

Tonnes used Iron Head! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 24 (No), Flinch (1 - 3, d10): 7 (No)
(8 + (9 - 11) + 3)*1.5 + (3 - 0)*4 => 26
Simon used Iron Head on the Northern King! (-6 EN)
Crit (1, d24): 9 (No), Flinch (1 - 3, d10): 7 (No)
((8 + 3 + (15 - 11) + (3 + 2))*1.5)*3 = 90
Pagans used Iron Head on the Northern King! (-6 EN)
Reminder: Pagans's Zoom Lens has 2 Zoom markers.
Miss (No), Crit (1, d2): 1 (Yes), Flinch (1 - 3, d10): 3 (Yes)
((8 + 3 + 3 + (8 - 11) + (2 + 2 + 3))*1.5)*3 = 81
The Northern King flinched!
The Northern King is flinching!
The Northern King is flinching!
The Northern King is flinching!

The Northern King was buffeted by the sandstorm! (-2 HP)
Round Summary

HP: -0

EN: -6

HP: -0

EN: -6

HP: -0

EN: -6

HP: -26-90-81-2 = -199