Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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05/18/2016 GMT-4

First place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second place: eeveeattract
Third place: Shounen
Fourth place: AuntJenenel
Fifth place: Haruno
Consolation prize to: kierant3hz, Avatar Wan 1, SergioRules, keeping it icy, Merlee, Alexender, Painter Espeon
Solution: onix, ikueotani, seventyfive

1) This Pokemon, included in the original Pokemon Stadium, was later given an evolution that changed its primary type.
2) This person is credited for giving a certain Pokemon's voice in Pokemon Stadium 2.
3) This is the level cap for Pokemon in the Master Ball level of the Challenge Cup.
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05/19/2016 GMT-4 (9.30pm)

First place: beat up arashi (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Second place: Painter Espeon <3
Third place: Illusio
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: lovemathboy
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286, flyingj138, ayesee (keeping it icy), ManiaQue, would scav again (Henkachief), Mjolly
Solution: grass, goldpass, krugerfamilylonnie

1) The Pokemon you battle with in a specific Colosseum is determined by roulette. What is the dominant type in this Colosseum's Leader's team the first time he/she is battled?
2) By entering a specific code into Pokemon Battle Revolution one can unlock a Mystery Gift Pokemon that holds a Magnet. What additional item is unlocked simultaneously?
3)This Masters Battle trainer uses a strategy that involves Pokemon with unbeneficial abilities (full name)

Grats to all who completed and thank you to those who participated in my first official hunt :D

Thanks to Flerovium and Ambi for QCing and qt ashiemore for hosting :3
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5/20/16 @ 10:00 GMT-4
Gen 4

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Fuuta of the Stars
Third Place: Alexender
Fourth Place: eeveeattract
Fifth Place: Painter Wan (Wan the Avatar)
Consolation prize to: Baek Ma Ri, lotiasite, flyingj138
Solution: arceus, raikou, fraytormenta

Questions (tfw i forgot to post this)
Q1) If this Pokémon leads the player’s party in the Great Marsh, it may freeze the game upon an encounter.
Q2) This Shiny Pokémon that was seen in Sinnoh in the anime is in a different Smogon tier than any of the others.
Q3) One Sinnoh Gym Leader is indirectly based on a real person. Under what stage name was this person known in their career?
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05/21/2016 GMT (2pm)

First place: Fuuta of the Stars
Second place: lovemathboy
Third place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fourth place: Gargoyle31
Fifth place: Sergiorules
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, Mauby
Solution: nidorino, charmander, vermilionharbor

1) This was the very first Pokemon to appear in the Pokemon Adventures manga.
2) A main character who debuted in an earlier chapter appears in Kalos to search for a legendary Pokemon. What is the first known Pokemon that this character had in the manga?
3) Legend has it that evolution stones that can be reused over and over reside in the depths of this location.

Grats to all who completed and thank you to those who participated.

Thanks to Rory Mercury for QCing and Ambi for QCing and hosting :3
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05/22/2016 7:00 PM EDT

First place: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: Brawl MK
Fourth place: 3.14dgeotMega
Fifth place: Shounen
Consolation prize to: embar, eeveeattract, no dou (kierant3hz), keepingiticy, Manaphy286, shit 1v1 teams, Aqua Admin Thamill
Solution: solarbeam, huntail, facade

1. This TM given in the facility found on Route 121 stayed in the facility in the remakes but had its location changed.
2. In Pokemon Sapphire, you fight one admin in the Team Aqua Hideout. All of this admin's Pokemon share two of the same moves. Apart from the Pokemon he has, what Water Type from Gen 3 can learn both of these moves?|
3. In Fire Red and Leaf Green, there are two TMs can received by using the Medicine item that always restores 80 HP. Name the first one alphabetically.

Thanks to Flerovium and ashiemore for QCing, and also thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for hosting! Congrats to all finishers and thanks for participating~ Till next time!
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23/5/16 @ 10:00 GMT-4 / Jump Start Official made by lovemathboy and me

Winner: castaways
Second Place: kierant3hz
Third Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fourth Place: lotiasite
Fifth Place: SergioRules

jacobvanwagner, shayminex, psychicenergy

Q1) Who placed first in the 2015 Pokemon TCG Masters Division? (Full Name)
Q2) This Pokemon card is very commonly used in competitive play due to its ability “Set Up”. (exclude expansion in answer ; ability ≠ poképower)
Q3) This card can be attached to an Espeon-EX card and contains a silhouette of an Espeon.

