Scavengers Official Hunt Thread (Old)

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12/7/15 @ 10 PM GMT-5

Winner: the roar of tim (Awesomepi)
Second Place: nitrodog96
Third Place: Based Lorde
Fourth Place: seito doing hw (Seito Hakari)
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: Wan the Avatar, Pixystyx, GoodMorningEspeon, Aeolia
Solution: drunkers, theroseofversailles, dan ellis
dan lellis amirite

Q1) On Bulbapedia’s page for the move Defense Curl, what is the nickname of the Pokémon battling a Snorlax?
Q2) What anime did Ken Sugimori cite as inspiration for the designs of a Starter Pokémon family?
Q3) Who is the only goaltender in NHL history to have been scored against by an opposing goaltender? (Answer with first and last name)

Special thanks to Rory Mercury and ashiemore for quality checking, ashiemore for hosting, and congrats to everyone who finished the hunt! And I'd also like to make a special shoutout to Dan Ellis. Keep your head up buddy, we all screw up sometimes.
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12/08/15 8:00 PM GMT-5

nyan kat
Second place:
derek carr アッカリーン
Third place: choches (Awesomepi)
Fourth place: 1987 was a year
Fifth place: nitrodog96
Conslation prize to: keeping it icy, Tic-Tac-Toe Guru, aleuser, PyoroLoli, Illusio

Solution: torment, turquoiseoctober, capsulemonsters

1) The TM containing this move in Pokémon Black 2 and White 2 can be obtained in Castelia Sewers during the Spring or Summer.
2) This musical group’s songs in Splatoon make up the majority of those played in the Octo Valley missions (Give only the English name of the group in your answer).
3) What was the earliest known name for the Pokémon franchise? (Format any “é” in your answer as “e.”)

Congratulations to all the finishers and thanks to all the participants as well as ashiemore and Painter Espeon for quality checking. n_n
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Winner: Illusio
Second place: a random duck
Third place: Merlee
Fourth place: pixiestar1
Fifth place: Werewolf Oshawott
Consolation prize to: Rory Mercury, pokemonvortex, Tidal Otter, urgoindown

Solution: forestguardian, kosovo, greck

1)This painting in the Lumiose Museum is based on a TCG card from the Japanese "Wind from the Sea" expansion.
2) This country, which was part of the former Yugoslavia, declared its independence in February 2008.
3)This is the only Peon who has a team with at least 3 Pokemon where all the Pokemon share the same dex color. [Don't include Trainer Class]

Thanks to Manaphy286 and Painter Espeon for QCing and congrats to our first ever driver hosting official, Painter Espeon :o #goteal
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12/11/15 7:00 PM GMT-5
Second place: rubsomebacononit
Third place: 1987 was a year
Fourth place: super sanic speed (awesomepi)
Fifth place: GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: trainerseyesmeetgentleman, blueexeggutor, 13
1) This track was labeled as Test in the Read-Only Memory of a game despite it being used.
2) This is the only champion to have a Pokemon with less than 4 moves. Format answer as: [Champion Name][Pokemon Name]
3) The bands Black Sabbath and Die Ärzte both released an album with this name.

Thank you Xylen and Painter Espeon for qc'ing and congratulations to all that finished! Sorry if q1 was a bit hard/confusing, but hope you enjoyed it nonetheless.
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12/11/15 9:00 PM GMT-5

Mr. Uncompetitive
Second place:
Wan the Avatar
Third place: POnCP (Illusio)
Fourth place: Awesomepi
Fifth place: 1987 was a year
Conslation prize to: ee❄️veeattract, keeping it icy, Zipzapadam, Wigglyfluffz, VeryPinkPancakes, a random duck, Merlee, RebornPixels
Solution: stomp, aipom, zekko


1) In the manga Pokémon Gold & Silver: The Golden Boys, Gold’s Bayleef uses which move despite being unable to learn it in the main series games?
2) In the Pokémon Stadium 2 minigame Eager Eevee, this Pokémon lifts the crate in the center of the circle.
3) This brand of gear in Splatoon generally has an increased chance of rolling the ability Special Saver.

