Scavengers Ladder Cycles

We have a new top 3! In first place is Soft Flex with 62 points, in second is LJB14 with 60 points and in third is Teutonic✠Squire with 55 points. I wonder where the rest of the ladder is?
1Soft Flex62
17yeet dab xd17
23J poke J12
26Purple Gummi9
33Ibuki Miod7
39quack the sire6
44aerial gundam5
44The Benz Mafia5
44toxic boosted5
55pisxel ☆3
55NewsDan ^-^3
55kvothe the red3
62Turt Lek2
62RBY Sommelier2
73dot Comfey1
73tl the legend1
73Gundam Caliburn1
73Gwynt ^-^1
73a staff1
73Dark Koopatrol1
73Aerial Area Rug1
July's twist is Calendar: Every day has a pre-specified theme that the officials of that day will follow. Mini-officials will specify in advance if the twist applies to them. Check out the calendar to get the jump on the July Ladder.

Additionally the Community Odyssey will be starting later this month lots to do this month.
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mini roundup

1st place: bubidajeffery [01:00].
2nd place: blazeofvictory [01:52].
3rd place: 1hfkqhwhrelk [02:19].
Consolation Prize: dot Comfey [03:20], boredgort [07:28], AndrewThePenguin [07:55], tokensnack [08:37], Menace02 [11:22], Teutonic✠Squire! [13:40], fifi1105 [16:17], p^_^okemonvortex. [21:31], TheFieryMoth [27:45], aerial gundam [01:04:37], Dark Koopatrol [01:24:07], yeet dab xd [03:01:57], fearfire22 [03:44:58], penguind [04:22:50]

1st place: LJB14 [01:20].
2nd place: lalajsh3 [03:33].
3rd place: ghostchimpdamage [04:14].
Consolation Prize: BubidaJeffery! [04:37], Devoxys [07:21], Teutonic✠Squire! [20:27], wiiiu [43:58], battler444 [01:04:27], tokensnack [02:08:08], aerial gundam [02:11:13], p0ip0le [02:12:00], GoldFishFrogs [02:14:08], Menace02 [02:18:01], penguind [02:31:45], fearfire22 [02:55:30], Purple Gummi [03:06:51], Istil [03:18:25], boredgort [03:19:05], yeet dab xd [03:33:28], quack the sire [03:58:50], zapapico [04:04:53], TheAura [05:01:03], WarriorGallade [05:21:11], jojja [05:59:29], Asxier [06:09:39], Sabby60>!!> [06:32:16], ToxicGamer329 [07:22:01], siang [10:53:28], ZachyPaige [12:57:23]

Last mini roundup can be found here.
Hosted a Glitches & Beta Official on July 2nd, 5 P.M. EDT (9 P.M. GMT).

Thanks to WarriorGallade and Devoxys for QC'ing.

1st place: Computerwizard8800
2nd place: TheAu ra
3rd place: yeet dab xd
4th place: Teutonic✠Squire!

This Pokémon was slated to appear on an in-game card but ultimately does not in the final release of Pokémon Gold and Silver.|Porygon
Due to an oversight, this item can be used to achieve max friendship of a Pokémon, making it the earliest (in terms of game progression) possible method across all games.|Potion
This is the first game where it was possible to see "Pokémon" (as opposed to "POKéMON") in in-game text (without the use of ACE or other methods to overwrite existing text), albeit only via cheating.|Pokémon Trading Card Game;Pokemon Trading Card Game
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Formally hosted an Odyssey with the theme of Characters for 10th July, 1pm UTC.

Thanks to aQrator and Teutonic Squire for the QCs!

1st place: siang [09:59].
2nd place: Sabby60>!!> [14:39].
3rd place: EggsAndBaconAndHam [14:53].
4th place: Purple Gummi [26:43].
5th place: WarriorGallade [28:34].
Consolation Prize: saltvik [32:27], wallape [35:20], TheMapleLeafeons17 [01:02:36], AndrewThePenguin [01:03:25], bubidajeffery [02:07:43]


You're hearing voices. Who do they belong to? (Answer with the character that the quote is attributed to. For the purpose of the meta question, this question is not part of the puzzle. Answer 'Begin' to proceed.)Begin
" about something low key? Maybe...something like Big <player's name's first letter>-kins..."Trevor
"That's my Cram-o-matic, and—just to be clear—it's the invention of the century!"Hyde
"Oh, yes, what was Mr.Pokémon's big discovery?"Elm ; Professor Elm
"My Pokémon is an excellent healer."Cheryl
"After all, Charizard is a Dragon-type Pokemon"Iris
"I think it's time I brought about the Darkest Day."Rose
"Don't act so haughty."Cara Liss
"The coming of this day... Perhaps I’ve been looking forward to it."Uxie
"Strength ebbs and flows in an endless cycle."Mustard
"Such a plebeian, and yet so pushy."Sordward
"Well, you learn a lot from being a Pokémon Watcher."Tracey ; Tracey Sketchit
"Please. Defeat me."AI Sada ; AI Turo
"It looks no different from before, but we both know this name is vastly superior!"Name Rater
"Are you the reason?"Cynthia
"You can do it, Ball Guy!"Elio
"It's like six degrees of Pokémon separation!"Samson Oak
"For example, we thought Gigantamax Lapras' shell was part of its body, but it's not, as it has a logarithmic spiral structure inside." Oleana
"Hey, listen, you! If that Volkner tries to sell you on Electric-type Pokémon, ignore him! You have to go with Fire-type Pokémon. It's the way of the future!"Flint
"I just had a double shot of espresso"Old man
"That's an ugly formula!"N
"Basically, I turn people's dreams into reality."Elesa
"All those shining stars at night are the stones I'll never get to know..."Steven
"Hah! You'd better have Burn Heal!"Blaine
"Newbie_Trainer_01 asks..."Iono
"You're late, Leon. I thought you ran off with your tail between your legs!"Raihan
"For I am the greatest living mystery of a man in all of Hoenn!"Trick Master
"Mighty Dialga gave us all the gift of time, and I want to see its real power in battle!"Adaman
"You completed the Alola Pokedex!"Rotom ; Rotom Pokedex
"This is Valerie"Erika
"For my part, I simply found myself one day here in Hisui, a region whose name I'd never heard... All I could remember was my own name."Ingo
"I've got a TYRANITAR I'm going to send out. It's tougher than even my dad's AGGRON!"Roark
"...... ...... Words are unnecessary!"Red
"I lost together with Ingo."Emmet
" I will never forgive you for stealing Cosmog from me. Never!"Lusamine
"うん…… まあね…… だいたいで なんとなく だけど。 このまち って おそとに いると いろんな くにの ことばで おはなし してるのが きこえるから いつのまにか おぼえちゃったの。"Emma
"Almighty Arceus, if you have any heart within you, then tell me..."Volo
"I'm no longer your master. I've abandoned the queen, and the kingdom. I'll never return."Aaron ; Sir Aaron
"I'm so happy that I can have a real battle with my own child."Norman
[Meta] Who has been sending you these quotes from the beginning? Mewtwo
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Hosted a Contest-themed fish on July 3rd @ 9 AM EDT
this hunt was quite a menace it seems

