Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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11/15/2015 GMT-5

Winner: Illusio
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: adiass
Fourth place: blackburn009
Fifth place: Shounen
Conslation prize to: LinkFromLoZ, pokemonvortex, BobMcBob, XK-Zuko, Meteordash, Ambii, IU-Friday, Dylas
Solution: Scavenger Games, 11 hunts n_n
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11/16/15 8:00 PM GMT-5

rubsomebacononit [BLITZ]
Second place:
Third place: PyoroLoli
Fourth place: pokemonvortex
Fifth place: kevinrocks
Conslation prize to: eeveeattract, Wan the Avatar, SergioRules, social netwerk, Painter Oshawott, Illusio, Lunarixis II, Shounen, LinkFromLoZ, Whiscashmega, keeping it icy, Awesomepi, Anthony Pokemon, LogicBG, Chupps, spieky, BlitzGaming Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZGERALD]

Solution: rayquaza, purityforest, cyndaquil

1) According to its Pokédex entry, this Pokémon’s form while flying resembles that of a meteor.
2) What is the only dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Red/Blue Rescue Team in which Nature Power can be used and result in the move BubbleBeam?
3) Which of Ash’s Pokémon in the anime took the most episodes to evolve? (Give the base form only in your answer.)

Congratulations to all of the finishers and thanks to each and every one of you for coming out and participating! Congratulations to rubsomebacononit for an impressive blitz, and special thanks to xfix and ashiemore for quality checking.
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11/17/2015 GMT-5

Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second place: awesomepi
Third place: spieky
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: Shounen
Conslation prize to: Wan the Avatar, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: clearbody, lugia, 753

1) This is the hidden ability of the evolutionary line with both Plus and Minus as abilities.
2) This is the heaviest Pokemon to 4x resist Low Kick and be hit by it at 120 BP.
3) How many days passed between the North American release of Pokemon Diamond and Pearl and the Australian release of Pokemon Platinum?
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11/18/15 EDT

Winner: swagmoneyumbreon
Second place: Wan the Avatar
Third place: SergioRules
Fourth place: aeolia
Fifth place: ee☆veeattract
Consolation prize to: chupps, Mr. Uncompetitive, Shounen
Solution: 225, kabuto, wigglytuff

1) According to prerelease images how many squares does Mega Lucario's puzzle in Pokemon Picross have?
2) What Pokemon lost then regained compatibility with an HM that has been present in every generation?
3) What is the only prize from any game corner whose coin cost includes four different digits?

Thanks to Manaphy286 for qcing and to ashiemore for qcing and hosting!
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11/19/15 9:00 PM GMT-5

social netwerk
Second place:
Third place: Shounen
Fourth place: eeveeattract!
Fifth place: Dylas
Conslation prize to: blackbum009 (blackburn009), rxdb, LinkFromLoZ, Rei Keima, Caterpiellar, swagmoneyumbreon (Awesomepi), Maffitaffy

Solution: avalanche, furret, patrat

1) What is the only STAB move that Snorunt learns via breeding?
2) This Pokémon that can be befriended in the Granite Zone in PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure requires you to play the skill game Hide-and-Seek.
3) The Whismur Show in Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire at the Battle Resort is similar to a show performed by which species of Pokémon in Pokémon Black and White?

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Special thanks to ashiemore and Snaquaza for quality checking. =)
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11/21/2015 GMT-5

Winner: Painter Espeon (419)
Second place: Broil (399)
Third place: Illusio (329)
Fourth place: rubsomebacononit (217)
Fifth place: RebornPixels (192)
Aeolia (177), eeveeattract (175), Linkfromloz (140), Caterpiellar (135), shounen (135), Tic-Tac-Toe Guru (135), awesomepi (130), Spieky (120), pokemonvortex (110), aleuser (110), xArashi (100), Cattail Prophet (100), Lunarixis II (60), 1987 was a year (55), Microwavable (50), XxXshadowgaming (50), sharp ladder uu (40), Yellow Skarmory (32), urgoindown (30), ShadowFire999 (10), Latios n.n (10), (magatsu)bisharp (10)
Thanks to everyone for participating in the first Scavengers Point Rally! I hope to be able to host one of these again in the future n_n
Also huge thanks to Painter Espeon for helping with the scorekeeping.
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11/22/15 @ 10:00 GMT-5 - Point Rally

Winner: GoodMorningEspeon
Second place: social netwerk
Third place: Zipzapadam
Fourth place: eeveeattract
Fifth place: awesomepi
Consolation prize to: PyoroLoli, MajesticSwablu, LinkFromLoZ, Tic-Tac-Toe Guru, Broil, Shounen, Pixystyx, urgoindown, Latios n.n
Solution: Point Rally, nine hunts.

