Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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3/7/16 @ 10:00 PM GMT-5

Timer: Standard
20 points: Magearna (Dylas)
15 points: beat up pesp (awesomepi), keeping it icy
5 points: latias u.u (eeveeattract)
1 point (consolation): xXDuongDannyXx, Fuuta of the Stars
Solution: meowthsrant, santaluneforest, unown

Q1) What song on the Meowth’s Party CD is not listed on the packaging?
Q2) This location in the main series Pokémon games contains every Pokémon that can be found in Viridian Forest in Pokémon Red and Green. (Not counting Viridian Forest itself smh)
Q3) Despite this Pokémon being able to learn TMs, it cannot legitimately have a TM used on it.

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checks, and congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt!
Ninth of March 10:00 GMT 2016.

Timer: x8
15 points: beat up val (awesomepi), DarkShinyGiratina, pokemonvortex, Mr. Pooptato.
10 points: Magearna (Dylas)
5 points: keeping it icy.
Solution: gengar, klinklang, barlow

Q1) Which non-legendary Pokémon without a Hidden Ability can Mega Evolve?
Q2) Not including forms, which Pokémon's name contains the names of two other Pokémon?
Q3) This non-Pokémon entity in Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia is mentioned, and apparently seen, to have a Field Move.

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checks, and ashiemore for hosting, and congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt!
Original Post
Reserving My First Omega 3 Hunt in 10 PM EST, March 11th 2016 to Celebrate my promotion to room voice! (Hosted by Ashiemore) Thanks the nerds who QCed: (Painter Espeon and Rory Mercury)

March 11th 2016, 10 PM EST
Timer: 1x
20 points: DSG vs wizficial (CoolStoryGiratina), wizardsofofficial (VeryPinkPancakes)
15 points: beat up wiz (awesomepi)
10 points: eeveeattract
1 point: Dylas, lotiasite, TheWhoDoctor, Nitrojuju, Manaphy286.
Solutions: majin, bebehayleylooker, rayquaza

Q1) In gen 5, what entity is immune to all types? (without hacking or glitching the game at all)
Q2) In the pokémon adventures manga, Diamond owns a Regigigas named Reg. Which 3 People had their debut in the same episode Reg had its debut? (Alphabetical Order)
Q3) What Pokemon's catch rate was increased by 42 points in pokemon ORAS?

Thanks the true nerds who QCed: (Painter Espeon and Rory Mercury), Thanks a lot for Ashiemore for hosting, Thanks Ashiemore for again for keeping time, and Thank You Everyone for supporting my promotion for room voice!
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Original Post:
Reserving My Second Official Hunt in 11:10 PM EST, March 13th 2016 (Hosted by Rory Mercury) Thanks the people who QCed: (Ashiemore and Rory Mercury)

March 13th 2016, 11:10 PM EST
Timer: 2.5x
20 points: Awesomepi, Dylas
15 points: MukUsedDrillPeck, Chupps, Gargoyle31
10 Points: Painter Oshawott, ShadeofElysia
5 Points: Destinae
1 Point: SergioRules, Wolv&Bats
Solutions: 81098384, panchamskyuppercut, strib.

Q1) What was the North American password in Pokemon Rumble for a Chimchar?
Q2) ”Chupps Panem Car Kyut” is an anagram of a Pokemon and a stab move it can learn. (Format: pokemonmove)
Q3) Two berries had the highest yield of any berry in the third generation of Pokemon. Name the first one alphabetically.

Thanks for Ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing, Rory Mercury for Hosting, and Wizardsofdra for keeping time!!
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Fourteenth of March 9 PM GMT 2016. (Hunt by Flerovium, Wizardsofdra and SergioRules.)

