1) 420. Welcome back (yet again) to Pokeradar Pearl. To recap, the team is here:
https://pokepast.es/d048a65b923c4a13. The events of the last part ended with Battle Tower prep and Zeiol capturing his 24th and last Pokemon, a shiny Beldum (now Metang) nicknamed Platine. With his team ready, Zeiol finally takes on the Battle Tower. While the opponents this early on don't pose much of a threat, some things stand out. While the trainers early on still use mostly unevolved Pokemon, they don't necessarily go down without a fight! One such trainer owned an unevolved Pokemon that didn't faint to Emerald's Draco Meteor - which was quite strange, as its highest stat was neither HP or Sp. Def. Through the Pokemon’s use of Toxic, Double Team, Protect and Iron Defense, the opponent drew out the battle quite a while - they wore spectacles and were constantly looking in their large bag, Pokeballs spilling out as they did so. Who could Zeiol have been battling? Answer as [trainer class] [name]. [
collector davis collector jamison]
2) 421. Zeiol kept on climbing the ranks, defeating trainer after trainer. However, despite being undefeated he only had 6 BP. He was puzzled and wondered, "If I don't have BP, how can I buy better items to make my team stronger? And circularly, if my team isn't strong, how do I get BP at all?" That being said, it seemed as if a particular Trainer class was giving him some trouble - with their power to levitate Pokeballs in mid-air, they could give precise instructions to their Pokemon. Considering all trainers of this trainer class that Zeiol can battle in his current state, what's the most commonly held item on their Pokemon? [
3) 422. It's not too long a journey until Zeiol makes his way to battle #21. As he waits for his next challenger, the giant blond man from earlier enters the battle room, introducing himself as Palmer. He congratulates Zeiol for reaching him, and accepts the battle with no delay. He led Milotic as Zeiol lead Emerald. Sensing danger from an incoming Ice move, he pivots to Priso who takes the Dragon Pulse very well. Trusting its special bulk, it's commanded to Substitute, taking low damage from Hydro Pump. With this in mind, Zeiol did a few mental calculations to estimate how likely Hydro Pump would be to break Substitute; after all Milotic was no slouch when it came to attacking. Of course, it'd be extremely likely that Milotic's raw stats were as high as could be, further boosted through Palmer’s training, given his status as Tower Tycoon. If Priso's max HP and Sp. Def were 239 and 139 respectively, what is the percentage chance that Milotic's Hydro Pump could break its Substitute, without critical hits, assuming it didn't miss? (answer to 2 decimal places) [
4) 423. Zeiol realizes that he's just barely gotten lucky that the Substitute was unbroken. In a bid to immobilize it, Priso lands a Body Slam and paralyzes Milotic, as it launches Hypnosis to no avail. Zeiol didn't know this was an error; as Milotic's Marvel Scale activated, reducing the damage of successive hits. If Priso's Attack stat was 150, what is the lowest and highest amount of HP it could do to Milotic in its current state within a single turn, given its current moveset? [
23 104]
5) 424. Thankfully, paralysis and accuracy luck combine to let Priso fell Milotic with a substitute still up, but at low health. Palmer sends out Rhyperior, destroying the substitute with Thunderbolt and taking moderate damage from Focus Punch. and felling Priso with Rock Wrecker on the following turn. Gardevoir swoops in, and uses Energy Ball to avenge the fallen comrade, leaving Palmer with only Dragonite. Gardevoir moved first, landing a Psychic for small damage and falling to Dragon Rush. Emerald takes to the field, and Zeiol debates the situation, gambling on Dragon Claw. It hits, felling the orange dragon, giving Zeiol a victory! Palmer congratulates him on his victory, and awards him 20 BP instead of the normal 3 to celebrate, telling him to keep climbing and have a rematch. With that in mind, Zeiol's happy to have played this challenge so far. His 3 Pokemon were given this ribbon for the victory. [
ability / ability ribbon]
6) 425. Zeiol decided to try advancing further in the tower, as the trio were still raring to go. In one of these streaks, he notices something quite surprising. Priso's Thick Fat did not reduce the Ice-type damage from this move, regardless of what ability the foe had. [
7) 426. The Shedinja experience reliving itself, Zeiol flies into a rage again at these inconsistent tactics, vowing to claim victory and assert dominance. Unfortunately, there was more where that came from as Zeiol effectively played Russian Roulette with the tactics of opposing trainers, most notably the PI's and their propensity to gamble on OHKO moves. As Zeiol crosses the 40 trainer mark, battles are now increasingly fierce and he's getting bailed out by luck a lot of times. However, something breaks the monotony. Most notably, he comes across a trainer whose name is 1 letter off from the name of a berry; but this berry didn't seem to be found anywhere in Sinnoh, no matter what one did. Who were they? Answer as [trainer class] [name] [
idol maranda]
8) 427. Finally, Zeiol is back at battle #49 to face Palmer, who is delighted to see his favorite challenger, proclaiming that he's going all out. He leads Cresselia as Zeiol leads Emerald. This Pokemon is unfamiliar, but radiates power, so he swaps to Gardevoir, who easily tanks the incoming Psychic. Both sides then calm their minds for a while, which worries Zeiol as Gardevoir falling would spell defeat. Thankfully, the Kasib Berry let Gardevoir take minimal damage as it proceeds to analyze a weak point landing a critical hit and OHKO'ing the foe. Palmer's Heatran is up next, as Zeiol grows more intimidated. "What kind of a person is Palmer, to have this legendary Pokemon with him?", he wondered. Heatran used its signature move, and soon after took a decently strong Psychic, taking off about 45%. Immediately after Heatran attacked, a special message was displayed after it used its move. What message was displayed? [
