Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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7/29/16 at 12 Noon

First Place:
Second Place: RebornPixels (Fuuta of the Stars)
Third Place: BrawlMK
Fourth Place: chupps
Fifth Place: 6Infernapes
Consolation Prize to: 3.14dgeotmega, CS2016, wishes

Consecutive Streak to: DarkShinyGiratina, Fuuta of the Stars, 6infernapes

/startofficialhunt This Pokemon has once had its footprint changed, never to return to its original.| Mawile| For getting first place the Bug Catching Contest, you may be given a variety of items. Name the only one that is not a usable evolutionary stone.| Oval Stone| This is the only Pokemon whose entire evolutionary line is used in multiple series in Pokestar Studios (Name the first Pokemon in the evolutionary line alphabetically)| Duosion

Thanks to Shame That and GoodMorningEspeon for QCing. Grats to all finishers, and thank you for participating.
Last edited:
07/31/16 4:00 PM GMT-4

First place:
Second place:
Third place: PyoroLoli
Fourth place: Growcanine
Fifth place: girisawesomer
Consolation prize to: nitrodog96, 3.14dgeot-Mega, xfix, by official, what even the HECK, Wan the Avatar, Kyubiisaan, Pweeb, social netwerk

Consecutive official streak: DarkShinyGiratina, chupps, 3.14dgeot-Mega

machop, torkin, remeyoweed

1) In Pokémon Red/Blue, Low Kick was the signature move of this evolutionary line (include only the base form in your answer).
2) The Shadow Pokemon that is obtainable in both Pokemon Colosseum and XD: Gale of Darkness is snagged from which character in XD: Gale of Darkness?
3) In the anime, after being poisoned by Foongus, Ash and his friends used this herb to heal their Pokémon.

Congratulations to all of the finishers, and thanks to those who quality checked, Ambi and Rory Mercury. And of course, thanks to Dylas (Breath of the Wild) for making the second question! :)
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The July Scavengers Ladder has come to a conclusion. Congratulations to DarkShinyGiratina in first place with 132 points, 3.14dgeot-Mega in second place with 119 points, and chupps in third place with 113 points!
DarkShinyGiratina: 132
3.14dgeot-Mega: 119
chupps: 113
GoodMorningEspeon: 88
Fuuta of the Stars: 81
castaways: 75
xfix: 67
Rory Mercury: 66
girisawesomer: 52
VeryPinkPancakes: 47
SergioRules: 47
a helpful magikarp: 46
Mr. Uncompetitive: 45
Meicoo: 41
keeping it icy: 40
6Infernapes: 40
Embar: 35
social netwerk: 33
Tunaface: 30
Devoxys: 27
Pokemoon Moon: 26
Kyubiisan: 21
a random duck: 21
Gleeb: 20
Alexender: 20
Painter Espeon: 20
Brawl MK: 20
racky54: 20
Chauque: 17
Radiant Sun: 15
Panda: 15
OreoHaircuts: 12
BigPimpin12: 12
pokemonvortex: 12
PyoroLoli: 11
Fenrir Aesir: 10
Genevence: 10
BladePrincess: 10
Merlee: 10
Shade Of Elysia: 10
Latios n.n: 10
Weebl: 6
Wan the Avatar: 5
LifeOrbLileep: 5
Ambii: 5
Growcanine: 5
kevinrocks: 3
Level 51: 1
LittEleven: 1
etotheipi: 1
wishes: 1
Acadeca: 1
The ladder twist for the month of August is as follows: The first five finishers will gain two bonus points if the hunt reaches five finishers after five minutes have gone by. Good luck and have fun scavenging!
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08/02/2016 @ 4 PM GMT -4
Second place: Breath of the Wild
Third place: Alyvia
Fourth place: Pokemoon Moon
Fifth place: Shattered Shadow
Consolation prize to: Mega Eevee X, Devoxys, pokemonvortex

libertygarden, magnemite, rotom

1) This island in Unova is based on a real life island in New York.
2) This LC Pokemon has three weaknesses in Gen 2 although it only has one in Gen 1.
3) Depending on its form, this Pokemon can have 4 unique type combinations.

Thanks to those who quality checked ashiemore and GoodMorningEspeon and congratulations to every finisher!!
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8/1/16 at 9 PM EDT

First Place:
3.14dgeot Mega
Second Place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: alolan magikarp (nyan kat)
Fourth Place: punishments (VeryPinkPancakes)
Fifth Place: chupps
Consolation Prize to: Rory Mercury, wizardsofdra, keeping it icy
Metagross, Sixty Three, Axew

1) Once in the anime, Jessie and Meowth both left Team Rocket, leaving James alone. What Pokemon did James decide to pursue after they quit?
2) To fully complete Professor Oak's Pokemon Report in Pokemon Snap, you must show Oak this many Pokemon (Write the number in word form. Example: Zero
3) For completing the Unova Pokedex in Black 2 and White 2, you are given a diploma. Out of all of the Pokemon seen on said diploma, this one has the highest dex number.

