Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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4/23/16 3 PM EDT

Second place: beat up dylas
Third place: LCWCY2
Consolation prize to: lovemathboy, xArashi, eeveeattract, Mega Eevee X, destinae.
Solution: wobbuffetwatchesclouds, pidgeot, An Angry Combeenation

1) Name the book in the Pokemon Tales series which features Wobbuffet.
2) The person known to seal a Pokemon in a staff has what Pokemon on hand?|
3) In which episode of the anime is there a location made almost entirely of Honey?

Thanks to ILRB and Rory Mercury for QCing, and also thanks to ashiemore for Hosting. Thanks to everyone for participating in my 10th official! Double Digits are best digits. n_n
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Original Post
Reserving official in 30 minutes or so 1:00 PM EDT aka 10 AM PDT qced by rory and ilrb, hosted by rory

4/24/16 1 PM EDT/ 10 AM PDT

beat up wiz (3.14dgeot-mega)
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: Xylen
Fourth Place: LCWCY2
Fifth Place: Devoxys
Consolation prize(s) to: mauby, Brawl MK
Solutions: Rating Activities, Blizzard, Meowth Up Close and Personal

1) This is the name of the 92nd forum created on Smogon!
2) This is the only STAB move that Pryce's Piloswine uses in the Anime
3) This 24 page long “Mini Pokedex” Pokemon book based on the Meowth that is a part of Team rocket gives information about the Pokemon such as great moments in Meowth’s history

Those who had trouble with q1:

Thanks to I love room ban for QCing and QT Mercury for both QCing and hosting
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First Place:
Second Place: rosepetal
Third Place: keeping it icy
Fourth Place: beat up mana (3.14dgeot-mega)
Fifth Place: social netwerk
Consolation Prize to: Anna The Outlaw, LCWCY2, Dylas, eeveeattract, LegendaryMouse², Aqua Admin Thamill, Wan the Avatar, SergioRules, ScienceRules, GoodMorningEspeon, zacjl
Solution: waterfloat, hydreigon, manaphy

1) This item raises the maximum PP of Azurill's, Marill's, and Azumarill's moves by 2 while in the bag
2) A Shiny version of this pokemon appeared during the opening song of Pokemon the Movie White - Victini and Zekrom
3) This pokemon can only be Shiny if it was traded.

Thanks to Flerovium and Rory Mercury for qc
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4/26/16 7 PM EDT

Second place: beat up ashie
Third place: eeveeattract
Consolation prize to: Mr. Uncompetitive, pokemon∠vortex, Tunaface ☼-☼, Aqua Admin Thamill, social netwerk, Stingray0698, SergioRules
Solution: antidote, bounce, superrod

1. This item can be bought from any Poke Mart in ORAS after obtaining the Pokedex.
2. The only Pokemon with Serene Grace that can use it to boost this move are Deerling and Sawsbuck.
3.The father of a Pokemon professor gives the player which Key Item?

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Manaphy286 for Qcing. Also thanks to ashiemore for making questions 1 and two as well as hosting! Congrats to all finishers and thanks for participating.
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04/27/16 10:00 PM GMT-4

First place:
Second place: LCWCY2
Third place: beat up gme (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Fourth place: Illusio
Fifth place: evwritingpapers (eeveeattract)
Consolation prize to: nitrodog96, Painter Espeon

professorbirch, ninetyone, rayquaza

1) The Pokémon 10th Anniversary Collector's Edition Complete Pokédex book misspells this character’s name (give the correct spelling in your answer).
2) According to the Pokémon Daisuki Club, the modern version of the Poké Ball was invented how many years ago? (Spell out the number in words.)
3) In the anime during a dream amongst Ash and his friends, a Mismagius fuses together with this other Pokémon.

Thanks to the quality checkers, ashiemore and Rory Mercury and congrats to all of the finishers! :)
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04/30/16 11:00pm EDT

First place:
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth place: xArashi
Fifth place: social netwerk
Consolation prize to: Embar, eeveeattract, Stingray0698炎, beat up lmb (3.14dgeot-Mega), ScienceRules, Thracian Mage
Solution: Oceanic Museum, Aromatherapy, Miracle Eye.