gardevoir became trapped by swirling magma]
9) 428. As Gardevoir falls, Emerald takes to the field and dispatches the flame menace with Earthquake. As the 2v1 looms nearer, Palmer sends out his last Pokemon, Regigigas; a towering behemoth that eclipsed the battlefield. Zeiol was in awe, and even Emerald's Draco Meteor only did around 50% as it fell to a critical Ice Punch. Priso's up next, as Zeiol believes in its power. Regigigas unleashes a strong Crush Grip, taking off 35% of Priso's HP as it substitutes. The next turn, it's hit with a fearless Focus Punch, but eats its Chople Berry to survive the hit at low HP. Tensions are high as the substitute falls, leaving Priso at half health. It takes another Brick Break and is notably hurt, brought to the red as its Body Slam fells the Continental Pokemon. Victory is Zeiol's! A very close one at that. Palmer's thoroughly impressed, and mentions how he can deal with losing to a trainer as magnificent as Zeiol. After the battle ends, Palmer describes a memory shared with Zeiol's father many years ago, and how they very barely fended off a wild Pokemon back then. As he departs with a smile, he mentions how that experience was his first step as a trainer, and that the world and his future holds infinite promise for Zeiol. At what location did this incident happen? [
lake verity]
10) 429. With that, Zeiol's now got the Great Ability Ribbon as well as a fat stack of BP. However, he's intrigued to see how far his team can go. He decides to keep battling, but as he slowly climbs higher and higher, his team is notably feeling outclassed. Opposing Snorlax, Bronzong and Skarmory are proving to be extremely difficult to defeat, especially if Emerald has gone down. It's not just one trainer, many trainers from different classes all seem to be using some of this trio of Pokemon! What are all the trainer classes that have all of these Pokemon usable by at least one of their members? [
collector jogger scientist waiter waitress]
11) 430. Finally, Zeiol takes his loss at battle #59 thanks to an untimely Draco Meteor miss. It was a generally fair run, and while he hoped to get to 100, this was a fine place to quit. He decided to take a look at the other modes on offer. He didn't have a team for double battles, so he decided to pass on that for the time being. Though the Multi battles seemed appealing, Zeiol didn't think he knew anyone that could pair up with him. He decided to check it out anyway. As Zeiol's guided to the waiting room, he sees all five of the trainers that tagged along with him, all of which greet him with a smile. They spend a while catching up on how times have changed since Zeiol last saw them, and Riley was particularly proud that Zeiol stuck true to his convictions and got to the Battle Zone after their last talk at Iron Island. Marley mentioned that she was still investigating the stone tablet on Route 224, while Mira said she was training at the Battle Tower to be braver, and had decided to tag along with Cheryl as she was exploring Sinnoh. As for Buck, he retained the same standoffish attitude and told Zeiol not to hold him back. With that out of the way, Zeiol asks what Pokemon each of them used, as that'll determine what he'll choose to battle with. He's blown away by the range of Pokemon they have, ranging from hard to train to exceedingly rare! A few hours are spent discussing team compositions as Zeiol thinks of the perfect synergy. Some Pokemon used by these 5 trainers are shared. Excluding legendaries, what are all these Pokemon? [
espeon porygonz rhyperior umbreon / espeon porygonz umbreon / latios and cresselia are the other shared mons]
12) 431. Fun times were had by all as Zeiol enjoyed the contrasting battle styles that supported him. After a while, he felt it was time to continue, and bid farewell to them. Marley and Buck headed back, while the others continued battling for the time being. Given the fun times he's had, it probably feels time to conclude this Pokeradar business once and for all. He heads back to Amity Square, and collects the Spooky Plate. Immediately, along with the other plates, it reacts to the Red Chain and turns it a glittering Azure. However, nothing seems to happen yet. Confused, he decided to fly over to Canalave and give the books a read, perhaps something there has info on the plates or this Azure Chain? As he does so, he notices some commotion near Sailor Eldritch's house. Apparently, his son has fallen into an inescapable nightmare, and he needs a Lunar Wing to cure him. With most of the Gym's trainers on an expedition to Iron Island, Zeiol took this task upon himself, heading to Newmoon Island but not before swapping out his party, this time for possibly the last time. Of course, Priso would be a part. As for the other five, one had never learnt a new move by level-up ever since Zeiol got it, the second had learnt the same move by level-up multiple times, the third knew Fly, the fourth was used to weaken Tyrogue when he was chaining them, and the fifth was one who, while he'd captured early on, had never really used that much in battle. In order, what are these five Pokemon? [
paleo smeargle swellow shedinja furret]