Timer: x1.
20 points: ShadeOfElysia, Rory Mercury, awesomepi, pokemonvortex, keeping it icy.
15 points: GoodMorningEspeon, Chauque.
10 points: Wan the Avatar.
5 points: Wolv&Bats.
Solution: ariala, seamauville, exdragonfrontiers

Q1 by SergioRules) What was the pre-release name of Clefable in Pokemon Red and Green?
Q2 by Flerovium) Which location in the main-series games has ten slogans associated with it?
Q3 by Wizardsofdra) What is the english name of the TCG expansion in which a quagsire card is the type that it is 4x weak to in the pokemon games?

Thanks to Flerovium for hosting and Manaphy286 and ashiemore for QCing.
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03/16/2016 GMT-4

20 points: awesomepi, CoolStoryGiratina
10 points: MukUsedDrillPeck
5 points: nitrodog96, Wolv&Bats
1 point: Nitrojuju, eeveeattract
Solution: 949, leechlife, combee

1) The most populous region in the in-game Pokemon world has this many inhabitants.
2) Apart from Struggle and Kinesis, this is the only Gen I move that has not appeared in the anime.
3) This Pokemon learns only one field move in Gen VI, and it is not through a TM or HM.
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Nineteenth of March 10 PM GMT 2016.

Timer: x1.
20 points: pokemonvortex.
15 points: MukUsedDrillPeck
10 points: Gleeb
1 point: ShinyStocko, Jessilina, Zipzapadam.
Solution: absorber, eyelash, clefairy.
Q1) In the Pokémon Adventures manga, which component allows the weapon created by AZ to extract life force from Pokémon?
Q2) Which part of Mew's body was used to create Mewtwo in the Adventures manga?
Q3) In the manga series which follows Red's travels through the main six regions, which Pokémon is his starter?

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing.
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03/18/16 8:00 PM GMT-4

20 points: beat up gme (awesomepi), Cetab (keeping it icy)
15 points: DatHeatmor
10 points: Voyeurism, Nyan_Kat, xXDuongDannyXx, Eevee_Attract, Devoxys
5 points: no-one
1 point (Consolation Prize): no-one

Solution: roomchecker, owntempo, darkrai

1) This emera in Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon can reveal to the player if there is a Monster House on the current floor.
2) In the Pokémon Adventures manga, one of Norman's Pokémon used Skill Swap on his Slaking, giving Slaking which ability?
3) This is the only partner Pokémon in Pokémon Tretta whose extra attack would not give them STAB.

So Q3's Bulbapedia page was changed between the time that the hunt was made and the time of the hunt, so it was technically wrong, but sort of not anyone's fault this time! :P
Thanks to all the participants and Ambi and Flerovium for quality checking. :)
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03/20/16 @ 10 PM GMT-4

20 Points: Fuuta of the Stars
15 Points: Zipzapadam, eeveeattract, girisawesomer, Wizardsofdra
10 Points: KinishiKnightAzama (Dylas)
5 Points: none
1 Point: beat up gleeb (SwagMoneyUmbreon)
Solution: 5000000, froakie, mothimtynamo

Q1) How much money does it cost to join Team Flare? (answer with just a numerical value)
Q2) There is a man in Laverre City that mentions a story about a pokemon turning into a human. What is that pokemon?
Q3) A man in Dedemille Town says he enjoys finding differences and similarities between pokemon; which two pokemon does he specifically question the amount of similarities between? (alphabetical order)

Congrats to everyone who finished and thanks to everyone who participated! Also big thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting and GoodMorningEspeon and Flerovium for QC'ing!
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03/21/16 @ 9 PM GMT-4

30 Points: keeping it icy, xEevee
20 Points: Devoxys
15 Points: SergioRules, SwagMoneyUmbreon, DarkShinyGiratina, Kiragi (Dylas)
10 Points: none
5 Points: none
1 Point: Wolv&Bats
Solution: heartandsoul, ash, berrymaster

Q1) During the scene from the movie referenced in the TV in the player's house in ORAS, what is the first song that is played on the piano?
Q2) This name is a default option for the most number of player characters in the main series pokemon games (english only).
Q3) In DPP, what is the name of the achievement that the character will be informally awarded with upon growing the maximum number of berries on one plant?

