Semi-Stall Featuring Mega Scizor.

Mega Scizor Based Team


Hello to all members of Smogon. Today we are here to rate my Mega Scizor Based Team.



DescriptionNormally, I'm not the type of person who builds a Stall team, because I like to play offensive. In this case is different. This is my favorite pokemon. I had to create something effective and take me to a good result. Studying a bit 'meta course and discovering that when there is Scizor Charizard dance, I tried to study as many possible solutions to get rid of the offensive and defensive threats that might annoy my Scizor such as Heatran, Charizard, Skarmory, Mandibuzz.

In Depth:


Scizor:@ Scizorite
Ability: Light Metal
Nature: Adamant
248 Hp / 40 Atk / 116 Def / 104 Sdef
-Bullet Punch
-Knock Off
-Sword dance
Clearly, the set Bulky Sword dance is right for me, the spread in 2 defense evs avoids the 2kho from EQ: Adamant Excadrill and Landorus-T.
While that in special defense is to veitare 2Kho by Shadow Ball Aegislash even after the SR
Knock off, obviously takes Aegislash and Heatran's leftovers into, as well as the Eviolite Chansey and any instrument. XD Of course, these are things that you do not need me to tell you, as it is the key move in this metagame and everyone knows it XD


Ability: Intimidate
Nature: Impish
248 Hp / 164 Def / 98 Spe
-Thunder Wave
-Stone Edge/Earthquake

As I said, I just thought Scizor, I have to resolve the problem, with Charizard X and Y with Gyarados. It is one of those pokemon that can stop them both. Just because of this.

-1 252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 248 HP / 164+ Def Gyarados: 117-138 (29.7 - 35.1%) -- guaranteed 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 248 HP / 164+ Def Gyarados: 174-205 (44.2 - 52.1%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery
252 SpA Mega Charizard Y Solar Beam vs. 248 HP / 0 SpD Gyarados: 153-180 (38.9 - 45.8%) -- guaranteed 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Not Bad.
In a nutshell always leaves me time to Make T-Wave and 2Kho him :3
Taunt is ever 4 Chansey and Stall and to keep the rocks in the ground.
Indecision between SE and EQ. Haunts me, first I Okho on Pinsir Charizard and Y, on the other hand I Okho Heatran and hit hard Aegislash.


Ability: Pixilate
Nature: Calm
252 Hp / 252 Sdef / 4 Def
-Hyper Voice
-Heal Bell

Classic set Chieric Sylveon. With the presence of Prankdurus, I could not afford to have the weaknes by him with Gyarados, I chose him because unlike Chansey, SYLVEON CAN ALSO ATTACK. I love it, absorbs well Thundurus Thunderbolt and any special attack and frees me to stall as Sableye thanks to Hyper Voice. It also does not suffer from Knock Off as Chansey XD I opted for the spread completely specially defensive and it worked really well.


Ability: Sandstream
Nature: Impish
252 Hp / 120 Def / 136 Sdef
-Stealth Rock
-Slack Off
-Stone edge/Whirlwind

Obviously, I needed someone who could resist +2 Return to Pinsir. Otherwise I did not go anywhere. The ability Sandstream, since when I used Tyranitar is the way I prefer to break Multiscale Dragonite. SR Can I place almost in front of everyone, the spread in special defense allows me to avoid 2Kho by Shadow Ball aegislash.
Takes over the choice between Whirlwind and Stone Edge again. On the one hand there is always the possibility of getting rid of Pinsir. On the other hand the possibility to block Setup and damage with the SR :/


Ability: Synchronize
Nature: Bold
IVs: 0 Atk
252 Hp / 148 Def / 108 Spd

I do not understand why it is not OU.
It is probably the best utility that I found in the metagame. It can do everything. Defog the SR, Stallbraker with Taunt + WOW. Recovery Everywhere.
The best, the pokemon that was for me.
0 IVS in the attack are to reduce the damage from Foul Play :v
I chose it specifically because it offered me ALL THIS. At any time you can do it all. BUT ABOVE ALL: The opponent never knows what may hide Mew due to its varied moveset. A JOLLY.