13) 432. The atmosphere of Fullmoon Island was calming, just like Eterna Forest's. Smeargle wanted to sketch the miniature wilderness forever, as it seemed to exude a sense of mystery, and Shedinja felt this was a place to let its spirit rest, but they pulled themselves together and followed Zeiol into the clearing. Upon doing so, Zeiol's entire party was entranced. Here was a regal, yet calming being - Cresselia. It heard Zeiol explain why he needed a Lunar Wing, and as it was about to give it up, noticed the Red Chain on Zeiol's Pokeradar. Its calm look now turned to one of rage, as it flew off somewhere. Zeiol was quite puzzled by this reaction, and decided to follow it on the Marking Map, as the Poketch had locked onto its signal. Having just recently battled Cresselia, Zeiol was instantly prepared to do battle with a strong foe. As such, he wanted to use this move on it if things went sour, to conclude the battle as soon as possible. [
14) 433. The first two times Zeiol encountered Cresselia, it simply dodged Horn Drill calmly and fled, not wanting conflict. However, as Zeiol kept journeying around Sinnoh to find it, this changed on the third time. Cresselia's calm aura was replaced by one of intense malice, it seemed to ready a powerful attack at the Pokeradar, and Zeiol pleaded with it to tell him what the problem was. Seeing no way out but to fight, he sends out his highest levelled Pokemon, Smeargle, and its Horn Drill is able to deflect the incoming Aurora Beam, piercing through Cresscelia's scales to deliver the finishing blow. As it drops a few feathers - looking exactly like the Lunar Wing's picture that Eldritch showed him, it looks at Zeiol with a sorrowful expression, is enveloped in a bright light and teleports away. As this happens, Zeiol notices that his team's HP and PP seem to be restored! "Was Cresselia trying to warn me of something? Anyhow, I should deliver the Lunar Wing I've collected here to Canalave, the young boy probably needs it.", Zeiol thinks. With that, the deed is done and Eldritch's son is as lively as he was earlier. With that, Zeiol reminisces over the past few hours. He's seen Heatran and Cresselia from the battle with Palmer, but not Regigigas. It felt like a decent idea to ask Tinston if he knows anything about it, given his attempts at the Battle Tower. He flew over to the Fight Area, but didn't see him anywhere in sight. Where was Tinston? [
15) 434. Tinston didn’t seem to know about this, so Zeiol decided to put that idea to rest. Finally, Zeiol feels calm, like he's never relaxed before. He has an exhilarating time playing with his party, and they're all delighted to spend some quality time with their trainer. Each and every one of the 24. Something feels different, as if he wouldn't get another moment like this. He travels around Sinnoh, visiting each of the locales where he caught his team members, asking them if they wanted to return to the wild. Some were determined to stay by Zeiol's side, and others seemed to look back with a sad glance, and vanished into the grass. After waiting for a while, he prepared to bid a tearful farewell, but realized that they came bounding back! He burst into tears, but these were of happiness. They simply wanted to greet their former friends and family one last time, and stay with Zeiol to the bitter end, no matter what. This reminded him of the time Stantler got its footprint ribbon - similar sentiments were shared by all of his Pokemon. They trusted in Zeiol, and he'd do his best to repay that trust. He reminisced over his journey, some battles were hard, some were easy, and others were in the middle. So far, the only people he's seen use a full party of six Pokemon to battle him were Tinston and Cynthia. As he's wondering why more trainers didn't do that, he suddenly realizes that he forgot someone. There was in fact a trainer that Zeiol had battled fitting this description. Who were they? Answer as [trainer class] [name] [
fisherman andrew]
16) 435. As Zeiol continues contemplating the various battles he's had, many memorable ones come to mind, mostly the Cyrus battle where he could easily have lost had Weavile gone for Ice Punch against his Nidoking. He thought to himself, "If only I was more experienced then...experience! Didn't I have that one battle with a trainer that gave me a lot of experience? I think it was the most I got from a trainer battle, ever! It might be a neat idea to rematch them." If the person Zeiol was thinking about was not part of the Pokemon League or his rival Tinston, who was it? Answer as [trainer class] [name] [
acetrainer ariana]
17) 436. The next day rolls around, and Tinston returns to the Fight Area. With the Azure Chain reacting far more strongly, Zeiol knew that it was only a matter of time until something major happened. As possibly his last battle with a trainer whom he'd known the longest and respected, he challenged Tinston to a battle, holding back his tears. Of course he couldn't involve his dear friend in an event this major. He chose a squad of Paleo, Priso, Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald and Torkoal. Tinston sent out Staraptor, a level only one higher than Torkoal. Its physical attacks did little to Torkoal, who kept boosting with Iron Defense, and dispatched it easily. Tinston's Floatzel was up next, and even it could not break Torkoal's impenetrable wall thanks to the boosts, using Aqua Jet to bring it to about half its health. At this point, Torkoal recovered some health from an item, but the amount recovered would vary depending on the Pokemon holding it and it could never have any negative effect on its holder. What could Torkoal have been holding? [
enigmaberry leftovers sitrusberry]