1) Water samples from other regions can be found in this building in Hoenn.
2) What is the only Pokémon move that contains the word "math"?
3) "Mirror Coat Lie" is homophonous with which Pokémon move?

Special thanks to the Espeon Crew for QCing and congratulations to all finishers ! n_n
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The April ladder has come to an end. Congratulations to the winners: 3.14dgeot-Mega on first place with 273 points, social netwerk on second place with 228 points, and DarkShinyGiratina on third place with 105 points.

3.14dgeot-Mega: 273 points
social netwerk: 228 points
DarkShinyGiratina: 105 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 97 points
chupps: 97 points
lovemathboy: 80 points
eeveeattract: 68 points
a helpful magikarp: 60 points
Flerovium: 59 points
Illusio: 55 points
xfix: 48 points
Thracian Mage: 46 points
Rory Mercury: 46 points
losedude: 45 points
Painter Espeon: 37 points
xArashi: 37 points
ilikebugs: 36 points
girisawesomer: 35 points
Embar: 35 points
LCWCY2: 35 points
destinae: 31 points
ashiemore: worst user on ps
keeping it icy: 26 points
pokemonvortex: 21 points
Brawl MK: 20 points
etotheipi: 15 points
Chauque: 15 points
Sanjayy: 15 points
rosepetal: 15 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 15 points
Broil: 10 points
zacjl: 10 points
Growcanine: 10 points
Fuuta of the Stars: 10 points
Bloodier River: 10 points
Zipzapadam: 10 points
Xylen: 10 points
Yellow Skarmory: 5 points
kevinrocks: 5 points
etotheipi: 5 points
Vanilla Latte: 5 points
Devoxys: 2 points
Manaphy286: 2 points
ILRB: 1 point
Wizardsofdra: 1 point
PK Aero: 1 point
Kaydan: 1 point
Shadow11615: 1 point
lotiasite: 1 point
The ladder twist for May is a (slightly revamped) repeat of the October one. Each day will have a pre-specified theme which the official on that day will have. Refer to the below chart for these. (All topics are Pokemon)
02/05/16 8:30 PM GMT
Topic: Gen 2

First place:
beat up val (3.14dgeot-Mega) [BLITZ]
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: social netwerk
Fourth place: Merlee
Fifth place: ILRB
Consolation prize to: VeryPinkPancakes, Gleeb, etotheipi☭, help destinae (destinae), LifeOrbLileep, Growcanine☭, losedude.

Solution: pass, aerodactyl, karatechop

1) This Gen II key item has the shortest English name.
2) This is the only Pokemon that can be obtained by trade on a numbered route in a main series Gen II game.
3) This move became Fighting-type in Gen II despite not being Fighting-type in Gen I.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Shout out to my crew ashiemore and Ambi for QCing this one.
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05/01/16 7:00 PM GMT-4
Topic: Locations

First place:
social netwerk
Second place: beat up gme (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Third place: Rory Mercury
Fourth place: Gleeb
Fifth place: CHUPPS
Consolation prize to: Iceblock715, Seafaring~ (Manaphy286), Thracian Mage, eeveeattract, losedude, etotheipi, Sanjayy, keeping it icy, ps4star, ddderp

Solution: route21, dawnstone, viridianforest

1) Where can the move tutor for Draco Meteor be found in Pokémon X/Y?
2) Route 3 has the only Hidden Grotto in Pokémon Black 2/White 2 that can spawn this item.
3) According to the Pokémon Adventures manga, where is Lance from?

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to those who quality checked, ashiemore and Painter Espeon! :)
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5/3/16 6 PM EDT

beat up dylas (3.14dgeot mega)
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: kill awesomepi (Flerovium)
Fourth place: eeveeattract
Fifth place: beat up thracian mage (VeryPinkPancakes)
Consolation Prize to: Brawl MK, pokemonvortex, PM DYLAS FOR HELP (destinae)
Solution: wigglytuff, professor, beldum

1) The real Oichi is the mother of three children, and each share a name with a warrior from Conquest. Name the Pokemon that had its type changed before that is also a Perfect Link with one of those warriors (Final Evolution is multiple)
2) This is the only Kingdom event that always occurs on the same month and year.
3) This is the 3rd Pokemon by Conquest Dex Order that evolves when its stat has reached a perfect square.

