Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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First Place:
Second Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Third Place: chupps
Fourth Place: a random duck
Fifth Place: Panda
Consolation Prize to: castaways, keeping it goodly (SergioRules), pancake

For 14 of the 18 types, there is at least one move containing the word for the type itself. (e.g. Flying Type: Flying Press). Alphabetically list the four types for which
this is not true. (Exclude hidden power) |Fighting, Ghost, Ground, Normal|

There are exactly 3 attack moves, all of the same type, that share the first word of their name, but each hit a different maximum number of times.
List them from HIGHEST possible number of hits to LOWEST. |Double Slap, Double Hit, Double-Edge|

Out of the gen I-VI pokemon, which is the first alphabetically who's primary type resists every weakness of it's secondary type? |Cobalion|

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Dylas for quality checking. Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting as well! Gratz to the winners and thanks everybody for your participation!
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2am GMT, 16th September

First Place:
Rory Mercury
Second Place: awesomepi
Third Place: Painter Espeon
Fourth Place: Gleeb
Fifth Place: kierant3hz
Solutions: Lady in Suit, Studio Castelia, Rayquaza & Deoxys LEGEND

1. This Colosseum exclusive Trainer Class was renamed to Beauty in XD Gale of Darkness
2. Artists who come to Castelia City to be inspired by Gym Leader Burgh display their artwork in this location
3. This TCG card is the only one with two types that features Colorless as one of the types

Thanks to ILRB and Ambi for QCing and thanks to Painter Espeon ashiemore for hosting! Grats all who finished .3.
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10PM BST, 19th of September, 2016.

First Place:
keeping it icy [BLITZ]
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: kieran♡t3hz
Fourth Place: Manaphy286
Fifth Place: Gleeb
Sixth Place: terrapieseven
Seventh Place: Meicoo
Solutions: maxrevive, grumpig, keijikinebuchi.

1) This is the last item to be unlocked by level-up in Pokemon GO.
2) In the WiiWare Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, which fully-evolved Pokemon can Farfetch'd be seen engaged in combat with?
3) In the Trading Card Game, the only card that is of an evolutionary stone was illustrated by whom?

Thanks to Dylas and Rory Mercury for QCing! <3
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9/18/16 @ 9:00 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: awesomepi
Third Place: Meicoo
Fourth Place: Gleeb
Fifth Place: pancake

Solution: Point Rally

Thanks to Flerovium and Painter Espeon for QCing. Huge thanks to psep again for tracking points. Also thanks to ashiemore for moral support, and thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for his goodly scoreboard. Grats to the Top Five as well. Thanks to everyone for making it to my 50th official! Many more to come.
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09/20/16 (!) 10:00 PM GMT-4

First place: castaways
Second place: Gleeb
Third place: Meicoo
Fourth place: awesomepi
Fifth place: Pokemon Au and Ag (Brawl MK)
Consolation prize to: Cballist, kierant3hz, nekoramen, Azu~uli, ScarfWynaut, 9i024, Wizardsofdra

Solution: struggle, mild, falkner

1) This is the only move that Metronome will not randomly select in Generation I.
2) This nature has the same name in English and German.
3) This character in the anime owns a Hoothoot that stands on two legs.

Thanks to everyone who participated! Thanks to Dylas and Rory Mercury for quality checking too!
Original Post:
Reserving an official at 9 PM EDT (approx. 30 minutes from now). QCed by Rory Mercury and Dylas and hosted by Rory Mercury!

Winner: Frosty♡Timp
Second place: keeping it icy
Third place: Gleeb
Fourth place: Panda
Fifth place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation prize to: Wizardsofdra, NovaProgression.
Solution: skyridge, tinyreviverseed, stunfisk.


1.Name the first English Expansion to contain a card with a lowercase delta in the name.
2. In Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon, an Igglybuff requests that you give this item to an Armaldo.
3. If this Pokemon is holding a Cheri Berry and has a certain one of its abilities, it needs to be Soaked, have its ability changed and hit by Thunder Wave twice in order to be paralyzed (assume the only way you have to paralyze that Pokemon is Thunder Wave).

Grats to all finishers! Thanks to Dylas for Qcing and Rory Mercury for qcing and hosting!
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Flerovium x Wizardsofdra x Meicoo

11PM BST, 23rd of September, 2016.

First Place:
a random duck
Second Place: awesomepi
Third Place: keeping it icy
Fourth Place: Rory Mercury
Fifth Place: Kaydan
Solutions: tuscany, gyroball, keira.

