Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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21/8/16 18:00 GMT -4 Collab with Ambi

Winner: chupps
Second Place: Latios n.n
Third Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Fourth Place: a random duck
Fifth Place: LifeOrbLileep
Consolation Prize to: Petrovinator, Embar, Kyubiisaan, broil, Mr. Uncompetitive, castaways, Manaphy286

Solutions: zekromzygarde, rusty, pikachufanclub

Q1) Not counting forms, these two legendary Dragon Type Pokémon's Attack is higher than their Special Attack. (alphabetical order)
Q2) Pokémon with this trait only know Struggle.
Q3) This house in Sinnoh has 5 Pikachu and 2 People in it, one of which is a Trainer with 2 Pikachus. Name the house.

Congratulations to all finishers and thanks for participating in general :D. Extra thanks to Painter Espeon and Dylas for QC'ing and even more thanks to Ambi for making Q1.
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8/22/16 @ 6:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Painter Espeon
Second Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Third Place: Nyan.Kat
Fourth Place: chupps
Fifth Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Consolation Prize to: GoodMorningEpseon, Rory Mercury, Kyubiisaan, Latiosnn, grougeza, DatHeatmor

This Pokemon is most used by different trainers in Parterre Way.| Corphish| If you find the mean of the Dex Numbers of all of the Pokemon that come from 2K eggs in Pokemon Go, what Pokemon's Dex Number will you receive?| Nidoqueen| This is the only Pokemon that, with the right ability, cannot be burned and can also learn all of the Physical Moves that may be able to freeze an opponent.| Floatzel

Thanks to Ambi and Flerovium for QCing. Grats to all winners and thanks for participating. No Bonus.
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Original Post:

Reserving an official collaboration hunt with SergioRules and Wizardsofdra for 11 PM BST (3 PM PDT) on August the 23rd.

First Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega (1:25)
Second Place: DarkShinyGiratina (2:15)
Third Place: LifeOrbLileep (2:22)
Fourth Place: Embar (4:09)
Fifth Place: chupps (5:31)
Consolation Prizes to: BigPimpin12, Dylas, Devoxys, Meicoo.

/startofficialhunt Ghetsis controls this Pokemon in the manga that he has not controlled in any of his other incarnations. | volcarona | This Pokemon, the shortest of its type, loses said type when it evolves. | azurill | A certain American voice actress for the English-language dub of the Pokemon anime also voiced a certain character in Samurai Warriors 3. The character she voiced has the same name as a character in Pokemon Conquest. What is the name of the character she voiced? | Nene

Thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checking! :D
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8/24/16 @ 5:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: chupps
Third Place: hardenmetapod
Fourth Place: terrapieseven
Fifth Place: 6Infernapes
Consolation Prize to: LifeOrbLileep, PyoroLoli, Devoxys

Bonus was Reached

A Latias card, which is not Mind type, learns two moves that share names with others in-game. Which of these moves needs two Colorless Energy cards to perform?| Water Sport| Out of all of the Pokemon you can receive with a Rental Pass, which has a Mega Evolution that will either add or remove a type from the Pokemon?| Lopunny| This is the first Pokemon in the Nation Pokedex to reuse another Pokemon category that was not in its evolution line. (Category as in Bulbasaur being the Seed Pokemon)| Kakuna

Thanks to Flerovium and Ambi for QCing! Grats to all winners and thank you for participating. Thanks for not bringing memes.
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8/25/2016 @ 7:30AM EDT
First place:
Second place: SergioRules
Third place: AquaponicsLyfe
Fourth place: hardenmetapod
Fifth place: Cyczer
Consolation prize to: none
Bonus was not reached

This Pokemon has access to the ability Limber and another ability, but does not have a third ability.|ditto|In the Unova arc of the Pokemon anime, two main characters caught a Pokemon each at the exact same time. What Pokemon were these? (alphabetical order)|palpitoadstunfisk|There are two main series Pokemon games in which Zubat cannot be caught in the wild. Name the first alphabetically and don't include "Pokemon"|black

Thanks yall for coming, thanks to Ambi and Rory Mercury for qc'ing and ty to Flerovium for hosting!