Final Leaderboard/All the Hunts

Special thanks to Rory Mercury for quality checking, and super special thanks to ashiemore for quality checking, hosting, and helping with editing the leaderboard! n_n And congratulations to everyone who finished the hunt(s)!
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11/23/15 10 PM EDT

Second Place: social netwerk
Third Place: Zipzapadam
Fourth Place: Painter Espeon
Fifth Place: Shounen
Consolation prize to: SergioRules, kierant3hz
Solutions: Chesnaughtflorgesmarowaknoivernraichuzoroark, TY, mew
1) The newest expansion pack "BREAKthrough" introduced a few BREAK evolution cards. List all the BREAK evolution cards in alphabetical order (Don't include the word "BREAK")

2) This in-game trainer has a full team of level 69 bellsprouts. (Don't include trainer class)

3) This is the longest Pokemon name you can form using the letters in "Pokemon Showdown". (You don't have to use all the letters, each letter can be only used once)

Special thanks to Rory Mercury and Snaquaza for QCing and ashiemore for hosting n_n. And congratulations to everyone who finished the hunt n_n.

Painter Espeon: mew
Painter Espeon: it's fucking mew
Painter Espeon: what the fuck how the fuck
Painter Espeon: it's fuCKING MEW

urgoindown: MEW?

kierant3hz: fucking mew
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11/24/15 @ 10:30 GMT-5

Winner: social netwerk
Second Place: shounen
Third Place: eeveeattract
Fourth Place: adiass
Fifth Place: swagmoneyumbreon
Consolation prize to: Manaphy286
Solution: kalosroute10, noibat, grandduchess.

Q1) Colress is known to have visited this location in a region other than Unova. (format as regionlocation, e.g. sinnohroute201)
Q2) What Pokémon’s Pokédex entry on the official Pokémon website once incorrectly showed it as pure Flying-type?
Q3) There is an in-game NPC with this female-only trainer class, but only the player character can have its male counterpart.

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for quality checking and hosting, and to ashiemore for quality checking! Congratulations to everyone who finished the hunt, and I apologize for not making any future officials due to my imminent death at the hands of an angry Xylen.
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"Woah what? Sergio actually made an official?"
Thanksgiving (11/26/15), 11am EST (4pm GMT).

Winner: PyoroLoli
Second Place: keeping it icy
Third Place: eeveeattract
Fourth Place: urgoindown
Fifth Place: Awesomepi
Consolation Prize to:
pikachureshiramzekrom, 2006, nobodydontlikechristmas

These three Pokemon are the only ones to be featured as balloons or floats in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. (alphabetical order)
2) Pikachu was the first balloon to have light up features (these being his cheeks). In what year did this occur?
3) This song from a Pokemon Christmas album mentions the word “Thanksgiving.”

This year I am thankful for teal drivers PAINter Espeon and Rory Mercury for quality checks and GoodMorningEspeon for hosting. Also I'm thankful for the 20 lbs. of stuffing I'll be eating post official. And finally a special thanks to all participants and everyone in the Scavengers room for being the awesome people you all are.
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11/25/2015 GMT-5

Winner: iplaytouhou4voice [BLITZ]
Second place: Gleeb [BLITZ]
Third place: Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Fourth place: social netwerk
Fifth place: Wan the Avatar
Conslation prize to: Archiac, shounen, eeveeattract, Astentia, aleuser, SergioRules, Whiscashmega, PrivatePenQuin, Zip Bot, kierant3hz
Solution: cautionicybattleconditions, supersonic, piexplode