18) 437. With Torkoal at low health. Tinston's Snorlax revenges with Earthquake, but not before taking a critical Heat Wave. Zeiol goes into Emerald, who despite the 10 level difference brings Snorlax to a third of its health, as it goes for Rest. Successive Dragon Claws batter the sleeping beast as it falls- not knowing Sleep Talk or Snore. The opposing Heracross takes to the field, but it's cleanly knocked out by a critical Fire Blast from the initiative Emerald. Next up is Tinston's Roserade, who is ALSO outsped, and brought to low HP, but it can't do anything with its weak Giga Drain. Finally, Tinston's last Pokemon, his Infernape is ready for battle with a flare in its eyes, It outsped, taking out Emerald with Aerial Ace, Sapphire swapped in next, bringing the foe to around half with Sky Uppercut before fainting to Focus Blast. Ruby takes to the field next, bringing Infernape to the red with two Shadow Sneaks, as it falls to a double Shadow Claw. Up next is Priso, who takes pitiful damage from Aerial Ace to seize the KO with Body Slam. Victory is Zeiol's, yet again! However as the battle subsides, he realizes Tinston doesn't fly into a panic as always, but rather remains more calm about his defeat. He smiles, aiming to be tougher to match Zeiol's strength, and they part on this resolution. That being said, Zeiol does wonder how Tinston's entire team had great type balance. If he were to have a rematch later, it'd surely be down to the wire. If Zeiol returned to rematch Tinston after defeating the Pokemon League over 30 times, then these are the Pokemon he shouldn't bring, because they can be hit super-effectively by the most number of moves that Tinston's team would use. [
abomasnow cacturne nuzleaf shiftry snover / Bug(2) Dark(3) Fighting(5) Fire(2) Flying(2) Ghost(1) Grass(1) Ground(1) Ice(1) Normal(1)_ Poison(1) Rock(1) Water (1) - no mon is weak to both dark and fighting, so i combod the next best.]
19) 438. Finally, with that part handled, Zeiol sees the Azure Chain reacting quite strongly to something, and feels it's time to put an end to this once and for all. He flies over to Jubilife city, and notices the large GTS and his prior visit. Perhaps, just in case, it was a good idea to deposit a Pokemon in there for safekeeping. As Zeiol discussed this with his Pokemon, Ruby volunteered, snagging an item that it particularly liked from Zeiol's bag and indicated its determination to be back as soon as possible, as Zeiol promised that he'd be back for it as soon as this issue was resolved. To make sure that no random person got his beloved Ruby, Zeiol set a seemingly impossible demand for a Pokemon - he was sure that a random passerby would never be able to obtain it, at the very least. He made sure to request a Pokeradar-exclusive Pokemon, at a level exactly one below what it normally evolved at. However, Zeiol himself would be able to obtain this Pokemon at a far lower level. Answer with the Pokemon and level Zeiol chose, and then the item that Ruby grabbed, in that order. [
kirlia 19 reapercloth]
20) 439. Soon after Ruby was put in the GTS, Zeiol headed to the Jubilife Condos where he felt a disturbance, as the Pokeradar's display lit up, with icons of an arrow and a number. It seemed almost as if Zeiol was compelled to follow these instructions to the T, and was left speechless. As he weaved in and around a lamppost and headed north, what he saw was not the resplendent Poketch Co. but a dark, infinite void. Inertia carried him forth as he wordlessly kept following the instructions on screen. Not even phasing through the door of the building could faze him now. From this place, he went 1 South, 17 West, 18 South, 33 North, 415 West... the instructions just kept on going as Zeiol saw all kinds of strange things, all of which indescribable. He didn't even know what was going on anymore as a sense of dread loomed over him. As much as he tried to escape, his body was bound. Throughout this entire route, what is the most number of steps that Zeiol would have to walk in a single direction without turning, and in what direction? Answer as [number] [direction] [
1279 South / 1280 North]
21) 440. Zeiol finished the semi-final instruction of 76 West, but something unforeseen happened. As the Pokeradar display showed 3 South, he tripped and walked 2 South instead, and a strange white flag fell out of his bag, one he didn't know he'd got with him. As he does this, the atmosphere intensely charges, yet nothing's visible in the pitch black darkness. The Pokeradar crackles, and the display falls dim. Fearing, he sends out Furret to scout the area, but it's instantly fainted with a powerful attack. Zeiol recognizes the sound, but can't quite identify the attack and is very wary. Next up, he sends out Nidoking, who can somehow identify the foe, launching a Poison Jab, which poisons it. However on the next turn, a green light shines the surroundings, dispelling the affliction! Nidoking too falls to the same attack, unable to retaliate very much. Terrified, Zeiol swaps into Shedinja, hoping Wonder Guard bails him out. Through Confuse Ray, he's able to get lucky and bring it to around half health. As he does so, he can see a pair of red eyes gleaming in the distance, surrounding themselves with mysterious energy and restoring its health! Zeiol realized that outside the reach of his Pokemon a few feet away, he couldn't see anything! Mysteriously a few turns later, Shedinja seems to be struck by a strange energy and falls, but it didn't seem super-effective at all. Zeiol's on the verge of defeat, but decides to take a gamble, commanding Stantler to put the enigma to sleep with Hypnosis, but a two-turn wakeup renders Stantler fainted from a searingly strong attack. Feeling