Congratulations to all of the finishers, especially Mr. Uncompetitive and Wan the Avatar for missing blitz by a few seconds :o

Thanks to everyone for participating and of course to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for quality checking! n.n
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12/13/15 12:00 PM GMT-5

First Place:
Second Place: VeryPinkPancakes
Third Place: Awesomepi
Fourth Place: Illusio
Fifth Place: Nobody
Consolation Prize to: Nobody
Solution: nationalpokegraphic, trains, monthlycointoss:pokemoncardmagazine

1) In the Pokemon anime, this magazine once featured an article on Professor Elm. (Format é as e)
2) What is the name of the magazine for the company Kalmbach Publishing that is dedicated to trains?
3) What is the name for the downloadable magazine on Satellaview that was about the Pokemon TCG? (Format é as e)

Congrats to everybody who finished!! Thanks to Manaphy286 and ashiemore for QCing! Special thanks to miuna-chan who last minuted hosted because rory didn't show up :(
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12/13/2015 GMT-5

Winner: a wanderer
Second place: rubsomebacononit
Third place: chupps
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: VeryPinkPancakes
Conslation prize to: nitrodog96, a random duck
Solution: sleep talk, snarl, niue

1) This non-damaging move will always fail if it is the only move the user knows.
2) This move is TM exclusive in Gen V but not in any other generation.
3) The entirety of this sovereign state uses the timezone UTC-11.
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In the world of official hunts, there are always casualties. Questions that just don't make the cut, whether it be for having multiple answers, being not completely correct, or a plethora of other reasons. Normally, these questions are left to be forgotten forever... but what if they came back?

Get ready to see the answer to that question! Two previously rejected questions have been revised and will be brought back from the dead to fight again in an official hunt tomorrow (Monday December 14) at 10 PM EST, quality checked by ILRB and xfix! That's right - two questions are coming back on to the official hunt scene, and this time...'s personal.
12/14/15 @ 10 PM 11 PM GMT-5 :(

Winner: eeveeattract
Second Place: a wanderer
Third Place: Pixystyx
Fourth Place: kevinrocks
Fifth Place: SergioRules
Consolation Prize to: ashiemore, Espeon Used Rage, GymLeaderThenin
Solution: dualchop, naturepreserve, chariklo

Q1) A Corphish TCG card has at one point had a move whose Japanese name was shared with one that would later be introduced to the main-series games. What is the move?
Q2) What location in the main-series games that does not connect directly to any other location can be accessed by plane?
Q3) What is the only minor planet in the Solar System that is confirmed to have a ring system? (Do not include numbers in name)

Huge thanks to I Love Rxdb's Booty and xfix for quality checking, and huge apologies for being an hour late for this hunt :( i have no excuses, i was just dumb and forgot, but at least we were able to get this to happen! n_n; And congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt!
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12/15/15 10:30 PM GMT-5

Second place:
keeping it icy
Third place: Espeon Used Rage (Awesomepi)
Fourth place: nitrodog96
Fifth place: wizardsofdra
Conslation prize to: Chaotic Midnight, GymLeaderThenin, eeveeattract
Solution: dysprosium, swarm, burnedtower


1) In terms of order of atomic numbers, this element comes directly after Terbium.
2) If the player has a Pokémon with this ability in their party in Pokémon Emerald, the rate at which cries of wild Pokémon can be heard in the overworld increases.
3) The daughter who goes missing on the S.S. Aqua in Pokémon Gold and Silver was likely missing in which location in the games’ beta?

Congratulations to all of the finishers! Thanks to ashiemore and Manaphy286 for quality checking. n.n
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12/17/15 5:00 PM GMT-5

Winner: pokemonvortex
Second Place: Illusio
Third Place: DarkShinyGiratina
Fourth Place: Eeveeattract
Fifth Place: keeping it icy
Consolation Prize to: Werewolf Oshawott, a random duck, Caterpiellar.

Solution: vibrava, wobbuffet, philip

1) This is the only Pokemon with with two or more pairs of wings that isn't part bug or flying type.
2) Excluding Pikachu, this Pokemon in the anime has been in most amount of episodes on a main character's team before leaving.
3) In The Fairly Odd Parents' episode Spaced Out, Cosmo names the coin he finds what?

Congrats to those who finished, thanks to ashiemore and GoodMorningEspeon for qcing and thanks to GoodMorningEspeon for last minute hosting!!
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12/18/15 @ 8:30 PM GMT-5

Winner: Illusio [BLITZ]
Second Place: beat up pesp (awesomepi) [BLITZ]
Third Place: Dylas
Fourth Place: Flerovium
Fifth Place: adiass
Consolation prize to: FIREEEE, SergioRules, Froslasss, ShadeOfElysia, a random duck, Saints Fan, VeryPinkPancakes, Whiscashmega
Solution: skyuppercut, shedinja, donnel.

