], ProfSapling [19:21], Adik12oct [20:44], woe unto you [30:28], mrwhy124 [36:05], PenguinD [01:24:10], lph [01:25:44]

QC: TurtalKatThing
The mini scavenger hunt by lph was ended automatically.
1st place: skybounds [07:31].
2nd place: Tapler ❀ [07:52].
3rd place: p0ip0le ∆ [08:20].
Consolation Prize: bro torterra [09:22], dot Comfey [32:08], p^_^okemonvortex. [34:03], toxic boosted [36:09], BubidaJeffery! [38:20], AndrewThePenguin [47:55], mrwhy124 [01:15:36], Menace02 [01:24:33], Computerwizard8800 [01:41:57]

QC: TurtalKatThing
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: Merlee [03:45].
2nd place: Computerwizard8800 [08:33].
3rd place: Menace02 [09:45].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [36:03], skybounds [36:26], doc1203 [38:48], LItt♥Eleven [41:11], articoo!!! [56:22], The-Aura [01:17:43]

QC: Devoxys
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [06:37].
2nd place: WarriorGallade [09:33].
3rd place: toxic boosted [13:07].
Consolation Prize: Menace02 [15:12], 111ace111 [01:11:41], Teutonic✠Squire [01:12:45], skybounds [01:13:41], boredcollegegrad [01:41:49]

QC: dot Comfey
The mini scavenger hunt by toxic boosted was ended automatically.
1st place: PartMan [16:34].
2nd place: Teutonic✠Squire [19:50].
3rd place: 111ace111 [19:57].
Consolation Prize: ShinyTurtlez ツ [21:02], RespectPickles [21:36], Menace02 [22:54], TheIceDash [24:55], Merlee [25:11], TheAura [26:51], WarriorGallade [31:53], PenguinD [38:46], daotxtoad [01:07:59], ksch [01:09:46], skybounds [01:23:32]

QC: aQrator
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: BubidaJeffery! [02:46].
2nd place: Mystiphox [04:14].
3rd place: estanislau77 [05:07].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire [07:09], mrwhy124 [07:50], YveltalNL [08:35], WarriorGallade [08:45], arcavee [22:39], GrubbinTheGreat [23:17], schaillop [27:46], gregoris4 [48:42]

QC: Lovemathboy
The mini scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:01].
2nd place: skybounds [07:32].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [11:52].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey [15:30], toxic boosted [16:32], arcavee [42:51], Computerwizard8800 [47:55], boredcollegegrad [49:47], BubidaJeffery! [01:20:22]

QC: Litt♥Eleven
The mini scavenger hunt by deftinwolf was ended automatically.
1st place: woe unto you [07:15].
2nd place: 111ace111 [07:20].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [11:24].
Consolation Prize: The「∞」Aura [15:29], Dratios [15:48], mrwhy124 [20:23], arcavee [23:02], schaillop [25:24], TheIceDash [31:25], WarriorGallade [45:28], Menace02 [46:29], Litt♥Eleven [49:32], dot Comfey [50:03], BubidaJeffery! [01:23:19]
The mini scavenger hunt by dot Comfey was ended automatically.
1st place: lph [01:32].
2nd place: 111ace111 [01:55].
3rd place: Menace02 [02:37].
Consolation Prize: ShinyTurtlez ツ [03:40], AndrewThePenguin [04:09], BubidaJeffery! [04:29], tl the legend [08:46], Computerwizard8800 [12:30], Merlee [15:19], skybounds [27:48]

QC: aQrator
The mini scavenger hunt by skybounds was ended automatically.
1st place: WarriorGallade [06:13].
2nd place: Devoxys [21:38].
3rd place: arcavee [42:19].
Consolation Prize: 111ace111 [43:17], BubidaJeffery! [01:26:59], EtymonLegomenon [01:34:34], Menace02 [01:42:49]

QC: TurtalKatThing
1st place: Merlee [05:35].
2nd place: dot Comfey [06:10].
3rd place: Menace02 [06:57].
Consolation Prize: PartMan [08:42], Computerwizard8800 [08:46], doc1203 [14:25], skybounds [20:26], Lambdaryllis [34:04], 111ace111 [53:17]

QC: aQrator
The mini scavenger hunt by skybounds was ended automatically.
1st place: Computerwizard8800 [05:11].
2nd place: woe unto you [10:40].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [20:34].
Consolation Prize: BubidaJeffery! [46:46], aQrator [51:19]

QC: Tapler
The mini scavenger hunt by deftinwolf was ended automatically.
1st place: skybounds [02:21].
2nd place: WarriorGallade [03:43].
3rd place: GrubbinTheGreat [08:09].
Consolation Prize: BubidaJeffery! [08:20], Mystiphox [11:27], Menace02 [11:36], Computerwizard8800 [12:29], toxic boosted [12:50], 111ace111 [12:55], mrwhy124 [14:08], Litt♥Eleven [17:44], AndrewThePenguin [22:28], arcavee [24:52]

QC: Celesteeal
Last month's minis can be found here.
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Official Hunt reserved for Friday, September 10th at 4pm est
-->big thank you to computerwizard8800 + LittEleven for their help/advice/QCs

The official scavenger hunt by deftinwolf was ended automatically.
1st place: Teutonic✠Squire [10:39].
2nd place: BubidaJeffery! [11:11].
3rd place: toxic boosted [22:46].
4th place: mrwhy124 [23:26].
5th place: arcavee [25:25].
Consolation Prize: Menace02 [26:04], pants [33:55], GrubbinTheGreat [38:18], 111ace111 [55:29], AndrewThePenguin [01:02:34], Barnaba [02:02:09], Merlee [02:41:08]


1) This Adventure Medal has an ability (as a whole word) in its name. [hustle muscle]
2) These two Pokemon (alpha order) have the most abilities between their forms. [lycanroc mr mime]
3) Alphabetically list all fully-evolved Pokemon with 3, one-worded abilities of at least 9 letters each. [Hitmontop whimsicott whiscash]

[Thank you all for participating, sorry I was unable to be there for the rest of the hunt; I am quite proud of all of you for trying it/succeeding :blobnom:]
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Blink and you miss it. The first cycle of September is already over! Our new top three is comprised of Toxic Boosted with 153 in first, BubidaJeffery in second with 101 points, and Computerwizard8800 with 72 points in third.

