Much of the hunt was written by aQrator. I wrote all the questions with links in them (yes I used my nerdy coding brain), and lovemathboy claims to have written one question.
1) Welcome to the Collab odyssey between Game Corner and Scavengers! This odyssey will function as a Gameathlon through the many minigames of Game Corner. If multiple answers are ever possible, list them alphabetically and use PS formatting when applicable. You may also see two twists pop up: Abridged and Prolix. When these show up, you have to find the shortest or longest possible answer in alphanumeric character count, respectively. First up, let's start with a Grumpig's Pokemath: Answer the Pokémon whose dex number matches the answer to the math problem!
Ribombee - Leafeon - Raticate - Kakuna = ? [
2) Pikachu's Mystery Pokémon! Answer the Pokémon based on the given hints! [
3) Bonsly's Category Clutters: Answer the category of the chosen Pokémon!
Honedge [
Sword / Sword Pokémon]
4) Gallade's Ability Test. Answer the Pokémon based on the initials of their abilities!
S, S / A [
Electrode, Electrode-hisui, Voltorb, Voltorb-Hisui]
5) Kirlia's Tracing Show: Answer abilities that the chosen Pokémon has!
Kirlia traced:
Lycanroc-GX [
Bloodthirsty Eyes, Twilight Eyes]
6) Chimecho's Stat School: Answer the Pokémon based on the given base stats (hp/atk/def/special/speed)!
132/145/140/141/128 [
X ゥ- xゥ,]
7) Lanturn's Illuminated Letters: Find the answer as letters are revealed and hidden!
[?][?][?][v][?][ ][?][?][?][?][?] [
Heavy Metal]
8) Slowking's Trivia: Find the answer based on the description (as of the most recent mainline game it was usable in)!
Pokémon Moves: Has a 10% chance to make the target flinch. [
Bone Club, Extrasensory, Hyper Fang]
9) Mudbray's One Aways: Find the answer after all letters in the word are changed to either the next or the previous letter in the alphabet.
Side game location:
Tihuds Dzlo [
Shiver Camp]
10) Hypno's Hunches Guess letters to reveal the answers without being shown any blanks! [
Magic Guard]
11) Azelf's Alliteration: Give the answer based on the given Pokémon's name, knowing it has to be an alliteration with said Pokémon!
Zekrom - Pokémon: Legends Arceus character [
12) Prolix Beheeyem's Mass Effect: Find the Longest Pokémon name whose type effectiveness matches the given parameters.
Weak to Ground / Resists Electric, Flying, and Steel [
13) Greninja's Typings: Answer the Pokémon that match the given typing!
Metal/Fighting. [
M Steelix EX / Steelix-Mega / M Steelix-EX (Steam Siege 68)]
14) Smeargle's Mystery Moves: Answer the move based on the given hints [
Acid Spray]
15) Prolix Lugia's Obstructed Letters: Give the longest answer that is missing the given letters!
Pokémon Moves: B, D, F, M, O, S, T, X, Y [
Pulverizing Pancake]
16) Prolix Ekans' Edges: Give the longest answer that has the given starting and ending letters!
V - m [
17) Metang's Anagrams: Unscramble letters to reveal the answers!
Pokémon Moves:
Niece train [
18) Mareanie's Marquees: Find the answer as letters are cycled through 1 at a time, cycling back to the front!
Pokémon move:
kTea [
Tearful Look]
19) Abridged Piplup's Letter Placements: Find the shortest answer that contains the given letters back-to-back!
Mainline Pokémon Item: era [
Poke Radar]
20) Ambipom's Tossups: Give the answer as blanks are filled in one by one! [
21) Abra's Ability Switch: Players switch to Pokémon that have the chosen abilities for Abra to Role Play!
Abra wants the ability:
Flame Boost [
Emboar, Flareon, Simisear]
22) Eevee's Evolutionary Lines: Answer the Pokémon that is missing from the given evolution lines!
