Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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Winner: chechmate (+2)
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon (+2)
Third Place: social netwerk
Fourth Place: Gleeb
Fifth Place: Astentia
Consolation prize to: Mr. Uncompetitive, iap, txnnyo, Catacomb
Solutions: meganium, jac, yveltalsnarl

Q1: Which Pokémon made its TV debut in the first episode to be colored digitally?
Q2: What is the name of the Burglar who shares his name with a global moderator on Showdown? (Do not include Trainer class)
Q3: "Tall Sly Raven" is an anagram of a Pokémon and a move it can learn; what are they? (Format as pokemonmove)

Special thanks to Manaphy286 for quality checking my hunt, ashiemore for qc'ing and hosting, and congratulations to everyone who finished the hunt!
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Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: Cattail Prophet
Fourth Place: Painter Espeon
Fifth Place: None
Consolation Prize: None

Solution: neville, mantyke, essentia

1) Although this trainer's Pokenav Plus information specifies that he prefers pokemon that know surf, none of his pokemon can learn it (do not include trainer class in answer).
2) Though several pokedex entries describe this pokemon as having different markings based on the region it is from, there are no noticeable differences between regions.
3) This person has the most different trainer classes within the same game.

Congratulations to everyone who placed and thanks to everyone who participated! Also sorry to any confusion that q3 created with Emma/Essentia, but she is never actually battled as "Emma." Thanks to xfix and kevinrocks for the QC's and sorry to ashiemore and kevinrocks for all the problems with question-you-know-what :I Also thanks to ashiemore for hosting :)
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Painter Espeon [+8]
Second place:
iap [+4]
Third place:
Fourth place:
Fifth place:
Zi Clayman
Conslation prize to: no one

Solution: balanceofpower, simtrainerlosten, thufizer

1) This Pokemon episode was the first time Ash's Pikachu used its ability.
2) This is the first trainer you fight in Pokemon XD (include trainer class)
3) This "Pokemon" is a fusion between three Pokemon of different species.
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Winner: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second Place:
Third Place: pokemonvortex
Fourth Place: Rory Mercury
Fifth Place: pumpkin 3.14
Consolation Prize: Cballist, Dylas (+325)
Solutions: whismur, gastype, charizardsquirtle

Questions :D
Q1: What is the only Pokémon in the anime that has been shown to successfully resist falling asleep to Jigglypuff’s singing?
Q2: What other nonexistent type is mentioned in the same ending theme that mentions the Bird type? (Include “Type” in answer)
Q3: What two playable Pokémon in Super Smash Bros. have had moves named after HM moves? (alphabetical order)

Special thanks to Instant Apple Pie, Cattail Prophet, and two thirds of Snaquaza for qc, ashiemore for hosting, and congratulations to Wan the Avatar for blitzing! And of course, thanks to everyone who participated in the hunt!
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08/23/15 11:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Painter Espeon [+8]
Second place:
Gleeb [+8]
Third place:
Pumpkin 3.14 [+8]
Fourth place:
adiass [+8]
Fifth place:
social netwerk [+8]
Conslation prize to: chechmate, Catacomb, Cattail Prophet

Solution: relicanth, politoed, meowth

1) Of all Pokémon that learn Mud Sport via leveling up, this Pokémon learns it at the latest level.
2) If this Pokémon is female, it has smaller cheeks than if it is male.
3) In the movie Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea, this character referenced the names of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl before they were released.

Everyone finished really close to each other, wow! o:
Congratulations to the finishers and thanks to Instant Apple Pie for quality checking and of course ashiemore for quality checking as well as hosting! n_n
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8/25/15 10:30 PM GMT -4

Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: adiass
Third place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fourth place: Aeolia
Fifth place: Painter Espeon
Consolation prize to:
Hour of the Houndour, dark pulse, magnemite

1) As of which anime episode have pokemon of every type had their names appear in English episode titles?
2) What move is in the movepools of the most opponents fought only in Pokestar Studios? (Count F-00 once)
3) What is the first pokemon in national dex order that has no moves with types in their name (e.g. flying press, dragon ascent, etc) in its ORAS movepool? (ignore hidden power I guess)

Thanks to ashiemore for hosting and kevinrocks and gme for qcing!
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08/24/15 11:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [+6]
Second place:
chechmate [+4]
Third place:
Gleeb [+4]
Fourth place:
Painter Espeon [+2]
Fifth place:
Aeolia [+2]
Conslation prize to: abysmal ruins, Wan the Avatar, ooraloovc