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing, as well as GoodMorningEspeon for Hosting. Also congrats to all finishers and thanks for participating
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4/5/16 21:00 GMT-4
RWD (Reworded Dex Entry) Official by ILRB

Winner: mauby
Second place: Prolonged Exposure (Illusio)
Third place: eeveeattract
Fourth place: Thracian Mage
Fifth place: Devoxys
Consolation prize to: VeryPinkPancakes, Homewark (GoodMorningEspeon), havingfun98, 3.14dgeot-Mega, destinae

Solution: slowking, furret, slurpuff

1) This Pokemon's remarkable intelligence is due to the poison it was injected with.
2) This Pokemon builds its nest such that no other Pokemon may get in.
3) This Pokemon makes use of its acute sense of smell to help bakers out.

Congratulations to all finishers! And thanks ILRB for making this official :D. Also thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for QCing! And Rory for hosting
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05/05/2016 4:00 PM GMT -4

Winner: beat up ambii (3.14dgeot-mega) [BLITZ]
Second place:
Hunter Sash
Third place: mauby
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fifth place: VeryPinkPancakes
Consolation prize to: LifeOrbLileep, social network, Stingray0698炎, losedude, GoodMorningEspeon,
Solution: janine, quilava, max

1) This is the only Gym Leader in the games who has never appeared in the anime excluding Wulfric and Blue.
2) This Pokemon of Ash's evolved 507 episodes after Ash caught it. (Name its current form)
3) This person is a doppelgänger of May's brother Max.

Félicitations to every finisher! ^-^
Merci beaucoup to Flerovium and ashiemore for quality check!

Also 1000 hugs to Rory Mercury because he is PS's cutest user and I feel bad I made him salty. ;; luvu qtie
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Original Post:

If you want to watch me sing do a music official be sure to be there at 11 PM EST on May 6th, 2016. This hunt is hosted by the qt miuna-chan, qced by Ambi and Rory Mercury. Be sure to bring your beats headphones!


First Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Alexender
Fourth Place: eeveeattract
Fifth Place: social netwerk
Consolation Prizes to: Illusio, beat up wiz (3.14dgeot-Mega), SoccerZ12
Solutions: Icecreamsyndrome, PokeFloats, Lavender Town

Q1: This Pokemon Japanese CD Single has the name of a food (which is typically eaten as a snack or during dessert) in its name. (Use the Translation's Name)
Q2: This Stage in Super Smash Bros Melee has background music which mixes the wild Pokemon music from gen 1, the Gym leader battle music, and the Trainer battle music
Q3: The background music for this area in the 1st generation games contains sounds that are too high pitched for the regular adult hearing range, but audible to the regular child’s hearing range.

Grats Everyone, and thx Rory n Ambii for qcing, and miuna-chan for hosting
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4/7/16 3:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: GraceTheFlorges
Third Place: VeryPinkPancakes
Fourth Place: keeping it icy
Fifth Place: LifeOrbLileep
Consolation Prize to: mauby, lovemathboy, SergioRules
Solution: expshare, otksocks, blackflute
1. A character from the episode that Kecleon aired shares their name with a character from Gen 6 who gives a certain Key Item to the player. What is that Key Item?
2. In the city where the Kalos Pokemon Fan Club is from, the least expensive clothing for females is which item? (If multiple, pick the last one alphabetically)
3. The trainer who, in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, gives a Mega Stone for the only Gen 5 Pokemon to have a Mega, also is known to give something belonging in the item pocket besides that Mega Stone. What is the item?

Thanks to Ambi and Flerovium for QCing, and Ambi again for hosting! Thanks to everyone who participated and congrats to all of the winners~! Til next time.
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08/05/16 9:30 PM GMT
Topic: Abilities

First place:
Painter Espeon
Second place: Muck Foderators (kierant3hz)
Third place: beat up val (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fifth place: Rory Mercury
Consolation prize to: Gargoyle31, SoccerZ12.

Solution: wonderguard, chlorophyll, frisk.