shouts to aQrator & WarriorGallade for QCing

1st place: Menace02 [01:36:29].

1) All questions refer to a North American copy of Pokemon Emerald in 2023 - that is, with no events or communicating with other Gen 3 games. After becoming Champion, I'd like to try out some contests. First, I head to Lilycove City. To make the best solo Pokeblocks, I talk to someone who would avoid ruining five certain blends by using these weaker Berries. (alpha) Cornn, Magost, Nomel, Rabuta, Tamato / Cornn Berry, Magost Berry, Nomel Berry, Rabuta Berry, Tamato Berry
2) With the Blend Master's help, I make the spiciest Pokeblocks I can. To maximize my optimal appeal for those Contests, I’ll need a certain combination of moves. To that end, I catch these three Pokemon: one to be my contest prodigy, and the other two because they can pass said moves to it at the lowest level. (alpha) Machop, Nincada, Smeargle (The combination was Mind Reader + Submission)
3) After some hypothetical hard work and dedication, Smeargle is a Cool Contest star - just not a Super one. After fully completing the game, I insert Emerald into my DS and transfer my Pokemon and Berries to Platinum. But for Sinnoh's Contests, I'll need to make some Poffins - this time, with communications. Using only the Berries I could obtain in Emerald, I make the highest-level Poffin possible in exactly 60 seconds: level 86. List the four Berries used alphabetically. Lansat, Liechi, Starf, Watmel / Lansat Berry, Liechi Berry, Starf Berry, Watmel Berry
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Also hosting an official this Thursday, July 6th at 14:00 UTC (7am PDT, 10am EDT 16:00 CET, 19:30 IST)

Thanks to deftinwolf and dot Comfey for their QCs!

The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: BubidaJeffery! [04:00].
2nd place: LJB14 [04:10].
3rd place: siang [05:05].
4th place: ChaosNinjaGaming [14:51].
5th place: sananaskanana [24:46].
Consolation Prize: TheAura [27:07], Sabby60>!!> [33:38], Asxier [35:18], Ibuki Miod [43:46]

Thanks for playing! Hope you come back again soon for UGO!

1) In Pokémon Puzzle Challenge, defeating a beauty rewards you with this Pokémon. [Sentret]
2) When playing a puzzle that looks that looks like this image <>, you are playing as this Pokémon. [Totodile]
3) By inputting a long sequence of specific button presses, you can play as this character in Marathon or Garbage mode. [Lip]
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Hosted a merchandise-themed fish today, and I think it had the best difficulty scaling of all of my recent fishes. Thanks to dot Comfey and TurtalKatThing for the QC.

The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: blazeofvictory [10:30].
2nd place: siang [11:41].
3rd place: LJB14 [12:27].
4th place: bubidajeffery [19:48].
5th place: Sabby60>!!> [23:48].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire! [51:40], yeet dab xd [01:06:58], Ibuki Miod [01:16:20], RokaDaBoss [01:24:11], Menace02 [01:49:47], theaura [01:54:19], Krossfade [02:31:47], Qui-Gon the Flygon [02:31:57], Computerwizard8800 [02:46:39]

1) On this date (format as DD-MM-YYYY), Sandshrew was announced to be the ambassador to Japan's Tottori prefecture. [06-12-2018 / 6-12-2018]
2) If you went to the coordinates {34 degrees, 51 minutes North, 134 degrees, 32 minutes East}, then these are all of the Pokemon you can find at the manholes. (alpha) [aromatisse bayleef cloyster gastrodon lugia]
3) Poké Lids aren't a one-off thing! As part of the campaign that introduced them, a bunch of other Pokemon related merchandise was created. The image attached details one such piece of merch. What's the english text in the image below, indicated by the red question mark? [curry udon]
4) But why stop at just merch? As part of the same campaign, you could obtain a pack of chips with both forms of Exeggutor on the cover in a gift bag. However, obtaining it when it was first released would need you to be in a vehicle. If you obtained the chips this way, then what is the registration of the vehicle you'd be in? [JA803X / JA812X]
Hosted an incognito official on July 9, 2023 at 22:00 UTC. QCed by aQrator and WarriorGallade.

1st place: EggsAndBaconAndHam [17:50].
2nd place: Lambdaryllis [31:16].
3rd place: Purple Gummi [48:21].
4th place: fearfire22 [01:14:16].
5th place: Dratios [01:15:14].
Consolation Prize: bubidajeffery [01:42:03], Computerwizard8800 [01:42:22], MyanMario [01:46:46], AndrewThePenguin [01:52:22], siang [02:48:11], p0ip0le [03:00:46], Soft Flex [03:07:31], tokensnack [03:08:11]

1) This is the only Pokemon whose game of origin must be Pokemon GO. [Meltan]
2) This Pokemon cannot be obtained as shiny in Pokemon GO, but its evolved form can be obtained as shiny. [Chingling]
3) As of 2022, after transferring from Pokemon GO, this Pokemon can be obtained as level 1, as a male, or as a shiny, but not all three at the same time (when females could satisfy the other conditions). [Jellicent]
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Hosted (with the authority of Devoxys) a Gen V official exactly 30 minutes after UGO starts, on July 8th, 00:30 GMT, 8:30 EDT, 03:30 GMT+3. Thanks a lot computerwizard8800 and Devoxys for QC.