intense fear, he commands Paleo to use Destiny Bond, as the foe seemed to be recharging. The next turn, a the same searing attack strikes it, and it looks back to Zeiol, who's trying to hold back tears at this point, all the while Paleo tried its best to muster up a smile for Zeiol, being brave, as it fainted. However this tactic worked, and the power of Destiny Bond rendered this foe defeated. Its eyes sparkle a brilliant green, resonating with the Azure Chain. From the darkness, Zeiol heard a loud voice booming ominously. "...Human. You are the progenitor that shall travel through worlds. Your spirit is unique. If you seek to free your Pokemon from the shackles I have placed upon them, use these artefacts to conquer Darkrai and Shaymin, refine your spirit even more, then return to me correctly. Opposing my edict is not an option...", as it fades. Zeiol was still petrified from the encounter. What moves did the mysterious opponent know? [
futuresight hyperbeam recover refresh]
22) 441. With only Swellow left non-fainted, Zeiol looked back to the Pokeradar, whose display had come alive again. He picked up the two items that had materialized in front of him, which seemed to be Oak's Letter and the Member Card. Wordlessly, he followed the directions, to leave the void. Before he left, he simply shouted a question. "Why me? Why not take over the world yourself?!". Surprisingly, the voice replied. "Human, you are inexperienced, and you will realize your destiny. In the face of a Pokemon vessel as leader, civilizations rebel, treating you as a villain. A mortal such as yourself in control, their demeanor differs, and you are immortalized as a hero. The spirit you possess is unique, capable of travelling worlds, and you will usher in the dawn of a new era as I command. This is my edict." This reply stunned Zeiol, as he felt it was best not to press the issue given his injured team, and finally exited. As he looked out onto Sinnoh's skies, it seemed as if he was back in the real world - no voids attached, but the Pokeradar gleamed again with a vivid blue - was something suppressing it before? Ignoring that, something just felt right when he returned. However, as he was flying back to Celestic Town, he noticed a bright light shining from atop Mt. Coronet, barely obscured by the clouds. It seemed to be in five colors all at once; two shades of red, two of green, and one of blue, spreading to various places around Sinnoh. As he landed, Zeiol headed eastward, as the light seemed particularly strong. What surprised him was the presence of two never-seen Pokemon having a vicious fight in the grass - as if they were sworn rivals! What were these Pokemon? [
seviper zangoose]
23) 442. Zeiol wanted to do his best to forget about what he'd just heard in the void; "I'm far too young to deal with issues of this scale, My whole life is ahead of me!", he thought, forcing himself into his normally jovial state. That being said, as the duo keep fighting, Zeiol sees no better way to solve the altercation than to catch the duo, and a pair of Quick Balls do the trick. A quick look in his Pokedex surprised him quite a bit, especially growth rates, with Zangoose seeming to be more experienced than Seviper despite the duo being at the same level. With that in mind, he theorized a few ideas. Remembering the martial artist near Pal Park who demanded to see Pokemon of certain levels, Zeiol wanted a way to claim those fancy Focus Sashes, as the Battle Tower experiences proved their utility. He was also curious on whether the duo could eventually get along if they lived alongside each other and Zeiol's other Pokemon. He felt it might be a good idea to train up both so that he had one of every level Pokemon. However, checking his Pokedex revealed that there was a more efficient stop-gap between the levels. Between this level range, the Fast experience group needs the least total experience out of all groups. [
30 70 / 30 71]
24) 443. With that in mind, Zeiol decides to pick up this Pokemon in the fast experience group in the wild, which has the most immunities out of all of them, but is also one whose family had not been obtained by Zeiol prior. [
25) 444. Of course, he'd need someone reliable to train up this huge army. Ideally, he'd be wanting a move with a lot of base power and a lot of PP, so a lot of opponents could be defeated without the need to heal. Exclude STAB, items and abilities for this question. The product of this move's base power and PP are the highest out of all moves with a non-negative priority. [
26) 445. Zeiol thought this through, and decided that if he'd be getting these many items, he'd better get a team that can utilize them. The battle tower doubles are his next goal, and to that extent he spends days researching the optimal composition. Finally, he theorizes a marvellous and original quartet - all of them fully evolved. The first member has redirection is weak to the least amount of spread moves and has the highest Defense and Sp. Def out of all Pokemon that do so, while the second can set up four field conditions, only two of which can be prolonged by an item, being able to faint and lower the foe's offenses when it's finished. The third has the highest effective special attack stat out of all Pokemon when its ability is active, without the effect of items or stat boosts, while the fourth is the strongest user of one of the most powerful STAB moves in that type that Zeiol can obtain legally, though out of all Pokemon it's the third strongest, and it has synergy with the third member. In order described, if no Pokemon is Smeargle, what are these four members? Remember, all of these Pokemon’s movesets must be obtainable with the provided data, without the use of any other games, however trading for evolution purposes is allowed if the pre-evolution can be obtained. [