????, Charizard [
◣ゥ 8]
23) Miltank Moves: Find a move of the specified type that the Pokémon learns!
Golbat - Ice type [
24) Abridged Jirachi's Coloring Adventure: Answer the shortest Pokémon that matches the given color!
Color: White [
Seel, Snom]
25) Porygon's Movesearch Match: Answer the Pokémon based on the given movesets! Exclude Sketch for this question.
Generated moveset: Baton Pass, Inferno, Mirror Coat, Toxic [
White Door / Pokestar White Door]
26) Kyurem Splits: Find an answer with all of the given letters in that order!
Pokémon: ROFT [
27) Magcargo's Weak Spot Answer the weakness(es) that the given Pokémon share!
Morelull, Scatterbug, Vivillon-Pokeball. [
Fire, Flying]
28) Sudowoodo's Species Scramble: Answer the Pokémon based on the given category!
Sudowoodo imitated: the Big-Hearted Pokémon [
29) Natu's Nature Min-Max: Find the nature that gives +10% to the highest stat and -10% to the lowest stat for the generated Pokémon!
Spewpa [
30) Hitmonchan's Hangman: Guess letters to fill in the blanks and reveal the answers! [
Mount Hokulani]
31) Elgyem's Number Encoder: Give the answer that is encoded in numbers (e.g. 19-20-21-14-6-9-19-11 = Stunfisk)! The encoded answer can be found as a move on the duel figure of the answer to this question:
20-1-11-5-6-12-9-7-8-20 [
32) Feraligatr's Inverse Lost Letters: Find the missing consonants to give the answer!
Pokémon Moves:
oooo [
Bloom Doom]
33) Zygarde's Orders: Give the answer as letters are revealed one by one! [
Rock Throw]
34) Pancham's Pairs, puzzle variant: Given 10 Pokémon, pairs can be formed if two Pokémon have the same ability, color, gen, tier or type. In alphabetical order of the five pair types, give the five pairs that have to be made such that all Pokémon and all pair types are used exactly once. Use the format [pair type] [Pokémon 1 in the pair] [Pokémon 2 in the pair]
Cherrim, Fletchling, Litwick, Marshtomp, Pawniard, Poipole, Rhyperior, Skwovet, Togepi, Wailord [
Ability, Pawniard, Wailord. Color, Litwick, Togepi. Gen, Cherrim, Rhyperior. Tier, Marshtomp, Poipole. Type, Fletchling, Skwovet.]
35) Abrdiged Wailord's Egg Compatibilities. Give the shortest Pokémon in compatible egg groups to connect the chain! Make sure to list the chain in order!
start and end:
Aurorus and Audino (2 connections) [
Axew > Solotl]
36) Prolix Xatu's Nature Clusters: Answer the longest Pokémon that gets +10% to its highest stat and -10% to its lowest stat for the given nature!
Nature: Naughty [
37) Magneton's Mashups Unscramble the combined names!
4 Pokémon:
cottrowonewhirleletcosmipedoeme [
Cosmoem, Cottonee, Rowlet, Whirlipede]
38) Paras' Parameters: Give the /nds parameters that result in the given Pokémon list!
2 params:
Darmanitan-Galar, Darmanitan-Galar-Zen, Kyurem, Pheromosa [
DNU, Ubers / Doubles NU, Ubers / DNU, Uber / Doubles NU, Uber]
39) Poliwrath's Portmanteaus! Answer the portmanteaus that share 2 or more letters and fit the given parameters!
[Fighting-type Pokémon][Gen 2 move][Bug type move][Legendary Pokémon location] [
Pango Rollo U Turnbackcave / Pangoro + Rollout + U-turn + Turnback Cave]
40) Time for the final challenge: Haunter's Haunted House: Unlock doors and gather candy around the board while avoiding the ghosts! Check out
This page <> for more info on the game if you need it. Good luck! [