Well that could have gone better... Huge thanks to everyone involved with this one for putting up with my nonsense, especially the understanding staff (and hopefully users) and Rory Mercury for the last minute hosting! Also thanks to Painter Espeon for QC'ing and ashiemore for QC'ing and showing up during to help sort things out.
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03/22/16 @ 4 PM GMT-4

20 Points: glleb (SwagMoneyUmbreon)
15 Points: Devoxys
10 Points: blackburn009
5 Points: Fl♥erovium~, Chauque
1 Point: Ambii, Dylas

Solution: macherie, blitzle, sendil (they're links! click 'em! :DDDD)
Q1) The character who considers himself Lisia's rival has a pokemon with what nickname?
Q2) This pokemon and its evolution both have three abilities that provide immunities to types.
Q3)This character has both a Sealeo and a Vibrava that are both too low leveled to have evolved in addition to Vibrava knowing DragonBreath which it wouldn't be able to learn at that level. (don't include trainer class)

For the first time in his life Gleeb hosted an official that actually went pretty smoothly through all parts of it's progression (hooray!) Like always, thanks to all participants and congrats to the finishers! And special thanks to kevinrocks and Rory Mercury for the QC's and ashiemore for hosting!
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03/23/16 @ 10 PM GMT-4
Timer: x1

15 Points: beat up gleeb (SwagMoneyUmbreon), Rory Mercury, Wizard's Of Dra!
10 Points: Dylas
5 Points: keeping it icy
1 Point: Wolv&Bats, eeveeattract, GoodMorningEspeon

Solution: whismur, shroomish, pesterball (hooray for links!)
Q1) The Patrat Show in B/W is replaced by a show featuring what pokemon instead in ORAS?
Q2) Of the pokemon that can be seen while playing roulette in the Mauville Game Corner, what pokemon has the highest BST?
Q3) This item, though it looks like some sort of Poke Ball and it has "ball" in its name, serves to repel pokemon instead of catching them.

Once again thanks to everyone who participated in this one and congrats to everyone who finished (except beat up gleeb)! And thanks to Flerovium for QC'ing and ashiemore for QC'ing/hosting/allowing me to keep this official streak going.
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25th of March 2016 @ 12 AM GMT

15 points: DarkShinyGiratina
10 points: Gleeb
1 point: Thunder Inkay, eeveeattract, Dylas

Solution: phobosbattalion, heartdesign, twodegreesofseparation

1) In Pokémon Trozei, the members of this organisation are the main antagonists.
2) In Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure, what can be unlocked by catching every Pokémon in the game?
3) Which is the only episode of the main anime series in which Ash and Pikachu are not with each other for any of the episode?

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Manaphy286 for QCing and to ILRB for helping me get this text over.
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03/25/16 9:00 PM GMT-4

30 points [BLITZ]: Zipzapadam, DarkShinyGiratina
20 points: Dylas
15 points: no-one
10 points: pokemonvortex, Devoxys
5 points: no-one
1 point (Consolation Prize): no-one

Solution: spoink, rattata, wideslash

1) In Pokémon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire, this Pokémon is used to launch the pinball.
2) In the first episode of the anime, which Pokémon tried to steal food from Ash?
3) This is the only move in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series that can hit any enemies that are diagonally or directly one tile in front of the user.

Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks to thequality checkers, Rory Mercury and ashiemore. :)
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03/26/2016 GMT-5

30 points: ashie or rory
20 points: eeveeattract, lovemathboy
15 points: ILRB, chupps, Wizardsofdra, Tidal Otter
10 points: pokemonvortex, Gleeb, DarkShinyGiratina
5 points: Dylas
1 point: Gargoyle31, destinae
Solution: softboiled, elder, caveofbeing

1) This field move has had a change in its name's formatting since its introduction.
2) This trainer class appears only in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
3) This location in Unova is said to connect to Sinnoh.
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Original Post:

Reserving Official Hunt in 8:00 PM EDT, March 26th 2016 (Hosted by Ambii (first official he started)) Thanks the people who QCed: (Ambii and Flerovium)
03/26/2016 8:00 PM EDT

20 points: CoolStoryGiratina, GoodMorningEspeon
15 points: Rory Mercury
10 points: EeveeAttract, Dylas, Destinae
1 point: Gleeb, TheWhoDoctor~
Solutions: Heatran, Articuno, Pawniard

1) What is the first pokemon in national dex order to not appear in any regional pokedex?
2) There are 19 pokemon that are not obtainable normally in the Korean version of Gold and Silver. Which is the first one in alphabetical order?
3) What is the evolutionary line that team plasma shadows use most in their battles? (List Base Form)

Thanks for Ambii and Flerovium for QCing and Ambii for hosting (his first official hosted)
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3/27/16 11 PM EDT

30 points:
20 points: eeveeattract, chupps
15 points: wizardsofdra, Beat up Dylas (3.14dgeot-Mega), Manaphy286, Gleeb
10 Points: GoodMorningEspeon, MagiKanga, Fuuta of the Stars
5 Points: Tunaface
1 Point: keeping it icy, TheWhoDoctor

Solutions: Psyfirecracker, Linda, Shapes of Things to Come

1. In Pokken Tournament, Braixen has multiple moves that pierce counters. Name the only one that is not a charged version of another attack.
2. Name the first character alphabetically in the Ranger Series that is known to the player to be a Top Operator.
3. Give the full title for the epsiode where Paul's Chimchar has it's ability shown for the first time.

Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting and QCing, and also ashiemore for QCing! Thanks to everyone for participating in my first official n_n
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03/28/16 @ 4 PM GMT-4!
Timer: x1

15 Points: beat up gleeb (SwagMoneyUmbreon)
10 Points: TheAura, DarkShinyGiratina
5 Points: Sunset Blood (Illusio)
1 Point: Gargoyle31, xArashi, Dylas, pokemonvortex

Solution: falseswipe, larissa, shiftry
Q1) James Movesworth advises that you use this move on someone who doesn't know you're in love with them.
Q2) This character in Pokemon Battle Revolution has a trainer class that is made up of two contest move conditions (one of the words is the adjective form of the word and one is the noun form)
Q3) There is an anime character of the day who has only one letter in his name. What pokemon does he have that he didn't get from Dawn?

Sorry to any confusion caused by the wording of q2 but it seemed to work out alright. Congrats to all finishers and thanks to all participants! And special thanks to Rory Mercury and GoodMorningEspeon for QC'ing and GoodMorningEspeon for hosting!
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3/28/15 11:00 PM EDT



30 Points
: Nobody
20 Points: Gleeb
15 Points: Nobody
10 points: Fuuta of the Stars, girisawesomer, 3.14dgeot-Mega
5 Points: SergioRules
Solutions: Nightmare, Super Berry, Regi Ruins

1) This Pokemon move shares its name with an enemy-exclusive "weapon" from the eighth installment of Fire Emblem
2) Which berry increases the Speed and Attack of a Pokemon for a short time? (include the word berry in the answer)
3) This is the last stage alphabetically in Pokken that is unlocked by defeating a specific character during the quest to save Shadow Mewtwo

Thanks to Ambi and Painter Espeon for QCing and Rory Mercury for hosting!
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03/29/16 10:00 PM GMT-4

30 points [BLITZ]: Gleeb, DarkShinyGiratina, beat up gme (3.14dgeot-Mega)
20 points: Fuuta of the Stars, Dylas
15 points: Zipzapadam, destinae
10 points: no-one
5 points: no-one
1 point (Consolation Prize): Brawl MK

Solution: carnivinespinda, darkball, relicanth

1) Toxic has has a different animation in Pokémon Battle Revolution if it is used by which two Pokémon? (List your answers in alphabetical order.)
2) This anime-exclusive Poké Ball has only been seen used to capture a Tyranitar and a Celebi. (Include the word “ball” in your answer.)
3) Which Pokémon, at one point in the anime, has appeared carrying several Green Shards?

