Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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Second place: Dr. Wan
Third place: rubiak2
Fourth place: Flerovium
Fifth place: SergioRules
Consolation prize to: Eyan, e.e veeattract, Adiass♥VC
Solution: 53277, hotelgrandlake, braviary.

1) What is the Meister's Trainer ID number?
2) Where in Sinnoh can an NPC be found who mentions Lugia and the Whirl Islands?
3) What is the only non-legendary Pokemon in Pokemon Shuffle that has a unique ability?

Thanks to ashiemore and GoodMorningEspeon for qcing and to all the participants for...participating!!
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09/12/2015 GMT-4

Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: Manaphy286
Fourth place: xXDuongDannyXx
Fifth place: rosepetal
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, abyssal ruins, hardenmetapod, endurr, eeveeattract
Solution: cascoon, 17250, earldervish

1) This non Poison-type Pokemon evolves into a Poison-type Pokemon.
2) How many steps must one take in ash-covered grass in Generation III to have enough ash for all the glass items at the Glass Workshop?
3) What is the full name of the teacher of the Pokemon School in Violet City?
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09/13/2015 GMT-4

Winner: Saints Fan
Second place: kevinrocks
Third place: rosepetal
Fourth place: abysmal ruins
Fifth place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: Painter Espeon, Jessilina, Illusio
Solution: seedflare, parkball, milkdrink

1) This move can create a portal to another world as it did in a Pokemon movie
2) In the main series games this is the only type of Poke Ball that can capture an already-owned Pokemon (include ball in answer)
3) You can KO your own Pokemon using this move outside of battle

Thank you for participating in my hunt, hope you enjoyed it! And congrats to all finishers!

Oh and thx to GME for qc'ing and ashie for qc'ing and hosting :3
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09/14/15 3:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Rory Mercury [BLITZ]
Second place: Saints Fan
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Fourth place: abysmal ruins
Fifth place: SergioRules
Conslation prize to: Adiass♥VC (adiass), Cattail Prophet, PyoroLoli, Dylas, Turtle Factory, HeracrossTheGreek, TheAura, hardenmetapod

Solution: fraxure, towerofmastery, celestictown

1) Which Pokémon represents Sagittarius, the archer, in the Unova horoscope?
2) Professor Sycamore trained here when he was younger, but decided to quit.
3) Drasna's grandparents originated from this location in the Sinnoh region.

Congratulations to all of the finishers, especially Rory Mercury for blitzing within a few seconds of the one minute cutoff! Thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for quality checking. n_n
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09/15/2015 GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second place: h9
Third place: kevinrocks
Fourth place: abyssal ruins
Fifth place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: SergioRules
Solution: ragecandybar, distantland, cyllagecity

1) This item can be traded for an Explosion TM in HeartGold/SoulSilver.
2) Pokemon met in Orre are said to be met in this location according to the main series games.
3) This municipality in Kalos has the second highest population
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i was a half hour late... oops
09/16/15 8:30 PM GMT-4

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second place: eeveeattract
Third place: abysmal ruins
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: Gargoyle31
Conslation prize to: kevinrocks, digimonmaelstrom (pokemonvortex), Jessilina, TheAura

Solution: whiffer, agility, sunkern

1) What is the name of the status caused by SmokeScreen when used in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series?
2) What was the first move used by Misty's Goldeen in the anime?
3) From January 3rd to 9th 2003, this Pokémon could be obtained with the event-exclusive move Splash at the New York City Pokémon Center.

Congratulations to all of the finishers, especially Mr. Uncompetitive for blitzing yet again! Thanks to ashiemore and ILRB for quality checking.
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9/17/15 GMT

Winner: Saints Fan
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fourth place: Gargoyle31
Fifth place: Manaphy286
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, PyoroLoli, TheAura, Abysmal Ruins, Turtle Factory
Solution: recover, reggie, imposter

1) What was the first move to have its PP decreased between generations?
2) This anime character has obtained all but one of the battle frontier symbols.
3) A Pokemon with this ability can always tell if an opponent is hiding behind an Illusion before turn 1 of a battle.

