Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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6/11/16 at 7 PM EDT

Winner: Nyan Kat
Second Place: Someoneelse01
Third Place: 3.14dgeotMega
Fourth Place: lotiasite
Fifth Place: Keeping it Icy
Consolation Prize to: Rory Mercury, Brawl MK, castaways, ajhockeystar
Solution: Drifloon on the Wind, Team Socket, Madison

1) What is the episode of the Anime where it is revealed that Joy is not the first name of all of the nurses? (Answer with the title of the episode)
2) In the Anime episode Stealing the Conversation!, Team Rocket is mistakenly called a name other than Team Rocket. What name were they called? (Include the word Team in your answer)
3) Name the first character of the day to have a known Pokemon of a different color than what it normally is.

Thanks to Flerovium and Painter Espeon for QCing. Also thanks to all who participated and congrats to all winners! Sorry for there being a few complications but it worked out in the end~!
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6/12/16 at 1:30 PM EDT

Second Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third Place: broil $$$
Fourth Place: kierant3hz
Fifth Place: mauby bark
Consolation Prize to: Alexender, 6Infernapes, Devoxys
Solution: Winner's Trophy, Shiver Camp, Keizou

1) People who win the Orange League gets this Prize. (Do not include "The" in your answer)
2) This location in Almia has the least inhabitants.
3) There are 8 Battle e Cards part of the Pokémon Battle e Emerald collection that contain trainers who inhabit the Silver Floor of Trainer Hill. Of these 8, which one uses no Pokemon introduced in Gen 3?

Thanks to Flerovium and ILRB for QCing. This was a Collab Official; Wizardsofdra came up with Q1, lovemathboy came up withQ2, and I came up with Q3. Grats to all winners and thanks for participating!
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06/13/2016 GMT (5pm)

First place: GoodMorningEspeon (1:18)!!
Second place: girisawesomer
Third place: kierant3hz
Fourth place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth place: VeryPinkPancakes
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon, losedude, 6Infernapes, Petrovinator
Solution: Sweet Heart, AerodactylvsKyogre, Stern's Shipyard

1) You can trade this item for Heart Scales at a discounted rate during Valentine's Day and White Day.
2) What's the name of the Pokémon XD Battle CD that awards the player with a Mental Herb?
3) Memory Girl: "Igglybuff hatched from an Egg and saw Barry for the first time at... a factory." Given the Memory Girl's statement, where was Igglybuff hatched if it was hatched in Hoenn?

Grats to all who finished the hunt and thanks to all who participated :D

Thanks to Flerovium and Rory Mercury for QCing and Ambi for hosting n_n

EDIT: OMG. Also thanks to PyoroLoli (Question 2) and eeveeattract (Question 1) for collabing with me n_n
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06/14/2016 GMT-4

First place: Angels2002
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: Rory Mercury
Fourth place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth place: embar
Consolation prize to: Alexender, Gleeb, Breath of the Wild, Nyan_Kat, lovemathboy, castaways, Brawl MK
Solution: fowlplay, platinum, articuno

1) This is the only episode of the anime where a main character successfully caught a Shiny Pokemon.
2) This is the only Pokemon version to be released in any region on Ash's birthday.
3) In Gen I, this Pokemon has the highest base stat average that is a prime number.
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6/15/16 at 3 PM EDT

Second Place: 6Infernapes
Third Place: adiass
Fourth Place: Panda
Fifth Place: castaways
Consolation Prize to: kierant3hz, SergioRules, SS2 Mav, girisawesomer, pokemonvortex
Solution: The Ghost of Maiden's Peak, Azurill, Castle Noapte

1) The first talking Gastly was seen in what episode of the Pokemon Anime? (Episode Title)
2) In the episode Agatha debuted in the anime, what Pokemon was Misty revealed to have?
3) This location in Pokemon Shuffle contains the most Ghost Type Pokemon.

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for QCing. Congrats to all of the finishers and thank you for participating.