Congratulations to everyone who finished and thanks to the quality checkers, Rory Mercury and ashiemore. :)*
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03/30/2016 GMT-5

20 points: pet pesp, girisawesomer
15 points: Rory Mercury, kevinrocks
10 points: eeveeattract, EmBaR
1 point: keeping it icy
Solution: surskit, sleeptalk, ceruleancave

1) This Pokemon that can be found in the Pond area of Pal Park has a unique type combination.
2) This move has had its TM status removed twice before returning, giving it 3 different TM numbers.
3) This cave is described on the map as having collapsed once before being rebuilt.
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03/31/2016 GMT-5

30 points: beat up ashie
20 points: DarkShinyGiratina
15 points: kevinrocks
10 points: Dylas
5 points: eeveeattract, Embar
1 point: ThatOneGuyLucas, Ambii, Wolv&Bats
Solution: bulbasaursmysteriousgarden, magnitude, dreamball

1) The network that made Bulbapedia was originally named after this episode of the Pokemon anime.
2) This Ground-type move can hit with an effective base power of 300.
3) In Generation V, which type of Poke Ball does not appear next to other Poke Balls in index number order?
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The March Scavengers ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to 3.14dgeot-Mega for finishing in first place with 421 points, DarkShinyGiratina in second place with 265 points, and Dylas in third place with 201 points. All of them are very big nerds.

3.14dgeot-mega: 421 points
DarkShinyGiratina: 265 points
Dylas: 201 points
eeveeattract: 174 points
keeping it icy: 113 points
Gleeb: 106 points
pokemonvortex: 85 points
Devoxys: 70 points
Wizardsofdra: 67 points
Rory Mercury: 66 points
Chupps: 65 points
Zipzapadam: 61 points
Fuuta of the Stars: 50 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 46 points
MukUsedDrillPeck: 40 points
AweKartik777: 36 points
girisawesomer: 35 points
VeryPinkPancakes: 32 points
destinae: 32 points
kevinrocks: 30 points
Erica Arborea: 25 points
SergioRules: 21 points
Aeolia: 20 points
Chauque: 20 points
lovemathboy: 20 points
Manaphy286: 16 points
rubsomebacononit: 15 points
Mr. Pooptato: 15 points
Gargoyle31: 15 points
Painter Oshawott: 15 points
DatHeatmor: 15 points
ILRB: 15 points
Tidal Otter: 15 points
Embar: 15 points
Wolv&Bats: 14 points
xXDuongDannyXx: 11 points
Fuuta of the Stars: 11 points
ThatOneGuyLucas: 10 points
ShadeOfElysia: 10 points
Wan the Avatar: 10 points
Voyeurism: 10 points
Nyan_Kat: 10 points
blackburn009: 10 points
MagiKanga: 10 points
urgoindown: 5 points
nitrodog96: 5 points
Flerovium: 5 points
Tunaface: 5 points
TheWhoDoctor: 3 points
Nitrojuju: 2 points
Ambii: 2 points
GymLeaderThenin: 1 point
Maniaque: 1 point
Painter Espeon: 1 point
Broil: 1 point
MHEmpire: 1 point
lotiasite: 1 point
ShinyStocko: 1 point
Jessilina: 1 point
Thunder Inkay: 1 point
Gargoyle31: 1 point
ThatOneGuyLucas: 1 point
With that out of the way, we now begin the April Scavengers Ladder. This month's twist will be: each official will have a minimum of one Psywaves/Portmanteau/Parameter/Pun question (or we will beat up Painter Espeon). Thanks to 3.14dgeot-Mega, DarkShinyGiratina, and Wizardsofdra for the suggestion (they all suggested basically the same thing).
The real twist for the April Scavengers Ladder will be: blitz point values are modified depending on how fast you finish. See this chart for a more in-depth explanation (basically, the faster under one minute that you finish, the more blitz points you get). Thanks to DarkShinyGiratina for originally suggesting this!