Second Place: Shounen
Third Place: castaways
Fourth Place: Manaphy286
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, keeping it icy, kierant3hz
Solutions: blainesmoltres, moviecommemorationrandompack, xxxxx

Q1) This was the first Pokémon TCG Card that had an attack requiring 5 energy cards to be used. |
Q2) This is the first TCG Expansion to feature Ash’s Pikachu (answer with the English expansion, unless it has only been released as a Japanese one)
Q3) This is the only Japanese name of a Poképower to include letters of the Latin alphabet (answer with the English name of the Poképower)

why did people take so much longer on mine even though it was supposed to be the easier one

Anyways congratulations to all finishers and hopefully you enjoyed this jump start official!
And thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for QC'ing!
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24/5/16 9:00pm EDT XD: Gale of Darkness/Colosseum Hunt

Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: keeping it icy
Fourth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth Place: Shounen
Consolation Prizes: ddderp, Devoxys, Gleeb
Solutions: sudowoodo, theunder, brightpowder

Question 1: This trainer who appears in both XD: Gale of Darkness and Colosseum went from sharing a trainer class to having an exclusive class that was introduced in XD. What Shadow Pokemon do you snag from them in Colosseum?
Question 2: Two locations in the Orre region are connected by subway, name the second one alphabetically. (include any articles).
Question 3: The original trainer you can snag a Shadow Salamence from can also be re-battled at Orre Colosseum. Two of his Pokemon in this battle hold items which affect the same stat. Name the first item alphabetically.

Thanks to Ambii and Rory Mercury for qc's and ashiemore for hosting! (Also, I forget who did it first, but I like the idea of providing links in the answers just in case people are curious about the sources).
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Flerovium x lovemathboy
12:30 PM EDT, 25th of May 2016. Theme: PMD (Knockout Games)

Second Place: Alexender
Third Place: a helpful magikarp
Fourth Place: Mego
Fifth Place: castaways
Consolation Prize to: Growcanine, Henkachief, CS2016.

Thanks to lovemathboy for collaborating with me on this hunt, and thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and Rory Mercury for QCing.

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5/26/16 at 8 PM EDT (Gen 5)
Second Place: 3.14dgeotmega
Third Place: Merlee
Fourth Place: cast(away)s
Fifth Place: ddderp
Consolation Prize to: kierant3hz, cyllage
Solution: Rachel, 2056, rocksmash

1. This female backpacker can only be fought in White 2. What is her name?
2. This is the sum of the Prize Money given by the trainers in Castelia Sewers that can only be accessed by using Surf.
3. The location where the Dragon Skull is given to the trainer also contains 3 TMs. Name the move contained in one of the TMs that is not the same type as those contained in the other two.

Thanks to ashiemore for QCing and Rory Mercury for QCing and hosting. Grats to all finishers and thank you for participating! I hope to see you all tomorrow for Pokkenficcial ^_^
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05/28/2016 @ 5 PM GMT

First place: Painter Espeon
Second place: ILRB
Third place: Manaphy286
Fourth place: keeping it icy
Fifth place: lovemathboy
Consolation prize to: mauby
Solution: thunderarmor, shadowpanic, icefang.

1) This move, used only in the anime, raises the user's Speed and Attack
2) Voltorb is the only electric type that can learn this Status move with 60% Accuracy
3) This is the only Ice-type move that is always Cool (Contest condition)
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5/27/16 at 6 PM EDT (Pokken)
Rory Mercury
Second Place: castaways
Third Place: 3.14dgeot Mega
Fourth Place: Sergiorules
Solution: 250, Ruler of Wealth, Star Facepaint 2

1. In Pokken, the playble Pokemon with the least amount of health has a Synergy Attack that deals how much damage at base?
2. After getting certain amounts of Pokegold in Pokken, you will get acheivements. Which acheivement is given out once you get the most possible gold needed for an acheivement.
3. This Male-exclusive facial feature found in Pokken can only be obtained through Amiibo.