1) This ability's effects were ignored in Gen 4 by Fire Fang only.
2) This is the most abundant ability that is only possessed by Pokemon which all share one type.
3) Of all the other abilities possessed by Pokemon with Levitate, this ability comes first alphabetically.
Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ILRB and Ambi for QCing this hunt.
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4/9/16 @ 8 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: SergioRules
Third Place: Beat Up Dylas
Fourth Place: mauby
Fifth Place: Stingray0698炎
Consolation Prize to: Alexender, Latios n.n
Solution: Juanita, String Shot, Purrloin

1. This person's Pokemon is known to use Fly in a Pokemon movie.
2. The main antagonist of the 4th Pokemon movie wears something that covers his face. After that falls off, what move do Pokemon use to capture him?
3. A character in the 5th Pokemon movie shares their name with a Rival. What NFE Dark type Pokemon has this rival been known to catch?

Thanks to Rory Mercury for QCing and ashiemore for QCing and hosting and being a nerd. Congrats to all finishers, and thank you for participating!
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[23:47:10] Painter Espeon: Die, Mr. U. You don't belong in this world!
[23:47:23] Mr. Uncompetitive: It was not by my hand that I am once again an active user.
[23:47:31] Mr. Uncompetitive: I was called here by newcomers, who wished to experience my challenges.
[23:47:44] Painter Espeon: Challenges!?! You steal people's time, and make them your fools!
[23:48:01] Mr. Uncompetitive: Perhaps the same could be said of other mods here...
[23:48:13] Painter Espeon: Your words are as empty as your hints!
[23:48:18] Painter Espeon: The Scavengers Room ill needs a savior such as you!
[23:48:29] Mr. Uncompetitive: What is a scavenger hunt?
[23:48:32] • Mr. Uncompetitive throws his glass of water to the floor
[23:48:36] Mr. Uncompetitive: A miserable little pile of secrets.
[23:48:40] Mr. Uncompetitive: But enough talk...
[23:48:42] Mr. Uncompetitive: Have at you!

Join us for a special episode of Official Hunts on Other Side Games at 8:00 PM EST on May 11th, featuring the return of the dreaded Mr. U hunt! Created by the genius himself Mr. Uncompetitive, QCed by my minions Rory and Ashie, and hosted by your captive ating hero, Painter Espeon!

5/10/15 @ 9:30 PM EDT
Other Side Games
Practice hunt rofl kek hehe

Winner: VeryPinkPancakes
Second Place: shounen
Third Place: keepiticy
Fourth Place: eevee afk
Fifth Place: SoccerZ12
Consolation Prize to: Meicoo, Brawl MK

Solvents + Solutes: bruno, ruinsoftruth, 5880

Q1) When playing through Pokemon Puzzle League on Normal, who is the final opponent?
Q2) Where must you go to get the Disc for the 5th Part of "Pichu Bros. in Party Panic"? (do not include "the" in your answer)
Q3) In Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure, there is one Fire-type Pokemon which, while appearing in the Japanese version of the game, does not appear in the European version. How much HP does this Pokemon have in Pokemon Shuffle?

Thanks for having fun on my first hunt back kids <3
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5/10/15 @ 9:30 PM EDT

Winner: beat up pesp (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Second Place: Embar
Third Place (and 04:20): Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: eeveeattract
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: Alexender, Zac Efron's Lover, etotheipi, Brawl MK
Bolutions: vivillon, skrelp, meloetta

Q1) A form of this fully-evolved, non-legendary Pokémon has at one point been event-exclusive
Q2) Two Pokétch applications were meant to be distributed by events, but never were. When the BSTs of the two Pokémon featured in them are added together, what Pokémon’s National Dex number is the result?
Q3) What is the first event-exclusive Pokémon not to make its anime debut in a movie?

I'd like to thank ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checking, and I'd like to thank all users who participated for coming to my official and putting up with me being 10 minutes late!
I'd like to not thank girisawesomer for taking the account Rowlet before i could!

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12/05/16 11:00 PM BST
Topic: PokePark

First place:
Second place: flyingj138
Third place: pissed af
Fourth place: keeping it icy
Fifth place: LifeOrbLileep
Consolation prize to: Dylas, aero LIVERPOOL, eeveeattract, mauby.