1toxic boosted153
8Soft Flex44
17dot Comfey24
20NewsDan ^-^19
22woe unto you18
24Pepsi Man 215
29ShinyTurtlez ツ10
29Lyndon J Bohnson10
37bro torterra7
42tl the legend5
42yeet dab xd5
42arch of life5
42tidal otter5
49p0ip0le ∆4
49Ing Pichu4
49Wan the Avatar4
49Tis i me4
57Forest fyte3
57Tapler ❀3
57Lucas ~ Ranger3
65Praise Bid o3o f2
65Mega Eevee X2
72one for my baby1
72Mike the Entei1
72100 gecs fan1
72letters and stuff1
72The Benz Mafia1

The twist for September is still Joust: During officials, if you finish within 30 seconds of the previous player, you can challenge them to a 1v1 hunt in Treasure Town to take their placement.

Finally, We have a new voice once again: A warm Welcome to our second place finisher, BubidaJeffery!

It's time to scavenge through a hunt. Scavenge, make a stunt. Scavenge and the first place could be yours.
The final chapter is here! Tori's sTori part 4 is to be hosted on Sunday, September 26th at 18:00 UTC (11:00am PDT, 02:00pm EDT, 20:00 CET, 23:30 IST)

Massive thanks to Litt♡Eleven for doing all the QCs, PartMan for doing the QCs for the past three parts, and Aegii for helping out and QCing for part 4!

Hope to see you all then! You've a week to study up :)

And here's our final list of TSIV finishers.
1st place: yeet dab xd [02:06:12].
2nd place: WarriorGallade [02:16:00].
3rd place: 111ace111 [02:28:38].
4th place: Lambdaryllis [02:36:13].
5th place: BubidaJeffery! [04:02:45].

Thank you all for playing through the final part of Tori's sTori. These four have been the most fun I've had making an official thus far, and I hope everyone enjoyed it as well. With probably close to 150 hours invested in these four hunts, including a full play-through with 66 videos worth of footage (and some cut footage as well), a subreddit created to QC the hunts, a slight deviation of the plot for characterization in the Manaphy arc, a plotline that I completely dropped because this is a hunt and not a story, 27 pages of text and 117 questions, this has been a trip. Thanks to all players, thanks again to Litt♡Eleven, PartMan and Aegii for their QCs, and maybe one day, I will revisit this with another game.

Sappy stuff out of the way, you can find the full hunt here. This also leads to the subreddit with all the previous hunts.

Q24. Hello everyone and welcome to Tori's sTori Part 4! Through this odyssey, we will be exploring the second part of the post-game of Explorers of Sky together, picking up where it left off. I'll be traversing through the game as Tori, asking questions along the way. Some questions may even refer back to the past three odysseys! Don't worry, an overview of all relevant information can be found here: The next morning, Riolu and Tori woke up in a gloomy mood. Though they lament what felt like losing their child, they know it is for the best. Reluctantly, Tori got up and went to the guild to get some more jobs to complete, not wanting to stay inside sulking. She collected some jobs to do in Crevice Cave, a 4★, 5★ and a 6★. The results were nice: a Solrock joined, an Altaria gave a Leaf Stone as a reward, and team Scavengers ranked up once again. Another day, this time heading to a new place called Shi̵mmer Hill. A 3★ and two 4★ missions were put up. As they picked the jobs off the board, Tori and Riolu overheard a local exploration team talking about a famous team that was on their way to the base. The twosome had a hard time understanding who said what amongst the team, they all looked alike. What team did Tori and Riolu overhear talking?| Team Poochy; Poochy |

Q25. Though the escortee Ninjask posed some trouble, the jobs were completed successfully. The chest at the end had an item called the Sun Ribbon, which was pretty cool. Furthermore, two water-type Pokémon joined, though they both were normal-types once they were back at the guild. Tori and Riolu decided to go to the Café for a little pick-me-up. The blue gummi teas that Tori orders make her learn some new skills, including Quick Healer. Riolu’s Orange gummi shakes let him acquire the skill that increases super effective damage and decreases not very effective damage dealt and received. During their binge drinking, a Hoppip and a Geodude overheard their story and decide to join the team. Someone even left an egg for them. What IQ skills do Tori and Riolu have in common that aren’t universal across all IQ groups? List alphabetically.| Brick-Tough, Power Pitcher, Survivalist |

Q26. The following day, as Tori and Riolu head for the bulletin board, they notice the room is completely empty, and commotion can be heard from downstairs. Team Poochy was right: The famous Master rank exploration team, Team Charm has come to the guild for a visit. After reconnecting with Wigglytuff, an old acquaintance of the trio, they ask him about a certain key that they had found long ago. Though Wigglytuff doesn’t remember at first, a Perfect Apple seems to jog his memory, and after looking in his room, he hands it over to Lopunny. In order, list what the key is shaped after, and the location where it can be used.| Unown, Aegis Cave |

Q27. As the three ladies start to leave, they invite the onlookers to join their mission. Riolu and Tori accept the invitation and head out to Aegis Cave, alongside three other Pokémon from the Guild. Upon arrival, they notice Team Charm awaiting them, as well as a giant stone pillar with some familiar indentations. Team Charm set out to solve the mystery, and so do the three Pokémon. Which three Pokémon of the guild also travelled to Aegis Cave? List alphabetically.| Bidoof, Corphish, Loudred |

Q28. Since team Scavengers doesn’t have anything to fill the indentation yet, they venture off to the Ice Chamber. On their first run through, they notice a lot of Unown, as well as two other Pokémon occasionally. Riolu gets one Unown-K to join, two Unown E and an Unown-L also join the team, and their dropped stones are also picked up. Finally, after four runs through the first dungeon, an Unown-I dropped its associated stone, and was recruited by Tori. Tori’s bag was getting full, so she opted to throw one of them away, towards one of the Unowns. This deals this amount of damage to it.| 90 |

