Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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02/08/2016 at 3 PM GMT -5

Winners: Flerovium, HeracrossTheGreek
Second places: Not Wan (Wan the Avatar), Gleeb
Third places: ShadeOfElysia, Awesomepi
Fourth places: Wan Cena (Cyllage), SergioRules
Fifth places: /
Consolation prize to: /
Solutions: nimbasagym, shadowend, thegreengreengrasstypesofhome
1) This is the only gym that has changed locations within a single generation.
2) This 120 base power move's accurancy is 60%.
3) This is the first anime episode where Weepinbell was scanned by a Pokédex.

Yo thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury von qc'ing and obviously also to GoodMorningEspeon for hosting since the qc'er didn't have time.
Congratz to every finisher, i hope you had fun! :)
Also shoutout to VeryPinkPancakes for not being able to solve q2 after 3 hints, just a leak helped him. However, he doesn't count anyway ;o;
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02/09/16 8:00 PM GMT-5

First place:
beat up gme (awesomepi), pokemonvortex
Second place: ShadeOfElysia, Stringray0698
Third place: BraveBirdVivillon, Dylas
Fourth place: eeveeattract, CoolStoryGiratina
Fifth place: Panza, keeping it icy
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: mumu, nowindowsavailableforpopping, celebratingtheheroscomet


1) In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Ruby typically uses this Pokémon for Tough Contests (include only the Pokémon’s nickname in your answer).
2) In the Generation II games, this error message will appear if HM06 is used and is not in the TM/HM pocket.
3) Which episode of the anime features Team Rocket disguising themselves as Ghost-type Pokémon?

Congratulations to everyone who finished! Thanks to ashiemore and Painter Espeon for quality checking :)
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02/10/2016 GMT-5

First place: kevinrocks, awesomepi
Second place: BraveBirdVivillon, Gleeb
Third place: kierant3hz, snackismybae
Fourth place: Fenrir Aesir, Astara
Fifth place: a random duck, Wizardsofdra
Conslation prize to: eevee☆attract, Seafaring~, Wan the Avatar, Mattster321, VeryPinkPancakes, keeping it icy
Solution: seqdummy, kurusu, stunfisk

1) This is the file name of the music played in the Mystery Zone in Diamond and Pearl.
2) What had Pokedex number 212 in the alpha demo of Pokemon Gold and Silver?
3) This Pokemon that is weak to Water can be found in rippling water in the Generation V games.
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posting for kevinrocks (hunt from last night)

02/11/2016 GMT-5

First place: beat up ashie [BLITZ], Wizardsofdra
Second place: eeveeattract, Manaphy286
Third place: ShadeOfElysia, Gleeb
Fourth place: GymLeaderThenin, BraveBirdVivillon
Fifth place: Wan the Avatar, Painter Espeon
Conslation prize to: SergioRules
Solution: eevee, monogen, heracross

1) This is the evolution line with the highest number of different abilties. (name the base form)
2) This Other Metagame is was the Leader's Choice for January
3) There are only 2 types that resist each other. What Pokemon has both of these types?
02/12/16 10:30 PM GMT-5

First place:
Painter Espeon, beat up gme (awesomepi)
Second place: rubsomebacononit, Illusio
Third place: SergioRules, Dylas
Fourth place: kierant3hz, WoDMobile! (Wizardsofdra)
Fifth place: BraveBirdVivillon, no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: pinkbow, machopatwork, substitutedoll


1) Tuscany of Tuesday will give the player which item in Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal?
2) This minigame was included with all purchases of an e-Reader in the United States.
3) This trophy that is only in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U features an entity from the Pokémon series that is not a Pokémon.

