Separate Tiering of Mega Pokemon

And yes the bias IS wrong. Who cares if it helps fix RU?! It very well might be the very thing that screws it up in the future. You don't make long term policy choices based on a short term outcome. Smogon will be around for years after ORAS RU is played.
You are biased too? Do you not understand that literally everyone has bias about everything? I didn't make my decision *just* cause RU would get extra Pokemon, I think I've adequately shown through my posts that this choice is logically justifiable and has benefits associated with it (as covered in my last post not counting the lovely Arceus Bug detour). Also this policy impacts future gens, so I don't see how lower tiers getting more Pokemon and keeping them regardless of a fluctuation in their mega's usage in a higher tier (see Pinsir and Medicham), thus being more diverse and stable is a short term way to look at it when it will affect every subsequent generation.

Also instead of bitching about bias and taking pot shots at me (at least get the balls to tag me), why don't you try formulating an argument aside from "b-but Mega Charizard Y could drop to UU," (speaking of short term outcomes). Like I don't agree with Sam and Oglemi, but at least their posts don't completely miss the point and waste my time.
soulgazer you really gonna tell me Aldaron is irrelevant because he doesn't play competitively? This is a very important decision affecting site wide policy. Of course all staff are important. Zarel's been posting plenty despite not playing. Antar too. And Oglemi, who doesn't play a ton. Clearly they care.

And yes the bias IS wrong. Who cares if it helps fix RU?! It very well might be the very thing that screws it up in the future. You don't make long term policy choices based on a short term outcome. Smogon will be around for years after ORAS RU is played.

Aldaron voted for tiering separately!
Landorus and Kyurem-Black both dropped to UU already this gen. Who cares if Mega Charizard Y drops to UU?

It's literally the job of tier leaders to decide how we tier things. No tier leader is going to ignore the thoughts of upper staff.

Also Bughouse your short post is filled with nothing but flawed and self-contradictory statements. Using atomicllamas as a reason why senior staff should be making this decision rather than tier leaders...huh?

^me gettin it in the rain

am i doing it right?
And yes the bias IS wrong. Who cares if it helps fix RU?! It very well might be the very thing that screws it up in the future. You don't make long term policy choices based on a short term outcome. Smogon will be around for years after ORAS RU is played.
How exactly is it going to screw it up in the future? Is Mega Garchomp going to hack into my account? Is my girlfriend going to leave me for Mega Steelix?

Sure, this decision will have consequences, but it's not like we don't know exactly what the consequences will be. And on the off chance that we're all missing something and my girlfriend decides I can't satisfy her the way Mega Steelix can, I'm sure we can have a new PR thread about it.
First off, I do want to say that I personally dislike the idea of tiering megas separately, and that I agree with bughouse that this very much seems like a case of bias throwing logic out in order to get a desired short term result without care for the long term. Maybe there won't be any long term problems, but the fact is that our tiering system is made to place Pokemon in the spots they have earned, and not where certain users think they should be, and a lot of what I have seen here is people arguing for this because they think it would be better if Pokemon were in different places than they are now. In other words, while I oppose this, I don't necessarily think it is any worse than what we have. Rather, I just think there has not been any real convincing reason given to do so, using the logic that we use for our tiering system.

That said, if we do go with tiering them separately, I think that simply trying to use the existing cutoffs as we have them for megas is foolish and ignoring the reality of the situation. I know a lot of people like thinking of Megas as their own Pokemon, and in most ways that is a fine way of thinking of it. But, it is simply not the truth, and when it comes to measuring the usage, that can have a major effect. The fact is that a mega is just a specific item on a set, and just like any set, a set with a mega stone faces competition, not only from other Pokemon, but from other sets that the same Pokemon can use. If we tried to apply the logic being used to any other item, the argument would easily fall apart. I mean, clearly, while a Life Orb and a Choice Band set of the same Pokemon function differently, they generally will be used to take on similar Pokemon, and if one item didn't exist, the other would see more usage on that same Pokemon.

This is relevant when it comes to megas due to Pokemon like Gyarados or Alakazam who, as whole Pokemon, have OU level usage, but when you separate out megas, do not. To call either form not OU simply by using our existing statistical measures is foolish, because it ignores the fact that this is never done elsewhere with just a set. It calls all the other traits they share irrelevant, and ignores the fact that if the mega did not exist, a significant portion of the usage could potentially stay with the Pokemon itself, just with different sets.

Now, I am not saying that there is no good way for us to tier Pokemon and their megas separately. In fact, I'm sure there is. All I am saying is that our existing system is made to tier Pokemon, not sets, and yes, no matter how you think of them, Mega Pokemon are mechanically just sets. I'm not a big stats person, but I would just say that if this is the way we ultimately want to go, we should ask those of us who are stats people to see if they can come up with a new statistical measure that better works for tiering the usage of sets, and doesn't cause any arguably OU Pokemon to drop just because of self competition.