Q29. Back at the stone, Tori submits the team’s proof. The stone started to glow and disintegrated, revealing a set of stairs. Moving down, they stumble upon a Regice. Three Brick Breaks and a Spore later, the Regice was down. Next up was the Rock Chamber. Noticing a pattern, Tori and Riolu look in their bag to see which stones they currently have. It seems that the stones in the bag are Q, E, F, L, K, P, A, I, G, !, E and F. Which stones do Tori and Riolu still need to get through to the end of the dungeon? List alphabetically.| C, O, R, S, T |

Q30. Though it took many tries to find all the stones (as well as recruiting two Zubat, and five unowns: Q,D,J,N and O), the Regirock and Registeel standing between the blue duo and the bottom of the dungeon were pushovers. Team Charm appears to be as well, since they were defeated by the Registeel. At the bottom of Aegis cave, Tori and crew battled Regigigas, and ultimately won. As a reward, a new dungeon opened up. In it, they can find these four items on the penultimate floor, provided they have a key in their inventory. List alphabetically.| Ancient Ring, Ice Sash, Rock Sash, Steel Sash |

Q31. Inspired, Tori and Riolu redouble their efforts to help people and explore new locations. One such location is Lost Wilderness, where two 5★ jobs are completed, a Meditite, a Lickitung, and an Abra join. On their trek back to Sharpedo Bluff, they notice a storm brewing. Tori’s eyes wander, and she notices a shadowy figure through the woods, mumbling to itself. All she can make out is the word “distortion”. That night, her dreams start to become a little weird. In it, she sees the recently recruited Unown moving around, creating words and names. One name she recognizes as a member of team Scavengers. What name is this?| Elekid |

Q32. The next dungeon to explore is World Abyss. There, a Pidgeotto is recruited, a 7★ and 8★ missions are completed, and two chests containing a Beauty Scarf and a Razor Claw, respectively, are found. That night, Tori’s dreams become even weirder, and take a dark turn. In it, a Pokémon called Cresselia appears. “Your… your very existence is… pushing the world toward ruin. If you remain, it will be destroyed”. The Totodile wakes up the next morning in a cold sweat, feeling wearier than usual. But hey, the weather is great like Riolu points out, so it’s another good day for exploring. At Blizzard Island, the 7★ job and the recruited Delibird help minimize the malicious midnight memory. Riolu and Tori get a message from the Explorer’s association. They now have access to this dungeon because they have this amount of points. List in that order.| Oblivion Forest, 17750 |

Q33. Once again, Tori’s dreams were intruded upon by Cresselia that night. She explains that Tori is creating a distortion in the fabric of space, which, if left to expand, will ultimately lead to the ruination of this world. “You must… not… be here” are her parting words. A while later, Tori feels a push at her sides. She slowly wakes, even wearier than the night before. Tori overslept, morning has broken already. “Hey, look at this! The weather’s great again!” Riolu exclaims. “Let’s see some energy, Tori, and let’s go to the guild for another great day!” Outside, Bidoof can be seen quickly pacing towards the base. “Th-there’s trouble afoot! Little Azurill is in trouble!” Azurill can be found lying in the bed of this character.| Tori |

Q34. Azurill doesn’t seem to be in danger, but he has been sleeping for days, without waking. He’s also tormented by a nightmare the entire time. Everyone seems stumped on what to do, until Bidoof comes up with the idea of somehow looking into the nightmare. While this sounds crazy, Chatot notes that it might be possible. This Pokémon is rumored to have the ability to enter another Pokémon’s dreams.| Drowzee |

Q35. Drowzee can be found on Mt. Travail, so Tori and Riolu head east in hopes of acquiring his assistance. The former convict will hopefully recognize them and Azurill, and be willing to help the duo. Going up the mountain, Tori learns a great new tool in Hydro Pump, losing Aqua Tail for the added range. At the top, Drowzee can be seen meditating before being awoken by the shout of a familiar voice. After explaining the situation to him, Drowzee agrees to help, however much he can. On their way back, Tori, Drowzee and Riolu get to talking and, on a tangent, Drowzee mentions a unique strategy that can defeat every Pokémon on an entire floor, using just two moves. It’s very exclusive though, since only these two Pokémon can learn both moves. List alphabetically.| Politoed, Smeargle |

Q36. Finally, the threesome return to the guild. After some examination, Drowzee confirms that he can provide an entrance to Azurill’s dreams, and he will send Tori and Riolu to explore. Riolu stocked up while Tori got the full explanation. Once the fighting type returns, it’s time to go inside. The twosome feel themselves get teleported, and end up in a dungeon emanating a pale indigo hue. Inside, they find many Pokémon that do not seem to fit the atmosphere of the dungeon on their way to the end, and also manage to level up once again. This is the only Pokémon of its typing found within the dungeon.| Croagunk |

Q37. The final room is dark, but after a few flashes, the light returns and Cresselia appears in front of the double. “I cannot fathom how you’ve come here, but I find your visit ever so convenient. You two are not supposed to exist in this world. The only way to save it is for you to disappear!” Riolu seems resigned to his fate. He asks Cresselia whether the world will really be saved if they no longer exist in it. “Yes. It will be saved.” The purple Pokémon confirms. “I’m very sorry that I must do this.” As she gets ready to strike, the shouts from Drowzee can be heard. Cresselia hesitates with the attack, and leaves the nightmare.. “If you want to help save the world, you can always choose to make yourselves disappear.” The tapir Pokémon closes in, worried for the blue duo. He takes a look around, notices the incredibly dangerous aura, and teleports the duo back out. /scavenge back outside to continue.| back outside |