Special thanks to ILRB and PyoroLoli for collabing with me. Pyoro made Q1, I made Q2, and ILRB made Q3.
6/16/16 @ 11:00 11:18 PM GMT-4

Mr. Uncompetitive
Second Place: Gleeb
Third Place: Meicoo
Fourth Place: lovemathboy
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: NeverPlayedPkmn, 3.14dgeot-Mega
Solution: charizarditex, trickroom, moldbreaker

Q1) Which Mega Stone has been seen in a region other than Kalos or Hoenn?
Q2) With the exception of Diancie's signature move, Diamond Storm, what is the only move Diancie learns by level-up that Carbink does not?
Q3) If a Pokémon with this ability were to use Grass Knot on an opponent with the ability Heavy Metal, it would do less damage than normal. (First alphabetically if multiple)

Sorry for being late to my own official, again :)
Thanks to Flerovium for quality checks and HUGE thanks to Dylas for both quality checking and hosting in my stead. I promise I'll be on time for the next official I have! n_n;
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06/17/16 7:10 PM GMT-4

First place:
Second place: etotheipi
Third place: keeping it icy
Fourth place: Brawl MK
Fifth place: kierant3hz
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, Latios n.n, mauby bark

drainpunch, bidoof, thatssillyidbreakthateggifitriedtomassageit

1) Between Generation IV and Generation V, this move’s PP was increased by five.
2) This Pokémon in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs has a Ranger Sign that is shaped like the letter W.
3) What would the Massage Girl say in Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum if you try to make her massage a Pokémon egg?

Congratulations to everyone who finished! Thanks to the quality checkers, Rory Mercury and ashiemore.
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06/18/2016 GMT (4pm)

Jumpstart Hunt
First place:
Rory Mercury (1:46)
Second place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third place: RIPDRAMAALERT (sanjay)
Fourth place: ILRB
Fifth place: Devoxys
Solution: Screech, 0123, DoubleEdgeHexPlayroughSuckerpunch

Jumpstart Questions...
1) The first event that the Johto starters had legitimate access to their hidden abilities, what Normal-type move did Feraligatr have?

2) If a trainer has a Trainer Shiny Value (TSV) of 0123, what is the corresponding 4-digit Egg Shiny Value (ESV) that an egg needs to have for the hatched Pokemon to be shiny?

3) A female Absol and male Spinda were bred together for the purpose of creating eggs. The female Absol possessed: Hex, Psycho Cut, Sucker Punch and Play Rough, while the male Spinda possessed: Double Edge, Sucker Punch, Hypnosis and Return. Which 4 moves are most likely to be possessed by the offspring? (alphabetical order)


Quotes from the hunt:
[00:08:10] #GoodMorningEspeon: q3 WHAT
[00:10:32] Long Dong Sylveon: I give up q2
[00:10:54] Vongola ♡ Style: Q2 is ez what are you talking about
RIPDRAMAALERT has finished the hunt in 3rd place! (03:43)
[00:11:39] +Alexender: uhm do you have an alt that i can credit
[00:11:40] +Alexender: RIPDRAMAALERT
Alexender was warned by Usain Bot. (Automated response: caps)

Official Hunt
First place:
ILRB (1:59)
Second place: kierant3hz
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fourth place: Meicoo
Fifth place: LittEleven
Consolation prize to: keeping it icy, VeryPinkPancakes, SergioRules, WizardsofBleh (WizardsofDra), Vongola Style (Fuuta of the Stars), Rory Mercury, Devoxys, AidenBev
Solution: Steel type, Power Lens, Perilous Soup

Official Questions...
1) If a Pokemon has an IV spread of 30/30/30/30/31/30, what would the Hidden Power type of this Pokemon be? (include 'type' in your answer.)

2) castaways' shiny Ninetales has a perfect Special Attack IV of 31. To pass this SpA IV to a Vulpix offspring, what item should Ninetales hold?

3) This item has the same effect as a Reset Bag obtained in Super Training


Quotes from the hunt:
[00:20:49] Rory Mercury: is q2 right :(
ILRB has finished the hunt and is the winner! (01:59)
[00:21:03] Rory Mercury: i guess it is

Grats to all who finished the hunt and thanks to all who participated :D Hope you all learnt something new.