Thanks to xfix and kevinrocks for QCing. Also a huge thanks to castaways for making Q3 and collabing with me! Thanks to everyone who participated, and grats to all finishers.
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Original Post
Me, Pyoro, and Loti collabed on a hunt to make an Oh Fiscul Hunt. Be there on 17:00 GMT August 3rd 2017 2016

Ty to these people:
Hosted by Ambi and QCed by Ambi and Rory Mercury

August 3rd, 2016 17:00 GMT

First Place:
chupps (+2)
Second Place: ShatteredShadow (+2)
Third Place: kierant3hz (+2)
Fourth Place: Brawl MK (+2)
Fifth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega (+2)

Q1: Colosseum
Q2: Hoppip
Q3: DaybreakMeteorShower

In this Pokemon game, not all the starter Pokemon are the same level. (omit the word Pokemon in Answer)
Q2: The Only Legendary in the Pokemon Colosseum Japanese Bonus Disc has 1 attacking Move. What is the last pokemon in dex order that learns the move by Breeding?
Q3: This is the only Pokémon Japanese CD that only feature Diancie and Pikachu on the Pokémon edition cover art.

Ty again to Ambi for hosting and QCing, and thanks to Rory Mercury for the Quality Check
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8/4/16 @ 7:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Rory Mercury +2
Second Place:
PyoroLoli +2
Third Place:
what even the HECK (chupps) +2
Fourth Place:
kevinrocks +2
Fifth Place:
Panda +2
Consolation Prize to:
Devoxys, Painter Espeon

According to the "Pokemon: Greatest Battles" book, this is Meowth from Team Rocket's ability.| Scratch| The creator of Pokemon Go's team leaders also did art for many other games. What other game did he provide art for that was released in 2009?| Half-Minute Hero| You are playing Pokemon Black 2 as a male, and you decide to ride the Rondez-View Ferris Wheel once every season for a year. If you do this, how many PokeDollars will you get if you are playing on Easy Mode? (Number Form. Example: 5)| 3344

Thanks to Flerovium and ashiemore for QCing! Grats to all finishers, and thanks to everyone who participated! I didn't expect this to be that difficult (Rory finished at 3:59). Goal was reached.
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4th August 2016 at 4PM GMT

First place:
Shattered Shadow (DarkShinyGiratina) [2:00]
Second place: chupps [3:09]
Third place: losedude [4:32]
Fourth place: LifeOrbLileep [5:58]
Fifth place: Fuuta of the Stars [7:36]
Consolation prizes to: Breath of the Wild, Rory Mercury, Pyorololi

Solutions: PokeFan, Scolipede, Celestial Tower

1. In Pokemon XY, the design of this trainer class features Pancham (Format é as e if applicable).
2.When transporting this evolutionary line from Pokemon Black to Pokemon X, their hidden abilities will be changed. Name the final evolution of this evolutionary line
3. This Unova landmark was not shown in the anime, but was replaced with a similarly designed facility and renamed after a city.

Thanks to Flerovium and GoodMorningEspeon for qcing!

Thanks to Flerovium for hosting c: And grats to all who finished! And tbh idk how the twist works so i put all the finishers' times there so someone can figure it out yay :]
Last edited:
08/05/2016 @ 7 PM GMT

First place:
too meme for you
Second place:
Third place:
social netwerk
Fourth place:
Fifth place:
Consolation prize to: Meicoo, Mr. Uncompetitive, TheStarmanLord, Froslasss
Solution: pokemongo, arceus, pinkanberry.


1) This english ending theme of the Pokémon Anime has the same name as a Pokémon game. (Format é as e)
2) This in-game Pokémon region map has the shape of a Pokémon. What is the Pokémon?
3) This berry is known for changing the Pokémon's coloration (Include word Berry)
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8/6/16 @ 3:30 GMT-4

Winner: Rory Mercury
Second Place: losedude
Third Place: hello i am badly (PyoroLoli)
Fourth Place: Alternate Anthony
Fifth Place: FireghtBug
Consolation Prize to: Meicoo, Mystrisse, Breath of the Wild

Solution: drifblim, illumise, shellder

Q1) Not counting Smeargle, this fully-evolved Pokémon and its evolutionary family can learn both the move with the highest set base power and one of the moves with the lowest one.
Q2) The color of tree that this pure Bug-type can be found on in the Berry fields matches the Pokémon’s dex color.
Q3) What Pokémon can change form using a certain Mega Stone that does not belong to its own species?