Q1) What move that can hit a Pokémon using Fly is resisted by the Flying type?
Q2) Despite being able to learn moves which drain HP, this Pokémon will never heal itself with them.
Q3) This character in Fire Emblem: Awakening will only join the player's party if they level up during their chapter.

Congrats to everyone who finished the hunt, and sorry it was stupidly easy! Also special thanks to Snaquaza and Rory Mercury for quality checking, and to Astara and snaq (among others) for putting up with my badliness in the UGM stream.

See you all in UGM tomorrow and for the month following!
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20/12/15 (3:00AM GMT)

Second place: Froslasss
Third place: eeveeattract
Consolation prize to: ShadeOfElysia, urgoindown, Gargoyle31, Illusio, TheWhoDoctor, a random duck, niuniu905, darzy7234

alteringcave, furycutter, polaris
(no blitz)

1) In which location in the main game series is Zubat the only Pokemon that can be met?
2) Which move was discovered by a Gym Leader?
3) What is the nearest Cepheid variable star to Earth?
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12/19/15 @ 2:00 PM GMT-5

Winner: ShadeOfElysia
Second Place: Awesomepi
Third Place: Werewolf Oshawott
Fourth Place: ILRB
Fifth Place: TheWhoDoctor
Consolation prize to: Rafooa11, eeveeattract, i wanna faart, VeryPinkPancakes
Solution: anabeltalkingagoodgame, bitescratch, themanwiththegoldengun
In the anime, Ash lost his first match against a Frontier Brain to whom and in what episode did this occur? Format as [Frontier Brain + Episode Title]
Q2) In the TCG, Bulbasaur has two moves that it cannot learn legally in the games. List them in alphabetical order.
Q3) This James Bond movie was released in theaters on December 19th, 1974.

There was a slight discretion on question 2 as Bulbasaur gets Present in a DPt-P Promo card, however, this is not listed on Bulbapedia's TCG Move Error page so I didn't catch it. It only affected one person to my knowledge so I apologize if anyone got stuck on that.

Thanks to everyone who participated in Sergiofficial #5 and everyone who wished me happy birthday today! n_n Also thanks to Painter Espeon for qc and ashiemore for qc and hosting the hunt!
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12/15/15 10:30 PM GMT-5

Second place:
Third place: chupps
Fourth place: Flerovium~
Fifth place: Froslasss
Conslation prize to: Merlee, eeveeattract, SergioRules, LifeOrbLileep, urgoindown, a random duck, awesomepi, Devoxys, girisawesomer, Chaotic Midnight 笑, BraveBirdVivillon, Lucy Heartfillia

Solution: dana, noelpix, ninja


1) Which Battle Chatelaine has a team that consists of the legendary bird trio and the legendary golem trio? (Don’t include the trainer class in your answer.)
2) Who sings the German dub of the Pokémon anime theme Unbeatable?
3) In Kirby Super Star, if Kirby picks up this copy ability during the Computer Virus boss battle, the text box will display a grammatical error.

My apologies for the formatting errors on the third question. u_u

Anyways, congratulations to the finishers and thanks to ashiemore and Painter Espeon for quality checking! n_n
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21/12/15 8 PM GMT-5

Second place: Awesomepi
Third place: Dylas
Fourth place: CoolStoryGiratina (DarkShinyGiratina)
Fifth place: chupps
Conslation prize to: The Real Red, Wizardsofdra, TheWhoDoctor, BraveBirdVivillon, Saints Fan, a random duck, 1987 was a year, VeryPinkPancakes, Arkells, Devoxys, Tunaface, XK_Zuko.

Solution: pokemonmysterydungeonginjisrescueteam, jadeorb, hyruleloach
1) This Pokémon manga book mistakenly left a printed line of English in the Dutch translation. (format é as e)
2) Obtaining this item makes it impossible to have ones picture taken in a certain location in a Pokemon game.
3) This fish from the Legend of Zelda series is known to love frogs and shallow waters.

RIP q2 being leaked while people were struggling with it ;;
oh well it happens
Hunt brought to you by: Zipzapadam Painter Espeon and some other irrelevant user
Ty GoodMorningEspeon and ashiemore for qc'ing and Painter Espeon for hosting :^)
Hope you enjoyed our Tealicial and gratz to all finishers that didn't use leak
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12/22/2015 GMT-5

Winner: aeolia [BLITZ]
Second place: 1987 was a year
Third place: Awesomepi
Fourth place: Wan the Avatar
Fifth place: lovemathboy
Conslation prize to: Flerovium, Dylas, Illusio, adiass, SergioRules, chupps, ShadeOfElysia
Solution: manaphy, void, ebb and flow