clefable dusknoir sunflora camerupt]
27) 446. As Zeiol made these plans, he had almost blissfully forgotten about his traumatic experience in the void. As he thought of training Pokemon, the memory of the shackles came to mind and he felt dizzy - it didn't feel like just a dream. He looked carefully at all the Pokemon he had. A strange black mist seemed to have shackled all of Zeiol's original 23 Pokemon, preventing them from being sent out at all! This concerns him greatly, as he makes up his mind to abandon these plans of grandeur and focus on using the two items he's got to battle Darkrai and Shaymin. However, while he could borrow Bebe's Vaporeon yet again for HM purposes, there was only one soul unaffected by this purge, possibly because of its recency as a capture. The one left standing that could stand up to the corrupt powers was Platine, for whatever reason. Zeiol decided that this would be his last stand; he'd get his Pokemon back or die trying. Still trying to distract himself from the situation, Zeiol thought a bit more about the 4-man team he'd theorymonned. Redirection was good only as long as it prevented the ally from taking damage at all. However, some moves could inflict damage despite the use of Follow Me, being able to inflict damage not on Clefable, but Clefable's partner on the first turn of battle. Answer with the 3 strongest moves that can do so, in terms of base power. (alpha) [
blizzard heatwave muddywater]
28) 447. Platine seemed to be strong enough at Level 54, so there wasn't a need to train it for now. Despite that, Zeiol carefully navigates to Route 224 with a stash of Pokedolls to escape from the persistent wild Pokemon, because it wasn't too fast. Just in case, it was given a Sitrus Berry to hold as well. Soon after, the all too familiar coastal archipelago greets him with its vivid sun and fresh air, but now's no time for fun. He feels a tinge of sorrow, remembering his time spent catching Ruby here, and how he may never be able to spend time with it. Regardless, as he trudged forth, he came across both Marley and Prof. Oak investigating the tablet. As Zeiol produced the letter, Prof. Oak suggested giving thanks to someone or something to commemorate the good fortune in delivering this letter to him. It didn't seem as if either trainer would know how to remedy a situation such as this, and Zeiol felt that involving them would only endanger them. He remembered the previous times he's been put on the spot like this; there's no list of phrases to save him. He thinks back to his journey and enters a single Pokemon's name; one that had been with him the longest, supporting him through thick and thin; and one who was possibly forever sealed away. [
29) 448. With that entry complete, the shining rock resonates in a flash of light, illuminating the route with colorful and vivid flowers, with a path seeming to appear northward. As Prof. Oak wanted to investigate, Zeiol hopped on his Bicycle and dashed ahead. It was quite a long ride, but eventually he arrived at the Flower Paradise, with Shamyin waiting for him. As it saw Zeiol's anguish, it tried to dispel his concern with a relaxing scent, but to no avail, assuming a battle stance soon after. For some reason, it didn't seem as if Shaymin was anywhere near as strong as Platine, which made Zeiol second guess himself briefly, but he continued all the same. Its Magical Leaf was elusive yet enchanting, striking for minimal damage as Flash Cannon took off half its health. Not wanting to take his chances and prove to Arceus that he shouldn't be messed with, Zeiol commands Hyper Beam. The devastating attack strikes Shaymin, as it's defeated. It glows in a bright light, healing itself up a bit with Synthesis, then sorrowfully looked at Zeiol yet again, seeing how much he was hurting but realized that he couldn't be stopped now. Like the other Pokemon so far, it launched a strange red orb at the Pokeradar, which seemed to remove all of the impurities that the Azure Chain had accumulated up to this point. In doing so, it fled into the depths of Flower Paradise, never to be seen again. Zeiol contemplates the consequences of his actions, but justifies it saying that he'd do anything to get his team back. As he begins the trek to Canalave, he realizes how long Seabreak Path is; it's even longer than Cycling Road! What's the minimum number of steps Zeiol needs to take to get from Flower Paradise to Route 224? [
257 / 257 steps]
30) 449. Zeiol misses the infinite conveniences of Fly, but is in no mood to catch yet another Pokemon and end up unable to spend time with it. After a gruelling journey, he finally makes it back to Canalave city, having not forgotten Arceus' words in the void. "Surely, this would be it. Surely, everything would go back to normal when it was all over..right?", he thought. As he was looking around the city to see where to use the Member's Card, a certain building in the north seemed notably visible. While before, the sign outside was too faded to read, it was somehow perfectly legible, describing it as the Harbor Inn. What does this sign describe the Harbor Inn as? [
a roost for restless sailors]