Quick hunts...

Who do they come from?

And why do they go...?

Such meaningless things...

I'll remove them all!

Reserving an official hunt on Sunday August 28th at 8:00 PM EDT, QCed by Rory and Dylas and hosted by Rory !_!
8/28/16 @ 8 PM GMT -4

SergioRules (06:39)
Second Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega (10:13)
Third Place: Embar (11:07)
Fourth Place: terrapieseven (12:49)
Fifth Place: DarkShinyGiratina (15:10)
Solution: 5.625, Porygon2, Vine Whip

Q1) In order to tie with the Mastery Record for Relay Run, how many seconds on average does your team have to complete each lap? (write the answer as a decimal)

Q2) Amongst all of the Pokemon that can be found in the Huge Storage areas, this is the one that is in the highest Smogon ORAS tier (list the first of these Pokemon alphabetically if there are multiple)

Q3) Out of all of the playable Pokemon featured throughout Super Smash Bros Melee, Brawl, and 4, there is one Pokemon who, in one of these Smash games, has a standing grab that comes out on a frame later than any of the other Pokemon's standing grabs throughout these three games. In the first main-series Pokemon game that this Pokemon appeared in, it also gets a level-up move on the level whose number is equal to the frame that this grab comes out. Name this move.

Thanks to Rory and Dylas for QCing, Rory for hosting, ashie for being cute, VPP for letting me GP his stuff, my parents cause they cool, everyone who liked q3 (actually tho thanks a bunch for letting me know !_!), everyone who hated q3 (also really helpful info !_!) and everyone who played. See ya next time~!
shoutouts to video games i've never actually played
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8/26/16 @ 9 PM GMT-4

Second Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: lotiasite
Fifth Place: Panda
Solution: durant, metronomehaunter, chatter

Q1) Which unevolved, non-legendary Bug-type has the fewest weaknesses?
Q2) Out of all of the e-reader applications named after a move or ability from the Pokemon series, this is the only one to feature a Ghost type. Also, name the featured Pokemon of that type. (Format as applicationpokemon)
Q3) Not counting Smogon-wide clauses, which move is banned from an entire usage-based tier?

Thanks to Rory Mercury and ashiemore for quality checking, and very thanks to Dylas for making q2 and hosting with me and updating the leaderboard and for being handsome as fuck ,':)
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27/8/2016 @ 10 PM BST (5 PM EDT)

Winner: Manaphy286
Second Place: Panda
Third Place: dsgiratina (DarkShinyGiratina)
Fourth Place: chupps
Fifth Place: girisawesomer
Consolation prize to: Brawl MK, MeButYou82, Devoxys.
Solution: pikachufan, pidgey, catla

Q1) In Pokemon GO, only one species of Pokemon counts towards earning this medal, and it is guaranteed that every Pokemon of that species caught will count towards earning the medal. (Don't include 'medal' in your answer.)
Q2) In the Pokemon Snap book, what is the first species of Pokemon that Todd photographs?
Q3) In Pokemon X and Y's Battle Maison, this trainer makes a habit of purposefully misspelling the word 'has', instead opting to spell it with a Z. (Format as first name only.)

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Painter Espeon for QCing!
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8/28/16 @ 4 PM GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second Place: Offishal (Pokemoon Moon)
Third Place: Merlee
Fourth Place: Embar
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize: ILRB, chupps, Brawl MK, DarkShinyGiratina, DrainingAbyss, kierant3hz, castaways
Solution: minustwo, growlie, 213

Q1) What is the only priority level, if -7 ≤ (priority level) ≤ 5, that does not currently belong to any move? (Spell out answer, e.g. plusnine, minusten)
Q2) The Japanese voice actor who voiced Tommy Grimm in the anime also voiced this nicknamed Pokémon. (Answer is the nickname)
Q3) What is the minimum base HP stat a hypothetical Pokémon in Little Cup must have to be able to survive a Dragon Rage, assuming it is not immune to the move/OHKOs?