1) This is the name of the Pokemon anime episode where Brycen accidentally tells his Vanillish to use "Miller Shot".
2) Of all non-damaging moves that can confuse, this one has the lowest accuracy.
3) In the 2014 Smog Awards this user won 1st prize in the category "User most likely to be kicked out of Smogon University"
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11/27/15 7:00 PM GMT-5

Painter Espeon
Second place:
Third place: Awesomepi
Fourth place: Dylas
Fifth place: eeveeattract
Conslation prize to: SergioRules, 1987 was a year, rubsomebacononit, TurtleFactory!!!!!, Painter Oshawott, RoastedGravy

Solution: ppup, unown, thekingthepokemonandthekey

1) Which item in the main series Pokémon games costs the most Poké Miles?
2) What is the only Pokémon in the Rare Habitat of the Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen Pokédex that is not legendary?
3) What is the name of the painting in Pokémon X and Y during the Chapter Four of the Looker sidequest that is covered in graffiti? (Format any "é" in your answer as "e.")

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Special thanks to ashiemore and Wan the Avatar for quality checking. =)
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As some of you many know, tomorrow (November 28th) is the second anniversary of the Scavengers room on PS!
To commemorate this, we'll be attempting to host four official hunts of various styles throughout the day. Hopefully you did all your homewark so you can hang out with us!
More details regarding the official hunts tomorrow will be posted in the thread shortly.
11/28/15 AKA Second Scavengersary; 11 AM GMT-5

Second place: Flerovium
Third place: Rory Mercury
Fourth place: ILRB
Fifth place: Turtle Factory
Consolation prize to: RebornPixels, keeping it icy, SergioRules, adiass, Mega Eevee X, Grace the Florges, Cynthia~612~, Ambii, urgoindown, The Swift Wyvern, ShadowFire999, Silver99, Voltages, Latios n.n, Microwavable, Gargoyle31 (was never in in the first place, but accidentally solved the final hunt and beat both Flerovium and eeveeattract, so deserves a mention .3.)
Solution: Knockout games; ten hunts

Special thanks to ashiemore for hosting and quality checking AND lending an extra hunt for the ko games, GoodMorningEspeon for quality checking, and to my alarm for successfully waking me up at 9:30 AM on a saturday! And of course - HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCAVENGERS ROOM! There'll be more official having to come!
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11/28/2015 3 PM GMT-5
Winner: social netwerk
Second place: eeveeattract
Third place: Broil
Fourth place: Flerovium
Fifth place: Gargoyle31
Conslation prize to: PyoroLoli, Cynthia612
Solution: meditite, vengefulspikes, powerswap

1) In the Lava Zone area of PokéPark Wii: Pikachu's Adventure, this Pokemon challenges the player to a quiz in order to befriend it.
2) On the Omastar TCG card where it is a Psychic type, which of its moves requires the most Energy cards?
3) This is the move that Espeon learns at the highest level in any game.
Winner: eeveeattract [BLITZ]
Second place: pokemonvortex [BLITZ]
Third place: Flerovium [BLITZ]
Fourth place: Cynthia612
Fifth place: social netwerk
Conslation prize to: SergioRules
Solution: leafstorm, swift, hondewberry

1) This non-electric type move has been used by Professor Oak's Rotom.
2) This move with a set Base Power cannot miss in Gen I.
3) This item increases the friendship of a Pokemon but lowers its Special Attack EVs by 10.


11/28/2015 7 PM GMT-5

Winner: eeveeattract
Second place: Zipzapadam
Third place: social netwerk
Fourth place: keeping it icy
Fifth place: adiass
Conslation prize to: Gleeb, Tic-Tac-Toe Guru, rubsomebacononit, Cynthia612, dragonlord641, HotFuzzBall
Solution: Scavenger games, 9 hunts
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11/28/15 10:30 PM GMT-5 [Scavengersary]
Mode: Point Rally

Second place:
Mr. Uncompetitive
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Fourth place: eeveeattract
Fifth place: RebornPixels
Conslation prize to: swagmoneyumbreon (Awesomepi), social netwerk, LinkFromLoZ, kierant3hz, aleuser, Sharp Ladder UU, iplaytouhou4voice, Froslasss, get kekt m8, ooraloo, Endurr