Thanks to lovemathboy and Painter Espeon for QCing and Painter Espeon for hosting n_n

Lastly thanks to the awesome eeveeattract for collabing with me (again)
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18/6/16 21:00 GMT -4

Winner: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Devoxys
Third Place: GymLeaderThenin
Fourth Place: Meicoo
Fifth Place: VeryPinkPancakes

Solutions: substitute, primeape, lemonade

Q1) This is the only doll that’s obtainable in ORAS but not in RSE. (Don’t include doll in the answer)
Q2) Of all of Ash’s Pokémon, this one has had the least on-screen appearances.
Q3) According to in-game text, machines in the Game Corner can be damaged by various items. Name the first one alphabetically.

Hope you enjoyed my official and gratz to all finishers! Also thanks to Flerovium and Dylas for QC'ing.

Don't think I forgot about sending a fairly large bee after everyone that wasn't there.
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June 19 at 11 PM EDT

First Place:
3.14dgeot Mega
Second Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third Place: castaways
Fourth Place: Fenrir Aesir
Fifth Place: Gleeb
Consolation Prize to: wizardsofdra, alexender, Aqua Admin Thamill, wishes
Solution: Janet, Aerial Ace, Preston Electric Guitar

Q1) Who was the winner of the first Pokemon Contest ever shown in the Pokemon Anime?
Q2) What is is the only move that Lisia's Altaria will use in two different categories of contests.
Q3) Where is one Prop in the Pokemon Musical that can only be given by defeating a trainer in battle. Who is this trainer, and what Prop do they give? (Format as TrainerProp and do not include Trainer Class)

Thanks to Rory Mercury and GoodMorningEspeon for QCing. Grats to all finishers!
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6/21/16 at 4PM EDT

Winner: 6Infernapes
Second Place: SergioRules
Third Place: mauby bark
Fourth Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Fifth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation Prize to: frowny clown, keeping it icy, VeryPinkPancakes.
Solution: pokemonxdgaleofdarkness, searchfortheredgyarados, battlechatelainedana

1) This already-released game shares its release day and month in a particular continent with Pokemon Sun & Moon's worldwide release date. (format é as e)
2) After watching this television programme, the protagonist from Diamond and Pearl visits Lake Verity to search for rare Pokemon.
3) A specific Frontier brain who exclusively uses legendary Pokemon has a spiritual successor in this character, who uses exactly the same Pokemon. (include trainer title)

Grats to all those who finished and thanks to all who tried!! Even tho badly hunt i'm sorry :/

Thanks to lovemathboy and ashiemore for impromptu qcing and ashie for hosting yay
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2pm EST 6/21 Collaborated official with xArashi/Alexender

Winner: Painter Espeon
Second Place: Embar
Third Place: kierant3hz
Fourth Place: Rory Mercury
Fifth Place: mauby bark
Consolation Prize to: extremely gorgeous, castaways, pokemonvortex, scale mail.
Solution: blaine, sixtyone, zapdos

1) This is the only main series game Gym Leader whose Gym is not located in a city or town.
2) By using the DexNav in ORAS, what is the highest possible level of a wild Elgyem on Mt. Pyre? (Spell out the number)
3) Of all stationary Legendary Pokemon, this one can be caught with the least amount of badges.

Thanks to everyone who participated, Ambii for hosting and qc'ing, lovemathboy for qc'ing, and Alexender for collaborating with me!
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06/23/2016 GMT-4

First place: embar
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: SergioRules
Fourth place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth place: wishes
Consolation prize to: castaways, nekoramen, Breath of the Wild, Radiant Sun, latiosnn, Mr. Uncompetitive, Repenting
Solution: ko games so like 12 hunts

Thanks to xArashi for collabing with me on this :D
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06/24/16 9:30 PM GMT-4

First place:
Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second place:
social netwerk
Third place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fourth place: Embar
Fifth place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, VeryPinkPancakes, Repenting, Arsu Knight!, Shadow11615, Yellow Skarmory

nightslash, pokemonsnap, mamoswine

1) The only Pokémon that has used Me First in the manga copied this move.
2) This is the only Pokémon game where Slowpoke’s evolution into Slowbro is the same as stated in its Pokédex entries, which state that a Shellder bites its tail (format any é in your answer as e).
3) This Pokémon in UU is immune to all of the damaging effects of acid rain.