Thanks to Dylas and Rory Mercury for quality checking, and thanks to everyone who participated in my 80th official! :D except one person you know who you are
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08/29/16 6:00 PM GMT-4 (I was late but that's okay)

First place: dsgiratina (DarkShinyGiratina) [BLITZ]
Second place:
Radiant Sun [BLITZ]
Third place:
Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Fourth place:
Fifth place: chupps
Consolation prize to: hardenmetapod, Embar, keeping it icy, etotheipi, Rory Mercury, BigPimpin12, ManiaQue, LifeOrbLileep, Rabac (Rabbac).

Solution: disarmingvoice, tomastertheonixpected, jabocaberry

1) Skitty learns this move via level-up in Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire but not in X/Y.
2) Meowth uses a remote to fast-forward the Team Rocket motto during this episode of the anime.
3) One of the several Generation IV events for Celebi was never distributed. What item was the Celebi holding?

Thanks to everyone who participated and thanks to Ambi and Dylas for the quality checks! :)
8/30/16 @ 8PM EDT

Winner: chupps
Second Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Third Place: LifeOrbLileep
Fourth Place: Dylas
Fifth Place: hardenmetapod
Consolation prize to: Meicoo, DarkShinyGiratina, pokemonvortex, Pancake, broil, etotheipi
Solution: amaura, 04206, triplefinish

1) Out of all the Pokemon who are immune to the damaging effects of the gen 4 acid rain glitch, which one has the lowest speed stat? The pokemon does not necessarily need to be from gen 4 or earlier (ignore any immunities that occur through abilities)
2) On serebii, there is an incorrect yveltal event with the exact same moveset as the xerneas event that was also distributed. What was the ID of this yveltal?
3) Three Kanto starter Pokemon combine three moves to form this powerful attack in Super Smash Bros Brawl.

hosted by esteemed (haha) user Rory Mercury and QCed by Flerovium and GoodMorningEspeon
s/o to Alexender who made this hunt with me but :'(
thanks and grats all o-o'
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08/31/2016 GMT-4

First place: LifeOrbLileep [BLITZ]
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: Devoxys
Fourth place: chupps
Fifth place: Kyubiisaan
Consolation prize to: kierant3hz, Mr. Uncompetitive, Acadeca✿公主, B$R a)W l mK gone, SergioRules, DarkShinyGiratina.
Solution: dracometeor, poliwhirl, bellydrum.

1) Haxorus can learn this move via an XY move tutor.
2) This Pokemon has two different evolutions, both of which have 20 less base speed than it.
3) This non-TM move deals a fixed percent of damage, but the only possible target is the user.
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The August 2016 Scavengers Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to DarkShinyGiratina in first place with 242 points, chupps in second place with 217 points, and 3.14dgeot-Mega in third place with 159 points!
DarkShinyGiratina: 242
chupps: 217
3.14dgeot-Mega: 159
Rory Mercury: 152
Mr. Uncompetitive: 88
SergioRules: 82
Devoxys: 76
LifeOrbLileep: 72
PyoroLoli: 69
Radiant Sun: 61
Meicoo: 43
Pokemoon Moon: 41
Painter Espeon: 40
hardenmetapod: 35
RebornPixels: 35
Wan the Avatar: 35
terrapieseven: 34
Panda: 33
a random duck: 32
Tunaface: 30
losedude: 29
castaways: 29
Embar: 26
Dylas: 20
Manaphy286: 20
Nyan Kat: 20
MeButYou82: 20
kierant3hz: 19
Wizardsofdra: 17
GoodMorningEspeon: 17
Latios n.n: 15
Mystrisse: 15
social netwerk: 15
Flerovium: 12
etotheipi: 12
6Infernapes: 11
AquponicsLyfe: 10
Alyvia: 10
lotiasite: 8
kevinrocks: 7
Brawl MK: 7
Alternate Anthony: 7
Chauque: 7
Alexender: 5
darzy7234: 5
BigPimpin12: 5
Pokemonvortex: 5
FireghtBug: 3
Broil: 3
queez: 3
Kyubiisaan: 2
girisawesomer: 1
Cyczer: 1
The ladder twist for September is as follows: hunts on the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays) will feature different hunt variations (such as Knockout Games, Jump Start, and Point Rally). Good luck, and have fun scavenging! :)
09/01/16 9:00 PM GMT-4

First place: chupps [BLITZ] (00:29)
Second place: keeping it icy (01:00)
Third place: SergioRules (01:01)
Fourth place: Brawl MK
Fifth place: castaways
Consolation prize to: FrostyTimp, terrapieseven, Meicoo, hardenmetapod, Devoxys, Rebecca(Togekiss).