EDIT: For clarification, I am not specifically saying that Gyarados or Alakazam should not drop. Just that the current system does not provide good enough justification for such an occurrence.
First off, I do want to say that I personally dislike the idea of tiering megas separately, and that I agree with bughouse that this very much seems like a case of bias throwing logic out in order to get a desired short term result without care for the long term.
Alright I'm gonna address this point yet again, bughouse took a portion of a post I made on the last page (found here), in which I used the current ORAS RU meta game to make a tangential point about how more base formes dropping does not equate to more Pokemon needing to be banned (to counter act the Char-Y example). And insinuated that my entire reasoning for voting the way I did came from that one tangential point (it didn't). In the same post, if you could do me the favor of reading the first paragraph, I clearly demonstrate that all 3 options are the logical outcomes of separate axiomatic starting points, and that its really a matter of opinion at that point. I find it pretty annoying that anyone would insinuate my reasoning for this was short sited when if they had actually read that post (or any of my posts previous to that one) they would realize that I put a lot of thought about the long term into this decision as well (not that you were talking about me specifically, but its still pretty annoying).

As I've already stated, yes I'm biased, I think lower tiers getting more Pokemon is pretty fucking sweet (and I will think that in every subsequent generation as well!), that's true, but I, as a TL was asked for my opinion, and I gave it. It seems ridiculous to me that people keep stating bias is a negative when it comes to a vote on preferences, especially when they are equally biased coming from a different starting point. For example, your bias is that you are used to the current system and think it works well, you are biased towards the status quo (as are Sam and Oglemi for example), as exemplified below.

Rather, I just think there has not been any real convincing reason given to do so, using the logic that we use for our tiering system.
At this point bias is just a buzz word like uncompetitive was before we attempted to define it, except its extremely hypocritical because we are all entering this philosophical discussion, with no objectively correct outcome, with biases (and there is nothing wrong with that!).

I also just want to point out that the following comparison is flawed (I actually posted about this somewhere on the first or second page but too lazy to dig):

I mean, clearly, while a Life Orb and a Choice Band set of the same Pokemon function differently, they generally will be used to take on similar Pokemon, and if one item didn't exist, the other would see more usage on that same Pokemon.
If you Knock Off/Trick/Thief a CB or LO Scizor, its still a Scizor, if you Knock Off Mega Scizor its not a Scizor, there is also the whole BST changing thing which has been covered extensively, which applies to 0 other items. Mega Stones and Mega Evolution are a brand new mechanic introduced in this generation and as such is worthy of this type of discussion, other items have never been anything like this and are not worthy of this type of discussion.

EDIT: For clarification, I am not specifically saying that Gyarados or Alakazam should not drop. Just that the current system does not provide good enough justification for such an occurrence.
The current system doesn't justify them dropping correct, but following the logical outcomes of the proposed system, they would, I don't see the point of this.

I've pretty much said all I have to say on this subject, and based on what I've read most people have, the only thing left is to reach a decision, which if its up to the TL vote, a decision has already been reached, and this thread is pretty useless. If it isn't up to a TL vote, then whoever is responsible for deciding should do so, cause this thread has dragged on for long enough.
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The current system doesn't justify them dropping correct, but following the logical outcomes of the proposed system, they would, I don't see the point of this.

I'm not going to bother quoting anything else, since this is really the only part responding to my core argument. I just want to say that it seems to me that you completely missed the point. My entire point is that the 3.41% usage cut off is a statistic designed to tier full Pokemon. Even if you disagree that a Mega Pokemon is just an item, it is inherently less than a full Pokemon, and so the 3.41% statistic was not made to tier them. Using it for tiering megas won't suddenly make it a stat made for that purpose. My core point was not "don't tier mega's separately." It is "let the stat people come up with a more acceptable stat so that we can tier them properly, rather than trying to fit them into a system that was not made for working with such mechanics."

EDIT @ Below: My reference to "the current system" in that sentence was meant to be about the 3.41% usage system, not about how we tiering mega Pokemon with the base.

This issue is actually not with the megas, but with the base forms. If "base" usage is 3% and mega usage is 5%, then under a 3.41% cutoff with separate tiering, the base goes down to the lower tier. But, the point of the cutoff is the 1 in 20 figure, and since every mega is originally a base form, to claim you don't see the base at least once in every 20 battles is patently false. Maybe it shouldn't count as much or whatnot, but the fact is that it just messes with the intent of the system that we have.