Thanks to ashiemore for qcing and to Snaquaza for qcing and hosting!
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Second Place: chupp (king of scavengers)
Third Place: SergioRules
Fourth Place: eeveeattract
Fifth Place: Abysmal Ruins
Consolation prize to: Rose Petal
Solution: plusle, galvantula, elephantman

Questions :D
Q1) What Pokémon can be found in Antarctica in the Google Maps Challenge?
Q2) Which Electric-type’s base speed stat is the same as to the difference between the base speed stats of the fastest and slowest Electric-types?
Q3) The webmaster of Serebii is descended from a notable 19th century historical figure, who was better known by this title. (Do not include word "the")

Thanks to kevinrocks (not gme) and ashiemore for qc's, ashie for hosting, and congrats to everyone who finished the hunt!
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Second Place: cinccino6
Third Place: SergioRules
Fourth Place: Wan the Avatar
Fifth Place: Broil
Consolation prize to: eeveeattract, abysmalruins, AnonymouzLSB
Solution: berrypouch, intriguingstone, zweilous

Q1) This Key Item is used to store berries in FRLG
Q2) This is the Key Item with the longest name in all Generation VI games (don't count spaces)
Q3) This is the last Pokemon in Dex order that has 3 in every stat in Pokemon Rumble Blast

Thanks to ashiemore and Cattail Prophet for qc and all the participants for participating!
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09/19/2015 GMT-4

Winner: AnonymouzLSB
Second place: wewerekindaferal
Third place: Painter Espeon
Fourth place: Rory Mercury
Fifth place: Illusio
Consolation prize to: Cyllage, Aeolia
Solution: help, smogon30improvedstyleactivated, 2000000

1) This public PS room has no Room Owners.
2) Using the Konami code on Smogon Forums causes this message to pop up in a dialog box.
3) In the Pokemon anime episode "Fossil Fools" it is claimed that the first Pokemon appeared this many years ago.
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09/20/15 7:00 PM GMT-4 (Happy Birthday to me :P)

Winner: adiass
Second place: Cyllage
Third place: Illusio
Fourth place: kevinrocks
Fifth place: Rory Mercury
Conslation prize to: Flerovium, abysmal ruins, Raymond Quaza

Solution: landorus, pewtermuseumofscience, masquerain

1) There is a shrine dedicated to this Pokémon in the Arcane Area of PokéPark 2: Wonders Beyond.
2) This is where the player can obtain the Soul Dew in Pokémon HeartGold/SoulSilver.
3) This is the only non-Water type Pokémon whose friend area in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team is Tadpole Pond.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore and Snaquaza for quality checking.
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09/22/2015 GMT-4

Winner: GoodMorningWan [BLITZ]
Second place: Chupps
Third place: eeveeattract
Fourth place: Aeolia
Fifth place: GoodMorningEspeon
Consolation prize to: Abyssal Ruins
Solution: rota, cooltrainerdianne, mtcoronet

1) This is the town where the movie "Lucario and the Mystery of Mew" is mainly set.
2) This trainer in Pokemon Emerald has a Lanturn with Earthquake.
3) The three lakes Verity, Acuity, and Valor in the Pokemon world form a triangle with this location at the center.
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09/22/15 10:00 PM GMT-4

Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: Catacomb
Third place: Zipzapadam
Fourth place: Painter Espeon
Fifth place: kevinrocks
Conslation prize to: eeveeattract, Whiscash-mega

Solution: psychic, cameruptpoint, ritzyribbonretail

1) What is the only move known by Virgil's Espeon in the anime?
2) A Lunatone in the anime flew back to outer space from this anime-exclusive location.
3) A Gorgeous Royal Ribbon can be purchased at this store in Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore and Xylen for quality checking.
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09/23/2015 GMT-4

Winner: kevinrocks [BLITZ]
Second place: chupps
Third place: Manaphy286
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: LinkFromLoZ
Consolation prize to: Aeolia, Kangaaroo, MafiaMike
Solution: slowbronite, suitactor, route23

1) In ORAS, the old man near the entrance to Shoal Cave will give the player this item alongside a Shell Bell when they first acquire one.
2) Marty's Pokemon Showdown avatar ( has a green suit similar to which in-game trainer class?
3) In Gen II this Kanto route only requires 7 steps to traverse
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Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ] "uncompetitive" he says
Second Place: AnonymouzLSB
Third Place: abysmal ruins
Fourth Place: adiass
Fifth Place: Chupps
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, Zipzapadam
Solution: houndoomhoundour, pachirisu, arceus