1) This Pokemon that cannot evolve has been seen hatching from an egg in the anime.
2) The Japanese name of this Generation IV area translates to "inside the walls".
3) What is the second opening theme of the anime Nagi no Asukara?
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12/24/2015 GMT-5

Winner: Painter Espeon [BLITZ]
Second place: 1987 was a year
Third place: lovemathboy
Fourth place: chupps
Fifth place: Awesomepi
Conslation prize to: Dylas
Solution: smoochum, protect, flingerpainting

1) This unevolved Pokemon is the only one of its type to have Pink as its dex color.
2) In Gen 6, Latias learns a Water-type move at the same level as Latios learns which move?
3) In Mario Party 9, this minigame involves covering a canvas with the most of your character's color of paint.
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12/25/15 aka MERRY CRISIS @ 8 PM GMT-5

Winner: Rory Mercury
Second Place: ShadeofElysia
Third Place: awesomepi
Fourth Place: adiass
Fifth Place: Whiscashmega
Consolation Prize to: SergioRules, nitrodog96, DarkShinyGiratina, a random duck, Saints Fan
Solution: blaziken, marin, shelly

Q1) What is the only Uber Pokémon available for use in the Festive Feud Battle Competition?
Q2) This fan-designed character appeared in a Christmas chapter of a Pokémon manga.
Q3) In the Spongebob episode 'Christmas Who?,' who is the first person to ask Squidward for a present after he grants Spongebob's Christmas wish? (first name only)

Thanks to GoodMorningEspeon and ashiemore for quality checks, to everyone who attended for participating, and special thanks to Santa for giving me a copy of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon today! we love you, you big fat reclusive home invading weirdo
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Winner: ShadeOfElysia
Second place: Awesomepi
Third place: xfix
Fourth place: SergioRules
Fifth place: chupps
Consolation prize to: GoodMorningEspeon, kevinrocks, Trade, DarkShinyGiratina, urgoindown, Ambii

Solution: pokemonchristmasbash, pokemonmirinda, skarloeycoalyard

1) What is the name of the Pokemon Song in which you can hear Dexter, the Pokedex voice, sing?
2) This Pokemon food product accidently used a picture of shiny Blastoise instead of regular colored Blastoise.
3) This is the name of the area where train engines on the Skarloey Railway go to collect coal.

Thanks to Rory Mercury for hosting and ashiemore + rory for qcing :)
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10/27/15 @ 10 PM GMT-5

Winner: Awesomepi
Second Place: Rory Mercury
Third Place: Illusio
Fourth Place: Wan the Avatar
Fifth Place: pokemonvortex
Consolation Prize to: chupps, DarkShinyGiratina, BraveBirdVivillon, 1987 was a year, ShadeofElysia
Solution: wailord250, soniccolours, cloyster

Q1) What standard legal Pokémon TCG card has the highest printed HP value, and what is the value? (Format cardvalue, e.g. seedot69)
Q2) This song released by Stan SB shares its name with a game distributed by SEGA in 2010.
Q3) In Pokémon Rumble World, this is the only Center area boss in a stage that does not reappear as a regular enemy in the Back and Special variants of the stage.

Special thanks to Manaphy286 and Xylen for the quality checks, and congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt! Sorry for any consfusion relating to colors/colours. And while you're reading this, go check out some of Fox Stevenson (new name of Stan SB)'s songs! They're very goodly i promise
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12/28/15 @ 10:10 GMT-5

Second Place: Manaphy286
Third Place: Illusio
Fourth Place: Awesomepi
Fifth Place: ShadeOfElysia
Consolation Prize to: acidphoenix, ILRB, chupps, DarkShinyGiratina, Broil, lovemathboy, BraveBirdVivillon
Solution: peach, acidrain, linoone

Q1) Which character in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U has four idle animations?
Q2) What is the name of the weather condition that both eliminates Solar Beam’s charging turn and halves its damage?
Q3) Find the average number of Pokémon in the regional Pokédexes of each region. Count each region only once; use the most recent regional dex (i.e. remakes/third versions) in the calculation. Which Pokémon’s National Pokédex number is equal to the result, rounded to the nearest whole number?