The official scavenger hunt by OHKOff⁇ was ended automatically.
1st place: penguind [19:30].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [35:01].
3rd place: LJB14 [36:06].
4th place: BubidaJeffery! [46:33].
5th place: Menace02 [01:51:05].
Consolation Prize: Teutonic✠Squire! [01:58:03], Illusio [02:00:32], p0ip0le [02:17:24]

1) In a playthrough of Pokémon Black, this is the earliest location that the player can have a Pokémon with both Surf and Fly, without requiring an Internet/Infrared connection. [Twist Mountain]
2) In one of the first three discs of the Pokémon Black 2 & Pokémon White 2: Super Music Collection, there is a short track that only plays when six Pokémon of a certain species are brought together to the same location (Only one of these Pokémon needs to be provided by the player). Name the required Pokémon species first, then name the location the track plays in B2W2. You do not need to listen to the track itself to solve this question. [Tympole, Opelucid City]
3) In Generation V, there are a handful of Pokémon that are hit neutrally by only one type each, excluding abilities. Among these Pokémon, ignore the existence of the one with the highest Speed stat. Then, alphabetically list every location in Generation V main games that the player can obtain such a Pokémon before the post-game, without requiring an Internet/Infrared connection. [Chargestone Cave, Virbank Complex]

1) You can catch Ducklett on Charizard Bridge, then you can get the Fly HM at Driftveil City, and then you can get the Surf HM at Twist Mountain.
2) The track's name is "Tympole Choir", and it plays in Opelucid City when you take a Tympole to a guy inside a house with five Tympole. Here's a video.
3) Only Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone qualify with their Electric/Steel typing. They're only neutral to Water.
Pokéstar Studios opponents are canonically not Pokémon, so Pokéstar MT2 does not count. Thus, Magneton is the Pokémon to be excluded.
In BW, the only way to get a Magnemite is to catch it in White Forest (which is post-game), and its evolutions can't be found. Thus, you cannot obtain any member of the Magnemite line before post-game in BW.
In B2W2, you can catch Magnemite at Virbank Complex, while you can catch Magnezone at P2 Laboratory (which is post-game).
You can obtain Magneton by evolving a Magnemite with a Rare Candy anywhere. That's why Magneton is excluded.
However, you can only evolve Magneton in Chargestone Cave, which is the only way to obtain a Magnezone before the post-game.
In B2W2, breeding is post-game only, so you cannot just breed a Mag with Ditto and hatch the egg anywhere before the post-game.
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Reserving a Gen 9 Official for Sunday, July 16th at 12 noon UTC! QCs by deftinwolf and WarriorGallade. See you there!
I was late and hosted it instead on July 18th at 4am UTC :P

Congrats to the winners!
1st place: Computerwizard8800 [03:37].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [05:16].
3rd place: Teutonic✠Squire! [09:10].
4th place: penguind [09:41].
5th place: p0ip0le [10:49].
Consolation Prize: siang [12:57], Ibuki Miod [23:53], Menace02 [55:43], Dratios [01:37:21]

1) A book written by a known character can be found in the Academy's bookshelves, which is a version of this key item from a previous generation. [Sonia's Book]
2) A character in the Academy gifts the player a Pokemon whose evolution does not have a Pokedex entry. Assuming that they caught the Pokemon in the wild without any raid battles, name all locations in all mainseries games they could have caught this Pokemon. [Galar Route 4 / Route 4]
3) During the story of SV, Director Clavell asks the player what "cheugy" means. This changes in other languages. In German, if the player replies that the word means "toll" (great), he uses the word to describe this. [Weather / Wetter / The weather / Das Wetter]
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Hosted the Gen 4 fish today as part of the calendar twist. Thanks to aq and teut for the QCs.

The official scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [30:12].
2nd place: Elgino [01:48:22].
3rd place: penguind [02:31:54].

1) Visiting this location could allow you to receive email. [gts / global terminal]
2) You've got mail! Well no, you got a Nosepass instead. To have a Nosepass be able to OHKO an opposing Drifblim on the first turn of (single) battle, moving first, without a crit, and without moves calling other moves, you would need to have some Pokemon with you to perform some prior setup. Assume max stats, and you can use held items. Consider all of the Pokemon usable, and answer with the highest BST Pokemon you can use for each step in this setup if you do not involve NPC movesets at all. (alpha) [aggron ditto probopass salamence smeargle / aggron ditto probopass salamence]
Explanation: The only move that can OHKO under these conditions without a crit is Head Smash. Now, Nosepass can't learn that move legally, but it is an egg move. This is where you use the Rage glitch to ensure a Ditto inherits both Head Smash and Rage from an Aggron and Salamence respectively (with a Smeargle optionally copying the moves). Putting this Ditto in the Daycare with a female Probopass gets you your smashing compass.
3) Within DPPt, there is exactly one trainer who can have all the IVs for one of their Pokemon be different values when they battle you. What are all the moves known by that Pokemon? (alpha) [firepunch gigaimpact quickattack thunderpunch]
Hosted a Colosseum/XD official for the calendar on July 12th @ 8:00 PM EDT. ty TeutonicSquire & computerwizard8800 for QCing!

1st place: Devoxys [24:05].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [34:53].
3rd place: omegaxl [01:34:30].
4th place: Ibuki Miod [01:51:20].
5th place: penguind [04:40:57].

1) Use alphabetical order for all questions that require multiple answers. An unused music file in Pokemon XD contains the name of this song which peaked #1 on the US Billboard Hot 100. Dancing Queen
2) These Shadow Pokemon are unable to be caught the first time they are seen in battle. Hitmontop, Nosepass, Zangoose
3) Every Shadow Pokemon able to be snagged in these locations were fully-evolved at the time, but received an evolution in a later generation. Outskirt Stand, The Under Subway
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Hosted the abilities official today with Deftinwolf.

QCd by WarriorGallade and TeutonicSquire. Big thanks to both!