31) 450. Zeiol uses the Member Card and enters the forbidden lodge. He's greeted by a shady proprietor who insists that Zeiol had a reservation there for a very long time, and that he'd have a great rest here, cackling ominously. Having no better leads, Zeiol throws caution to the winds and takes a nap. However, he seems enveloped in pain; fearing that he'll lose even Platine too, being unable to bond with Pokemon again! As the visions of Pokemon vanish from his eyes, he wakes up from the nightmare to see himself nowhere in the inn, but rather on a strange island. It didn't seem very large, so Zeiol decided to carefully explore. As he notices the only clearing within, he heads deeper. All he sees is a strange being, ethereal of red and black. Assuming this to be the Darkrai he was looking for, Zeiol sends out Platine with no warning. Darkrai seems a bit disappointed at Zeiol's demeanor. Rather than trying to battle Zeiol, it tried to convince him that living within a dream forever would be a better choice; even showing him visions of having fun with his own Pokemon! However, Zeiol's grief from earlier was unshaken as he broke free from the hypnosis in tears, commanding Platine to attack with Flash Cannon. Darkrai was disappointed yet again, using a combination of Hypnosis and Nightmare to immobilize Platine, as it continually inflicted residual damage from the shadows. Assume Darkrai used Hypnosis, put Platine to sleep, and then used Nightmare. In this case, if Platine stayed asleep for 4 turns in total, how much HP would it have at the end of the 4th turn given its held item, assuming Darkrai didn't attack at all? (express this as a % of max hp) [
32) 451. The Hypnosis and Nightmare combo is devastatingly effective, and shockingly Platine faints despite the level advantage! Zeiol is stupefied as he didn't expect this to happen; the old him would have paid strict attention to the HP bars, but his mind was elsewhere, not focussing on strategy at this point. Reluctantly, he sent out Vaporeon as his only other Pokemon, who cowered at the sight of Darkrai. Zeiol felt terribly guilty in forcing it to battle, as it too fell to Pursuit, while Platine was brought back to battle with a Max Revive. This second wind is all Zeiol needs, as Platine is able to dodge successive Hypnosis attacks and land a KO with Flash Cannon and Hyper Beam. Darkrai readied its arm at Zeiol as if for a final attack, but launched the same familiar red orb at him, then disappeared into the murky darkness soon after. Immediately after this, Zeiol fell faint and collapsed, waking up soon after back in the Harbor Inn. The recent experience was terrifying; if Platine hadn't equipped its Sitrus Berry earlier, then it would have lost, leaving Zeiol eternally stuck in the nightmare. If this had happened earlier with less negativity, the nightmare would be easier to escape. Perhaps nightmares were truly less potent in times long past? In a beta version of Gold and Silver, Nightmare did this much damage per turn that was not 1/4th of the user’s max HP. Express this as a fraction in the lowest possible form (if you have 2/6 then answer 1/3, etc) [
33) 452. Finally, as Zeiol's done with both Darkrai and Shaymin, he exits the Harbor Inn. Before Zeiol can plan his next destination, the sixteen plates begin resonating with the Pokeradar yet again, and emit a strange white light, enveloping the device. As he slowly backs away in shock, the Pokeradar had fallen to the ground, seeming to be reverted to an earlier state - a small red blob affixed to the scarlet-tinted device. However, alongside it, a small bluish-purple artefact falls to the ground as well. The old Zeiol would have been clueless, but since his visits to other worlds, he knew where to go for the final showdown - Mt. Coronet, where the newly acquired item would play a crucial role. What was this item? [
34) 453. With the possibility of battling Arceus yet again, possibly never to return, Zeiol makes sure to say his goodbyes, to everyone he knew, as well as his remaining Pokemon - all of whom were very puzzled at the strange situation but promised that it was all ok, reassuring him. Platine in particular was missing the friends it had spent just a short time with, and was equally geared to getting them back, no matter what, evolving into Metagross. With determination, he ascends the hallowed peak, reaching Spear Pillar in no time. It almost seemed nostalgic the last time he was here, the intense battles with Cyrus and Palkia, and the Pokeradar's supposed inactivation all coming full circle now. Spear Pillar didn't seem any different though, so Zeiol took out the Azure Flute, and played it. Despite no musical expertise, a haunting melody left the flute's mouth, compelling him to keep playing. From that point on, even Zeiol couldn't keep track of time anymore and had no clue when it was interrupted by a flash of light, and a transparent staircase appearing. Wordlessly, he ascended it, and was breathtaken by the sights he saw; the higher he climbed, the more the realm looked divine, and the less it looked like Sinnoh. The ethereal feeling was almost as if he was going into another dimension. As he reaches the top, he finally sees the true form of the creature he'd met in the void so long ago, Arceus. Wordlessly, both got into a battle stance. Because Zeiol rushed to the Spear Pillar with minimal training, he had to expend a substantial amount of supplies to ensure Platine didn't faint. Eventually, Arceus was captured in a Timer Ball, but Zeiol noticed the faintest of smiles on its face; an ominous feeling. Despite seeming to be omnipotent, why did it feel as if there were some things that it could not do? Arceus cannot learn these moves by TM, which can raise a stat when used. [
bulkup rockpolish steelwing]