Solution: Nine Hunts, Final Scoreboard

Congratulations to all of the finishers who stayed for the whole hour of the Point Rally! Special thanks to ashiemore and Rory Mercury for quality checking, and happy second anniversary! Here's to another great year! :toast:
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11/29/15 @ 10:00 GMT-5 / Jump Start
Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive
Second Place: eeveeattract
Third Place: Wan the Avatar
Fourth Place: adiass
Fifth Place: Dylas
Consolation Prize to: 1987 was a year, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: max, beatup, krabbymagikarp

Q1) This main anime character was likely based on the School Kid Trainer class.
Q2) What move can increase the speed of an opposing Pokémon the most times in a single turn if it triggers the ability Rattled?
Q3) Which two Pokémon can be found fishing with the Old Rod in Gold & Silver's Safari Zone? (alphabetical order)
Winner: Mr. Uncompetitive [BLITZ]
Second Place: Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Third Place: Dylas [BLITZ]
Fourth Place: eeveeattract
Fifth Place: Awesomepi
Consolation Prize to: Zipzapadam, GoodMorningEspeon
Solutions: dogars, surskit, dryskin

Q1) What word does Roxie sing the letters of in her Gym in the Japanese version of BW2?
Q2) Which Pokémon with a unique type combination loses that distinction upon evolution?
Q3) This ability gives an immunity to one type but increases damage taken from another type.

Special thanks to ashiemore for hosting and quality checking, ILRB for quality checking, and sorry about accidentally writing /starthunt instead of /startofficialhunt so mr. u, wan, and dyl's blitzes didn't show up! Good luck to everyone trying to go for a place on the ladder tomorrow! :D
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Winner: Illusio (幻想)
Second Place: 1987 was a year
Third Place: Rory Mercury
Fourth Place: Dylas
Fifth Place: dragonoid9
Consolation Prize to: VeryPinkPancakes
Solutions: rampardos, rage candy bar, madame boss

Q1) In the anime, this Pokemon was claimed to be a spear that can break any shield.

Q2) What is the only Key Item that has to be bought in any Pokemon game?

Q3) hat is the name of the only female that has previously been a leader of a villainous organization in Pokemon?

Thanks for coming to last official of the month, lots of trouble on q2/3! Thanks for hosting deathbagel9201072, and thanks to the quality checkers were deathbagel9201072 and ILRB!

Congrats for eeveeattract winning Scavengers Ladder!!

also rip we had a leak on q1
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The November Scavengers Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to eeveeattract in first with 191 points, social netwerk in second with 168 points, and Mr. Uncompetitive in third with 116 points. And of course, thanks to the rest of you for participating!

eeveeattract: 191 points
social netwerk: 168 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 116 points
Wan the Avatar: 115 points
awesomepi: 100 points
Painter Espeon: 85 points
Zipzapadam: 65 points
Illusio: 55 points
adiass: 51 points
pokemonvortex: 50 points
Shounen: 48 points
rubsomebacononit: 40 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 40 points
PyoroLoli: 40 points
Gleeb: 36 points
Cyllage: 35 points
Flerovium: 35 points
Dylas: 33 points
SergioRules: 32 points
lovemathboy: 30 points
keeping it icy: 28 points
ultraplayer: 25 points
spieky: 25 points
Broil: 25 points
ILRB: 25 points
Painter Oshawott: 20 points
Rory Mercury: 20 points
XK-Zuko: 15 points
1987 was a year: 15 points
Latios n.n: 10 points
Yellow Skarmory: 10 points
Wigglyfluffz: 5 points
Midnightsecrets: 5 points
blackburn009: 5 points
aeolia: 5 points
urgoindown: 5 points
Cynthia612: 5 points
RebornPixels: 2 points
gabriel45: 1 point
chupps: 1 point
kevinrocks: 1 point
Turtle Factory: 1 point
dragonoid9: 1 point

December's twist will be: all officials will have one non-Pokémon question within them. Good luck, and happy scavenging! n_n
12/01/15 7:00 PM GMT-5

Second place:
Werewolf Oshawott (Painter Oshawott)
Third place: Wan the Avatar
Fourth place: ashiesnore (Awesomepi)
Fifth place: adiass
Conslation prize to: aleuser, T(uRT!Le$FaC&ToR/y, Tidal Otter

Solution: bandaifriends, polkamon, didsomebodycallaplumber

1) Which brand of Pokémon toys comes with a package of candy?
2) This song by “Weird Al” Yankovic is featured on an official Pokémon movie soundtrack.
3) This official course in the game Super Mario Maker is made by Coursebot.