Q38. Outside, team Scavengers relay all info back to the guild, though they omit the crucial detail of their disappearance’s integral part to stop the expansion of the distortion of space. For now, they’ve had a rough day. Back at Sharpedo Bluff, Tori and Riolu lament Cresselia’s words. Neither of them really got any sleep the following night. Maybe it is best for them to disappear, like how Tori knew she would disappear after battling Dialga. Though something feels different this time around… Many words were exchanged, even after the sun came up. One of the discussed ideas was asking a certain Pokémon if she knows about the distortions of space. She gave a lot of insight on Temporal Tower, so maybe she has knowledge on this as well. What Pokémon is it?| Lapras |

Q39. Lapras sadly knows very little, but she does know that Palkia is the being that governs space and dimensions. Maybe by asking them about it, we can resolve this. As Riolu and Tori head back up, the sleepless night catches up to them and they call an early night. The rest is short-lived, though. Rather than needing to look for their home region, Palkia arrives at Sharpedo Bluff and abducts the defilers of space, taking the double to Palkia’s domain. After a scuffle, Tori and Riolu fall all the way down to the bottom, the former manages to break their fall using a well timed Hydro Pump. To keep their lives, they must continue onward. Knowing Tori and Riolu are the same level, what Pokémon can Tori and Riolu find in this dungeon right now that have a strictly lower level than they do every time they encounter said Pokémon? List alphabetically.| Bronzor, Drowzee, Lunatone, Porygon, Solrock |

Q40. A dead end! Tori and Riolu have nowhere to run, and Palkia finally catches up with them. “YOUR RESISTANCE IS USELESS. IT IS YOUR FATE TO BE OBLITERATED BY ME.” Before either Pokémon can even react, a massive Spacial Rend deals huge damage to both Pokémon. Palkia thankfully spares them a second signature move, and Riolu takes the time to Force Palm Palkia a few times, who eventually gets paralyzed by it. No… it’s more than just paralyzed. “Palkia was enveloped by a nightmare. He’s no longer in control over the distortion.” That voice… Tori vaguely recognizes it. The voice continues “By entering the nightmare, you will learn why it attacked you. ” Tori is hesitant to enter, but eventually gives in and accepts. Inside, Tori and Riolu encounter this Pokémon for the first time.| Cresselia |

Q41. The real Cresselia is here to stop Palkia’s nightmare and rescue the cornered duo. The Cresselia in front of them was an imposter. The one that has been haunting Tori and Riolu across all nightmares is actually Darkrai. They have been misled by his nightmarish illusions. Darkrai’s the one behind the distortion of space, the visions in Palkia’s dreams, Azurill’s nightmare, and even the destruction of Temporal Tower. Darkrai invites the twosome to this dungeon, where he will be waiting.| Dark Crater |

Q42. With Cresselia’s help, Azurill is finally woken up from his eternal slumber. Tori and Riolu breathe a sigh of relief, and the feelings of the past few days come out. They were certain their disappearance was for the better, that they were unwanted in this world. Wigglytuff reassures them that It’s just not possible for either of them to be unwanted in this world. “If either of you went away, it would make me sad. It makes the guild happy that you’re with us, Scavengers. No Pokémon’s life is without meaning, so never think that you’re not wanted again!” Chansey also chimes in, how their many hatched eggs were all happy to be part of team Scavengers. Their latest egg included, which has recently hatched. A Mareep from back when they were drinking away sorrow over Manaphy. This Mareep knows the moves Odor Sleuth and Body Slam. What are its two parents if no chain breeding is involved? List alphabetically.| Mareep, Snorlax; Flaaffy, Snorlax; Ampharos, Snorlax |

Q43. Wiping away tears, Tori and Riolu’s game faces are back on. Grief turns to anger, and they want to make sure Darkrai’s influence on the world disappears. Even if it's a trap, Tori and Riolu are more than willing to take the bait. Cresselia will join them to help catch the Bad Dreams Pokemon. Dark Crater is found on an island northwest of Sharpedo Bluff. Alphabetically list the dungeons found on the same island as Dark Crater.| Giant Volcano, Hidden Cave, Inferno Cave, Magma Chamber, Mt. Mistral |

Q44. The dungeon proves to be Team Scavengers biggest challenge yet. Monster houses, room wide attacks and Pokémon that set up the sun are all not uncommon. The double level up one final time. They even lost a reviver seed thanks to this multi-hit move, which is not multi-hit within mainline games. Tori, Riolu and Cresselia finally reach the pit of the crater. A dark aura surrounds the threesome. "You've kept me waiting." (Use levelup movesets)| Rollout |

Q45. Darkrai appears. The one who wishes to engulf the world in darkness, by any means necessary. He even tries to persuade Tori to join him, like Riolu already had once he had seen the dark type's power.. or at least, that's what his illusions try to make her believe. Not even the visions of Riolu and Tori getting pummeled over and over dissuade her. It's time for the ultimate showdown. Darkrai unleashes a monster house with 6 Powerful Pokémon to surround the triple threat, Tori in front with Riolu and Cresselia to the left and right of her. She Hydro Pumps the dark-type for decent damage as Cresselia sets up a Double Team. Now fully surrounded, Tori sets her sight to the right, and takes out the first Pokémon with a super effective Hydro Pump. Riolu turns to take down the Pokémon behind him with a super effective Force Palm. He gets hit from behind by a Thunder Fang, though he manages to dodge a Fury Attack coming from his right. Cresselia uses Slash, while the adjacent Pokémon Protect and Spite, respectively. Tori turns around and hits another Hydro Pump, defeating the Pokemon who just hit Riolu. Cresselia's STAB confusion also takes out a Pokémon adjacent to her. Darkrai takes the opportunity to take out Tori. One Reviver Seed down. Tori takes a step back to help out Cresselia, while Riolu takes out a second Pokémon. Darkrai paralyses and sleeps Cresselia, while Tori takes out Darkrai's final henchman with a Water Gun. Only Darkrai remains. He uses Faint Attack to pummel Tori, who manages to hang on and heals using an Oran Berry. The triple finally have the upper hand, and Darkrai is knocked down. Chronologically list the Pokémon to be knocked out by Tori or Riolu.| Magmortar, Magcargo, Arbok, Rhyperior, Aggron |