The official scavenger hunt by deftinwolf and aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: EggsAndBaconAndHam [04:16].
2nd place: bubidajeffery [09:49].
3rd place: LJB14 [16:25].
4th place: Elgino [29:25].
5th place: siang [01:00:58].
Consolation Prize: yeet dab xd [01:13:57], TheMapleLeafeons17 [01:34:39], Ibuki Miod [01:35:37]

1) These five Pokémon always have their mainline ability in Rumble World. List alphabetically, use PS formatting. [Groudon-Primal, Kyogre-Primal, Rayquaza-Mega, Regigigas, Shedinja]
2) At 11 total Pokémon, this is the most common ability that is always the first ability of Pokémon with 3 abilities. [hyper cutter]
3) In three games only, this fully evovled Pokémon had no weaknesses thanks to its abilities. [Bronzong]
I hosted the UGO TriVengers Collaboration Event! This consisted of a Trivia official and a Scavenger official, which were QCed by aQrator (scav), Tapler (scav and triv) and shadowsirens (triv).

Players first participated in a Trivia official, which revealed 29 key answers which were required to then solve the Scavenger hunt!

Congrats to the winners!
Trivia Official
The scores for the last Trivia game are: fishsmurfaccount (69), brotorterra (66), siang (64), 1hfkqhwhrelk (63), notater517 (59), omegaxl (54), yeetdabxd (50), fearfire22 (49), wafflesnorlax (49), menace02 (46), penguind (42), falcon2703 (35), larseid (29), ghostchimpdamage (6), lettuceleaf07 (4), ibukimiod (0), toxic329ai (0), supergod2 (0), holocryptid (0)

Scavenger Official
1st place: bro._.torterra [01:21:13].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [01:43:30].
3rd place: Snow Forme Shaymin [01:44:00].
4th place: Menace02 [01:50:29].
5th place: Teutonic✠Squire! [01:59:05].
Consolation Prize: fearfire22 [02:12:07], penguind [02:47:00]

1The facility owned by Scott in Emerald rewards these as prizes for defeating certain characters.Symbol, Battle Frontier Symbol, Frontier Symbol
2This is the largest number that can be found in a move, Max move or Z-move.10000000, ten million
3Homer wrote this Greek epic detailing the eponymous warrior's journey home after the Trojan War.Odyssey, The Odyssey
4This move only obtainable from Event Pokemon doubles the prize money earned from a battle.Happy Hour
5This Dungeons and Dragons stat affects combat initiative, armor class and saving throws.Dexterity
6This Attack stat-boosting ability used to activate when the user uses a move that thaws it out.Guts
7This is the only Pokemon who gains an evolution in Gen 9 that requires an item to evolve.Bisharp
8This is the only Eeveelution without a type advantage over any other Eeveelution.Espeon
9This Pokemon has the largest number of unique sprites.Spinda
10This Taylor Swift album features the songs "Blank Space", "Shake It Off" and "Bad Blood".1989
11The Disney Princess Merida debuted in this movie.Brave
12In Deadpool 2, Ryan Reynolds also did motion capture and voicing for this character that rips Deadpool in half.Juggernaut
13The second T in TFT, Riot Games' auto-battler game, stands for this.Tactics
14According to the Pokedex, this Pokemon sleeps for 1,000 years and wakes for 7 days.Jirachi
15This LC Pokemon can have a higher effective Attack stat than its evolution, thanks to its hidden ability.Rufflet
16The flags of Cuba, Puerto Rico and Thailand all have this many stripes.5, five
17This Gen 4 Pokemon's name contains the name of a Gen 6 character who owns an unobtainable Pokemon form.Azelf
18The only Pokemon to have its national Pokedex number match its Base Stat Total has this Pokedex number.567
19The Canadian flag features a maple leaf with this many points.11, eleven
20These are the main collectible in Super Smash Bros Ultimate's Adventure mode, which can be left at the Gym or Dojo to level them up or improve their stats.Spirits, Spirit
21This is the smallest number after 1 that is both a perfect square and a perfect cube.64, sixty four
22This is the atomic number of helium.2, two
23This term can refer to either a yoga or gymnastics position, or with Banana, an ice cream dessert.Split, Splits
24This legendary Pokemon can be found at Lake Acuity in all the Sinnoh games.Uxie
25This SPECIAL stat in Fallout 4 has perks such as Four Leaf Clover and Critical Banker.Luck
26This 2012 Peter Berg film which was partially shot on the USS Missouri stars Taylor Kitsch as Lieutenant Alex Hopper.Battleship
27Intimidate, Slush Rush and Misty Surge are all examples of this.Ability, Abilities
28Epistemology is the branch of philosophy that concerns this.Knowledge
29A Neapolitan-flavoured ice cream contains chocolate, strawberry and this flavour.Vanilla
30I hope you remember the answers to each question and their question numbers! Now go to Scavengers and complete the hunt! (This question's answer is GO!)GO!

Question 2 of the Scavenger hunt consisted of a puzzle, and the rest of the hunt was for submitting the solution to said puzzle!
The mascots have been playing some UGO games! Can you figure out who's playing what game, what item they possess, and how many UGO points they have?

  1. There are 7 Game Room Mascots.
  2. Each Mascot is playing a game representing a Game Room. Each Game Room only has one game.
  3. Each Mascot possesses a [1].
  4. Each Mascot has a different amount of UGO points. This is on a leaderboard, where the Pokemon with most points is on top.
  5. No Mascot is playing in the room that they represent.
  6. Between [14] and the Pokemon playing [12], one has [2] points and the other has the [13] [1].
  7. Between [17] and the Pokemon with the [27] [1], one has [10] points and the other is playing [3].
  8. Between the Pokemon playing [26] and [4], one has [22] points and the other has [21] points.
  9. [15] has less points than the Pokemon playing [5].
  10. [8] has more points than [9] and the Pokemon with the [6] [1].
  11. [7] is not playing [23] as it is a slow typer.
  12. [9] is not playing [29].
  13. Between the Gen 5 Pokemon, the one with the [11] [1] has more UGO points than the other.
  14. The Pokemon with [22] and [16] points were introduced in consecutive generations.
  15. The Pokemon with [16] points has the same number of letters in its name as the symbol it owns.
  16. [17] and [24] have an odd number of UGO points.
  17. The Pokemon with [19] points starts with the same letter as the symbol it owns.
  18. The Pokemon with the [20] [1] has more than [16] points.
  19. The Pokemon playing [29] has more points than the Pokemon with the [25] [1].
  20. The [26] player does not have the [13] [1].
  21. The top 3 on the leaderboard consist of [7], the [3] player, and the Pokemon with the [27] [1].
  22. The Pokemon with [18] points has the [28] [1].
  23. The [5] and [29] players are adjacent to each other on the UGO leaderboard.
  24. The Gen 3 Pokemon are adjacent to each other on the leaderboard.
  25. The Pokemon playing a game named after a move does not have the [1] that shares its name with an [27].
  26. The Pokemon with the [6] [1] is not last on the UGO leaderboard.
  27. Exactly three Pokemon that share one type are in consecutive places on the UGO leaderboard.
  28. The Pokemon with the [20] [1] is directly below the holder of the [13] [1] on the leaderboard.