35) 454. Even as he looks back to Arceus' Pokeball, reality seems to be substantially warping. The malicious deity had lied; the shackles of the black mist on the original 23 were as strong as ever, now even spreading to Platine's Pokeball and sealing it as well. It seemed risky to send them out into battle, let alone withdraw them from the PC, as something felt wrong. Perhaps it was the wrong choice to try and tame the origin of everything. Zeiol anticipated that this might all be part of the Alpha Pokemon's plan to turn him into this "progenitor", no matter what he did. He sensed that he still had a few hours left until the zero epoch, and quickly debated what he could do. Remembering that Arceus was not perfect gave him a quick idea. In the interim, he reluctantly decided to try out Arceus' power in battle to better gauge its tendencies and weaknesses. It was somehow astonishing how it drew power from its held item and changed types, making it a truly adaptable opponent. Holding any of these items would give Arceus a boost to its STAB attacks when it held them with no drawbacks, whilst it had only one weakness. [
silkscarf zapplate]
36) 455. Finally, the distortions around Arceus' Pokeball were growing larger and larger, Zeiol even noticed he was falling back in time, ever so slighty, with the world remaining stable for a short time after the time loop. He noticed his past self climbing Mt. Coronet just a few hours ago, catching Priso on a honey tree, and battling the hordes of Galactic grunts; it all seemed too surreal as he begged Arceus to turn things back to normal, but to no avail. As the world seemed to stabilize for a moment, Zeiol didn't have any idea of how far back he'd gotten. It was only a matter of time until the next distortion took him to a time and place far before the age of anyone he knew - to an era when even Sinnoh might not have existed! He was truly distraught; there was absolutely no plan he could think of that'd let him get out of this predicament. Before any further disruptions occurred, Zeiol looked up at the entrance of the building he'd just warped to - it was a place he'd visited only once and obtained a HM from. What locations could Zeiol have been sent to? [
great marsh lost tower]
37) 456. Still wearing his haggard look, Zeiol carefully looked around Pastoria to see if anyone was watching him. As his attention was diverted for a split second, he was caught up in another distortion created by Arceus. This one was particularly fierce, teleporting Zeiol to a place that didn't even seem to be Sinnoh! It seemed to be a catastrophically tall mountain - with the bottom nowhere to be seen. As he was about to recoil in fear and descend, Zeiol noticed a majestic, red-winged Pokemon looking down at him from the sky, approaching him rapidly. With only Arceus in his party, running away wasn't an option. After an arduous battle, the Mysterious Pokemon is caught with an Ultra Ball. With that, Arceus opens up another distortion, hurling Zeiol through it. This sequence of events repeats time and time again, teleporting him to the same location each time, with Zeiol's senses and supplies wearing thin. After the event's repeated six times, Arceus decides to change tune and teleport Zeiol back to his home world. As he landed, he realized he was back at Pal Park - the orange roof was distinctive. Each of the mysterious Pokemon he'd spent hours catching were in his possession, but it didn't seem like they were in his party. Still, Zeiol broke into tears from the terrifying experience, barely holding himself together to enter Pal Park, the weight of the world upon his shoulders. He barely had time to process this as Arceus' telepathy took control of him, sending him into Pal Park and requesting these Pokeballs to be used in a catching show. As the starting shot fired and the show commenced, Zeiol took one last look at the world he'd grown to know and love, but only for a split second. With Arceus directing Zeiol to proceed to a specific area of Pal Park, it followed slowly behind, gathering its powers into creating a larger distortion. Answer with the location that Zeiol was teleported to by Arceus, and then the area of Pal Park that he travelled to. [
navelrock mountain]
38) 457. As Zeiol was stepped into the mountainous grass with a Ho-oh drawing near, Arceus' eyes glew a brilliant green, as it smiled, threw up a portal in front of Zeiol, and commanded him to enter the portal, as it followed behind. The world seemed to freeze all of a sudden, binding Zeiol. As his feet were dragged along, the new world he saw looked terribly hostile, with two menacing horse-like Pokemon staring back from the abyss, and he wished there was a way out of this, hoping that someone, anyone would save him. As he reached the portal's entrance and looked back at his world one last time, a powerful surge of electricity emanated from the Pokeradar, briefly stunning the nearby Arceus and knocking Zeiol backwards, out of its control. In turn, this damaged the portal, altering its intended destination. Arceus was quicker to recover than Zeiol, but did not rush to fix this. It was somehow recoiling in surprise from looking at him - was it perhaps seeing a mirage? Zeiol still was clueless on what to do, as the Pokeradar affixed itself back to his bag and dragged him into the portal, with Arceus barely managing to follow the two. As it did so, the last thing Zeiol remembered seeing was an odd red object striking Arceus with a stronger electric flare, as the pressure rendered him unconscious. Before his thoughts faded to nothingness, he reminisced about his adventures one last time. Truly, his team gave meaning to his journey, and all of them made for lovely companions. Paleo's jolly nature and tendency to be easily entertained left a final happy memory, as Zeiol wondered what would happen to him now, accepting his fate. What was Paleo's characteristic? [
good perseverance / something you have if you got this far :)]