Bonus: First five all finished after 5 minutes, but GoodMorningEspeon is it supposed to be bonus points for before or after? i could swear we discussed before ;;

Thanks to Ambii and Flerovium for quality checks, thanks to Dylas for helping with ladder during official, and congratulations to all finishers! Thanks to coming to my first actual hard official in a while >:)
[15:00:50] chu★pps: are you fucking serious
[15:01:00] DarkShinyGiratina: that's so dumb
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7/08/16 @ 1AM GMT

3.14dgeot-Mega [BLITZ, 00:54]
Second place: Mystrisse
Third place: also everyone else (Fuuta of the Stars)
Fourth place: social netwerk
Fifth place: Kyubiisaan
Consolation prize to: Shade of Elysia, DarkShinyGiratina, GoodMorningEspeon, Meicoo, Wan the Avatar, Panda, Devoxys
Solutions: Magikarp, Ekans, Dark
1) What is the only Pokemon in Pokemon Conquest that uses an attack that it would not receive STAB from?
2) In Diamond and Pearl, only 14 Pokemon could have foreign Pokedex entries. Which of these Pokemon is the tallest?
3) In Pokemon Black/White 2, what is the only Type Expert Tournament not to contain any Gym Leaders? (omit the word Type)

first five completed under 5 minutes cause easy official but im not really sure how this twist works so i'll let you figure it out :3
grats to gme on global driver and thanks to Rory Mercury and Manaphy286 for qc along with Painter Espeon for hosting~!

Thanks y'all for coming for my official!
8/7/2016 at 10:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Painter Espeon
Second Place: Coleman Hell (FlyingTypesRule)
Third Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fourth Place: pokemonvortex
Fifth Place: offishal (pokemoon moon)
Consolation prize to: manaphy286, mr. uncompetitive, girisawesomer

Name the trainer that uses the lowest leveled Pokemon found at the Cipher Key Lair, and include the level of said Pokemon. (Include trainer class and format as TrainerLevel)| Thug Zook26| The first Wooper that appeared in the anime had an illegal move. What was it?| Tackle| This weapon in Fire Emblem Fates also is the name of a status move from the Pokemon series.| Moonlight

Thanks to Rory Mercury and xfix for QCing. Grats to all winners, and thank you for participating. Sorry for hastebin crashing, but we eventually found a solution!
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11:00 PM BST, 9th of August, 2016.

First place:
SergioRules [2:27]
Second place: chupps [3:58]
Third place: LifeOrbLileep [4:08]
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive [7:32]
Fifth place: terrapieseven [7:54]
Consolation prize: Panda

Solutions: Confusion, Brandon, Tracey.

1) In a Mystery Dungeon special episode of the anime, Gengar can be seen using this move, which it cannot learn in the games.
2) In-game, this character has only used Pokemon that are legendary. (Don't include trainer class.)
3) This character from the anime, who has appeared in more than 10 episodes, has a first name that is an ability plus one letter on the end. (Answer with first name only.)

Thanks to everyone for putting up with my relentless ability to get the times wrong, and thanks to Ambi and Rory Mercury for QCing!
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11/8/16 19:30 GMT -4

Winner: SergioRules (07:52)
Second Place: Devoxys (20:43)
Third Place: DarkShinyGiratina (25:09)

Solutions: xpower,gastlyhaunter,117179869184

Q1) In Pokémon Tretta you could fill up a gauge that activates when at least one Pokémon is unable to battle, and upon doing so you can summon a Pokémon to heal your own Pokémon by a fixed amount. What is this ability called?
Q2) Of all known Pokémon Champions in the anime, this one became one the longest time ago. Name the Pokémon that he used to win in alphabetical order.
Q3) What are the chances of a Poncho-wearing Pikachu’s Spark Rush attack to deal enough damage to knock out the TCG card with the highest HP in one shot? (Format as 1/x, e.g. 1/3)

Gratz to all finishers and thanks to all participants :D. Special thanks to Flerovium and Dylas and super-duper extra special thanks to plesp for making me make an official in the first place and creating this cruel q3. Imakuni loves you.
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08/12/16 10:00 PM GMT-4

First place:
Tunaface [BLITZ]
Second place:
Rory Mercury
Third place: PyoroLoli
Fourth place: darzy7234
Fifth place: Meicoo
Consolation prize to: Froslasss, lotiasite, Panda, hardenmetapod, Wizardsofdra, terrapieseven, harambe please (Gleeb), Alyvia, Embar, SergioRules

powerplant, spiritomb, chingling

1) In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team, you must have this friend area in order to recruit Magnemite.
2) This is the only Pokémon that Cynthia uses in Pokémon Black/White that has one or more status moves.
3) In the anime, James’ Mime Jr. used Hidden Power through Mimic after mimicking this Pokémon.