Kyurem Black:@Leftovers
Ability: Teravolt
Nature: Naive
56 Hp / 220 Spatk / 232 Spd
-Fusion Bolt
-Ice Beam
-Earth Power

This is a god.
Outstanding resistance thanks to the massive amount of HP, good speed, good attack and special attack. The stallbraker that is right for me.
It allows me to easily get rid of pokemon like Skarmory, Quagsire, Azumarill, Landorus. Perfect, Landorus who is afraid of him, I always allow you to set substitute.
The spread in the SPD is not far-fetched. It allows me to outspeed always MeGarchomp.​

I thank all those who read the description of the team and that will give me good tips to improve it! ^ ^

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Charizard X: Gyarados
Charizard Y: Gyarados
Thundurus Prankster: Sylveon
Thundurus Defiant: Hippowdon
Pinsir: Hippowdon
Aegislash: Hippowdon
Bisharp: Hippowdon
Deoxys D: Scizor
Deoxys S: Scizor, Sylveon
Scarfchomp: Hippowdon, Sylveon (If is locked in Outrage)
Garchomp Mega: Kyurem
Landorus I: Gyarados Rexist to Psychic and Sludge wave and kill with waterfall
Landorus T: Gyarados, Scizor, Kyuub
Manaphy: Kyurem, Sylveon
Rotom-W: Sylveon, Kyurem
Kyurem B: Scizor, Sylveon
Talonflame: Gyarados, Hippowdon
Tyranitar: Hippowdon, Scizor
Venusaur: Kyurem B
Azumarill: Scizor, Mew Burn him, Kyurem 2kho him if i have substitute
Dragonite: Hippowdon, Sylveon
Excadrill: Gyarados, Hippowdon
Gengar: Scizor (If don't have HP Fire)
Gyarados Mega: Gyarados, Kyuub :v
Keldeo: Sylveon, Gyarados Paralize Him
Latias: Latios: Sylveon, Scizor
Mandibuzz: Sylveon, Kyurem-B
Mawile: Hippowdon, Scizor if don't have fire fang
Clefable: This pokemon scared my team, if Have CM, Hippo whirlwind him, if don't have fire blast, Scizor
Conkeldur: Sylveon
Gyarados: GYARADOS, Kyuub
Hippowdon: Gyarados, Kyuub
Mamoswine: Scizor
Skarmory: Kyurem
Terrakion: Scizor, Sylveon, Hippowdon.
Hi, nice team.

Ok, so the first thing that's a bit odd for this team is that you use Gyarados only as a check to Charizard Y and Charizard X. However, Charizard X is already checked by your Building your own cores, along with all other physical attackers really. Gyarados is a really, "meh" Charizard Y check, and doesn't really seem to add much to your team in general. So, all of this considered, I would suggest replacing Gyarados with Specially Defensive Heatran. Since you already have Stealth Rocks, Heatran can be a great addition to your team, providing Phazing (which is gr8 for stall) Ability to stop Flyspam in its tracks, and overall, has good synergy with your team. However, one thing I'd like to point out is its weakness to ground which is not covered by the rest of your team; this isn't a problem, as Mew handles Landorus and Hippowdon handles Excadrill. Lastly, use Stone Edge over Whirlwind on Hippodown.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature
- Roar
- Toxic / Will-O-Wisp / Taunt
- Protect
- Lava Plume​

Hope this Helped!
Good Day to you Sir~
Hi. I tried using your team in showdown and it worked well. :) Who do you usually lead with in this team?
Hi. I tried using your team in showdown and it worked well. :) Who do you usually lead with in this team?
I usually use Gyarados as lead immediately to stop the attempt of Lead Heatran or Lead Landoge to prevent SR.

Hi, nice team.