Congratulations to everyone who finished, and thanks to Rory Mercury and ashiemore for quality checking. :)
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6/25/16 at 1:30 PM EDT

Second Place: ILRB
Third Place: losedude
Fourth Place: SergioRules
Fifth Place: ahelpfulmagikarp
Consolation prize: alexender, mauby bark, yellowskarmory, litteleven, nekoramen, ambii, devoxys, keepingiticy

These throwing items from the Mystery Dungeon Series were shown in the Pokemon Anime.| Corsola Twigs| This Pokemon was once seen being used as a messenger by Giovanni's secretary.| Delibird| A Pokemon book by Maria B. Alfano shows readers how to draw numerous Pokemon from Generation 4, but there are two Pokemon in the book that are not from Gen 4. Name the first one alphabetically.| Aipom

Thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for QCing. Grats to all who completed the hunt, and thank you for participating! (Yet another leek on one of my hunts smh ;;)
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6/25/16 10:30 GMT-4
Theme: three syllable pokemon names ending in the letter a

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second Place: teal team six (social netwerk)
Third Palce: Rory Mercury
Fourth Place: GymLeaderThenin
Fifth Place: etotheipi
Consolation prize to: BobRossEspeon, Shade of Elysia, Brawl MK, Alexender, keeping it icy, GoodMorningEspeon, Embar*
Solution: rayquaza, shedinja, torterra

Q1) In the Pokémon Adventures manga, Platinum’s family is known to have funded a project to control and capture this Pokémon.
Q2) The player is not given an opportunity to nickname this Pokémon when it is obtained.
Q3) Not counting battles against Team Rocket, this Pokémon belonging to a main character lost in every battle it participated in after reaching its fully evolved form. (Only give Pokémon name)

Thanks to Increasingly Languishing Road Blocks and Flerovium for quality checking, and congratulations to everyone who completed the hunt! I'd also like to send my condolences to Mr. Uncompetitive and his loved ones; Mr. U was killed earlier this morning by a Clefable. He continues to scavenge on in our hearts.

*Embar did not technically finish the hunt, but he lost bc q3 didnt specify evolved form. sorry about that, man
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6/26/16 10:30 GMT-4

dot augumon (pokemonvortex)
Second Place: keeping it icy
Third Place: castastrays (castaways)
Fourth Place: mauby bark
Fifth Place: alexender
Consolation prize to: sergiorules, devoxys

In the Pokemon Book where Ash catches a Chikorita, he mistakenly says he captured what Pokemon he had never had in his possession?| Pidgey| After scanning the Lucario Amiibo for the game Kirby Planet Robobot, what Kirby ability will Kirby transform into? (Put only the name of the ability)| Fighter| In the Pokemon Amie game "Head It", what is the lowest amount of points needed to get 5 stars in Unlimited mode? (Write in word form)| eight hundred

Thanks to Finding Rory and Pain for QCing. Thanks to everyone who participated, and congrats all finishers.
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6/26/2016 11:30 PM EDT

First place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: SergioRules
Fourth place: sinnoh67
Fifth place: keeping it icy
Consolation prizes to: 3.14dgeot-Mega, Unease, Radiant Sun, GoodMorningEspeon, GymLeaderThenin, and etotheipi
Solutions: ruinvalley, tamatoberry, marchionesskorrina
1) According to the Town Map, this Sevii Island route has a dimension of 2x2, making it the only one that extends more than one square in both dimensions in the FLRG guames
2) Out of all the possible berry mutations that can result the Berry Fields in XY, which mutated berry is not used for another mutation that results in a stat-boosting berry? (include berry)
3) What Trainer has the previous evolution of a Pokémon that evolves by trade in their initial battle; and then owns its evolved form in their pre-champion rematch at the Battle Chateau? (include the title of nobility they have there)