Thanks to all the participants! Thanks to the quality checkers, Breath of the Dylas and Ambi. :)
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8/13/16 at 12 noon EDT

First Place:
Second Place: terrapieseven
Third Place: Devoxys
Fourth Place: Panda
Fifth Place: Broil
Consolation prize to: kierant3hz, hardenmetapod

Bonus was reached

In Pokemon Go, which item requires that the player be Level 30 or higher to use? | maxrevive |An Egg's hatching time can be determined by reading the quote on the Pokemon's Summary. This is the only such quote that stayed exactly the same for three consecutive generations.| It appears to move occasionally. It may be close to hatching| This Anime exclusive Pokemon character, introduced in Florando , uses two Pokemon of the same species. What move do both of these Pokemon know?| Sleep Powder

Thanks to Flerovium and Ambi for QCing. Also thanks to ashiemore for collabing with me and giving q1. Thanks for participating and congratulations to all of the winners!
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8/13/16 @ 9PM EDT

First Place:
Offishal [PokeMoon Moon]
Second Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third Place: a random duck
Fourth Place: Panda
Fifth Place: Rory Mercury
Consolation prize to: hardenmetapod, Alyvia, ArkhamStorm, castaways, SergioRules, keeping it icy, Rebecca(Togekiss), Devoxys, Gleeb

Solutions: Blue Moon Falls, Ho-oh, Ninetales

First five finishers finished under 5 minutes

1) In the anime, Quagsire stole the GS Ball from Ash and took it to what anime-exclusive location?|
2) In the Battle Frontier arc of the anime, Ash was possessed by someone. What Pokemon did that person intend to use to take over the world?
3) In the anime, there was a Poke Ball that appeared that was unconventional in the way that the button appeared on top of the ball instead of on the side. What Pokemon did it originally hold?

[11:16:50] Devoxys: scavenge blue moon falls
[11:16:54] Devoxys: oshet
[11:17:03] Devoxys: mute me now ;;

Thanks to Dylas and Flerovium for qc'ing and thanks GoodMorningEspeon for hosting, even if you were 10 minutes late. Congratulations to all finishers and thanks for coming! ^^
8/14/16 at 12 noon EDT

First Place:
Second Place: devoxys
Third Place: flerovium
Fourth Place: chaque
Fifth Place: goodmorningespeon
Consolation Prize to:

Bonus Was Reached

Which location on the Grass Continent in Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon contains Hawlucha’s Slam School? | Capim Town | The index number of Pokemon World Tournament (PWT) in Black 2/White 2 is the same as this location in Black/White. | Cold Storage | The only wild Pokemon found at this location are Pichu, Starly, Bidoof, and Buneary. | Little Plains

This hunt was made by lovemathboy, so thanks to him for that. Thanks to Painter Espeon for QCing. Grats to all winners and thank you for participating.
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08/15/16 10:30 PM GMT-4
(+2 Bonus)
First place:
Rory Mercury
Second place:
a random duck
Third place: etotheipi
Fourth place: castaways
Fifth place: queez
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, Embar, chupps, kierant3hz, BigPimpin12

anistarcity, swinub, pokemonrescuesociety*

1) You receive the Exp. Point Power from Mr. Bonding in Pokémon X/Y in which location?
2) This is the only Pokémon that evolves at level 33 and is part of a three-stage evolutionary line.
3) In the anime, Team Rocket pretends to be a part of this group when Dawn’s Piplup runs away (format any é in your answer as e).

*Yes, most areas of Bulbapedia other than the one I used said "(the) Pokemon Rescue Corps" instead of rescue society, but I gave away the correction to everyone in chat. Sorry to anyone who had it earlier :(
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08/16/16 10:00 PM GMT-4

First place:
Rory Mercury [BLITZ]
Second place:
Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Third place:
Fourth place: chupps
Fifth place: Radiant Sun
Consolation prize to: terrapieseven, a random duck, hardenmetapod, kevinrocks, SergioRules, Kyubiisaan, Ast☆Ara, PyoroLoli, LegendaryMouse, kierant3hz, Embar, BigPimpin12, Rebecca(Togekiss), ashiemore, oh my gosh gosh (Gleeb), 21th place

pancham, miragekingdom, breloom

1) This is the only Pokémon that learns Sky Uppercut via level-up at level 48 in Generation VI.
2) This anime-exclusive location is home to people that worship Togepi (do not include “the”).
3) This is the only Pokémon that appears in a Fighting-type Friend Safari whose primary type is not Fighting-type.