Q46. In an effort to not get captured, Darkrai has a contingency plan. He doesn't know where it'll take him, but wherever he ends up, he'll be sure to- "I WON'T ALLOW THAT!" Palkia appears. "YOU WILL PAY FOR YOUR DISTORTION OF SPACE!" And starts to charge an attack. Frightened, Darkrai flees through his escape route. Palkia's Spacial Rend cuts through it, shattering Darkrai's getaway… while he's inside. Though he hasn't been killed, he sustained massive damage and will have caused amnesia to the Pokémon like with Tori, making him but a lost wanderer. It's over. This is what Darkrai tried to use to escape.| Dimensional Hole |

Q47. Tori, Riolu, Palkia and Cresselia all head home. At Treasure Town, Riolu and Tori are welcomed to an uproar of cheers. Darkrai may have broken their spirit before, but this praise proved to Tori she had a place in this world. Next to Riolu, exploring the world and helping it recover from all the hardship it faced. Some may fight back at times, but ultimately, they can always prevail. That's when Tori finally knew: It's wonderful to be alive. hank you all for playing through the final part of Tori's sTori! I hope you enjoyed this version of the story and I hope I’ve done the postgame at least as much justice as I did the main story. For the final question, we return to Luminous Spring… Assuming that no other Pokémon other than those mentioned to join exploration have had level-ups, and those that have are below Tori and Riolu's level, alphabetically list the Pokémon of team Scavengers that can currently evolve (100% of the time).| Beldum, Marill, Mareep, Nidorino, Pidgeotto. |

Q48. One day, a few weeks later, Tori and Riolu decide to take a stroll down the beach. They had taken the day off to relax, and wanted to watch the waves roll and the bubbles float on the shore. They've been recalling stories all day, about team Skull, Grovyle, Dusknoir, and many more. Tori looks across the sea.. and notices a figure slowly swimming to the shore. Is that… no, it couldn't be… it is! The blue figure slowly swam to the shore. "Tori… Riolu..." "You.. you remember us. You're back!" Tori and Riolu started to shed tears. "Of course! I didn't forget you. Not once.. not ever. I missed you." Manaphy floated up to the two and hugged them tight. The family had been reunited and this time, Manaphy was here to stay. /Scavenge the end to finish.| The end |
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Hosted the Other Metas & Pet Mods Odyssey (aka the hardest hunt I've made to date) on Saturday, September 25th, at 8:00pm PST, qced by Turt and AQ!

Winner: skybounds [02:30:32]
Runner Up: p^_^okemonvortex. [03:26:24]
3rd Place: 111ace111 [04:27:13]
4th Place: toxic boosted [05:30:04]
5th Place: TheAura [08:35:31]
6th Place: Teutonic✠Squire [08:38:15]

1) Welcome to an Other Meta and Pet Mod-themed Odyssey! For clarity, “OM” refers to an Other Meta, and “Mod” refers to a Pet Mod. Where applicable, order your answers alphabetically, format all forms as PS does, and leave out generation/game of origin when naming formats (ie “Weather Wars” instead of “Gen 6 Weather Wars” or “XY Weather Wars”). Use “/scavenge oki” to continue.

2) This Mod aims to remedy instances where evolutions, forms, or other changes were given to a Pokemon but are missing from its counterpart, such as giving Butterfree a mega evolution to match Beedrill, or giving Weepinbell a split evolution to match Gloom.

3) This OM introduces new abilities, like Gladiate, Terrorize, and Slaviate, that are inherently applied to mons instead of taking up the ability slot.

4) A certain OM with a permanent ladder on the main Showdown server brings back a number of items that were removed in Gen 8, but does not bring back these two items that had unique functions in past versions of the OM, for fear of them making it too Pet Mod-esque.

5) This Mod’s takes on non-mega versions of Mega Salamence and Mega Banette proved problematic and had to be nerfed.

6) This format, which could be considered a precursor to OMs and Pet Mods, allowed the use of then-unreleased Pokemon and abilities, which lead to it being seen as the future of OU.

7) These are the only 5 moves that can be used in Mr. Bones Wild Ride.

8) The OM that only allows frogs also explicitly makes an exception for this kind of animal.

9) Before it became the Mod’s official name, CFM was used an acronym for these earlier names for itself.

10) This OM caused all attacks to damage the user, with that damage sometimes scaling depending on the move’s effectiveness against the user.

11) This OM only allows the use of Pokemon obtainable below a certain level, leaving Bug-types and members of cross-generational Pokemon families as the only third-stage Pokemon that can be used.

12) If a certain Pokemon from Restrictions were made today, it would not satisfy enough of the restrictions from the set it was based around to be legal, because of this Pokemon changing tiers.

13) A Gen 6 Mod designed to increase power creep as much as possible features mechanics where if a Pokemon’s Attack and Special Attack are at least twice as high as those of its opponent, it will receive the effects of these abilities in addition to its own ability.

14) This early attempt at a PU/ZU-like OM in which a set of fully-evolved Pokemon that are unviable every existing tier receive their own new tier below everything else, created in April of 2012, was shut down within a day and later deleted, with the explanation that “NU is as far down as we are going, and that’s pretty much set in stone.”

15) Hi, welcome to the last question, aka Crossword Hell. Each term in the crosswords is the name of a format. Getting an answer to finish the hunt after filling out the crosswords may tie into previous questions, so use /viewhunt if you want to check anything. Have fun n.n
1) oki; yeet
2) Missing Links
3) Metagamiate
4) Blue Orb, Red Orb
5) Mega Revolution
6) Dream World; Dream World OU
7) Block, Heal Pulse, Recycle, Slack Off, Struggle
8) Axolotls; Axolotl
9) Cancer Fairy Meta, Cool Funky Mode
10) Recoilmons
11) Tier10
12) Zeraora
13) Sheer Force, Tough Claws
14) Novelty Tier
15) Groudon-Primal, Salamence-Mega
Top Left Puzzle, Across:
1) Bonus Type
3) Pure Hackmons
5) Alphabet Cup
6) Max Berries
7) 2v2 Doubles
12) Trademarked
13) Sketchmons
14) Cross Evolution
15) Godly Gift