Thanks to ashiemore and Ambi for QCing, and also thanks to Flerovium for hosting! Congrats to all winners and thanks to everyone for participating~!
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05/29/2016 GMT (3pm)

First place: castaways
Second place: lovemathboy
Third place: Fuuta of the Stars
Fourth place: Very Pink Pancakes
Fifth place: Keeping it icy
Solution: cyrus, ice, agathabertha

1) In the Pokemon Adventures manga, this trainer is shown evolving two Pokemon at Mt Coronet.
2) This side-game antagonist offers the player blue soda if the player helps the antagonist obtain a valuable object.
3) Identify these two trainers whose similarities were written about as part of a novel in Unova (alphabetical order).

First place: castaways (1.31!!)
Second place: Fuuta of the Stars
Third place: Devoxys
Fourth place: lovemathboy
Fifth place: VeryPinkPancakes
Consolation prize to: Zipzapadam, cpl2016, kierant3hz
Solution: professorelm, lucian, stevenstone

1) This character is credited with the discovery that Pikachu has a prior evolutionary stage.
2) This main-series game Psychic-type specialist is the only one that has not exhibited any psychic ability in their various appearances in the anime, manga or games.
3) In a gen 4 game, the player may present a specific item, which this character will take an interest in and have converted into a Soul Dew (full name).

Grats to all who completed and thank you to those who participated.

Thanks to Flerovium for QCing and ashiemore for QCing and hosting :3
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5/30/16 @ 10:30 GMT-5
Gen 1

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third Place: SergioRules
Fourth Place: Panda
Fifth Place: castaways
Solution: scientist, xanadunursery, charizard174

Q1) In Pokémon Red and Blue, this Trainer class’s sprite is shared with that of a named glitch trainer class.
Q2) A flower containing the move Stun Spore can be found in this Kanto location in the anime.
Q3) What Pokémon has the greatest gap between its index number in Gen 1 and its National Pokédex number? (e.g. -100 is greater than 99; format pokemonnumber)

Thanks to Rory Mercury for quality check, and thanks and congratulations to Dylas for his first quality check on this hunt! And thanks to everyone who participated :D

guys learn to read q3 okay
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05/31/2016 GMT-4

First place: Rory Mercury
Second place: SergioRules
Third place: castaways
Fourth place: 3.14dgeot-mega
Fifth place: ddderp
Consolation prize to: etotheipi
Solution: smeargle, power, 587

1) This is the only password-unlocked Pokémon in Pokémon Rumble World to have only one move when it is obtained.
2) This is the only stat that Toy Pokémon have that is not a stat that Pokémon have in the main series games.
3) This is the shortest amount of days to pass between the North American releases of two games in the Rumble series.
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The May ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to winners: 3.14dgeot-Mega in first place with 240 points, castaways in second with 122 points, and Rory Mercury in third with 91 points!
3.14dgeot-Mega: 240 points
castaways: 122 points
Rory Mercury: 91 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 75 points
SergioRules: 73 points
Painter Espeon: 60 points
Illusio: 55 points
Fuuta of the Stars: 50 points
Wan the Avatar: 46 points
social netwerk: 46 points
mauby: 45 points
kierant3hz: 45 points
shounen: 42 points
ILRB: 41 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 40 points
Alexender: 35 points
pokemonvortex: 35 points
Manaphy286: 35 points
VeryPinkPancakes: 33 points
keeping it icy: 31 points
Dylas: 30 points
lovemathboy: 22 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 20 points
Zipzapadam: 20 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 16 points
Hunter Sash: 15 points
GraceTheFlorger: 15 points
Embar: 15 points
PriceOfLove: 15 points
Merlee: 15 points
Devoxys: 11 points
Flerovium: 10 points
Painter Oshawott: 10 points
Brawl MK: 10 points
a helpful magikarp: 10 points
broil: 6 points
Gleeb: 5 points
losedude: 5 points
AuntJenenel: 5 points
Gargoyle31: 5 points
Mego: 5 points
Panda: 5 points
ddderp: 3 points
chupps: 1 point
Gargoyle31: 1 point
LifeOrbLileep: 1 point
Stingray0698: 1 point
SoccerZ12: 1 point
Haruno: 1 point
The ladder twist for June will be: Each hunt will receive hints for Q1, Q2, and Q3 at set intervals throughout (default is 2, 4, and 6 minutes). Thanks to Brawl MK for the idea.
9 PM EDT 6/1/16