Congratulations to the finishers. Thanks to quality checkers ashiemore and Manaphy286. :)
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02/13/16 11:30 PM GMT-5

First place:
SisterOfTheDevil, ShadeOfElysia
Second place: kierant3hz, Lotiasite
Third place: snackismybae, Dylas
Fourth place: Wizardsofdra, starrise☆~~ (eeveeattract)
Fifth place: no-one, no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: yveltal, singapore, bisharpmetalclaw


1) This is the only Pokémon that can learn Focus Blast via level-up.
2) This is the only country that the manga Destiny Deoxys was released in outside of Japan.
3) “A batch maple swirl” is an anagram of which Pokémon and a STAB move that it can learn? (format as pokémonmove)

Thanks to everyone who participated, and of course, thanks to ashiemore and ILRB for quality checking!
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2/15/16 12 AM

First Place:
Mega-Amphyz (Painter Oshawott), eeveeattract
Second Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega, kierant3hz
Third Place: Dylas, snackismybae
Fourth Place: Ast☭arA, Caterpiellar
Fifth Place: None (apparently q1 was super hard)

arborville, tentacruel, bombaisland


Q1) What is the hometown of the man who has a boat that can lift up to 7 people into the sky?
Q2) After Ash and friends were blasted off into raging whirlpools, this Pokemon saved them by putting them on a boat.
Q3) In the Pokemon anime, a guy named Jimmy once fell asleep on a boat and ended up on what island? (Include 'island' in your answer)

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for hosting/qcing and Wan the Avatar for qcing! Congrats to everybody who finished!
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02/18/16 9:00 PM GMT-5

First place:
eeveeattract [BLITZ], beat up gme (awesomepi) [BLITZ]
Second place: CoolStoryGiratina [BLITZ], keeping it icy
Third place: wizardsofdra, Manaphy286
Fourth place: Illusio, Broil
Fifth place: VeryPinkPancakes, urgoindoawn
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: clefairy, destinybond, printererror4


1) This is Rad Rickshaw's only Pokémon.
2) In Generation IV, this is the only Ghost-type move that Copycat fails to copy.
3) Which Game Boy Printer error results from an environment whose temperature is too high or too low?

Q3 was formatted different ways depending on the source, my bad x.x

Congratulations to the finishers and thanks to the quality checkers, ashiemore and new driver Ambi! n.n
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First Places: keeping it icy, GoodMorningEspeon.
Second Places: awesomepi, Brawl MK.
Third Places: Rory Mercury, CoolStoryGiratina.
Fourth Place: PokeJoey, MagiKanga.

Question 1:
In the anime, which Pokémon of Gary's does Ash's Pokédex fail to recognise?

Question 2: In the main-series Pokémon games, there is often a long stretch of straight land near the regional Day Care to allow for hatching eggs faster. On the end of one of these stretches is an establishment that sells only one item; what item is this?

Question 3: This species of Pokémon has the highest combined cooldown time in Pokémon Picross, counting alternative forms. (Don't include name of form in your answer.)

Q1 Answer:

Q2 Answer: Moo Moo Milk

Q3 Answer: Zygarde

Thanks to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for QCing and ashiemore for hosting.
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02/20/16 11:30 PM GMT-5

First place: keeping it icy, EeveEattract
Second place: 3.14dgeot-Mega (awesomepi), Blazetornado
Third place: radiantz, Mattster321
Fourth place: aloasa, Lotiasite
Fifth place: no-one, no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: mareep, tyrogue, pichu


1) This is the only Pokémon that can learn Thunderbolt through breeding in Generation II.
2) This Pokémon's name is misspelled during the Johto Pokérap (give only the correct spelling in your answer).
3) The ANA Ohana Jumbo Jet features two of which Pokémon?