Top Left Puzzle, Down:
2) Pokebilities
4) Inheritance
8) Shared Power
9) First Blood
10) Camomons

Top Right Puzzle, Across:
6) Pacifistmons
8) NFE
11) STABmons Mix and Mega
12) Trademarked
13) Scalemons
14) Pure Hackmons
15) Flipped
16) Linked

Top Right Puzzle, Down:
1) 350 Cup
2) 2v2 Doubles
3) Chimera 1v1
4) Inverse
5) The Loser's Game
7) Shared Power
8) Nature Swap
9) Godly Gift

Bottom Left Puzzle, Across:
4) Roulettemons
6) Clean Slate Micro
7) Fusion Evolution Under Used

Bottom Left Puzzle, Down:
1) ViAbilities
2) Megas for All
3) Hoenn Gaiden

Bottom Right Puzzle, Across:
3) Double Trouble

Bottom Right Puzzle, Down:
1) Clean Slate 2
4) The OM is Mix and Mega.
7) Mr. Bones Wild Ride has never had a thread, but replays still exist from its time as OM of the Decade.
8) The OM is Frogmons, which can be found in the Gen 6 Micro Metagames thread.
12) The fakemon is Aerock, as one of the two restrictions it was based on required that it share no abilities with any OU Pokemon.
13) The Mod is "Power creep, the creepening". Its thread has been deleted, but a link to it can be found in a list of Pet Mods in the Gen 6 Pet Mods Rules and Regulations thread and viewed via an internet archive.
14) Must be found by digging through Gen 6 OMs in an internet archive.

15) After filling out the crossword, you need to make use of the two arrows in the corners of the puzzle. The red one in the top right is easy to figure out, revealing how to order the letters within each puzzle's red box, spelling out "ORAS". The other one requires you to notice things that are missing from each puzzle. The first is that each one follows a pattern: The top left's solutions have all been OM of the Month, the bottom left's have all been Pet Mod of the Season, and the top and bottom right have respectively been OM and Pet Mod Leader's Choice formats. These sets also contain every single format from Gen 8 to have their honour, except one from each category: Tier Shift from the top left, STAAABmons from the top right, Megamax from the bottom left, and Bust a Move from the bottom right. There is also a number missing from each puzzle, each of which points to an answer from the hunt: 11 (Tier10) from the top right, 10 (Recoilmons) from the top left, 5 (Mega Revolution) from the bottom left, and 2 (Missing Links) from the bottom right. With all of this, you end up with the following pairs of formats:
Tier Shift & Tier10
STAAABmons & Recoilmons
Megamax & Mega Revolution
Bust a Move & Missing Links
The similarities of "Tier" and "Mega" are obvious, "mons" isn't far behind, and once you realize that each of those sets of letters are the only ones shared between the names of the formats in each pair when overlapped, you can extract a single "s" by overlapping Bust a Move & Missing Links. Finally, you use the black arrow on the bottom left to order these, resulting in "Mega mons s Tier mons", and combined with the "ORAS" from earlier, are pointed straight to the ORAS version of the OM Megamons, in which the 2 S-Tier Pokemon according to the Viability Rankings are Groudon-Primal and Salamence-Mega.
[21:10:38] #p^_^okemonvortex.: tapler google has given me two "strange traffic" messages already
[21:10:42] @Tapler ❀: huh
[21:10:44] @Tapler ❀: tox said the same thing
[21:10:46] @Tapler ❀: weird
[21:10:50] +toxic boosted: i'm up to 5
[21:10:51] Merlee: I got one too

[00:31:15] @Tapler ❀: gz ace n.n
[00:32:30] @Tapler ❀: easier or harder than mario kart odyssey?
[00:35:44] @111ace111: probably harder?
[00:35:52] @Tapler ❀: ye I'd say the same
[00:35:56] @111ace111: and this is considering im stupid and didn't do the dash panels the smart way
[00:36:05] @computerwizard8800: imo both should be classified as war crimes

[00:54:53] AndrewThePenguin: This is a great hunt but wow there’s no way I’m finishing lol
[00:55:09] TheAura: ^

Bonus: This isn't a quote or even related to the fish, but I found a deleted OM thread called Rollout vs. Hawlucha while researching for this and it's glorious.
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ving official hunt September 24th 2 AM UTC
1st place: Devoxys [14:02].
2nd place: toxic boosted [17:42].
3rd place: TheAura [57:00].

1) In Pokemon TCG, Pokemon card who attached with this item/tool card deals 30 more damage to the opponent's active Darkness type Pokemon. [justified gloves]
2) A species of Pokemon has 20 unique TCG cards printed mostly are Psychic type card except one who is a Darkness type but despite having Dakness typing, it doesn't require any Darkness energy to do any of its attacks. Name the card with Darkness type. [rocket's wobbuffet]
3) In Pokemon TCG, this non-GX attack requires 5 Darkness energies (no colorless) to execute. [dark mountain / spinning tail]
QC by deftinwolf and computerwizard8800

may the Pyuks be with you
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I am fashionably late as always. The second cycle of September is over! We have toxic boosted in first with 172 points, Teu#tOnIc%&Sq$UirE in second with 149 points, and BubidaJeffery! in third with 124 points.
1toxic boosted172
12yeet dab xd50
16dot Comfey36
19Soft Flex29
23360 Voltorb Flip24
25Pepsi Man 221
30Forest fyte15
31Desktop Stapler ❀14
32NewsDan ^-^13
32gallant's pear13
48p0ip0le ∆7
48Wan the Avatar7
48ShinyTurtlez ツ7
52Archangel Izra'il6
52Tapler ❀6
59Lady Monita4
59Kabe don't4
65arch of life3
65Lucas ~ Ranger ©3
65Imperfect Instinct3
65Lyndon J Bohnson3
65tl the legend3
79Rory Mercury2
79Ugly God2
93Ban Hero1
93Mega Eevee X1
93tidal otter1
93crepuscular goomy1
93Ing Pichu1
93Kinda Stiff1
93Mike the Entei1
93oshita bridge1
93Bekay ⌐◼_◼1
93Kira✰hoshi Ciel1
93Tis I me1
93BoltSapphire *_*1
9336O Voltorb Flip1
93Purple Gummi1
93Praise Bid o3o f1
In other news, deftinwolf makes a return as Moderator!