1 [Wizardsofdra]) In Pokemon GSC, on a certain Route, an NPC will give a player a Pink Bow. However, he only does this on Tuesdays. What is the NPC's name?
2 [Meicoo]) What is the first move alphabetically that can have the highest possible and lowest possible base power out of all moves of its type?
3 [Flerovium]) The only time this NPC may be seen outside is in Hearthome City on the player's first visit to the city.

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and ashiemore for QCing, and thanks to Wizardsofdra and Meicoo for collaborating with me! <3
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9/23/16 @ 11:00 GMT-4

Rory Mercury
Second Place: Panda
Third Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth Place: Dylas
Fifth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Consolation Prize to: Kris, a random duck, GoodMorningEspeon, Brawl MK, 9i024, Kaydan
Solution: magmar, rototiller, lunatone

Q1) In Gen 1, this Pokémon was exclusive to only Pokémon Green (and, by extent, English Pokémon Blue).
Q2) Under normal battle conditions, which move can raise two stats of up to six Pokémon at once?
Q3) Which Pokémon was first discovered when Professor Rowan was 17 years old? (If the Pokémon was “discovered x years ago,” consider it to have been x years before its debut game.)

Thanks to Manaphy286 for quality check, and thanks to kevinrocks for Canadian Quality Check™! Also thanks to everyone who participated, and to Panda for coming up with quite possibly my favorite alt answer I've ever heard.

[22:10:02] Panda: alt for q2
[22:10:05] Panda: quiver dance
[22:10:10] Panda: if every other pokemon is an oricorio
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4pm GMT, 24th September 2016.

Jumpstart Results
First Place:
keeping it icy
Second Place: Meicoo
Third Place: Brawl MK
Fourth Place: Panda
Fifth Place: PyoroLoli
Solutions: Shalour Sable, Wrap, Exeggutor

1. This in-game food product from a Kalos city is only obtainable in Hoenn.
2. In Pokemon Go, this is the move with the longest duration, that none of the Pokemon who learn it can get STAB from.
3. This is the only TCG Card with a Pokémon in its name that is bilingual (featuring both Japanese and an English translation).

Official Results
First Place:
Brawl MK
Second Place: keeping it icy
Third Place: ILRB
Fourth Place: Panda
Fifth Place: PyoroLoli
Consolation Prize to: ashignis, Devoxys, etotheipi, coinboy, Meicoo
Solutions: Butterfree, Lucky Stadium, Ace Trainer Summer

1. In Pokémon Gold and Silver there is unused text for Sweet Honey. Which Pokémon is featured in it?
2. This is the only card that has "Illus. Imakuni?“ written on it and was released in countries other than Japan.
3. In this Generation 5 game glitch, this NPC may walk over water to battle the player.

Thanks to ashiemore and Flerovium for QCing and Rory Mercury for collabing on the 999th Scavengers Official <3
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09/24/2016 GMT-4

First place: Painter Espeon
Second place: awesomepi
Third place: lotiasite
Fourth place: chupps
Fifth place: Pokemon Au and Ag (Brawl MK)
Consolation prize to: Pidgeot-Mega, Meicoo, ax^2+bx+c=69, etotheipi, GoddessBooty, franchescoenzo, Azu~uli, Kaydan, PK Aero, 9i024
Solution: ko games so like 13 hunts

Thanks to Alexender for collabing with me on this :D also this is the 1000th official ever so yay
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9/25/2016 8:30 PM EDT

Jump Start Collab by Myself and Devoxys

First Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Second Place: Shounen
Third Place: keeping it icy
Fourth Place: terrapieseven
Fifth Place: Panda
Consolation Prize to: loti >< asite, Frosty♡Timp, nekoramen

Official Questions:

As of gen VI, how many moves are in the contest category with the least moves?|93|
In the Pokemon anime, Bianca’s dad was known as this during his trainer years.|RedMeteor|
There are some glitch types that share a name with a Trainer Class. Name the one with the most Pokemon with that type. (Ignore all special characters)|Pokmaniac

Jump Start Questions:

Despite being revealed to the US at an E3, this game was only released in Japan. Name its developer. |SquareEnix|
Of the eight Pokemon who learn this move other than Smeargle, only Elekid and its evolutions don't get STAB on it. |Rolling Kick|
The region this Pokemon was introduced in, its name, and one of its types all start with the same letter! What's the Pokemon? |Shieldon|

Jump Start Finishers:

First Place: Frosty♡Timp
Second Place: loti >< asite
Third Place: terrapieseven
Fourth Place: Shounen
Fifth Place: 3.14dgeot-Mega

Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting and QC'ing, and also to Flerovium for QC'ing!
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9/25/16 @ 5:30 GMT-4

