2/1/16 5 PM GMT-5
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Chaque
Third place: deadfracture
Fourth place: GymLeaderThenin
Fifth place: ShadeOfElysia
Consolation prize to: Devoxys, Trade, TyrantrumIsBroken, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: riot, carrie, alexmagikarp
1) This Pokemon movie antagonist is a ninja.
2) This in-game female trainer has the male main character's sprite in GS.
3) This trainer has a team of Pokemon which have names ending with "-king". To stay true to this concept, one of the Pokemon he had in the Japanese Version was replaced in the English version. Name the trainer and the Pokemon that was replaced. (Format answer as: [Trainer Name][Replaced Pokemon]
Thanks miuna-chan and ILRB for qc'ing this (back in november)
Congratulations to all finishers, hope you enjoyed this hunt!
And RIP no Blitz.
shoutout to Ambi for getting Scavengers Voice and let's hope he makes his first official soon :P
Winner: DarkShinyGiratina
Second place: Chaque
Third place: deadfracture
Fourth place: GymLeaderThenin
Fifth place: ShadeOfElysia
Consolation prize to: Devoxys, Trade, TyrantrumIsBroken, GoodMorningEspeon
Solution: riot, carrie, alexmagikarp
1) This Pokemon movie antagonist is a ninja.
2) This in-game female trainer has the male main character's sprite in GS.
3) This trainer has a team of Pokemon which have names ending with "-king". To stay true to this concept, one of the Pokemon he had in the Japanese Version was replaced in the English version. Name the trainer and the Pokemon that was replaced. (Format answer as: [Trainer Name][Replaced Pokemon]
Thanks miuna-chan and ILRB for qc'ing this (back in november)
Congratulations to all finishers, hope you enjoyed this hunt!
And RIP no Blitz.
shoutout to Ambi for getting Scavengers Voice and let's hope he makes his first official soon :P
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