Our twist for October is Special Style Weekends! During the weekends, special styles will be hosted more often, including Scavenger Games, Jump Starts, KO Games, Point Rallies, Incognito Hunts, and more!
o.o Incognito Official Hunt o.o ...
Sunday October 10th at 11am EST or EDT..whatever it is now
! thank you to lph + iamnotterrible for QCing n.n <----

The official scavenger hunt by deftinwolf was ended automatically.
1st place: Teutonic✦Vampire [01:58].
2nd place: BubidaJeffery! [02:39].
3rd place: Pepsi Man 2 [05:22].
4th place: p˅_˅okemonvortex [10:27].
5th place: WarriorGallade [16:50].
Consolation Prize: aegii [16:54], Praise Bid o3o f [45:35], Steve456664 [59:10], yeet dab XD001 [59:47], 360 Voltorb Flip [01:00:35], Qui-Gon the Flygon [01:06:21]


1) Flash is only usable outside of a battle at this location in Sinnoh. [wayward cave]
2) One member of the Riches family has two Pokemon that share an ability on their team. Alphabetically list those Pokemon. [vespiquen weavile]
3) In Gen 2, there are certain cities/towns that have a slogan containing a move's name. Alphabetically list the cities/towns and then alphabetically list the moves mentioned in their slogans. [ecruteak city goldenrodcity charm present / ecruteak goldenrod charm present]
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Blitz incognito, time: Oct 15th 2 PM UTC
1st place: BubidaJeffery! [02:17].
2nd place: Pepsi Monster Two [03:20].
3rd place: My Sleep Schedule [06:14].
4th place: arch of life [13:38].
5th place: Teutonic✠Squire [14:13].

1) No Pokemon from generation 5 learned these generation 5 move. (alphabetically) [psystrike quash]
2) In Pokemon HGSS, walking Ice type Pokemon might get happy in this location despite no snow or ice or wild Ice type Pokemon can be encountered. [dark cave]
3) In PMD: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky, this is the only non-Ghost type Pokemon who can pass through walls and walk on any terrain without using All-Terrain Hiker skill. [darkrai]
QC by deftinwolf and turtalkatthing

May the Pyuks be with you
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What's this? Reset time already? Yup, half of October has already passed and that means we have our next top 3! If you look closely you can see the first place finisher is BubidaJeffery with 199 points. There's also Teutonic◆Vampire in second with 116, and My Sleep Schedule in third with 103 points.

The full list can be found here:
3My Sleep Schedule103
6Pepsi Monster Two58
8Soft Flex53
9Mori Calliofey49
16Qui-Gon the Flygon23
17arch of life21
18toxic BOO! sted20
19360 Voltorb Flip17
23Drati O's15
29yeet dab XD00111
33Purple Gummi8
43ShinyTurtlez ツ5
43bro tor-terror5
43Ban Hero5
52Praise Bid o3o f4
52void spearow4
58Lucas ~ Ranger ©3
58Forest fyte3
69someone might suck2
69OwO Hit Knock Off2
69Mike the Entei 犬2
69Ceilings 猿2
69Mega Eevee X2
80yeet dab xd1
80Kyomu suzume1
80Dying Pichu1
80HGC ezlaturbo1
115dot Comfey0
115Soft Hex0
115Pepsi Man 20

Our twist for October remains Special Style Weekends! During the weekends, special styles will be hosted more often, including Scavenger Games, Jump Starts, KO Games, Point Rallies, Incognito Hunts, and more!

Now, when you traverse this wilderness, you may find scavenger hunts. Fret not, just solve them and you'll show you're worthy of getting first in no time!
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Fishie to lead in the new month. (due to DST already starting the upcoming weekend in my time zone, the reset will probably happen at 1PM EDT instead of the usual 12pm) Monday, November 1st, 17:00 UTC (10 AM PDT, 1PM EDT, 18:00 CET, 22:30 IST)
QCs by Devoxys and TurtalKatThing, thanks to both!

The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: WarriorGallade [15:57].
2nd place: mrwhy124 [18:37].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire [22:12].
4th place: Merlee [34:57].
5th place: 666ace666 [37:53].
Consolation Prize: arcavee [39:58], AndrewThePenguin [01:12:10], Menace02 [01:51:47], p^_^okemonvortex. [02:18:18]

Thank you all for playing! The hunt can be found here:

1. Alphabetically list the names of the energy cards that can only be put in a deck exactly once. | Beast Energy, Super Boost Energy |
2. Alphabetically list the names of the trainer cards with 30 HP. | Lillie's Poké Doll, Robo Substitute; Lillie's Poké Doll, Robo Substitute Team Flare Gear |
3. This Pokémon has a shiny TCG card with 3 moves, all of which are maingame moves that it learns. | Swablu |
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Oh hey was there a fish to start the month? How convenient, the end of the cycle was just before that!

Congratz to our first place finisher TeutonicSquire, who got 117 points. They're followed by TheAura in second place with 82 points, and Soft Flex in third with 67 points!

3Soft Flex67
4My Sleep Schedule66
10Qui-Gon the Flygon33
14Mori Calliofey26
15toxic BOO! sted25
25yeet dab XD00117
27360 Voltorb Flip16
28arch of life14
33Bolt's Altmare10
33Pepsi Man 210
36void spearow9
36Forest fyte9
39ShinyTurtlez ツ8
41Mana Hive7
43Lucas Ranger6
45bro torterror5
45Purple Gummi5
45tl the legend5
53tidal otter4
56someone might suck2
65Ugly God1
65retro retro1
65Stygian Stapler1
65Felucia go to bed1
65dancy boi1
65DJ Milo1
65shadow bean1
65athletic walrus1
65Ban Hero1
65Amaura Aurora1
65tommy ege1

The twist for November is Theme Team: Every official hunt has an undisclosed theme that you have to guess in the PMs of the creator(s). If you can guess the theme within 5 minutes of finishing (one guess per finisher), you're rewarded with 5 bonus points!