CONGRATS to all participants, thanks to QCers Rory Mercury and Painter Espeon and hoster Painter Espeon ¡¡ if you weren't there you're a ▽
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6/27/16 at 1:20 PM EDT

First place:
castastrays (castaways)
Second place: etotheipi
Third place: ahelpfulmagikarp
Fourth place: 3.14dgeot mega
Fifth place: 6Infernapes
Consolation prizes to: mauby bark, Painter Espeon, GoodMorningEspeon, terrors

A village in Shadows of Almia has a festival every year which needs two Ice Type Pokemon to make possible. What is the name of the festival. (Include the word "festival" in your answer)| Snow Festival| There are three known attackers of the Wobbuffet Festival. Despite it being a village full of Wobbuffet, they all have Fighting Types, two of which know only fighting moves. Name the only one with a move that is not Fighting Type, and what move is it? (Format as PokemonMove)| PrimeapeFurySwipes| This character shares his Japanese name with a Pokemon Lake. | Paul

Thanks to Ambii and Flerovium for QCing, and also a huge thanks to lovemathboy for making Q3! Grats to all finishers, and thanks to everyone for participating.
6/28/16 at 1:20 PM EDT

First place:
Penotando (Illusio/ Radiant Sun)
Second place: castaways
Third place: Meicoo
Fourth place: cookiemonster54321
Fifth place: Brawl MK
Consolation prizes to: GoodNightEspeon (GoodMorningEspeon), Arsu Knight!, Dokodemoドア (Genevence).
Solutions: Darkrai, YuseiFudo, Undiscovered

1. Excluding the use of items and IQ skills, this is the only non-Ghost type Pokemon that can walk through walls in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games without damaging them.
2. The first voice actor who provided the voice of Scott in the English Pokemon anime also provided the voice of this character in the Yu-Gi-Oh 5Ds anime.
3. In Pokemon XY, Pokemon of this particular Egg Group will always have a minimum number of flawless IVs when captured or received as a gift.

Thanks to Dylas and Rory Mercury for qcing and no thanks to rory for not hosting :c

Thanks to Dylas for hosting c: And grats to all who finished!
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The June Scavengers ladder is now over. Congratulations to 3.14dgeot-Mega in first place (again) with 161 points, castaways in second place with 91 points, and Mr. Uncompetitive in third place with 90 points.
3.14dgeot-Mega: 161 points
castaways: 91 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 90 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 76 points
Rory Mercury: 76 points
social netwerk: 60 points
etotheipi: 57 points
kierant3hz: 55 points
Wan the Avatar: 51 points
Gleeb: 50 points
Meicoo: 50 points
SergioRules: 46 points
embar: 41 points
6Infernapes: 36 points
ILRB: 35 points
VeryPinkPancakes: 33 points
losedude: 30 points
keeping it icy: 27 points
broil: 25 points
Alexender: 21 points
nyan kat: 20 points
Angels2002: 20 points
lovemathboy: 20 points
Painter Espeon: 20 points
pokemonvortex: 20 points
Radiant Sun: 20 points
mauby bark: 17 points
girisawesomer: 16 points
adiass: 15 points
Scarf Wynaut: 15 points
Someoneelse01: 15 points
Devoxys: 15 points
a helpful magikarp: 11 points
Fuuta of the Stars: 10 points
GymLeaderThenin: 10 points
zacjl: 10 points
Dylas: 10 points
adiass: 10 points
Brawl MK: 7 points
kierant3hz: 6 points
Alyvia: 5 points
LifeOrbLileep: 5 points
flyingj138: 5 points
lotiasite: 5 points
Panda: 5 points
DarkShinyGiratina: 5 points
GymLeaderThenin: 5 points
sinnoh67: 5 points
cookiemonster54321: 5 points
sheeft: 1 point
LittEleven: 1 point
wishes: 1 point
Manaphy286: 1 point
The ladder twist for July will be: finishing in consecutive officials will award one additional bonus point per official (up to a maximum of +10). If you miss an official, the streak will be broken. Thanks to Painter Espeon for the idea! Good luck this month, everyone!
7/1/16 at 4PM GMT