First Place:
Rory Mercury
Second Place: broil
Third Place: castaways
Fourth Place: 3.14dgeot Mega
Fifth Place: VeryPinkPancakes
Consolation Prize to: kierant3hz, etotheipi, girisawesomer, Alexender
Solution: spinarak, spewpa, spenser

1) The only time that TM 49 is not Normal or Dark-type, a certain person gives it to the player. What Generation 2 Pokemon does that person use in the anime?
2) In SSB4, what is the only PokeBall Pokemon to use a move that has 75% accuracy in the Pokemon main series games?
3) This person writes to the main character of Pokemon Ranger to meet them at the location that is directly east of East Road.

Thanks to ashiemore and Painter Espeon for QCing! Thanks to everyone for participating, and sorry for the wikis having goofed up information. Grats to all winners!
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6/2/2016 10 PM EDT

First place: VeryPinkPancakes
Second place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: etotheipi
Consolation prizes to: SoCCeRz12, ddderp, Alyvia
Solutions: soak, pokemonbaccerworldcup, friendlymeadow
1) What move is an anagram of a Professor's first initial and last name?
2) What anime-exclusive event requires an evolution family of Pokemon in order to enter (with one exception)? (add Pokemon, format é as e)
3) What Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon dungeon is unlocked upon arrival at the Grass Continent and has released legendary Pokemon available to recruit after a certain rank is reached?
CONGRATS to all participants, thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing and special thanks to Painter Espeon for hosting and collabing on my first official !!!

Rory Mercury: pesp and julia official?
Rory Mercury: time to get the "i tried" star
We actually needed that star because one of my badly non-QCed hints ;;
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6/5 9 AM EDT

First place:
Second place: lovemathboy
Third place: Fuuta of the Stars
Fourth place: Alyvia
Fifth place: none
Consolation prizes to: none
Solutions: Kricketot, Clair'sTechnicalMachine01, Yancy
1) This Pokemon with a unique BST is rarer in the wild compared to its evolution in the game it debuted in.
2) This trainer card has a specific TM on it, which contains a special move, and is given by a gym leader who is featured on the card. (Format: Full name of the card)
3) This character was in a relationship with a main protagonist in the Pokemon Adventures manga, who wanted to find out if she was a member of a villainous team

Woo another collab hunt by xArashi and I :D Special thanks to QCers Painter Espeon and ashiemore and hoster ashiemore!!
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06/06/2016 9:30 PM BST

First place:
3.14dgeot-Mega [BLITZ]
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: homEWark (GoodMorningEspeon)
Fourth place: kierant3hz
Fifth place: Wan the Avatar
Consolation prize to: Ch a?u QUE#, d.d.d.erp?, Devoxys, Illusio, LifeOrbLileep, Embar.

Solution: smog, fennekin, unown

1) This non-STAB move can be learnt by Chandelure by level-up in every generation that Chandelure is available in.
2) This is the only Support Pokemon in Pokken Tournament that evolves into a playable Pokemon.
3) This Pokemon's name is featured in the names of multiple dungeons in the WiiWare Pokemon Mystery Dungeon titles.

Congratulations to all of the finishers, and thanks to ashiemore and Ambi for QCing the hunt.
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6/5/16 @ 8:00 8:58 PM EDT

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: Rory Mercury
Fourth Place: VeryPinkPancakes
Fifth Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation Prize to: Devoxys, lotiasite, Brawl MK
Solution: freezedry, magnemite, regigigas

Q1) A Latios card in the TCG was released with this move that would be introduced into the games in a later generation, but Latios cannot learn it.
Q2) In PMD2, this Pokémon and its evolutions are the only non-Legendary Pokémon to speak in all capital letters.
Q3) This Pokémon is known to have an actual myth engraved on its body.