Second Place: pokemonvortex
Third Place: Meicoo
Fourth Place: keeping it icy
Fifth Place: Darthakin
Consolation prize to: Everyone in here not listed above
Solution: Point Rally, 8 hunts

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Dylas for quality checks, and thanks to everyone for participating in the second to last special hunt of the month (Stay tuned for Meicoo and Devo's at 8:30 PM EDT)! But don't worry, I'll be sure to have plenty of them next month, even if this isn't the twist :^)

This was also the 1001st official hunt, so great way to kick off the next thousand :D
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Reserving an official hunt by me for 26/9/16 @ 9pm EDT (11am next day for me), hosted by Gleeb, and quality checked by Painter Espeon and Gleeb!
(very very proud to be Gleeb's first QC and first host hue :}})
hope yall can be there!

26/9/16 @ 9PM EDT
Second: Devoxys
Third: Panda
Fourth: keeping it icy
Fifth: females (kierant3hz)
Consolation prize to: 3.14dgeot-Mega, pokemonvortex, Wan the Avatar

Solutions: Sleep Talk, Snorunt, Heracross

1) What is the only move to have had three different TM numbers?
2) If TMs didn’t exist, Frost Breath would be signature to this evolutionary line. (Name base Pokemon)
3) Despite this Pokemon being 4x weak to Flying, it has wings and has been shown flying in the anime.

Thanks to Gleeb for hosting, and thanks to Rory Mercury and Flerovium for qcing
Well, this wasn't the original official, but during the practice hunt I accidentally leaked the pastebin containing the hunt. Due to this, I had to use a different official to substitute.
I'm actually so bad >.>
Also, rip Embar who missed blitz by 8 seconds
Thanks for coming and grats to all participants!
9/27/16 @ 7 PM EDT

First Place:
Second Place: LifeOrbLileep
Third Place: Panda
Fourth Place: arandomduck
Fifth Place: Meicoo
Consolation Prize to: keeping it icy, lotiasite

To see the "Cubone Tree," what Pokemon must you play a flute song for?| Vileplume| On the first TCG card where Giratina is anything but a Psychic type, it had this move, which is not found in any main series games.| Shred| Many Pokemon have been known for traveling outside of their Poke Ball in the anime. Which of these has the highest BST of them all and what is the BST of said Pokemon? (Don't count Mega Evolved Pokemon and format as Pokemon BST. EX: Sunkern180)| Greninja530

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Gleeb for QCing! Grats to all winners and thanks for participating.
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28/9/16 @ 9:30PM EDT
Second: Meicoo
Third: eMbar
Fourth: 3.14dgeot-Mega
Fifth: kierant3hz
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, pancake, Panda

Solutions: hypnos nap time, meditite, platinum x

1) This Pokemon anime episode breaks the fourth wall the most times in a single episode. (use the English title)
2) In HeartGold and SoulSilver, certain Pokemon can be found using radio programs. Which Pokemon is technically found from the wrong radio program according to the radio program’s name?
3) Despite being in three regional Pokedexes, Houndour can only be caught in these two main series games before defeating the Elite Four for the first time. (alphabetical order, don’t include the word “Pokemon”)

Thanks to Dylas and ashiemore for qcs and Dylas for hosting last minute because I was late.
Also thanks to everyone in the room for being so supportive of me. Today was a really rough day for me and I know people probably heard about it enough in chat. I'm so glad I have a place like this to come to and people to cheer me up after all that. Thanks so much you guys :')
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9/30/16 @ 3 PM EDT

First Place:
Rory Mercury
Second Place: Panda
Third Place: Meicoo
Fourth Place: Cyczer
Fifth Place: pokemonvortex
Consolation Prize to: SergioRules, AquaponicsLyfe

This Pokemon, battled during the Stargazer Colossum's Poketopia Championship, will always be male. (If multiple, name the first alphabetically)| Bonsly| Out of all Support Sets in Pokken Tournament that are obtained in the beginning of the game, which set of pokemon have the highest average Base Stat Total in the Main Series? (Name Pokemon in Alphabetical Order)|LaprasSnivy| In the anime, a non-shiny Pokemon evolved into shiny Pokemon. On which city's Pokemon Center logo is this shiny Pokemon's sprite featured on?| Hiroshima

Huge thanks to castaways and Wizardsofdra for collabing with me! They made Q2 and Q3 respectively. Thanks to ashiemore and Gleeb for QCing! Thanks to all who participated and grats to all the winners!
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Reserving an official for 8PM EDT 29/9/2016. Quality checked by Flerovium and Painter Espeon and hosted by ashiemore. Hope you all can be there! (Official will be about 3 hours from this post)
29/9/2016 @ 8PM EDT

Second: Rory Mercury
Third: Meicoo
Fourth: kierant3hz
Fifth: Brawl MK
Consolation prize to: pokemonvortex

Solutions: Florges, Dragonite, Corsola
1) What is the heaviest fully evolved Pokemon to receive damage from Grass Knot and Low Kick with a base power of 20?
2) Excluding legendary Pokemon and Smeargle, this Pokemon can learn the most HMs across all the main series games.
3) What Pokemon can learn Ingrain despite being 4x weak to Grass?