Solution: mysticwater, mawile, dugtrio

1) Lapras has a 100% chance of holding this item in the wild in the Generation VI games.
2) Of all the Pokémon that Xerosic gives to Emma in Pokémon X/Y, this is the only one with a Mega Evolution.
3) This fully evolved Pokémon is incapable of jumping throughout all Pokéathlon events.

I think I need to make these harder. Thanks for participating and thanks to the quality checkers, Dylas and Rory Mercury. :)
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hosting an official for today 4 PM EDT qc'd by flero and ashie, hosted by moi [:

Results coming soon

/startofficialhunt This is the fastest Pokémon that isn't fully evolved.| sneasel| This is the only evolved Pokémon with an electric weakness that learns Mud Sport by level up.| kingler| These two Pokémon are the only ones to have a ß in their german names (Format: english names + alphabetical order)| heatmorwimpod
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Original Post: Reserving an official Jump Start hunt for 11:00 PM BST (6:00 EDT) on the 3rd of September, 2016.

First place:
Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second place: terrapieseven
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: Panda
Consolation prize to: Meicoo (Grats on voice!)

/starthunt Despite not being a playable character, this Pokemon is a boss in the Subspace Emissary of Super Smash Bros. Brawl. | rayquaza | This Pokemon anime feature shows Mewtwo after its appearance in Mewtwo Strikes Back, acting as a sequel to said movie. | mewtworeturns | This route has the highest number of all routes featured in the main-series Pokemon games. (Format as number only.) | 230

/startofficialhunt Of all of the Pokemon may outbreak in HeartGold and SoulSilver, this is the only one that cannot be hatched from an egg in the main-series games. | whiscash | In the Pokemon games, this member of Team Galactic uses a Pokemon that Ghetsis uses in a later game. (Do not include trainer class.) | saturn | Not including the player's rivals, this is the only trainer to have an animated sprite in Pokemon Black and White (Do not include trainer class.) | n

There was an alt for Q1 of the official (Ditto), sorry about that. Thanks to Rory Mercury and Painter Espeon for quality checking.
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9/4/16 @ 8:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Rory Mercury [BLITZ]
Second Place: Killing Moon
Third Place: castaways
Fourth Place: awesomepi
Fifth Place: Raineko
Consolation Prize to: keeping it icy, panda, Devoxys, hardenmetapod, arandomduck, Pancake, Embar

This known character has won the PokeRinger competition the most times consecutively.| Provo| This move has the lowest Base Power of those that are boosted by Rain Dance. (If multiple, name the first alphabetically)|Water Shuriken| This is the last Mega Stone found in Gen 6 by index number.| Beedrillite.

This is the only unobtainable item in ORAS that is not used for Mega Evolution.| Basement Key| Wakin is a very notorious character in Pokemon XD and Colosseum. Which of his Pokemon, regardless of speed, will always have a chance to move first on turn one? (Do not include priority moves)| Gardevoir| In all of its appearances, Ash's Corphish has only used one illegal move. What is that move?| Water Gun

Thanks ashiemore and and Flerovium for QCing. Grats to all winners and thanks for participating!
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Original Post:
Reserving my first official at 8:30 PM EDT on Monday, September 5th, 2016! QCed by Rory Mercury and Flerovium and hosted by Rory Mercury.

Winner: Meicoo.
Second place: awesomepi.
Third place: a random duck.
Fourth place: castaways
Fifth place: Mr. Uncompetitive

Consolation prize to: Ne Kora Men, broil (‽), HAMPSTERDANCE.
Solution: kinesis, trawlorb, nidoking.