Congratulations to the finishers! Thanks to the quality checkers, Ambi and Dylas of the Wild. No errors this time :)
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First Place:
Second Place: hardenmetapod
Third Place: pyorololi
Fourth Place: Embar
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: Kyubiisaan

This is the first anime episode to feature two different Pokemon in its English name.|tentacooltentacruel| This voice actor has been the voice of the Pokedex for the most amount of generations. (First and Last name) | rossyaguirre|This main-series Pokemon ability can also be a special trait in the Rumble series, even though both have different effects.| scrappy

Congrats to LifeOrbLileep on his first official! He made q1. Also thanks to Flerovium
and Ambi for QCing! Grats to all winners and thank you for participating. There was a mistake with Q2. but I was able to fix it before it became an issue. Bonus was reached.
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8/18/16 @ 4 PM GMT-4

Second Place: chupps
Third Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: kierant3hz
Fifth Place: PyoroLoli
Consolation prize to: a random duck
Solution: miltank, 30660, 612
Bonus: boi we reached it

Q1) In Gen 6, what is the only Pokémon who can hit Ghost types with the move Bide under normal battle conditions?
Q2) If the player takes the Mauville Ramen Bowl challenge and defeats all 8 Trainers in 8 turns, what is the maximum profit the player can make?
Q3) Painter Espeon walks to Flerovium’s house to purchase some dank memes. While he walks, he has Pokémon GO open, and on the way he hatches all nine of his eggs, with the final one hatching right as he arrives at Flerovium’s house. Assuming Flerovium’s house is 37 kilometers away from Painter Espeon’s, and Painter Espeon only has one incubator, how many of each type of egg (2 km, 5 km, 10 km) did Pesp have? Format: (# of 2km) (# of 5km) (#of 10km), example: 4 2 0

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Manaphy286 for koala tea checking, and thanks to all of you putting up with this hunt (alts in q1, math in q2/3)! Also dont let the six finishers fool you, fifth one finished at 39:09 so n_n
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8/19/16 @ 8:58 PM EDT

First Place:
Radiant Sun
Second Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: Rory Mercury
Fifth Place: lotiasite
Consolation Prize to: PokeMoon Moon, Goodmorningespeon, GalectiGames, ElbowSkinn, Alyvia, Raineko
Solution: purifyingfire, dragonascentblackmegarayquazaflight, gyarados

1) Despite Ho-Oh being a primary Fire Type Pokemon, there are three instances in which it is a Colorless card in the TCG. What is the ability of the Colorless Ho-Oh card that is also an EX card?
2) This Pokemon Tretta set features Serena's Pancham by its trainer's side on one of the 48 Tretta.
3) In the episode where Cilan's Pansage is known to have the move Grass Whistle, what pokemon does Cilan also attempt to catch?

Thanks to Painter Espeon and Flerovium for qcing.
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8/20/16 at 2 PM EDT

First Place:
Rory Mercury
Second Place: PyoroLoli
Third Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Fourth Place: Alexender
Fifth Place: 6infernos (6infernapes)
Consolation Prize to: Mr. Uncompetitive, ItsEasyToBeatMe, Devoxys
Solution: remil, widelens, surroundwithinjustice

1) In Colosseum, some Cipher Peons give their Shadow Pokemon held items to use in battle. Of all of them, which gives Cipher Peon gives their Pokemon a held item that does not boost the power of their primary type? (do not include trainer class)
2) For using a Photo Spot once in Pokemon X and Y, you can receive this item.
3) The final boss of Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon has a move very similar to those that blow the opponent back. What is this move?

Thanks to Ambi and ashiemore for QCing! Grats to all winners and thank you for participating. No Bonus.
Last edited:
08/21/2016 @ 6 PM GMT

First place: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place:
Third place:
Fourth place:
Fifth place:
Solution: looklookhere, northpoleimgivingsantaapikachuforchristmas, crimsondivewildblaze.

1) This Japanese BW ending theme is featured in the Japanese only game Just Dance Wii U
2) An exclusive anime location is mentioned in a Pokémon Christmas Bash CD song. What is the location and what is the name of the song? (Format locationsong)
3) These are the only two tournament legal TCG moves that can deal the highest amount of base damage (Alphabetical order)

Thanks to Ambii for qc'ing and thanks to Dylas for hosting and qc'ing !!
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