1/startofficialhunt aegii|Welcome to the UGO Scavengers-Trivia collaboration hunt! This hunt will not be solvable without answers from the <<trivia>> subcat official, happening at (time)! A link containing the subcat questions will be edited into this question when the subcat has ended. /scavenge the answer to the last Trivia fish question to proceed!GO!
2 The mascots have been playing some UGO games! Can you figure out who's playing what game, what item they possess, and how many UGO points they have? /scavenge YES to continue.YES
3Which four subcat **answers** match with [7]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Bisharp, Juggernaut, Brave, 10,000,000
4Which four subcat **answers** match with [8]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Espeon, Splits, Ability, 1989
5Which four subcat **answers** match with [9]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Spinda, Dexterity, Spirits, 11
6Which four subcat **answers** match with [14]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Jirachi, Happy Hour, Tactics, 64
7Which four subcat **answers** match with [15]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Rufflet, Battleship, Luck, 2
8Which four subcat **answers** match with [17]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Azelf, Odyssey, Knowledge, 567
9Which four subcat **answers** match with [24]? Answer in the order Pokemon, Game, Symbol, Points (numerical).Uxie, Vanilla, Guts, 5

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Hosted (with the very excellent help of aQrator) a Manga official. Thanks a lot TurtalKatThing and Cwiz for the QCs and aQrator for the hosting.

The official scavenger hunt by siang was ended automatically.
1st place: bubidajeffery [08:14].
2nd place: Ibuki Miod [08:29].
3rd place: LJB14 [08:31].
4th place: Sabby60>!!> [13:59].
5th place: Elgino [16:53].
Consolation Prize: Asxier [17:30], swatswe [20:27], Pear is You [36:53], aegii [58:16], Teutonic✠Squire! [58:53]

In an official Pokemon manga, a trainer with a Wigglytuff and her 4 teammates’ Pokemon dress up in Holowear. List all 5 Holowear styles alphabetically (without style). [Beach, Bedtime, Dark Suit, Purple Unite, Wanderer]
One of the currently top 5 best selling mangas (based on Tankobon Volumes sold) of all time has some Meltan hidden in two chapters. List the series, then the English chapter titles chronologically [One Piece, Fighting Music, Joining the Fight]
List all the non Dragon type pokemon that appear in an official 4-Koma manga series about Dragon types alphabetically. [Audino, Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Horsea.]
The first July cycle has ended and in first we have LJB14 with 217 points and in second is both yeet dab xd and bubidajeffery with 212 points. Everyone else can be seen under the button
2yeet dab xd212
12Ibuki Miod89
13Purple Gummi86
14Snow Forme Shaymin68
19Soft Flex52
29quack the sire23
49toxic boosted9
52Tis i me6
52Gundam Caliburn6
60J poke J4
60kvothe the red4
68RBY Sommelier3
68Pear is You3
75Qui-Gon the Flygon2
91join qw join qw1
91Turt Lek1
91King Neodude1
91neg's an1
91punka sona1
91arch of life1
91The Benz Mafia1
The community odyssey is going on right now in treasure town, thats kinda fun but if long hunts aren't your thing we've got a quite a few more on the calendar.
Reserving an Anime-themed official for July 17th, 2023 at 7:00 pm EDT (11:00 pm UTC) (approx 10.5 hours from now).

QCs by turtalkatthing and TeutonicSquire.
1st place: Menace02 [08:43].
2nd place: bubidajeffery [14:40].
3rd place: Computerwizard8800 [17:47].
4th place: yeet dab xd [01:43:38].
5th place: p0ip0le [01:51:46].
Consolation Prize: notbuddha [01:57:15], siang [02:02:19], omega~(˘▾˘~)xl [02:29:22], tokensnack [02:51:48], toxic boosted [02:55:58], aegii [02:59:32]

1) These characters' only appearance in any Pokémon anime are artworks only found in the credits of Pokémon Hisuian Snow, (alphabetical order) [Adaman Irida Laventon Mai Palina / Adaman Irida Mai Palina Professor Laventon]
2) These are the highest ranked trainers who use Pokémon with a type not represented by any trainer's Pokémon in the Masters Eight Tournament (of characters with known World Coronation Series ranks, alphabetical order). [Hayden Kricketina Kylie / Hayden Kricketina]
3) In Pokémon Horizons, a viewer of Nidothing's livestreams states they thought they were unbeatable when their Pokémon learned this move, but Nidothing advises them to try and mix things up using Status moves. [Rock Blast]
Congrats to all finishers! Thanks again to turtalkatthing and TeutonicSquire for QCing.
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Hosted a Miscellaneous Official on July 18th, 5 P.M. EDT (9 P.M. GMT).

Thanks to deftinwolf and aQrator for QC'ing.

1st place: yeet dab xd
2nd place: LJB14
3rd place: Menace02

Moviegoers would receive a special Pokémon card for watching this movie at 109 Cinemas Nagoya while PokéPark was still in operation.|Pokémon 3D Adventure: Find Mew!;Pokémon 3D Adventure: Mew wo Sagase!;Pokemon 3D Adventure: Find Mew!;Pokemon 3D Adventure: Mew wo Sagase!
PokéPark: Fishing Rally DS was available as a demo via DS Download Play at PokéPark (during both runs) and participating Pokémon Centers and Pokémon Festa venues. The demo of this game was also available at those locations (besides Taiwan).|Pokémon Trozei;Pokémon Link;Pokemon Trozei;Pokemon Link
PokéPark had two promotional campaigns with FamilyMart during its Taiwanese run. Assuming perfect luck, this is the minimum amount of money (in NTD) needed to get all related products (i.e., trinkets + display) in both promotions.|3603 (15 reg + 10 secret magnets * $75 + $99 display+ 20 charms * 75 + $129 display)
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I'm hosting the UGO odyssey this Thursday, July 20th at noon GMT (5am PT, 8am ET, 14:00 CET, 19:30 IST)

QCs by Aegii and TeutonicSquire. Big thanks to both!