Solution: rhyperiorsbumperburn , mew, areakeeper.

1) This attraction in PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure involves knocking opponents out of the arena.
2) In PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure, this legendary Pokemon can be used in Bulbasaur's Daring Dash.
3) In PokePark 2: Wonders Beyond, this title is held by the fully-evolved Gen 5 starters.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to Manaphy286 and GoodMorningEspeon for QCing this hunt.
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05/13/16 9:30 PM GMT-4
Topic: Glitches/Beta

First place:
Second place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: beat up gme (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Fourth place: broil
Fifth place: Gargoyle31
Consolation prize to: keeping it icy, Wan the Avatar

Solution: twentyfour, vienforest, 8895

1) Although it is not accessible, this is the Sevii Island that is labeled with the largest number (spell out the number in words).
2) In Pokémon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, this location has obstacles that are both unseeable and impassable.
3) TM45 is the only move of this type.

Congratulations to all of the finishers; thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checking!!
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05/14/16 6:00 PM GMT-4
Topic: Anagrams

First place:
Rory Mercury (02:37 because he wanted to flaunt his time)
Second place: pokemonvortex
Third place: SergioRules
Fourth place: Dylas
Fifth place: keeping it icy
Consolation prize to: lotiasite, kierant3hz, xfix
Solution: ancientpower, magnet, tangelakrokkatunnel

1) “Wanton Recipe” is an anagram of which move?
2) This held item is an anagram of a Pokémon’s name.
3) “Algae Ankle Knot Trunk” is an anagram of two terms: a Pokémon that evolves by leveling up with Q1’s answer and a location where that Pokémon can be found; what are the two terms? (Format as [pokemon][location]. example: zubatmtmoon)

Thanks to everyone who participated! Thanks to the quality checkers as well, ashiemore and ILRB!
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05/15/2016 GMT-4

First place: Zipzapadam
Second place: Illusio
Third place: eeveeattract
Fourth place: keeping it icy
Fifth place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Consolation prize to: Merlee, Dylas, Shounen, SoccerZ12, rosepetal, Baek Ma Ri, kierant<3hz, Alexender
Solution: revivalherb, slakoth, 282

1) This item has the most negative effect on a Pokemon's friendship in the main series Pokemon games.
2) The type of mail with the last name in alphabetical order has which Pokemon on it?
3) In gen VI, there is a group of 3 TMs that is separated from the rest of the TMs in order of index number. Give the sum of their TM numbers.
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First Place:
Second Place: FTR!AFK (Illusio)
Third Place: Sapphyz (Painter Oshawott)
Fourth Place: losedude
Fifth Place: liorb
Consolation Prize to: etotheipi, SoccerZ12, AuntJenenel, Alexender, VeryPinkPancakes
Solution: p8m29d6f43h7, billy, drifloondrifblim

1) For US versions of Pokemon Ranger, what passcode must be entered into the Ranger Net to unlock the Manaphy egg recovery mission?
2) The german name of this character from Pokemon Ranger is the same as the english name of the creator of the Pokeathlon in Heartgold and Soulsilver.
3) All members of this multi-stage evolution line have unique Area Moves in Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia (name the line in order, lowest stage to highest.) (note: unique = exclusive to that one pokemon)
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05/17/16 8:00 PM GMT-4
Topic: Pokémon Showdown!

First place:
muck foderators (kierant3hz) [BLITZ (00:59)]
Second place: PriceOfLove
Third place: mauby
Fourth place: GoodMorningWan (Wan the Avatar)
Fifth place: ddderp
Consolation prize to: Shounen, Magearna (Dylas), SergioRules, beat up gme (3.14dgeot-Mega), Brawl MK, pokemonvortex

Solution: magikarpsrevenge, quanyails, geomagneticstorm

1) This Water-type move on PS! appears exclusively in the Teambuilder and does not exist in the actual games.
2) This is the PS!/Smogon username of the artist that created the official Ocean background on PS!.
3) This move that is exclusive to the metagame Super Staff Bros. Melee is an Electric-type version of Boomburst.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to Rory Mercury and ashiemore for quality checking :)
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