Solution: bellchimetrail, veterantimeo, shadowrush

1) The player can register Morty's Pokégear number at this location in Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.
2) This trainer in Pokémon X and Y references a quote from Reggie Fils-Aime (Include trainer class).
3) Between games, this move's base power was decreased by 35.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore for quality checking and Instant Apple Pie for both quality checking and hosting!
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08/26/15 10:00 PM GMT -4 (EST)

Winner: Painter Espeon [+8]
Second place:
aklsdjfsad [+2]
Third place:
social netwerk [+2]
Fourth place:
Fifth place: iap

Solution: baoba, pokedex3d, 645

1) This person's son manages Pal Park in Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver (use their official in-game name)
2) A Pseudo-legendary is available as a starting Pokemon in this spin-off title (replace accented e with regular e)
3) This is the National Pokedex number of the Pokemon that was a member of every Masters Division Top 8 team at this year's Pokemon World Championships

Thanks to all for playing and thanks to ashie for qcing and hosting and GME for qcing o:
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Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [+2]
Second place: iap [+2]
Third place: Flerovium
Fourth place: Pyorololi
Fifth place: none

Solution: newmauville, burnheal, pokmon4evercelebivoiceoftheforest.


1) This pokemon location was originally designed to have sixty nine levels.
2) There was a programming bug in gold silver crystal that made the moon ball only effective on pokemon that required this item to evolve.
3) This is the only time in the anime that a legendary pokemon was captured by a pokeball onscreen.
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Winner: Wan the Avatar (+6)
Second Place: OoralooVC (+4)
Third Place: social netwerk (+2)
Fourth Place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fifth Place: Abysmal Ruins
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, GoodMorningEspeon, PU team in OU, Mjolly
Solution: heatranvsregigigas, koffingweezing, kalos20
Questions :D
Q1: In what TCG deck kit can a coin featuring Gliscor and Mewtwo be found? (Do not include “deck kit”)
Q2: Had Gen 1’s prototype Pokémon names been implemented, these two Pokémon would have had the shortest names. (Alphabetical order; give current names)
Q3: What is the only route that the game also classifies as a forest? (Format as region#, e.g. hoenn101)
Q4: what number comes after zero and before two?|wan
Special thanks to Instant Apple Pie and ashiemore for quality checking, kevinrocks for hosting, and ashie and kevin for getting this set up so last minute! And of course, thanks to everyone who participated in the hunt!
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08/28/15 10:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second place:
Painter Espeon [+8]
Third place:
Zipzapadam [+8]
Fourth place:
Someoneelse00 [+8]
Fifth place:
Manaphy286 [+8]
Conslation prize to: e.e v e.e attract, iAP, Chupps Ruins (Abysmal Ruins), SergioRules

Solution: poweruppunch, quickattack, electivire

1) This released and non-signature move has the highest index number.
2) This is the only move that had positive priority in Generation I.
3) The Colosseum leader of the Crystal Colosseum wears a costume that resembles which Pokémon?

Congratulations to all of the finishers, and especially Mr. Uncompetitive for blitzing! Thanks to kevinrocks for quality checking and ashiemore for both quality checking and hosting!
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08/30/2015 GMT-4

Winner: Painter Espeon (+8)
Second place: Illusio
Third place: Jessilina
Fourth place: Mr. Uncompetitive
Fifth place: sinnoh67
Consolation prize to: Abysmal Ruins, Camilas, AyyronBalls
Solution: metalburst, upgrade, inver

1) Lairon learns this move seven levels earlier in ORAS than in XY.
2) This held item's descriptions in the main series games indicate that it was manufactured by Silph Co.
3) What is the name of the trainer that has a unique trainer class in ORAS but has a non-unique one in XY?

Good job everyone!
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8/31/2015 - Dawn of the Final Day

Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ] bzzt shocker
Second Place: Sapphire9th (+4)
Third Place: valaaan (+4)
Fourth Place: SergioRules (+4)
Fifth Place: LinkFromLoZ (+2)
Consolation Prize to: nobody
Solutions: prima, azurebay, maxietabitha

Q1) What is the name of the Kanto Elite Four member whose name in the anime differs from their name in the games? (give name in the anime)
Q2) Due to a mistranslation in the English language versions, the Memory Girl refers to this Kalos location as a sewer.
Q3) There is only one Multi Battle in the Pokémon games in which knocking out a partner Pokémon provides experience. Who are the opponents in this battle? (alphabetical order, don't include trainer class)

Thanks to ashiemore and kevinrocks for quality checking last minute, to kevin again for hosting on even laster minute, and congratulations to everyone who finished the hunt!
It's the last day of August too, meaning that's it for this ladder - so congratulations to everyone who participated and placed in an official hunt this month!