Special thanks to Rory Mercury and Wan the Avatar for quality checking, and congratulations to everyone who solved the hunt!
12/30/15 @ 10:00 GMT-5

Second place: Coronis
Third place: lovemathboy
Fourth place: froslasss
Fifth place: Awesomepi
Consolation prize to: kevinrocks, VeryPinkPancakes
Solution: darkraicresselia, pokemonxpokemonytheofficialkalosregionpokedexpostgameadventureguide, sagittariusdwarfirregulargalaxy

1)What is the only Pokémon LEGEND TCG card in which one of the featured Pokémon is immune to a STAB type of the other?
2) This Pokémon book erroneously lists the wrong stat of Rock-types as being boosted in a sandstorm.
3) Out of all galaxies thought to be in the Local Group, which one is furthest from the group’s barycenter?

Thanks to Rory Mercury for the quality check, and super special thanks to ashiemore for both quality checking and hosting while i couldn't be there! And of course, congratulations to everyone who completed the hunt!
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12/31/15 10 PM GMT-5

Winner: kierant3hz
Second place: Tunaface
Third place: eeveeattract
Fourth place: adiass
Fifth place: lovemathboy
Conslation prize to: ShadeOfElysia, Barry000, Logan(SFlareon), not teal n.n, Chaotic Midnight, Coronis

Solution: zakssong, sixthousand, minun
1) What is the name of the only episode of Dragon Tales where you can see Emmy's hair without a ribbon in it?
2) In the chapter in Pokemon Adventures where Red's Bulbasaur evolved, he spent this much money buying items from an unknown girl. (Write out the number)
3) Despite this Pokémon having never appeared in the anime without being alongside its counterpart, the other Pokémon has appeared alone on several occasions.

made by Painter Espeon Zipzapadam and me and qc'd by GoodMorningEspeon and ashiemore

ending this year with a teal bang :P

Gz to all finishers and hoped you enjoyed the 2nd tealficial and the last official of the year!
and smh for q1 being leaked twice
lets try not making leaking questions in tealficials a tradition ok ;;
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The December Scavengers Ladder has now concluded. Congratulations to Awesomepi in first with 222 points, Illusio in second with 165 points, and SergioRules in third with 87 points. Thanks to everyone else who participated as well.
Awesomepi: 222 points
Illusio: 165 points
SergioRules: 87 points
Wan the Avatar: 85 points
ShadeOfElysia: 81 points
1987 was a year: 57 points
eeveeattract: 55 points
adiass: 52 points
Painter Espeon: 50 points
kierant3hz: 40 points
Aeolia: 36 points
a wanderer: 35 points
DarkShinyGiratina: 35 points
Rory Mercury: 35 points
Coronis: 35 points
rubsomebacononit: 30 points
chupps: 27 points
Manaphy286: 27 points
VeryPinkPancakes: 26 points
lovemathboy: 22 points
pokemonvortex: 21 points
Froslasss: 21 points
nyan kat: 20 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 20 points
Dylas: 20 points
Zipzapadam: 16 points
Painter Oshawott: 16 points
keeping it icy: 16 points
Shounen: 15 points
nitrodog96: 15 points
derek karr: 15 points
a random duck: 15 points
Tunaface: 15 points
Mr. Uncompetitive: 10 points
Based Lorde: 10 points
Merlee: 10 points
Werewolf Oshawott: 10 points
Flerovium: 10 points
xfix: 10 points
nitrodog96: 6 points
Broil: 5 points
seito hakari: 5 points
Gargoyle31: 5 points
pixiestar1: 5 points
kevinrocks: 5 points
ILRB: 5 points
GoodMorningEspeon: 1 point
wizardsofdra: 1 point
urgoindown: 1 point
TheWhoDoctor: 1 point
Whiscash-mega: 1 point
January's twist will be: all officials will have two blitz periods worth different amounts of points. This (finally) means officials will not have restrictions. Have fun everyone!
01/01/16 9:00 PM GMT-5
Standard Blitz (10 Points): 1 minute
Half Blitz (5 Points): 3 minutes

DarkShinyGiratina [BLITZ]
Second place:
pokemonvortex [BLITZ]
Third place:
Tunaface [BLITZ]
Fourth place:
adiass [BLITZ]
Fifth place:
Wan the Avatar [BLITZ]
Conslation prize to:
Illusio, TheWhoDoctor, LifeOrbLileep, chupps, Trade, SergioRules, Mega-Serperior-Z, Rory Mercury, Ninjadog13, kevinrocks, Broil, VeryPinkPancakes, rxdb

Solution: lucario, rocksmash, fearow
1) This is the only known Pokémon that can activate Time Flowers.
2) This is the only move to be both a TM and an HM in the same generation.
3) Which Pokémon is worth the most points in the Grassland Capture Challenge in Pokémon Ranger?

Congratulations to all of the finishers and of course thanks to the quality checkers, ashiemore and Painter Espeon!
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