In Pokemon Red and Blue, this move only appeared as a random Metronome move.|Kinesis|Until PMD Gates To Infinity, using this orb in a Kecleon Shop will cause multiple Kecleon to attack. (Include the word Orb)|TrawlOrb|All Pokemon have a Base Experience Yield. Most are calculated using certain formulas, but some are set. Oshawott is one of the Pokemon who has a set Base Experience Yield. Calculate the difference between the Base Experience Yield of Oshawott if it were calculated and its actual Base Experience Yield. Name the Pokemon who has the Pokedex number equal to the difference.|Nidoking|

Question Notes: (Includes Sources and Explanation)
Q1: Source:
Q2: Source:
Q3: Formulas: That page may be hard to find, but the question is still possible without it. Use Corphish's Base Experience Yield (because Corphish has the same BST and is also LC), subtract it by Oshawott's Base Experience Yield
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First Place:
Second Place: Painter Espeon
Third Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: keeping it icy
Fifth Place: gme busyawaaay (GoodMorningEspeon)
Consolation Prize to: terrapieseven, Wan the Avatar

If Forest's Curse is used on this pokemon, it will be weak to 10 types. What is the pokemon's dex number? |646|If the move Trick-or-Treat is used on this fully evolved pokemon, it will at that point be either weak, resistant, or immune to 17 out of 18 types on the type chart, taking neutral damage only from water-type attacks. Name the pokemon. |Magnezone| What is the average number of teleport squares per floor in the Silph Co. building? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth. |3.09|

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Dylas for quality checking. Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting as well. Gratz to all winners and thanks everybody for participating!

Definitely didn't copy Dylas' above. Nope.
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Embar [BLITZ]
Second place: awesomepi
Third place: DarkShinyGiratina
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fifth place: Thunder Inkay
Consolation prize to: kierant3hz, SergioRules, pan__cake, wut is going on, Panda, keeping it icy, Meicoo
Solution: poliwag, erikakeira, 151

1) This pokemon’s base EXP yield is the same as its national pokedex number.
2) In the games, a Gym Leader and Contest Judge have names that are anagrams of each other. Name both. (Format answer as LeaderJudge)
3) What was the flight number Ash took from Kanto to Unova?

Thanks to Roary and Val for qc :)
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reserving official for 10pm edt today (9/8) even though its technically 9/9 for me, hosted by rory mercury and qced by pesp and val. hope to see you there!!

9/8/16 @ 10PM EDT
Second: Wan the Avatar
Third: chupps
Fourth: terrapieseven
Fifth: awesomepi
Consolation prize to: a random duck, hardenmetapod, SergioRules, Seel Seller, keeping it icy, brawl cries (Brawl MK)
Solutions: barrage, doomdesire, clefairyandthemoonstone

1) Out of all the moves that Bulletproof is immune to, this one has the lowest set base power.
2) There are a few signature moves that are tied for the highest base power. Name the first alphabetically. (Signature means only ONE Pokemon can learn it barring Smeargle)
3) The first evolutionary stone to appear in the Pokemon anime appeared in this episode.

Congratulations to all participants and thanks to Painter Espeon and Flerovium for qcing and thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting!!
Also; rip Panda, who missed blitz by 3 seconds. :(
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since i have 4 more officials wynaut
reserving an official for 7pm edt 9/10/16 - which is 21 hours exactly after the last official (which was also mine) Hosted by Rory mercury and qced by val and rory. hope to see you there!

9/9/16 @ 7PM EDT

Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
lotiassite (awesomepi) [BLITZ]
xfix [BLITZ]
Fifth: Killing Moon (Mr. Uncompetitive)
Consolation prize tooo: kevinrocks, a random duck, nekoramen, Brawl MK, PokeJoey
Solutions: Mienfoo, Swords Dance, Wailmer

1) This Fighting-type Pokemon evolves at the latest level.
2) In Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness, a Machamp can be fought that knows this move that it cannot legally learn.
3) In Pokemon ORAS, the game can freeze if surfing on this Pokemon and it evolves while fishing.

methinks i made this hunt a bit too easy, considering pesp got 33 seconds on it, gg. Grats to all finishers and thanks to all participants for coming, and also thanks to Flerovium and Rory Mercury for quality checking and thanks to Rory Mercury again for hosting!