The official scavenger hunt by aQrator was ended automatically.
1st place: bubidajeffery [16:44].
2nd place: Snow Forme Shaymin [20:20].
3rd place: TheAura [46:54].
4th place: yeet dab xd [01:01:43].
5th place: WarriorGallade [02:08:52].

Thanks for playing everyone! hope you enjoyed this UGO event

1) This odyssey will show the makeup of various opposing and ally teams (in full). Give the trainer class (if any) and name of the trainer in question, specific to the instance the team is found in.Golem, Clefable, Braviary, Heracross, Snorlax [The Galaxy Team's Kamado]
2) Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam [Sabrina]
3) Doublade [Ace Trainer Cordelia]
4) Cubchoo, Larvitar [Chris]
5) Arbok, Magcargo, Aggron, Mismagius, Rhyperior, Magmortar [Darkrai]
6) Liepard, Toxicroak, Scrafty, Morpeko, Grimmsnarl [Pokemon trainer Marnie / Pokémon trainer Marnie / Gym Leader Marnie]
7) Sandile, Unfezant [Infielder Connor]
8) Venomoth, Voltorb, Golbat [Koga]
9) Pichu, Pikachu, Happiny [Pkmn breeder kahlil]
10) Grimer, Muk, Koffing, Weezing, Mewtwo, Porygon [Club Master Rick]
11) Tentacool, Tentacool, Tentacool, Tentacool, Remoraid, Staryu [Swimmer George]
12) Larvitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar [Billy]
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UGO 3 Puzzle Weekend is now over! The puzzles and solutions can be found here.

Congratulations to the following finishers:

1st place: Pepsimen Summer Mix [1:54:26] (Guishark, yaicanea, LittEleven)
2nd place: Buzzle idiots [1:56:08] (smii, xx_CBT_xx, shazamed, aliyxcia)
3rd place: Pepsimen Holiday Spice [4:22:49] (queso, aegii, 111ace111, ljb14)
4th place: team mid solo [4:34:46] (celesteeal)
5th place: team name 3 [6:36:20] (Devoxys, pokemonvortex, DarkShinyGiratina)

Consolation prizes go to:

6th place: uhh [7:35:50] (skybounds)
7th place: no clue [12:53:53] (BubidaJeffery, TeutonicSquire, Menace02, computerwizard8800, toxic boosted)
8th place: PUZZLE GANG PUZZLE GANG [17:09:52] (awa!, Add23456, Prof. Spalding, RavioliQueen, tidal otter)
9th place: praiserufflets [28:47:17] (ajhockeystar, broil, Ayia, Drookez)
10th place: team team [29:36:08] (dot Comfey, yeet dab xd, PikachuSean, TheAura, WarriorGallade)
11th place: Useless Guy Only [40:58:48] (acluous)

First solve of the hunt: Pepsimen Summer Mix solved Dated in [19:19]
Last solve of the hunt: Lilycove Ganstas solved Monochrome in [48:07:51]

First two forward-solves per puzzle:
PuzzleFirst PlaceSecond Place
DatedPepsimen Summer Mix[19:19]Buzzle idiots[23:55]
Magicpraiserufflets[2:51:16]The Rat[7:11:15]
MonochromePepsimen Summer Mix[1:32:52]team mid solo[1:38:56]
Statisticalteam mid solo[4:00:26]team name 3[6:09:17]
TriplicateBuzzle idiots[42:31]PUZZLE GANG PUZZLE GANG[1:25:24]

Other miscellaneous stats:
SolvesIncorrect GuessesMost Common Incorrect Guess# of occurrences
Monochrome1223AMOGUS and 22 other guesses1
Evolutionary Troubles (META)116ANEVERSTONETHROWAWAY2

Welcome to the Scavenger Room's upcoming UGO Event – the Puzzle Weekend! Taking place from July 22nd to 24th, this event will feature several puzzles, similar to those found in the MIT Mystery Hunt or Silph Puzzle Hunt! Participate in teams of 5 to be the first team to complete the final metapuzzle and win the competition! Huge UGO Points are on the line for the winning team!

Event Structure
The event comes in the form of a puzzle hunt, where teams compete to solve puzzles. The hunt consists of six puzzles, five of which are stand-alone and can be solved without input from any of the other puzzles. The last puzzle is a metapuzzle, meaning it will take input from the solutions of the other five puzzles, so be prepared! This event is targeted at beginner solvers and as such will feature fairly straightforward puzzles.

The puzzle hunt will kick off with the puzzles being released at 14:00 UTC on Saturday, July 22nd, 2023. It will run for 48 hours and conclude at 14:00 UTC on Monday, July 24th, 2023. Alternatively, here is a countdown timer so you can track the event time more easily.

After 24 hours have elapsed, every team will receive 2 hints, these hints will be either a nudge towards the correct direction or correcting a mistake you've made!

Prizes for this event will be awarded in the form of points toward the currently ongoing Ultimate Gaming Olympics 3 (UGO3).

UGO points will be awarded (per member) as follows:
  • 20 points for each regular puzzle solved
  • 50 points for solving the metapuzzle
  • +150 point bonus for the winning team
  • +120 point bonus for the 2nd place team
  • +90 point bonus for the 3rd place team
  • +60 point bonus for the 4th place team
  • +30 point bonus for the 5th place team
This means that the maximum number of points is 300! What are you waiting for? Grab 4 of your friends and spend your weekend solving puzzles!

The Puzzle Weekend itself will take place in the Discord server here.
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Hosted a Generation 8 themed Official on Thursday, July 20th, at 1:00 EDT as part of this month's Calendar Twist!

Thanks to computerwizard8800 and WarriorGallade for QCing!

The official scavenger hunt by bubidajeffery was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:36:47].
2nd place: Snow Forme Shaymin [01:56:45].