Thanks to Flerovium and Painter Espeon for quality checking and thanks to ashiemore for hosting and thanks to yall for coming and thanks to everyone for being Meicool!
Shoutout to kier for missing the 4:20 hunt finish mark by 1 second. :(

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Reserving a Jump Start hunt for 9PM EDT tomorrow 30/9/2016, qced by Painter Espeon and ashiemore and hosted by me hahaha
Hope all of you can be there!

30/9/2016 @ 9PM EDT
Jump start hunt!
First hunt:

1) What Ice-type move’s romanised Japanese name contains the English name of another Ice-type move? (answer is the English name)
2) What Pokemon shares its category/species name with Sentret?
3) What Normal-type move, introduced in Generation 1, had its accuracy changed from 85% to always hitting regardless of accuracy checks?

Winner: Chaotic Midnight
Second: Dylas
Third: chupps
Fourth: Meicoo
Fifth: Panda

Solutions: Haze, Patrat, Whirlwind

Official hunt!
1) A character of the day appeared in a “special” episode of the anime who has a Pokemon that resides outside its Poke Ball, along with one other Pokemon. Which legendary Pokemon did he see twice?
2) What Fire-type TM move has only been used in the XY arc of the anime?
3) What Pokemon has the highest odd-numbered base stat total? (include formes)

Solutions: Moltres, Incinerate, Swampert-Mega

Winner: awesomepi (3.14dgeot-Mega)
Second: Dylas
Third: Rory Mercury
Fourth: Panda
Fifth: Meicoo
Consolation prize to: Gleeb, cballist

Idk how hard this hunt was, but some people struggled with Q1, considering Meicoo took more than 10 minutes to finish. The character of the day in Q1 is Silver, in a Pokemon Chronicles episode. The Pokemon he keeps outside his Poke Ball is Chikorita.
Now, some people argued with Q1 of the first hunt; I'm not really sure how it works so I'll just leave that to them.
Grats to all the winners and thanks everyone for coming!
Thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for qcing and thanks to lotiasite for hosting his first official!!
Also it's cool to be the last official of the month :3 Hope all of you have a great October (even if its already October for me) and happy scavenging!!
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Reserving an official hunt for 7:30 AM EST, October 1st, 2016. Quality checked by Gleeb and Flerovium. Hosted by Lotiasite.

First Place: keeping it icy[BLITZ]
Second Place: 6Infernapes[BLITZ]
Third Place: AnonymouzLSB[BLITZ]
Fourth Place: AquaponicsLyfe
Fifth Place: PK Aero
Consolation Prizes to: Cyczer, GoddessBooty

(One amongst)Croconaw, Bayleef, and Quilava can be obtained the earliest at this location in Pokemon Colosseum. | phenaccity
2)This trainer, in Pokemon Colosseum, is fought without any battle music. | nascour
3)This is the hold item of Nascour's Shadow Pokemon. | metalcoat

Note: Not really satisfied with my format, might possibly change. Also, it seems that the hunt was too easy, so my next hunt will be much, much harder.
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3am GMT, 2nd October

First Place:
Second Place: Aeolia
Third Place: anonymouzlsb
Fourth Place: Wan the Avatar
Fifth Place: Brawl MK
Solutions: Destiny Tower, Soaring in the Sky, Rotation Girl

1. In PMD Explorers of the Sky, this is the first dungeon by alphabetical order that HMs can be obtained.
2. In this ORAS location, background music is more tranquil in the night.
3. In ORAS, this trainer class uses the same VS Sprite as the female Expert

Thanks to Rory Mercury and Manaphy286 for QCing and Painter Espeon for hosting!
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Original Post:
Reserving an official for 8:30 pm EDT on October 3rd, 2016! This is a collab between me, Meicoo , and LegendaryMouse ! QCed by Flerovium and Rory Mercury and Hosted by Rory Mercury!

Technically this would be LM's next hunt, but it will be hard, I promise.