Congratulations to all of the finishers and thanks to the quality checkers, Rory Mercury and ashiemore!
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2/21/16 @ 11:20 PM GMT-5

Winners: ShinyStocko, Wizardsofdra
Second Place: beat up pesp (awesomepi), Erica Arborea
Third Place: SergioRules, kevinrocks
Fourth Place: GymLeaderThenin, Manaphy286
Fifth Place: Al. Hamilton (Painter Oshawott)
Consolation Prize To: no one!
Solution: johnblack, heatmor, brockharley

Q1) A mapping error on the part of this person created the only land border in Tasmania.
Q2) This Pokémon was removed in the European versions of a spin-off Pokémon game.
Q3) Which two characters in the Latin American dub of the pokemon anime have sung songs by real life Mexican singers? (alphabetical order)

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checking my hunt, and congratulations to all who solved it! And sorry for the trouble brought on by q3. In the end only one person brought me the alt answer, so hopefully my mistake wasn't too big of a deal. n_n
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02/23/16 9:15 PM GMT-5

First place: Rory Mercury, keeping it icy
Second place: Erica Arborea, punsage (eeveeattract)
Third place: CoolStoryGiratina, no-one
Fourth place: no-one, no-one
Fifth place: no-one, no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: zygarde, chatot, showdowninpewtercity

1) This is the only dual-typed Pokémon in Generation VI to have a serpentine body style.
2) This is the only Pokémon that is banned from the Christmas Cup competition of the Global Battle Union.
3) This is the first episode of the anime that stated that there are multiple Nurse Joys.

Q3 caused some trouble, although only one person came to me with a somewhat alternate answer (although the episode did not blatantly state it but it just had two Nurse Joys (although only one of them was seen)). 'Twas a mistake on my part, hopefully I won't have anymore screw-ups!

Thanks to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for quality checking! :)

shoutouts to VeryPinkPancakes for having terrible spelling
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GoodMorningEspeon said:
02/23/16 9:15 PM GMT-5

First place: Rory Mercury, keeping it icy
Second place: Erica Arborea, punsage (eeveeattract)
Third place: CoolStoryGiratina, no-one
Fourth place: no-one, no-one
Fifth place: no-one, no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: zygarde, chatot, showdowninpewtercity

1) This is the only dual-typed Pokémon in Generation VI to have a serpentine body style.
2) This is the only Pokémon that is banned from the Christmas Cup competition of the Global Battle Union.
3) This is the first episode of the anime that stated that there are multiple Nurse Joys.

Q3 caused some trouble, although only one person came to me with a somewhat alternate answer (although the episode did not blatantly state it but it just had two Nurse Joys (although only one of them was seen)). 'Twas a mistake on my part, hopefully I won't have anymore screw-ups!

Thanks to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for quality checking! :)

shoutouts to VeryPinkPancakes for having terrible spelling


Also, spelling pewter like the tournaments room driver PETYER is not my fault, it's his. I dare you, bite me.

25/2/16 11:10 PM GMT-5

Winner: beat up rory (awesomepi), Wizardsofdra
Second place: MasterPikachu5, eeveeattract
Third place: abomaXsnow, Gun16Boy
Solution: teamchikorita, articunomoltresandzapdos, imakuni

1) This team scored the most points during the Pokémon Summer Camp (include "team" in answer)
2) This TCG card featuring all three of a legendary trio lists their combined weight and height in the English version, but not in the Japanese version.
3) Apart from those given as prizes at TCG events, this is the only Pokémon TCG card to feature the image of a real-life person.
qc'd by a fish whom you must pay to use magic and a qt user who shall not be named
Congratulations to all finishers and hope you enjoyed this oiled fish hunt!
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02/27/2016 GMT-5

First place: eeveeattract, awesomepi
Second place: Lotiasite, Galaxy S7 Edge
Third place: ShadeOfElysia, keeping it icy
Fourth place: Wan the Avatar, Dylas
Fifth place: no-one
Conslation prize to: no-one
Solution: netball, airslash, speedboost

1) This type of Poke Ball can have its catch multiplier altered by the type of the Pokemon it is thrown at.
2) What move has the most Base Power in Crobat's level-up learnset?
3) This ability is the only one to raise the user's stats without being hit with a move.
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First place:
kevinrocks, awesomepi✈
Second place: Jirachi WM, aeolia
Third place: Erica Arborea, Dylas
Fourth place: wizardsofdra
Fifth place: no-one
Conslation prize to: no-one
Solution: shadowstorm, pokemonfriend, richardpaulastley