[09:02:51] +loti ◕‿◕ asite '◡': go pesp
[09:02:52] +loti ◕‿◕ asite '◡': blitz
Painter Espeon has finished the hunt and is the winner! [BLITZ] (00:33)
[09:03:30] Painter Espeon: as you wish loti :^)
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9/10/16 @ 11:30 GMT-4

Second Place: Gleeb
Third Place: Rory Mercury
Fourth Place: kevinrocks
Fifth Place: Alyvia
Consolation Prize to: brawl mk, Alexender, castaways, Serponge, keeping it icy, chupps, Ghostly Guy, Adapt a bili teh, Shounen
Solution: 12 hunts (KO games)

Huge thanks to lotiasite, Dylas, and Indiana's Largest Rubber Band for collabing on this hunt with me! Also thanks to Manaphy286 and Flerovium for quality checks, and thanks to everyone who participated for participated!! n_n

And one final congratulations to Chupps, who may not have won in the results, but won in all of our hearts <3
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9/11/16 @ 9:30 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: Gleeb
Third Place: awesomepi
Fourth Place: brawl MK
Fifth Place: castaways
Consolation Prize to: Meicoo
Jump Start
/starthunt This is the card that the Imakuni deck contains the most of.| Psychic Energy| This near-universal TM (can be learned by almost any Pokemon) is exclusive to the sixth generation of the Pokemon series. (Format: TM + #)| TM100| This Pokemon form-changing item can be found in Reflection Cave. (Do not include Mega Stones)| Reveal Glass

/startofficialhunt Pokemon Go is known for its currency, known as Pokecoins. Which item costs the most PokeCoins to purchase? (If multiple, name first alphabetically. Format: Number Items, e.g. 40 Lemons) | 25 Incenses|The Manga chapter titled Rare Pokemon features many Pokemon on its cover page. Which of these Pokemon does not share a type with any of the other Pokemon on the cover? (If multiple, name the first alphabetically)| Pikachu | This is the name of the trainer you face for the Iron League's promotion test in Pokken Tournament.| Alyssa

Thanks to Flerovium and Rory Mercury for QCing!
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Some guy: "Hey Pesp, you should really stop reserving official hunts with 0 time in advance."

Me: "Yeah you're probably right"

Also me: Reserving an official hunt for tonight at 11:30 PM EDT/3:30 AM GMT, aka in approximately 25 minutes from posting this! Quality checkers are ashiemore and Dylas!
9/12/16 @ 11:30 GMT-4

Winner: Rory Mercury
Second Place: Gleeb
Third Place: nekoramen
Fourth Place: Aeolia
Fifth Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Consolation Prize To: TheWhiteJayYTGamer, kierant3hz
Solution: pokemonstadium2, 3.534, beldum

Q1) Lugia’s shiny form is colored green in this game only. (Format é as e)
Q2) Assume all Poké Balls are perfect spheres with a diameter of 75 millimeters. If a Trainer goes to a Poké Mart and buys fifteen Poké Balls, what is the total volume of everything they receive? (Give answer in cubic meters; do not include units in answer. Round final answer to nearest thousandth.)
Q3) Not counting Pokémon belonging to main or recurring characters, which Pokémon has appeared in every TV episode that a Metang has?

I'd like to apologize profusely to everyone, a mistake slipped through to the final product. The answer to q2 was miscalculated to be 1,000 times larger than it should have been ;; But still, thanks to some helpful corrections from our hunters, we were able to get things right. Also thanks to ashiemore and Dylas for quality checks, and congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt despite the issues!

[22:43:00] #ashiemore: i love q2 even though i dont know why i allowed it

[22:56:55] @Rory Mercury: how come i always seem to win the bad hunts full of mistakes
[22:57:00] @Rory Mercury: pesp keep making those!!

[23:01:17] Mr. Uncompetitive: what
[23:01:20] Mr. Uncompetitive: that's super dum

[23:01:48] +Mr. Uncompetitive: 2/10 would rather do the Beat Up hunt tbh

[23:05:02] kierant3hz: oh my god i hate you

[22:50:03] +Wizardsofdra: wtf

[23:13:38] kierant3hz: nice hunt but i hated it
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