And I know you could go for a thousand wins and hunts that would give you a first place thing. I couldn't think of a better rhyme I'm sorry.
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Mini roundup for October 2021:
1st place: TheBloodAura [06:12].
2nd place: coinboy® [07:59].
3rd place: Qui-Gon the Flygon [12:06].
Consolation Prize: BubidaJeffery! [12:45], Teutonic✠Squire [14:25], arcavee [16:55], OwO Hit Knock Off [01:18:45], mrwhy124 [01:54:34], Sceptreecko [02:21:26], 360 Voltorb Flip [02:28:51], BoosDan [02:41:45], 666ace666 [03:28:13], LolLemonz [06:45:17], My Sleep Schedule [08:02:38], AndrewThePenguin [08:11:46]

QC: PartMan
1st place: My Sleep Schedule [03:21].
2nd place: p˅_˅okemonvortex [10:18].
3rd place: mrwhy124 [10:40].
Consolation Prize: 666ace666 [11:06], minasion [11:14], Mori Calliofey [14:01], BubidaJeffery [14:58], Teutonic✠Squire [40:42], TheBlo-odAura [01:13:27], Steve456664 [01:33:17], Menace02 [01:34:37], AndrewThePenguin [04:13:36], Sceptreecko [04:36:51]

QC: TurtalKatThing
1st place: Steve456664 [07:45].
2nd place: TheBlo-odAura [23:20].
3rd place: Bolt's Altmare [23:41].
Consolation Prize: mrwhy124 [28:54], Teutonic✠Squire [01:04:08], BubidaJeffery! [01:12:00], notbuddha [02:18:25], Qui-Gon the Flygon [02:37:08], ProfSapling [02:51:34], boredcollegegrad [02:59:52], BoosDan [03:55:40], 360 Voltorb Flip [04:04:11], Forest fyte [05:42:35], AndrewThePenguin [06:45:23]

QC: PartMan
Last month's minis can be found here.
Making a fish reservation for Wednesday, November 10, at GMT 16:00 [CST: 12:00 | EST: 13:00 | IST: 21:30]. As always, thanks to cwiz and dot comfey for taking the time to QC this hunt.

The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: Litt♥Eleven [07:59].
2nd place: Menace02 [15:12].
3rd place: Praise Bid o3o f [47:55].
4th place: BubidaJeffery! [01:10:01].
5th place: Teutonic✠Squire [01:19:24].
Consolation Prize: aQrator [01:37:58], geomancy gaming [01:43:09], TheAura [02:06:24]

1) Use Showdown formatting wherever applicable. A certain Pokemon has multiple non-hidden abilities, but cannot use the Ability Capsule or Ability Patch to swap between them. What item can it use to do so instead? [zygarde cube]
2) A certain Pokemon can become unable to use one of its moves in-battle if two conditions are met: (1) that it's in the player's party for a particular timespan and (2) a specific item is not used on it in that time. What Pokemon is this? [hoopa]
3) [Use SwSh stat mechanics] In certain situations excluding event distributions, it can be impossible for a Pokemon to reach its maximum possible Attack stat of 324 at Level 100 with every nature even if it has maximum IVs and EVs (no held items, stat boosting moves or abilities are used). The only way for its Attack stat to reach that value would be to use one of multiple items on it outside of battle. Answer with what Pokemon this is, and then in alphabetical order all the items that could be used on it to achieve the aforementioned Attack stat. [toxtricitylowkey adamantmint bravemint naughtymint]
As per the monthly twist, the theme for this hunt was "formes", which was correctly guessed by Menace02, aQrator and TheAura.
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Boy howdy kids, looks like your ol' pal aQ has gotten you some ladder results. Whatever should he do?


Post them right here? Good idea!
Ladder results of November's first cycle!
First place has been seized by Merlee with 115 points.
Second place's 103 points were earned by TheAura.
Third place was TeutonicSquire with 101 points.

11Soft Flex42
13toxic boosted38
14Qui-Gon the Flygon31
15Praise Bid o3o f25
16arch of life24
18tidal otter ☾22
19rose on water21
23NewsDan ^-^19
26athletic walrus18
28ShinyTurtlez ツ17
30arcavee ˙͜˙13
32Forest fyte10
32p0ip0le ∆10
34dot Comfey9
39yeet dab xd<('-'<)8
41tl the legend7
45gallant's pear6
54Purple Gummi4
54bro torterra4
54Lady Monita ☽4
62Lucas Ranger3
68Ban Hero2
68Mega Eevee X2
68geomancy gaming2
68Amaura Aurora2
80puke ew muke ew1
80Wan the Avatar1
80Pepsi Man 21
80gracias deadmans1
80zhou xiong1
80articoo ☾1

The twist for November is still Theme Team: Every official hunt has an undisclosed theme that you have to guess in the PMs of the creator(s). If you can guess the theme within 5 minutes of finishing (one guess per finisher), you're rewarded with 5 bonus points!

Now this'd be a story all about how your scavenging skills are very profound, and I'd like to see you make the best hunts as well, so you can be first in scav's next cyc-ell.
I promise the cringe is here to stay.
Forgot to reserve Hitoshi Ariga hunt on Nov 21st at 2 PM

1st place: Qui-Gon the Flygon [02:28].
2nd place: TheAura [08:27].
3rd place: BubidaJeffery! [10:00].*
4th place: WarriorGallade [17:19].
5th place: mrwhy124 [20:36].

*) get bonus

1) This Supporter Card's artwork in Pokemon TCG features a trainer in front of Devon Corporation in Rustboro City. [Steven's Resolve]
2) This is the first pokemon to has its BST lowered between generations/games. [Aegislash]
3) Among all Pokemon cards that have Double Lariat attack, this card can potentially deal the most damage using its other attack besides Double Lariat. [Pangoro]