1) A water type move that belongs to the Clever contest category shares its index number with this move.
2) Ash's mom used to model and was on the cover of this magazine
3) Mewtwo shares its birthday with this singer-songwriter whose song won a BPI award in 1988. (Give the person's full name)

I hope everyone will have fun in the scavengers room in the future! :)
Congratulations to the February ladder winners: Awesomepi on last place with 290 points, Wizardsofdra on first place with 131 points, and eeveeattract on second place with 130 points. Honorable mention to Dylas and Shade of Elysia on third with 100 points each.
Wizardsofdra: 131 points
eeveeattract: 130 points
ShadeOfElysia: 100 points
Dylas: 100 points
keeping it icy: 95 points
Gleeb: 60 points
kevinrocks: 60 points
Painter Espeon: 56 points
SisterOfTheDevil: 55 points
CoolStoryGiratina: 55 points
kierant3hz: 55 points
GymLeaderThenin: 50 points
Illusio: 50 points
Cynthia612: 45 points
eeveeattract: 45 points
SergioRules: 45 points
Rory Mercury: 41 points
Wan the Avatar: 41 points
Erica Arborea: 40 points
Lotiasite: 35 points
BraveBirdVivillon: 32 points
snackismybae: 31 points
rubsomebacononit: 30 points
Manaphy286: 30 points
Painter Oshawott: 21 points
ILRB: 20 points
Flerovium: 20 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 20 points
pokemonvortex: 20 points
Fenrir Aesir: 20 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 20 points
ShinyStocko: 20 points
chupps: 15 badly
Stingray0698: 15 points
Brawl MK: 15 points
Blazetornado: 15 points
MasterPikachu5: 15 points
Jirachi WM: 15 points
aeolia: 15 points
Astara: 11 points
VeryPinkPancakes: 11 points
Gargoyle31: 10 points
radiantz: 10 points
Mattster123: 10 points
abomaXsnow: 10 points
gun16boy: 10 points
Blawado: 5 points
DiamondSentinel: 5 points
FIREEEE: 5 points
Cyllage: 5 points
Caterpiellar: 5 points
Broil: 5 points
PokeJoey: 5 points
MagiKanga: 5 points
aloasa: 5 points
TraceofLife: 1 point
duch n_n: 1 point
MajesticSwablu: 1 point
Panza: 1 point
keeping it icy: 1 point
a random duck: 1 point
urgoindown: 1 point
awesomepi: 290 points
The ladder twist for March will be: On all officials, points will be based on time taken to finish rather than place. <1 minute earns 30 points, 1-2 minutes 20, 2-3 minutes 15, 3-4 minutes 10, 4-5 minutes 5, and 5+ minutes 1. This may be slightly altered depending on the official. (Thanks to VeryPinkPancakes for the original idea)

Additionally, on the March leaderboard, the top three users will be considered for room voice in addition to the normal representation in the room intro! (awesomepi doesn't count)
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Collab Official with Painter Espeon

1st place: beat up aeolia (awesomepi) Blitz (+30)
2nd place: magearna (dylas) (+20)
3rd place: ThatOneGuyLucas (+10)
4th place: AweKartik777 (+10)
5th place: WoD not Dylas (wizardsofdra) (+5)
6th place
: eeveeattract (+1)
Dazzling Gleam, Charon, Seviperbearer

Q1) In Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, what move can be taught exclusively through TM's (first alphabetically)
Q2) Who wrote the Mysterious Notebook about Rotom?
Q3) What is the name of the constellation in Pokémon Channel that depicts two separate Pokémon?
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3/2/16 @ 11 PM GMT-5

20 Points: Aeolia, beat up pesp (awesomepi)
5 Points: Erica Arborea, Magearna (Dylas), dragonspiral tower (eeveeattract)
1 Point: GymLeaderThenin
Solutions: doubleteamrood, pokecademyaward, grant

Q1) What TM given out by one of the Seven Sages raises the user's stats by the fewest total stages, and who gives out that TM? (format movesage, e.g. splashghetsis)
Q2) What award is known to be given to movies in at least Unova? (format é as e)
Q3) Who is the only Gym Leader whose Pokémon are all at an identical level in their Gym Battle?