Ok, so the first thing that's a bit odd for this team is that you use Gyarados only as a check to Charizard Y and Charizard X. However, Charizard X is already checked by your Building your own cores, along with all other physical attackers really. Gyarados is a really, "meh" Charizard Y check, and doesn't really seem to add much to your team in general. So, all of this considered, I would suggest replacing Gyarados with Specially Defensive Heatran. Since you already have Stealth Rocks, Heatran can be a great addition to your team, providing Phazing (which is gr8 for stall) Ability to stop Flyspam in its tracks, and overall, has good synergy with your team. However, one thing I'd like to point out is its weakness to ground which is not covered by the rest of your team; this isn't a problem, as Mew handles Landorus and Hippowdon handles Excadrill. Lastly, use Stone Edge over Whirlwind on Hippodown.

Heatran @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SDef / 252 HP / 4 SAtk
Calm Nature
- Roar
- Toxic / Will-O-Wisp / Taunt
- Protect
- Lava Plume​

Hope this Helped!
Good Day to you Sir~
Your solution I had already thought out. However, if I should add Heatran lose the entry of T and Landorus Landorus Keldeo I and that often gives me Gyarados. Although there would be the solution but would force me to change the shape of the team. Theoretically should remove Gyarados for Heatran, doing so would put AV Azumarill, instead of Sylveon. In that case I would opt for Cleric Mew thus removing a move between Knock Off and WoW .... You could try. Azumarill AV absorbs attacks Keldeo, but not so much Landorus Landorus I and T, in any case, I Hippowdon holding Landorus T attacks but can not attack him. And then there's Landorus ii such attacks are absorbed well by Azumarill Hmmmm ... I might try this but I'm not sure that would yield 100% what do you think?

Thanks to all 4 rating.
i would suggest this moveset for Hippodown as this movesets works good wih me And also it can withstand many Phsical Attackers like Charizard X,Dragonite
Some Calcs
252+ Atk Tough Claws Mega Charizard X Dragon Claw vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 123-145 (29.2 - 34.5%) -- 99.9% chance to 4HKO after Leftovers recovery
252+ Atk Dragonite Aqua Tail vs. 252 HP / 252+ Def Hippowdon: 142-168 (33.8 - 40%) -- 29.7% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Hippowdon (F) @ Leftovers
Ability: Sand Stream
EVs: 240 HP / 192 Def / 76 SDef
Impish Nature
- Stealth Rock
- Earthquake
- Toxic
- Slack Off

Toxic helps me To stall my Opp first i use Toxic then i just slack off or sometimes set Stealth Rock
Thanks! ^^
Woops. Just use Latios @ Life Orb > Sylveon with
  • Draco Meteor
  • Psyshock
  • Ice Beam / Surf
  • Roost
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Woops. Just use Latios @ Life Orb with
  • Draco Meteor
  • Psyshock
  • Ice Beam / Surf
  • Roost
Seems like a good solution ... so the suggestion would
Mew (With Heal Bell)
Latios/Latias (I just prefer Latias :3)
Seems like a good solution whereas both Sylveon also loses against aegislash and Bisharp and Latias can switch ever into Keldeo ... Thank you so much! ^ ^
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Seems like a good solution ... so the suggestion would
Mew (With Heal Bell)
Latios/Latias (I just prefer Latias :3)
Seems like a good solution whereas both Sylveon also loses against aegislash and Bisharp and Latias can switch ever into Keldeo ... Thank you so much! ^ ^

Sorry for the late response Nuanda92...

Looking at the "updated" version of your perspective team... your team would get cleaned late game by a Life Orb Weavile once Mega Scizor is eliminated; especially if SR is still out as it guarantees OHKOs to 5 out of 6 members of your team.

In order to mitigate this you would need to drop Mew for Sylveon and make Sylveon a 252/252+ Physcially Defensive wall to better absorb all of Weavile's Ice Punch which is doable seeing as Heatran is your Special Wall.