Good luck this month and happy scavenging!
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04/01/16 10:30 PM GMT-4
First place: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: chupps
Third place: no-one
Fourth place: no-one
Fifth place: no-one
Consolation prize to: no-one

Solution: infernape, raltshealpulse, butterfreezeshockwavenusauriteravolttackledybastiodonphanpyroaromaticmistancechangeodudefeatistunfiskittynamolluxrayquazangooserenegracelebisharpedownloadaptabilityranitarmegabitelepathypervoiceburndrivenusaurmegastroacidarmoriginpulsecretpowerwhippopotassaultvestunfiskiddoubladeinobleroaroftimespritzeeveerieimpulseedflareflecttypersistenteipamaurapidashiemorefrigeratentacooldambergmitelepathyperspaceholeavanny

1) Psywaves! Answer is a Pokémon: Preposition + Plant + Copy
2) “Parallel tushes” is an anagram of which Pokémon and a move that it learns? [Format as pokemonmove]
3) [Gen 5 Psychic Type][Special Dark Type Move][Physical Psychic Type Move][Gen 1 Bug Type][Physical Ice Type Move][Special Electric Type Move][Mega Stone][Zekrom Ability][Physical Electric Type Move][Gen 2 Bug Type][Gen 4 Steel Type][Gen 2 Ground Type][Gen 2 Ground Type][Gen 6 Fire Type][Fairy Type Status Move][Aegislash Ability][Gen 1 Rock Type][Archen Ability][Gen 5 Ground Type][Gen 3 Normal Type][Gen 5 Electric Type][CAP Poison Type][Gen 4 Electric Type][Gen 3 Dragon Type][Gen 3 Normal Type][Dunsparce Ability][Gen 2 Grass Type][Gen 5 Steel Type][Gen III Water Type][Gen IV Ability][Gen IV Ability][Gen VI Dark Type][Gen IV Ground Type][Gen V Ability][Special Normal Type Move][Special Ice Type Move][Item in Teambuilder][Gen VI Poison Type][Poison Type Status Move][Poison Type Status Move][Special Water Type Move][Physical Normal Type Move][Physical Grass Type Move][Gen IV Ground Type][Item in Teambuilder][Gen V Electric Type][Gen VI Grass Type][Gen VI Steel Type][Gen V Dark Type][Normal Type Status Move][Special Dragon Type Move][Gen IV Psychic Type][Gen VI Fairy Type][Gen I Normal Type][Electric Type Status Move][Special Grass Type Move][Special Steel Type Move][Normal Type Status Move][Fidgit Ability][Gen 2 Fire Type][Aipom’s Romanized Japanese Name][Gen 6 Ice Type][Gen 1 Fire Type][Scavengers Room Moderator Owner][Aurorus Ability][Gen 1 Poison Type][Item Related To Aerodactyl][Gen 6 Ice Type][Wobbuffet Ability][Special Psychic Type Move][Gen 5 Grass Type]
First place: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Epcot (Illusio)
Third place: eeveeattract
Fourth place: Yellow Skarmory
Fifth place: chupps
Consolation prize to: darzy7234, Embar, WallWatcher, xArashi

Solution: bonsly, wizardsofthecoast, icechandelier

1) This Pokémon learns Slam via level-up in Generation V, but not in Generation VI.
2) From 1998 to 2003, this company was in charge of the distribution of Pokémon Trading Cards.
3) Dawn used this technique to finish off Ursula in the Sinnoh Grand Festival.

Haha, I got you guys!!! But yeah, thanks to everyone who stayed through the giant port and did the real official. The actual twist will be posted as soon as possible. Thanks to the quality checkers, Rory Mercury and ashiemore (they did not quality check the port). :)
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