(in game corner)
[22:00:37] %kevinrocks: Practice hunt
[22:00:45] %kevinrocks: crap
[22:00:47] %kevinrocks: wrong room sorry
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And with that, the August ladder has come to an end. Congratulations especially to our top 3 placers: Painter Espeon with 407 points, Mr. Uncompetitive with 263 points, and social netwerk with 243 points! Congratulations to all other participants as well.

Painter Espeon: 407 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 263 points
social netwerk: 243 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 208 points
Wan the Avatar: 157 points
iap: 148 points
Rory Mercury: 97 points
anto: 90 points
Gleeb: 82 points
Chupps: 84 points
kevinrocks: 63 points
adiass: 47 points
chechmate: 38 points
SergioRules: 37 points
Cyllage: 36 points
Cattail Prophet: 35 points
HappyEevee: 26 points
hardenmetapod: 26 points
Flerovium: 26 points
Zipzapadam: 25 points
ZeZangoose: 20 points
FIREEEE: 19 points
pumpkin 3.14: 19 points
OoralooVC: 19 points
Sapphire9th: 19 points
Mambo: 18 points
aklsdjfsad: 17 points
AyyronBalls: 15 points
Catacomb: 15 points
lovemathboy: 15 points
Illusio: 15 points
Tamashiii: 14 points
valaaan: 14 points
Kangaaroo: 13 points
Someoneelse00: 13 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 12 points
Astentia: 11 points
DwindlingStorm: 10 points
blackburn009: 10 points
pokemonvortex: 10 points
Jessilina: 10 points
Dylas: 8 points
txnnyo: 7 points
pyorololi: 6 points
Aeolia: 6 points
Mjolly: 5 points
LinkFromLoZ: 3 points
Meteordash: 1 point
Zi Clayman: 1 point
abyssal ruins: 1 point
For September's ladder twist, all finishers will receive points! Any finishers after 4th place will receive 2 points each.

The new ladder has started as of this post. Have fun!
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09/02/2015 GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Eyan
Fourth place: Sapphire9th
Fifth place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: adiass, eeveeattract
Solution: blackthorncity, fearfactorphony, hippowdon

1) According to an in-game NPC, most trainers who are residents of this location become Dragon-type specialists
2) What was the first episode in the anime where Ash was voiced by his current voice actor?
3) Resistance Desert is a move that only one TCG Pokemon has. What is this Pokemon?
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Winner: SergioRules
Second Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Third Place: eeveeattract
Fourth Place: abysmal ruins
Fifth Place: Illusio
Consolation Prize To: Meteordash
Solutions: undellatown, bianca, chansey

Questions :D
Q1) In what location can the same HM be found across all Gen 5 games?
Q2) What participant in the World Leaders tournament uses only Pokémon introduced in Gen 5?
Q3) Which Pokémon in Pokémon Stadium 2's Little Cup competition would not be legal in Gen IV's in-game equivalent?
Special thanks to ashiemore and kevinrocks for quality checking, ashie again for hosting, and congratulations to everyone who finished the hunt!
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Second Place: Manaphy286
Third Place: Painter Espeon
Fourth Place: BadNightUmbreon (GoodMorningEspeon)
Fifth Place: hardenmetapod
Consolatoin Prize To: LinkFromLoZ,
Solutions: pokemoninspectionagency, burst, whirlwind

Q1 - This company is known to be able to create or shut down Pokemon Gyms (Format Pokémon as Pokemon).
Q2 - This technique lets a person become stronger by merging together with a Pokemon.
Q3 - What move's name appears in the message for the charging turn of a different move?

Q3 Clarification - When using the move Razor Wind the the charging turn says "<Pokémon> made a whirlwind!"

Thanks to ashiemore and kevinrocks for QC-ing!
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09/06/2015 GMT+3 or something like that

Winner: Wan the Avatar [Blitz]
Second place: Painter Espeon [Blitz]
Third place: Aeolia
Fourth place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fifth place: what even the HECK
Consolation prize to: Cyllage, e.e veeattract, Abysmal R.U.I.N.S, Wildest Dream, OoralooVC
Solution: tomohawk, gigaimpact, megavolt

1) What was the first Create-A-Pokemon made in Gen 5?
2) What is Lisia's Altaria's most jamming move in Contests in ORAS?
3) This move is said to be 10 times stronger than Thunderbolt

Thanks to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for quality check and all the participants for ... participating!!

fyi i did eat my raspberry muffin
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09/06/15 3:00 PM GMT-4 [Hunt #1]

Winner: ILRB
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: Turtle Factory
Fourth place: e.e veeattract
Fifth place: iap
Conslation prize to: Chupps, ashketchumiemore (Cyllage), blackburn009, crescendosorcerer

Solution: dracometeor, hiroshima, trenchcoatdress

1) In December of 2005, CoroCoro Comics held a competition to name an attack. What was the winning name?
2) Which Pokémon Center's logo has a shiny Gyarados and a Pikachu on it? (Don’t include “Pokémon Center” in your answer.)
3) What is the most expensive piece of clothing in Pokémon X and Y?