First place:
Second place: Mr Uncompetitive
Third place: Radiant Sun
Fourth place: awesomepi
Fifth place: social netwerk
Consolation prizes to: NeverPlayedPkmn, Fuuta of the Stars, Meicoo, etotheipi, LifeOrbLileep, mauby bark, Wizardsofdra !!!!, keeping it icy, ashiemore
Solutions: Meowth, Poison Swamp, 2100

1. A country in the South Pacific Ocean has had a series of coins featuring Pokemon as legal currency in 2001. Identify the only Pokemon featured on these coins that is not a starter Pokemon in the gen 1 games.
2. All Pokemon in this PMD Red/Blue Friend Area are weak to the Psychic-type
3. This is how much it costs in Pokedollars for a stylish person to travel from Coiffure Clips to Lumiose Station via Lumi Cab.

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and Rory Mercury for qcing!

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for hosting c: And grats to all who finished the first official of July!
2016-07-02 2:00PM EDT (6:00PM GMT)

First place: VeryPinkPancakes [BLITZ]
Second place:
Third place: 6Infernapes
Fourth place: Weebl
Fifth place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolaton prizes to: Nobody. Oh well.
Solutions: Echoed Voice, Metronome, fifty-six

Nobody got a bonus for a consecutive hunt.


  1. Which move boosts its power when used consecutively even when it misses?
  2. Which item boosts power of moves that are used consecutively?
  3. How many trainers do you have to defeat consecutively in Battle Tower in Pokémon Ruby in order to obtain a ribbon? [answer with an English numeral, for example forty two]
Thanks to Dylas and ashiemore for QC-ing the hunt. Also, everyone who tried this hunt deserves thanks, you are a reason why this rooms even, you know, exists.
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2016-07-02 9:00PM EDT (2016-07-03 1:00AM GMT)

First place: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: VeryPinkPancakes
Third place: AkaYuu
Fourth place: Wan the Avatar
Fifth place: social netwerk
Consolaton prizes to: Devoxys, Manaphy286, Weebl, PokeMoon Moon
Solutions: quagsire, honedge, lentowncherry

Consecutive hunt streak: GoodMorningEspeon, VeryPinkPancakes, Weebl, (and possibly me if I finish the next official hunt)

  1. This is the only fully evolved non-electric type Pokemon that can learn the move Eerie Impulse (not including Smeargle).
  2. Mew can learn very few attacking moves by level up. Name the base form of the evolutionary line that Mew cannot hit for super-effective or normally-effective damage with its Gen 6 level-up moves.
  3. This anime town lies between Azalea Town and Goldenrod City and uses Psychic type Pokemon to fend off the local Ghosts. Name the town AND the trainer in it who owns the Psychic type that is immune to Ghost type attacks (format towntrainer).
Thanks to Rory Mercury and Painter Espeon for QC-ing the hunt, Painter Espeon again for hosting (and Rory Mercury for ending hunt), and you for reading this post.
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2016-07-04 9:00PM BST (2016-07-04 4:00PM EDT). Q1 and Q3 by Flerovium, Q2 by Snaquaza.

First place:
Second place: 6Infernapes
Third place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fourth place: keeping it icy
Fifth place: xfix
Consolation prizes to: LifeOrbLileep, VeryPinkPancakes (Streak Bonus).
Solutions: blaziken, drastropoff, fletchinder.

This was, at the time the game was released, the only dual-typed Pokemon faced in the Expert GP of Pokemon Dash.
2) Who is the only person in the Pokemon games known to study astrology?
3) In the anime, this was the first Pokemon belonging to Ash that evolved while engaged in combat with a legendary Pokemon. Give the name of the Pokemon before evolution.

Thanks to Ambi and lovemathboy for QCing, and Snaquaza for collaborating with me.
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