Super duper sorry for being late once again. I actually had a good reason this time though (this whole situation with returning a dog to its owner and then we had to update all the lost dog shit and i couldnt get on computer for forever it was a hassle)! But still, next official I'll be on time. Srry n_n
Thanks to Ambi and Dylas for quality checks, and congratulations to all who completed the hunt!
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6/7/16 @10:30 PM EDT

Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: Gleeb
Third Place: castaways
Fourth Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fifth Place: Brawl MK
Consolation Prize to: 3.14dgeot-Mega, NeverPlayedPKMN
Solution: Skiddo, Whipped Dream, Hyper Voice

Q1) In Pokemon X and Y, one trainer found in the Battle Chateau tells the main character that they are actually a robot before battling them. What is the only Pokemon this trainer uses in her battle?
Q2) What is the only Pokemon X-Exclusive Item found in Cyllage City?
Q3) What is the only Special move that can be used to receive Soft Sand from a sand pile?

Thanks to Manaphy286 and Painter Espeon for Qcing. Also thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting as I was unable to be here during that time. Grats to all finishers, and thank you for participating.
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Official on June 8th, 2016 @ 11:59 PM EDT

First place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second place: kierant3hz
Third place: girisawesomer
Fourth place: GymLeaderThenin
Fifth place: castaways
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, etotheipi, Rory Mercury, SergioRules, Brawl MK
Solutions: Mawile, Glaceon, Mystical Fire Mist Clefairy

1) In the initial release of the international version of Pokemon Ruby, this Pokemon’s name was misspelled in its Pokedex entry.
2) Some Pokemon in the Pokemon anime were first introduced as eggs. Of these Pokemon, which one took the most known number of episodes to hatch? (Format as the form it is in currently)
3) There is a special Fire Type move that is an anagram of the combination of an Ice Type move and a Fairy Type Pokemon. (For example: Razor Leaf is an anagram of the combination of Azelf and Roar) What are these moves and Pokemon? (Format: Fire type move, Ice Type move, Fairy Type Pokemon)

Thanks to Ambii for QCing and Dylas for QCing and hosting, and congratulations to all finishers! n_n
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6/9 (ha) at 12 Noon EDT

Winner: Alexender
Second Place: kierant3hz
Third Place: zacjl
Fourth Place: etotheipi
Fifth Place: sheeft!
Consolation Prize to: mauby bark, anant51892
Solution: Vileplume, Anna, Charon’s Choice

  1. (Dylas) Despite Oakley never using this Pokemon in the movie, she mentions that she once had what Pokemon? (answer with the Pokemon's current known form)
  2. (castaways) There is an NPC in Pokemon Battle Revolution who supposedly watches all of the player's battles, what is her name?
  3. (lovemathboy) In Pokemon TCG, what is the only supporter card you put back into your hand after you use it?
Thank you to Painter Espeon and Rory Mercury for QCing! Also, thanks to eeveeattract and lovemathboy for coming up with Questions 2 and 3 respectively! Grats to all finishers and thank you for participating!
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6/10 @ 3 PM EDT.

Winner: 3.14dgeotto (GoodMorningEspeon)
Second Place: adiass
Third Place: Dylas
Fourth Place: LifeOrbLileep
Fifth Place: Rory Mercury
Consolation Prize: broil $$$, Brawl MK, 6Infernapes, Meicoo
Solution: victreebel, orenberry, mimejr


Q1: This is the last pokemon by index number in generation 1.
Q2: This item deals ten HP of damage when used.
Q3: This is the only pokemon that has a unique catch rate that doesn't have a unique catch rate upon evolution.

Sorry to anyone who found geo pebble for q2, apparently it also works (I had meant to specify berry in the question) luckily I don't think it held too many people up though. Shoutout to all the pears and congrats to all the finishers! Also thanks to manashie for the qc's and ashiemore for hosting!
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06/11/2016 GMT (3pm)

First place: losedude
Second place: ScarfWynaut
Third place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fourth place: flyingj138
Fifth place: girisawesomer
Consolation prize to: 6Infernapes, mauby bark
Solution: Static, FireStoneWaterStone, 195

1) This specific ability was shown to be negated by Mold Breaker in the anime, which is typically not the case ingame.
2) A specific coordinator used Pokemon evolution as part of an appeal in a Sinnoh contest. Which 2 items were used to facilitate the evolution? (Alphabetical Order)
3)When breeding a German Lapras and a Japanese Lapras under the effects of the Shiny Charm, what is the chance of the offspring being a Shiny Lapras? Express your answer as the first 3 significant digits of the chance.

Grats to all who finished the hunt!

Thanks to ashiemore and ILRB for QCing and Dylas for hosting.
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