09/06/15 10:00 PM GMT-4 [Hunt #2]

Winner: e.e veeattract
Second place: Sappy Siesta
Third place: Aeolia
Fourth place: hardenmetapod
Fifth place: Flare Blitzle
Conslation prize to: Cyllage plays dota (Cyllage)

Solution: klefki, rotom, abyssalruins

1) What is the only Pokémon designed by Mana Ibe that did not debut in Generation V?
2) This is the only Pokémon that has its own attraction in PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure and is also the best Pokémon to use for said attraction.
3) The NPC who gives the player both the Splash Plate and Draco Plate in Pokémon Black and White says that he found them in this location.

Congratulations to all of the finishers of both hunts and thanks to everyone for attending today's double officials! Shoutouts to kevinrocks and Painter Espeon for quality checking both hunts! n_n
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When you finish two officials in one day using different names, neither of which are your actual account names

9/8/15 a.k.a. "good lord i fucked up" day

Winner: Dylas
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: SergioRules
Fourth Place: Aeolia
Fifth Place: Cyllage
Consolation Prize to: Chupps, Abysmal Ruins, eeveeattract
Solution: aurorus, shadowshed, manny

Q1: What Pokémon and its pre-evolution have a 4x weakness to both of Lucario’s types?
Q2: What move other than Brick Break can remove Reflect and Light Screen?
Q3: What NPC receives a Pokémon from the player in a trade, and then trades the player the evolved form of said Pokémon in a later game?

Apologies for the immense screwups in this official (sending ashie the wrong one first, alt answer on q2, et cetera, et cetera). But overall, not worse than Beat Up hunt! Thanks to ashie and gme for quality checking, and congrats to all the finishers! it might have been worse than Beat Up hunt actually
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09/09/2015 GMT-4

Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Illusio
Third place: Painter Espeon
Fourth place: adiass
Fifth place: Cyllage
Consolation prize to: Abyssal Ruins, SergioRules, Wan the Avatar, hardenmetapod
Solution: latias, pidgey, kirlia

1) This Legendary Pokemon has the same weight as the male player character in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
2) This Pokemon has the lowest BST that is a prime number.
3) This Pokemon can evolve into two different Pokemon, both of which have Mega Evolutions.
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[09/11/15] 12am EDT

Wan the Avatar
Second place: Aeolia
Third place: Dylas
Fourth Place: SergioRules
Fifth place: Gleeb
Sixth place: kevinrocks
Solution: cr2032, heartbrooch, glaceon

1) The pokewalker that comes with new copies of Heartgold and Soulsilver versions runs on what type of battery? (Give the six-digit alphanumeric name
2) This mystery dungeon-exclusive item allows Latias to become invisible when attacked.
3) This Pokemon’s romanized japanese name is the same as the english name of a Elite Four member from the main-series games.

(q2) Serebii's page on the pokemon-specific items in PMD2 Explorers misspells "Heart Brooch" as "Heart Broche." Change the part of the URL from "dungeon2" to "dungeonsky" and it will show the correct spelling. Bulbapedia's page on pokemon-specific items has the right spelling too. Users who PM'd me with the flawed spelling were given the correct one.

Thanks to ashiemore for hosting!
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9/11/15 GMT +0

Second place: rosepetal
Third place: AyyronBalls
Fourth place: Flerovium
Fifth place: abysmal ruins
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, rubiak2

crinkles, sinnohroute209, delibirdblewawaythedeepfogwithdefog

1) In generation 1 this was the english nickname of the Tangela you could receive via trade on Cinnabar Island
2) A remixed version of this route's music is featured in the Kalos Pokemon League stage in Super Smash Bros. 4 (format as [region][route][number])
3) If you had a Delibird use defog to clear up a foggy place in DPPt then this text would appear
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Abysmal ruins
Second place: AdiassVC
Third place: Jessilina
Fourth place: Iap
Fifth place: Gargoyle31
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, e.e v e.e attract, kangaaroo
Solution: wigglytuff, great sea spirit sapphire, gather order

1) What pokemon do the Nurse Joys in Kalos use to help them in the Pokemon Centers?
2) This rod allows a person to communicate with Water Pokemon
3) Besides Defend Order, Attack Order, and Heal Order, what other “order” attack has a TCG Vespiquen been seen with?
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