Special thanks to Rory Mercury and ashiemore for quality checking, ashie again for keeping time for me, and congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt!
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3/3/16 @ 11:30 PM GMT-5

Timer: Doubled
20 points: beat up pesp, Erica Arborea
1 point: Magearna (Dylas), WoD vs PesPficcial (Wizardsofdra), AweKartik777
Solutions: shadowpanic, samiya, iron

Q1) This move’s name is an anagram of “Chainsaw Pod.”
Q2) This movie-exclusive location is located near Cherrygrove City during the events of the movie. (Give only the name of the location in your answer; no titles or anything)
Q3) This item’s name is contained in the names of three different moves.

Special thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checks, ashie for keeping time, and congrats to AweKartik777 for finishing the hunt literally seconds before I ended it (and also being the only person to solve q3 without the alt answer)!
And I'd like to make a special shoutout to everyone in the scavengers roomauth. Thanks for making so many officials, it really takes a weight off my back :)
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4/3/16 9:30 PM GMT-5

Timer: Doubled
20 points: CoolStoryGiratina
15 points: beat up rory (awesomepi), save rory (rubsomebacononit)
1 point: Magearna (Dylas), protect rory (VeryPinkPancakes), Maniaque, Destinae

Solution: darknessridge, commercecity, seacrown

1) This is the only friend area in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team that is made available when a certain Pokemon is recruited to house more than 3 Pokemon.
2) This anime-exclusive location is the place where a certain disguised Scizor would attack people’s Pokemon and draw on them upon defeat.
3) This movie-exclusive item enables people to breathe underwater as well as hiding them from sight.

qc'd by ashiemore and GoodMorningEspeon
Gratz to all finishers and hope you enjoyed my hunt.

Also this twist is really confusing to track and everybody finishing on alts sure isn't helping.
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15 Points: Chupps
10 Points: beat up zip (awesomepi), CoolStoryGiratina, eeveeattract
5 points: AweKartik777, Painter Oshawott, Magearna (Dylas)
1 point: VeryPinkPancakes, Painter Espeon, keeping it icy, Rory Mercury, Wizardsofdra
Solution: mtmoon, talonflame, kecleon

Q1) In Generation I, the burgled house in Cerulean City has an alternative location index number, which plays the theme from this location.
Q2) What is the only Pokemon Tierno owns in Pokemon X and Y that can only learn 1 "dance" move? (A dance move is a move with the word "dance" in it)
Q3) What is the only Pokemon Inver uses in both Pokemon XY and ORAS with the same moveset?

Thanks to ILRB for hosting, ashiemore and Manaphy286 for QCing, and yee.
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03/06/15 9:00 PM GMT-5

30 points [BLITZ]: beat up gme (awesomepi), eeveeattract
20 points: CoolStoryGiratina, AweKartik777
15 points: Devoxys, Magearna (Dylas)
10 points: keeping it icy, beat up 3.14 (VeryPinkPancakes), pokemonvortex
5 points: urgoindown
1 point (Consolation Prize): BR $oil, MHEmpire

Solution: osharina, yveltal, tobias

1) This is the name of the Oshawott in the Pokémon anime that had won the Scalchop Queen Competition.
2) This is the only Pokémon that appears on the Prism Tower stage in Super Smash Bros. for 3DS that is not an Electric-type.
3) In the Diamond/Pearl edition of the anime, Ash turned his hat backwards during a battle against which trainer?

Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checking. :)
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