1) Gen 8 Fish! These trainer-owned Pokemon in BDSP have had their movesets changed since the game's release (alpha). [Banette, Delcatty]
2) In Pokemon Sword/Shield, a character calls another character the name of a Pokemon which is not natively obtainable in either game. Name the Pokemon, followed by all characters involved alphabetically. [Ducklett, Avery, Honey, Klara]
3) On Bulbapedia in Gen 8, a certain Pokemon's level-up learnset has a move that is learned at a lower level than the move above it. Name the Pokemon, followed by the misplaced move. [Dragonite, Outrage]
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Hosted the KO games earlier today. I am terribly lazy so this will be properly formatted at a later date. Thanks to Computerwizard8800 and deftinwolf for the QC's.
8 hunts were planned, out of which 7 got used. Perhaps you'll see this show up elsewhere?

The winner was pokemonvortex, while Sabby60 came in second and Menace02 placed third. Other placings can be found via the individual hunt spoilers.

Hunt 1:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: Illusio [00:53].
2nd place: Menace02 [09:22].
3rd place: wallape~! [10:22].
Consolation Prize: Sabby60>!!> [11:02], siang [14:38], Skarnory [15:27], NintendoOverlord [15:32], p^_^okemonvortex. [19:46]

1) Berries abound! In Gen 3 and Gen 4, two berries with the same name have a different sprite and function in each generation. What berry is this? [chilan / chilanberry]
2) This is the largest berry in-game. [belue / belueberry]
3) What are all the berries capable of letting their holder recover PP? [hopo leppa mystery / hopoberry leppaberry mysteryberry]

Round 1 - Illusio, Menace02, wallape~!, Sabby60>!!>, siang, Skarnory, NintendoOverlord, and p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!

Hunt 2:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [02:52].
2nd place: Illusio [05:07].
3rd place: Menace02 [05:09].
Consolation Prize: siang [07:07], Sabby60>!!> [09:40], wallape~! [13:37]

1) In Emerald, these characters don't have a "Strategy" section when viewed via the Pokenav. (alpha, answer with just their names) [mom mrstone profbirch scott]
2) According to Pokenav dialogue, this character walks thirty minutes from their home to a city with a gym. [norman]
3) In RS, a certain NPC uses Pelipper, Camerupt and Roselia in their final rematch team. If you view their details on your Pokenav, what phrase is used when talking about their favorite Pokemon? [balance is crucial]

Round 2 - skarnory and nintendooverlord have been eliminated! Illusio, Menace02, wallape~!, Sabby60>!!>, siang, and p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!

Hunt 3:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: Menace02 [01:50].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:59].
3rd place: siang [05:20].
Consolation Prize: wallape~! [08:53], Sabby60>!!> [10:58], Illusio [12:13]

1) This mainline building has exactly 11 floors. [silph co]
2) This mainline building has exactly 19 floors [blacktower]
3) This mainline building has exactly 131 floors. [unity tower]

Round 3 - illusio has been eliminated! Menace02, wallape~!, Sabby60>!!>, siang, and p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!

Hunt 4:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [03:11].
2nd place: Menace02 [09:02].
3rd place: wallape~! [11:02].
Consolation Prize: Sabby60>!!> [15:28]

1) There's a NPC within Gen 4 that would give you an award depending on your Pokemon's level daily. What are all the items you could receive? (alpha) [blackbelt expertbelt focussash]
2) This item is capable of preventing its holder from fainting directly due to an opponent's attacks indefinitely, as long is it's held. [focusband]
3) A certain item exists in both the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series and the mainline games, though with different sprites and functions. It's also associated with being able to increase a different stat in both of them. What is it? [powerband]

Round 4 - siang has been eliminated! Menace02, wallape~!, Sabby60>!!>, and p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!

Hunt 5:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: Menace02 [05:02].
2nd place: Sabby60>!!> [13:02].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [15:34].

1) This Pokemon can lose stats upon levelling up. [giratina]
2) These are the most points you could gain in a single stat upon levelling up. [70]
3) If Shedinja's HP was not hardcoded to 1, then what's the highest value its HP stat could theoretically be at Level 100? [206]

Round 5 - wallape has been eliminated! Menace02, Sabby60>!!>, and p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!

Hunt 6:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: Sabby60>!!> [15:32].
2nd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [16:52].

1) Excluding Pokemon hatched from eggs, there's exactly one non-forme Pokemon that has shiny odds more common than 1/8192 within all of Gen 3. What is it? [jirachi]
2) Now, let's say you obtained the Jirachi mentioned in Q1 (legally, with no glitches) as a shiny with a Sp. Def IV of 20 or higher, then it would only have any of these three natures. (alpha) [careful naughty serious]
3) However, it is possible to obtain a shiny Jirachi in Gen 3 without the restrcition in the last question! In the game that would allow you to do so, use the E-reader functionaliy. This would allow you to see a (monochrome) drawing of Jirachi, along with separate similar (monochrome) drawings of two other Pokemon. What are they?(alpha) [kyogre pikachu]

Round 6 - menace02 has been eliminated! Sabby60>!!> and p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!

Hunt 7:
The unrated scavenger hunt by WarriorGallade was ended automatically.
1st place: p^_^okemonvortex. [10:37].

1) All questions for this hunt occur within the same games. All non-legendary Pokemon encountered in this location with tall grass will always have at least 2 perfect IVs when encountered, even if encountered for the first time. [friendsafari]
2) Within tall grass, you can encounter these non-legendary Pokemon that have at least 3 perfect IVs when encountered, excluding Pokemon that can only be found via Friend Safari. This will hold true no matter where you find them, even if encountered for the first time. (alpha) [azurill budew chingling nidorina riolu]
3) Lastly, to be able to encounter Pokemon in tall grass with at least 3 perfect IVs regardless of location or egg groups, you would need to successfully use a specific key item. Depending on how many times that item gets used (in a specific manner), you can be rewarded by a NPC. What items can this NPC give you? (alpha) [ppmax ppup rarecandy ultraball]

Round 7 - sabby60 has been eliminated! p^_^okemonvortex. have successfully completed the last hunt and have moved on to the next round!
Congratulations to the winner - p^_^okemonvortex.!

The last hunt in this rally also contains an easter egg for something I may do in future, so if you've found it, you know what to expect :^
Hosted a Mystery Dungeon official for the calendar on July 25th @ 8:00 AM EDT
ty aQrator & turtalkatthing for QCing!