Since Mew gets lost, you need Defog, but can use Latios for that purpose running the following:

Latios @ Life Orb
EVs: 252 SpA / 252 Spe/ 4 SpD
Ability: Levitate
Timid Nature
IV: 0 Atk
- Psyshock
- Draco Meteor
- HP Fighting
- Defog

HP Fighting is for Bisharp who try to Pursuit Trap (nets a OHKO) you and to a lesser extent Tyranitar. The rest of the EVs and moves are pretty obvious.

So now Latios handles Keldeo AND Bisharp, while Aegislash can be handled by either Mega Scizor (Knock Off), Heatran (Lava Plume) or Kyurem-B (Earth Power).

Basically the team would be as follows:

Mega Scizor (The Main Event)
Sylveon (Cleric/Wish Passer)
Latios (All-Out Special Attacker and Defog User)
Kyuub (Sub Bomber)
Hippowdon (Mega Pinsir Check and Stealth Rock User)
Heatran (Special Wall and Secondary Fairy Check)

Let me know what you think of this?

P.S. To truly make Heatran a secondary fairy check, since Hippo looks like he will be doing the SR/Phazing duties, you can give Heatran Flash Cannon in the event Mega Scizor meets a premature demise. But that is purely a flavor suggestion and is not completely necessary.
I tried both solutions and I came to the conclusion that they are of great suggestions, but without a gyarados I just switch to Orb Sand Rush Excadrill, without considering that Scarf Landorus-T, likes to die with my team. Gyarados still I think the best option for the team, not to mention that WOW Mew I has solved the problems really uncomfortable.

Thank you so much for the tips! ^ ^ You've been very kind!
You may want to try Unaware Clefable over Sylveon. Clefable has more mixed bulk, and more importantly, it has the ever-so-useful Unaware ability. Since you have a slight BD Azumarill weakness (blows things up after Kyurem-B switches in to SR twice and takes some prior damage), this can come in handy; it also beats other set-up sweepers. I would also recommend changing Gyarados to a RestTalk variant with Rest/Sleep Talk/Waterfall/Dragon Tail or Roar (I prefer DTail), as it helps stop Gyarados from being worn down. You don't really need Taunt or Thunder Wave; only 1 mon on your team really appreciates TWave (Kyu-B) and you already have two stallbreakers, meaning Taunt is a bit redundant. Anyways, the Clefable set is:
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Moonlight/Protect
- Heal Bell
- Moonblast
- Wish
Hope I helped =]
PS: If you decide to use Moonlight over Protect on Clefable, be sure that you switch Hippowdon's ability to Sand Force
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You may want to try Unaware Clefable over Sylveon. Clefable has more mixed bulk, and more importantly, it has the ever-so-useful Unaware ability. Since you have a slight BD Azumarill weakness (blows things up after Kyurem-B switches in to SR twice and takes some prior damage), this can come in handy; it also beats other set-up sweepers. I would also recommend changing Gyarados to a RestTalk variant with Rest/Sleep Talk/Waterfall/Dragon Tail or Roar (I prefer DTail), as it helps stop Gyarados from being worn down. You don't really need Taunt or Thunder Wave; only 1 mon on your team really appreciates TWave (Kyu-B) and you already have two stallbreakers, meaning Taunt is a bit redundant. Anyways, the Clefable set is:
Clefable @ Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SDef
Bold Nature
- Moonlight/Protect
- Heal Bell
- Moonblast
- Wish
Hope I helped =]
PS: If you decide to use Moonlight over Protect on Clefable, be sure that you switch Hippowdon's ability to Sand Force
taunt is also to keep the rocks on the ground, if I can paralyze Keldeo and latios. Will be easier to control them With Sylveon and more Scizor. In addition, BD Azumarill is not a big problem as Mew resist to Aquajet and Burn him, and Kyuub outspeed and kill him with Fusion Bolt. Keldeo is the problem, Sylveon comes more easily both on Sub CM on both Specs, Clefable takes 2kho by choice specs Hydropump keldeo. Thanks 4 rate! ^^
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