First Place: Frosty♡Timp (7:18)
Second Place: Gleeb (7:38)
Third Place: Grumpig (8:31)
Fourth Place: keeping it icy (8:56)
Fifth Place terrapieseven〰〰〰〰 (9:24)

1. kingdrapoliteod
2. Spirtomb
3. ceaselessbonds

1.By Devoxys: These are the two water type Pokemon Hiroshi Yamamoto used in the finale of Pokemon Smash. List them in alphabetical order.
2. By Meicoo: Which pokemon is the first in the national pokedex that can learn at least 3 TM's, but can't learn a move that would be supereffective against itself? Do not consider possible modifying effects of moves or items that potentially affect weaknesses, assume terrain is Wifi.
3. By LegendaryMouse: This medal is obtained in Pokemon Picross by clearing a stage with the Lati twins.

Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting and qcing and Flerovium for qcing!
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reserving an official for 6pm EDT, 2/10/2016 (October 2nd) Exactly 13 hours from this post. QCed by Flerovium and Painter Espeon
9am in the morning for me kek
Hope to see yall there!

6PM EDT @ 2/10/2016
adiass (2:03)
Second: Gleeb (2:39) +5 (edited)
Third: Meicoo (7:07)
Fourth: Wizardsofdra (7:07)
Fifth: Rory Mercury (7:51)
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, 3.14dgeotMega, terrapieseven
Solutions: Simipour, Druddigon, Golem
1) There are three single-typed Pokemon whose names all start with the same first four letters. Name the first one alphabetically.
2) This Pokemon’s Pokedex entry mentions Excadrill and Onix.
3) What Pokemon shares its name with a card in Clash Royale?

Thanks to Flerovium and Painter Espeon for quality checking and thanks to everyone for coming. For q1, I was suposed to put all the Pokemon must be different types but forgot to p ut it in the final version. Sorry about the numerous alts for q1 which included Hitmon trio, Regi Trio/Quad, Shelmet/Shellos/Shelgon, and probably more.
Also I think this twist is a bit bonked; Gleeb got 20* points
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Did you think we forgot about the new ladder? Yes
Congratulations to the top three scavengers of September! First place goes to new room voice 3.14dgeot-Mega with 243 points, second place goes to Rory Mercury with 160 points, and third place goes to Panda with 108 points!
3.14dgeot-Mega: 243
Rory Mercury: 160
Panda: 108
Meicoo: 103
Gleeb: 101
keeping it icy: 95
Mr. Uncompetitive: 88
Painter Espeon: 75
chupps: 75
Embar: 60
DarkShinyGiratina: 55
a random duck: 40
GoodMorningEspeon: 36
pokemonvortex: 36
Brawl MK: 33
terrapieseven: 25
castaways: 21
xfix: 20
Frosty♡Timp: 20
BigPimpin12: 20
Dylas: 20
kierant3hz: 18
SergioRules: 16
castaways: 15
Wan the Avatar: 15
Shounen: 15
LifeOrbLileep: 15
nekoramen: 10
ILRB: 10
lotiasite: 10
6Infernapes: 5
kevinrocks: 5
Manaphy286: 5
Aeolia: 5
Raineko: 1
pancake: 1
Thunder Inkay: 1
Alyvia: 1
Kaydan: 1
PyoroLoli: 1
Darthakin: 1
Cyczer: 1
The twist for the month of October is: players will receive two bonus points for each minute that he or she finishes ahead of the next placer (only applies to first through fourth place and maxes out at five points). Thanks to Brawl MK for the suggestion! Good luck this month! (Also, the hunts that took place prior to the twist being announced have had any new point bonuses accounted for).
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4 PM EDT @ 10/3/16
First Place: Meicoo (02:54) +4
Second Place: Flero♥vium~ (05:28) +5
Third Place: keeping it icy (13:35) +2
Fourth Place: adiass (14:53)
Fifth Place: FireghtBug (15:07)

In Pokemon Origins, Red tries catching a Pokemon belonging to a Youngster. What Pokemon is this?
2) In the Pokemon anime, a character foolishly tries using a Grass type to help extinguish another Pokemon, who is on fire, however the Pokemon instead catches on fire. What Pokemon is this?
3) This "Pokemon" has its own card, but has more than twice the weight of Primal Groudon. What is it?

Solutions: nidoranf, victreebel, mechamew2

Sorry about the hard hunt, I didn't expect it to this difficult. Hopefully my next official will be harder easier than this one. Q1 was leeked twice, so yeah. I hope you guys learned to search things up on Bulbapedia like a real nerd. Thanks again to Dylas for qcing and Rory Mercury for qcing and hosting.
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