Q1) Under normal circumstances, which two Pokémon can have immunities to both of your rival’s Delphox’s moves in the Team Flare Secret HQ in Pokémon X and Y? (Alphabetical order)
Q2) What Pokémon with no evolutionary relatives has a chance of finding a Thick Mushroom in Amity Square?
Q3) This is the last Pokemon in National Dex order that can learn the moves from all of HM01, HM02, HM03, and HM04.|Arceus

Thanks to kevinrocks, Wan the Avatar, and GoodMorningEspeon for qcing (gme 2/3 of it), and to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for collabing on this official with me!
And a special congrats to adiass and SergioRules, the newest scavs voices! n_n
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Guess who's back
Back again
Mr. U's back
Tell a fren
Guess what's back
My hunt's back
Guess what's back
My hunt's back
Guess what's back
My hunt's back

I created a monster
But ashie didn't wanna host monsters no more
He qced
it with kevin, my chopped liver
Well if you want my hunt this is when I'll give it to ya
Sometime around 8 PM EST on Saturday nighta

Now there will be a hunt by me
Saturday at 8 (PM EST) hosted by ashie
Cause y'all needed a little controversy
Cause it felt so empty without me

9/27/2015 8 PM GMT -4

Winner: Painter Espeon
Second place: adiass
Third place: LinkFromLoZ
Fourth place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fifth place: PyoroLoli
Conslation prize to: pokemonvortex

Solution: russia, marlon, aeroblastvolttackle

1) In addition to its branch in Kanto, the Silph Co. also has a branch located in this country
2) The in-game announcer for the Pokemon Stadium games is also the only voice actor for this major Pokemon anime character
3) Of all the current Signature moves in ORAS, only these two were TMs at some point in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon series (list in alphabetical order) (Don't count Japan-only games)
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Winner: pokemonvortex
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: Zipzapadam
Fourth place: rosepetal
Fifth place: Manaphy286
Conslation prize to: no-one

Solution: quincytquackenpoker, eevee, jynx.

1) This person spent his whole life researching magikarp (full name).
2) This is the first pokemon that appears out of a pokeball in pokemon origins.
3) This is the only pokemon that can't talk comprehensibly in pokemon mystery dungeon.
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PyoroLoli [BLITZ]
Second Place:
Third Place: Cyllage
Fourth Place: eeveeattract
Fifth Place: Hawkie
Consolation Prize to: None

Solution: Mudkip, Lock-on, Feint Attack

In the 'Peanut Swamp' friend area all Pokemon share the same type except for one. What is this Pokemon?
2): Regirock and Registeel are the only Pokemon to have used this move in the anime,
3): In 'Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky' if you select a Vulpix to be your main Pokemon or partner it will have this move as an egg move.

Thanks to Xylen for hosting :DD
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abysmal ruins
Second Place: SergioRules
Third Place: Kangaaroo
Fourth Place: GoodMorningEspeon
Fifth Place: Seito Hakari
Consolation prize to: Wan the Avatar, eeveeattract, Cyllage
Solution: steelix, whiscash, gothitelle

Q1) What is the only non-Rock type Pokémon to have used Rock Polish in the anime?
Q2) A creature resembling this Pokémon can be found in a microgame in WarioWare Inc. Mega Microgame$.
Q3) What Pokémon most recently had its Ubers analysis uploaded on Smogon? (First alphabetically if multiple)|gothitelle

Thanks to ashiemore and Cattail Prophet for qc'ing, ashie for hosting, and congrats to everyone who solved my first legitimately challenging hunt in awhile! n_n
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Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan the Avatar
Third Place: Chupps
Fourth Place: abysmal ruins
Fifth Place: kevinrocks
Consolation prize to: eeveeattract
Solution: trickroom, spacetimetower, zigzagoon

Q1) This move has a similar visual effect in Pokemon Battle Revolution as Will’s room in HeartGold and SoulSilver.
Q2) This place in the anime was based on the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona.
Q3) This Pokemon holds the record for the longest running event.