1st place: siang [47:27].
2nd place: bubidajeffery [01:28:39].
3rd place: LJB14 [01:35:34].
4th place: Teutonic✠Squire! [02:16:53].
5th place: Menace02 [02:24:52].

1) This normally unobtainable item in Rescue Team has the sprite of an Oran Berry. Nothing
2) This "move" is used upon using a Lob Orb. Bloop Slash
3) This mystery dungeon crashes the game on the 69th floor. Dojo Registration/For the Dojo
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Hosted an events fish 7/24/2023 at 8pm eastern. it was quite an event, but not quite a contest since that fish was a while ago

1st place: yeet dab xd [30:24].
2nd place: Menace02 [47:51].
3rd place: p^_^okemonvortex. [01:24:52].
4th place: bubidajeffery [01:30:11].
5th place: omegaxl [01:31:58].
Consolation Prize: penguind [01:57:25], Ibuki Miod [02:15:14], Lambdaryllis [02:26:39]
1) On a new file in any of the Unova games, you could never obtain this competitively useful non-berry item without glitches, hacking, or trading, though this was not always the case. Light Ball
2) This item can only be legitimately obtained in HGSS if you own a certain Pokemon, but it is not a held item of that Pokemon and it is possible to permanently miss the item even if you have the Pokemon. Answer with the Pokemon (species only) followed by the item. Arceus Griseous Orb
3) Provided you have one of two event Pokemon, you could play this minigame to unlock a corresponding C-Gear cosmetic. [Open the Treasure Box!]
Hosted a point rally on Tuesday 25th July, 8PM EDT.
Thanks to pokemonvortex and turtalkatthing for QCing on short notice.

The unrated scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire! was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [03:18].
2nd place: Ibuki Miod [05:17].
3rd place: yeetdabxdwilllose [06:17].
Consolation Prize: WarriorGallade [11:02], LJB14 [12:42], Computerwizard8800 [14:08], tokensnack [15:36], TheMapleLeafeons17 [18:34]

1) In certain main series games, this move could decrease the chances of landing a critical hit. [Focus energy]
2) Aside from Mewtwo, this Pokemon is also coded as a trainer in Pokemon Stadium. [Metapod]
3) In Pokemon TCG GB, these 2 Pokemon have multiple available cards that have a Pokemon Power. List in alphabetical order. [Dragonite Venusaur]

The unrated scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire! was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [03:38].
2nd place: WarriorGallade [09:04].
3rd place: Rand's House [11:49].
Consolation Prize: boredgort [14:26], TheMapleLeafeons17 [18:32]

1) This is the name of the bridge that links Rand's House to Mt. Latolato. (include the word bridge) [The Over the creek in the Green forest, the red-and-white-striped wonderfully crafted, Raikou Safe with no creaking renowned all over the world for connecting Yesterday and Tomorrow and Proudly-Built-by-Nick Bridge]
2) The only way to obtain a certain type of mail (aside from trading) in the Gen 4 games was from this Pokemon that was distributed with said mail in an event. [Heracross]
3) In some Gen 4 games, these fully evolved Gen 4 Pokemon's Belly stat starts at 200. List in alphabetical order. [Drapion Roserade]

The unrated scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire! was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [14:39].
2nd place: Computerwizard8800 [15:27].
3rd place: yeetdabxdwilllose [15:33].
Consolation Prize: WarriorGallade [17:45], Ibuki Miod [20:56]

1) These named Gen 3 characters have an unused overworld sprite in Pokemon FRLG. List answers in alphabetical order wherever applicable. [Brawly, Ty]
2) Excluding the player, these three trainer classes have VS portraits/ battle transitions in Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire. [Champion, Elite Four, Lass]
3) This Pokemon can be caught by the player in international versions of Emerald but not in the Japanese version. [Deoxys]

The unrated scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire! was ended automatically.
1st place: Computerwizard8800 [05:06].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [07:16].
3rd place: WarriorGallade [09:17].
Consolation Prize: yeetdabxdwilllose [10:19], omegaxl [11:57], TheMapleLeafeons17 [13:11], kvothe the red [18:26], Ibuki Miod [19:00], siang [19:36]

1) If the player is currently at this location that is not New Bark Town, the player's location is displayed as New Bark Town on the Pokegear map. [SS Aqua]
2) A certain Pokemon mini minigame involves getting these 2 Pokemon to kiss. List in alphabetical order. [Diglett Smoochum]
3) This feature in the Gen 2 games could be used to record the player's battles against other players, similar to the Vs Recorder. [Mobile Stadium]

The unrated scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire! was ended automatically.
1st place: yeet dab xd [02:40].
2nd place: Computerwizard8800 [04:44].
3rd place: siang [05:38].
Consolation Prize: penguind [06:13], WarriorGallade [07:23], yeetdabxdwilllose [10:58], Ibuki Miod [12:27], TheMapleLeafeons17 [16:31]

1) This anime-exclusive location is mentioned by a character in some Gen 5 main series games. [Village of Dragons]
2) By capturing all Pokemon in Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure, the player can unlock a keyboard that features these Pokemon. List answers in alphabetical order wherever applicable. [Audino Minccino Munna Purrloin]
3) A non forme-changing item introduced in Gen 5 can be obtained outside of Gen 5 games as a held item in an event distribution of this Pokemon. [Delibird]

The unrated scavenger hunt by Teutonic✠Squire! was ended automatically.
1st place: penguind [16:37].
2nd place: yeet dab xd [16:47].
3rd place: tokensnack [18:27].
Consolation Prize: Computerwizard8800 [18:44], Ibuki Miod [21:54], siang [22:29], yeetdabxdwilllose [24:00], notbuddha [33:00], TheMapleLeafeons17 [33:47]

1) If the player's location is the easternmost selectable location on their 3ds, then they would be in this country and would encounter this pattern of Vivillon (answer in that order). [New Zealand, Garden]
2) In certain games, the player can battle Professor Sycamore who uses these 3 level 100 Pokemon. List in alphabetical order [Chandelure Crobat Dragonite]
3) An NPC in Rustboro owns a Shroomish with this nickname. [Pekachu]

1yeet dab xd280
5Ibuki Miod100
10Rand's House32
14kvothe the red10