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Special thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for checking. :)
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12/02/15 9:00 PM GMT-5

Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Second place:
Illusio [BLITZ]
Third place: Very_Pink_Pancakes
Fourth place: Aeolia
Fifth place: 1987 was a year
Conslation prize to: SergioRules, ee❄veeattract, swagmoneyumbreon (Awesomepi), wHISCASHMEGA, Based Lorde

Solution: coroso, professoroak, ontologicallyanthropocentricsensoryimmersivesimulation

1) This Pokémon from an in-game trade in Pokémon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire has two guaranteed perfect IVs (Give the nickname of the traded Pokémon in your answer).
2) Which character in the anime recommended to Ash and his friends to try the Old Gateau treat?
3) In the novel Ready Player One, what does the acronym OASIS stand for?

Q2's answer was accidentally leaked, but nobody seemed to notice. n.n

Congratulations to all of the finishers, especially Illusio and Wan the Avatar for blitzing! Thanks to Painter Espeon and ashiemore for checking. And of course, thanks to deathbagel9201072 for making the official! n_n
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Just like Samurai Jack, bitches I'm back

Reserving a hunt for this Friday @ 10:30 PM EST, be prepared for one smashing good hunt composed by yours truly ft. ashie and GME on the mic and distributed by ashiemoreisanub records
Yeah ok you got me I didn't actually watch much Samurai Jack as a kid but it seems like something I should try out OOOOO:
12/4/15 @ 11 PM EST (changed from 10:30)
Winner: Painter Espeon
Second Place: Shounen
Third Place: Awesomepi
Fourth Place: Adiass
Fifth Place: Aeolia
Consolation prize to: chupps, someone else I forgot (I'm sorry but I remember you had a bunch of Japanese characters ;-;)

Solution: dragonkingthefightinggame, goldeenmewsnorlax, azizalyami


1. Super Smash Bros. originally started development under this name (give its English name)
2. These are the only Pokemon that have appeared from Poke Ball items in all 4 Super Smash Bros. games (list in alphabetical order)
3. This Competitive Smasher (Super Smash Bros. player) is one of the Top 20 Melee players in the world and also placed in the Top 16 of a Pokemon TCG World Championship (give their full name, not their alias)

Sorry for any potential issues on q2 (it was only chupps who pointed out Mew may or may not count) cause I'm badly and didn't fully check my sources[/hide]
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12/03/15 5:00 PM EST

Second place: Zipzapadam
Third place: SkorupiMaster94
Consolation prize to: Gargoyle31, Manaphy286 ◕‿◕, Shounen, t(UrT$lE&FACT'oR/y, pokemonvortex.

Solution: leona, agatha, johnfelixanthonycena

1) This is the only gen 4 ingame swimmer (trainer class) who doesn't use at least one water pokemon in their team.
2) This person used to be Oak's rival until Oak decided to become a Pokemon Professor
3) This person granted the most wishes for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. (full name)

Everyone had trouble with q3 because they don't know how to read .__.

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12/05/2015 GMT-5

Winner: Wan the Avatar
Second place: adiass
Third place: eeveeattract
Fourth place: Illusio
Fifth place: Manaphy286
Conslation prize to: pokemonvortex, awesomepi
Solution: uturn, protean, conductingwand

1) A TM for this move can be bought at the Battle Frontier in HG/SS but not Platinum.
2) When a Pokemon with this ability uses Curse, it will cut 50% of its HP regardless of its type.
3) In Realm of the Mad God, the second boss of the Mad Lab dungeon has this unique drop.
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Second place: SergioRules
Third place: 1987wasayear☭
Consolation prize to: Broil (模因), Zipzapadam

Solution: mickicelestialtower, aquajet, boomerganger.

1) This is the only gen 5 ingame psychic (trainer class) who doesn't use at least one psychic pokemon (name + location).
2) This non-monster Yu-Gi-Oh card shares its name with a pokemon move
3) This was originally going to be the name for the X-Naut in Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door
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