Huge thanks to Snaquaza for qc and ashiemore for both qc and hosting.
Also thanks to everyone who participated in my first ever Sergiofficial! n_n
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09/29/15 GMT-4

Winner: abysmal ruins [BLITZ]
Second place: Chupps [BLITZ]
Third place: Eyan
Fourth place: Illusio
Fifth place: kevinrocks
Conslation prize to: Cyllage
Solution: outcastisland, glitteringcave, avalugg

1) This is the name of the small water path leading from Fortune Island to Altering Cave.
2) This is the first place where Team Flare is encountered in Pokemon X/Y.
3) Of the Pokemon with Ice Body as a usable ability, this one has the highest Defense+Special Defense.

thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for hosting since i had to go ^-^
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Winner: kevinrocks
Second place: Painter Espeon
Third place: LinkFromLOZ
Fourth place: Aeolia
Fifth place: SergioRules
Conslation prize to: Dylas
Solution: electric ice, fraud, plusle

1) This type has the least mega evolutions (alphabetical order if multiple and don't include type in answer).
2) This person fuses with reshiram to use its powers.
3) Not counting your starter pokemon, this is the only non shadow pokemon you can obtain in pokemon colosseum story mode.
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30/9/2015 GMT-4

Winner: xfix
Second place: Sacred ashiemore (Cyllage)
Third place: adiass
Fourth place: Cattail Prophet
Fifth place: pokemonvortex
Consolation prize to: Eyan, abysmal ruins
Solution: skulkraken, sixteen, tinad

1) This Pokemon had the longest name in the Red and Green Beta (Answer Format:[Beta Name]).
2) This is the difference in the amount of bytes used to store information about a captured Pokemon's current state for a party Pokemon and a box Pokemon in Generation II (write out number).
3) What is the name of the trainer of the Teacher class who has a Scyther, Sentret, Eevee and 3 other Pokemon, and also, on what letter do all the nicknames of her Pokemon end with? (Format:[Name][Letter])

Congrats to all finishers!
Thank you ILRB for qc'ing and GME for qc'ing and hosting ~
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Congratulations to our September Ladder winners: Painter Espeon on winning the September Ladder (two in a row, good job!) with 157 points, kevinrocks with 147 points, and Wan the Avatar with 144 points! Thanks to everyone else for participating as well.

Painter Espeon: 157 points
kevinrocks: 147 points
Wan the Avatar: 144 points
abyssal ruins: 137 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 120 points
SergioRules: 92 points
eeveeattract: 90 points
Chupps: 88 points
Cyllage: 76 points
adiass: 76 points
Rory Mercury: 71 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 67 points
Aeolia: 60 points
Saints Fan: 55 points
ILRB: 40 points
Manaphy286: 39 points
AnonymouzLSB: 37 points
Illusio: 36 points
Jessilina: 34 points
rosepetal: 34 points
PyoroLoli: 34 points
Dylas: 32 points
GoodMorningWan: 30 points
pokemonvortex: 24 points
Eyan: 24 points
LinkFromLoZ: 24 points
Gleeb: 22 points
Zipzapadam: 22 points
xfix: 20 points
Sappy Siesta: 15 points
h9: 15 points
cinccino6: 15 points
wewerekindaferal: 15 points
Catacomb: 15 points
hardenmetapod: 13 points
rubiak2: 12 points
Turtle Factory: 12 points
AyyronBalls: 12 points
Flerovium: 12 points
Kangaaroo: 12 points
Gargoyle31: 9 points
iap: 7 points
Cattail Prophet: 7 points
TheAura: 6 points
Sapphire9th: 5 points
xXDuongDannyXx: 5 points
Meteordash: 2 points
Wildest Dream: 2 points
OoralooVC: 2 points
blackburn009: 2 points
crescendosorcerer: 2 points
Flare Blitzle: 2 points
endurr: 2 points
Turtle Factory: 2 points
HeracrossTheGreek: 2 points
Raymond Quaza: 2 points
Whiscash-mega: 2 points
MafiaMike: 2 points
Hawkie: 2 points
Seito Hakari: 2 points
For the October ladder, each hunt will have a pre-determined topic! Consult this chart for each day's topic (all are Pokemon):

Have fun everyone!
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10/01/15 7:00 PM GMT-4
Topic: Anime

Winner: Dot Agumon (pokemonvortex)
Second place: Rory Mercury
Third place: h9
Fourth place: kevinrocks
Fifth place: Cyllage
Conslation prize to: no-one

Solution: chocolate, bill, justoneofthegeysers

1) What is James’s Mime Jr.’s favorite snack?
2) Which character in the anime said that the Pokémon world was created 4,600,000,000 years ago?
3) Which episode of the anime contains a variation of Team Rocket’s motto that is recited upon raiding a refrigerator?

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore and Painter Espeon for quality checking.
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