As I said though, I am not a stats person. To me, it seems logical that a system made to measure one thing would not work well if forced to measure something different. However, if the people who do know more about this stuff think it is the best way to do it, who am I to disagree? I would just like to hear that from someone who actually knows these things, since it is rather important.
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I'm not going to bother quoting anything else, since this is really the only part responding to my core argument. I just want to say that it seems to me that you completely missed the point. My entire point is that the 3.41% usage cut off is a statistic designed to tier full Pokemon. Even if you disagree that a Mega Pokemon is just an item, it is inherently less than a full Pokemon, and so the 3.41% statistic was not made to tier them. Using it for tiering megas won't suddenly make it a stat made for that purpose. My core point was not "don't tier mega's separately." It is "let the stat people come up with a more acceptable stat so that we can tier them properly, rather than trying to fit them into a system that was not made for working with such mechanics."
Tiers are threat lists that identify if you have a 50% chance to see said Pokemon in 20 battles, this is true whether or not the Pokemon is a Mega or not. I'm not opposed to some different tiering cutoff for megas if Antar thinks its necessary, but he hasn't indicated this at all. I may have misinterpreted your edit (because it was vague and non-sensical referencing the "current system" which they wouldn't drop in anyways), but I guess I don't see why we would need to come up with a different cut offs for megas when tiers are primarily threat lists.

edit: @ above edit, if you are suggesting that we should count the usage of the base forme as 8% in that case, then you are suggesting the same system as the current one. And if you do some arbitrary percentage of the 5% mega usage is added to the base forme's usage, that sounds completely arbitrary and way less logical than counting the mega stone's usage as the mega pokemon's usage (something which is ~ true).
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First off, I do want to say that I personally dislike the idea of tiering megas separately, and that I agree with bughouse that this very much seems like a case of bias throwing logic out in order to get a desired short term result without care for the long term. Maybe there won't be any long term problems, but the fact is that our tiering system is made to place Pokemon in the spots they have earned, and not where certain users think they should be, and a lot of what I have seen here is people arguing for this because they think it would be better if Pokemon were in different places than they are now. In other words, while I oppose this, I don't necessarily think it is any worse than what we have. Rather, I just think there has not been any real convincing reason given to do so, using the logic that we use for our tiering system.

"I believe TLs are biased"

ok? Yeah, I'm definitely biased. Weren't my posts obvious enough? Alright, I'll try to be more clear: As UU tier leader and lower tiers player, I'm biased towards the option that will benefit my tier and the ones below it

I know you and other want to imply having some bias is a bad thing, while completely ignoring your own, but I don't know what makes you think we aren't being honest about it. Our intentions have been clear from the beginning, which should be obvious to anyone who actually read this thread. You aren't exposing any super secret TL conspiracy. Everyone is biased.

"Short term result without care for the long term"


It's like you didn't even read this thread. Short and long term benefits have been discussed multiple times, including in page 7: Short term: More Pokemon. Long term: More stability and less massive tier jumps. The latter is a pretty big deal because Pokemon Z and around the corner.

I want to hear a negative long term side effect that isn't:

- "Tiers are slightly less 'logical' and I don't like this" (bias!)
- "Charizard Y is op"
- "The possibility of having to ban something = potential bad PR" (conveniently ignoring that adding tons of new Pokemon to lower tiers is pretty damn good PR, especially if you consider this is something the general public really wants)

Everything else in your posts are things that have been discussed plenty already. Just read this thread to find your answers. For example:

EDIT @ Below: My reference to "the current system" in that sentence was meant to be about the 3.41% usage system, not about how we tiering mega Pokemon with the base.

This issue is actually not with the megas, but with the base forms. If "base" usage is 3% and mega usage is 5%, then under a 3.41% cutoff with separate tiering, the base goes down to the lower tier. But, the point of the cutoff is the 1 in 20 figure, and since every mega is originally a base form, to claim you don't see the base at least once in every 20 battles is patently false. Maybe it shouldn't count as much or whatnot, but the fact is that it just messes with the intent of the system that we have.

As I said though, I am not a stats person. To me, it seems logical that a system made to measure one thing would not work well if forced to measure something different. However, if the people who do know more about this stuff think it is the best way to do it, who am I to disagree? I would just like to hear that from someone who actually knows these things, since it is rather important.


Aldaron, Antar (aka the stats guy) and Zarel. Page 6

This is my last post in this thread. There's nothing else I can add to this discussion and I'm done repeating myself.

I've pretty much said all I have to say on this subject, and based on what I've read most people have, the only thing left is to reach a decision, which if its up to the TL vote, a decision has already been reached, and this thread is pretty useless. If it isn't up to a TL vote, then whoever is responsible for deciding should do so, cause this thread has dragged on for long enough.
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Dont shoot me or anything but it seems pretty clear to me that anyone pointing out TL "bias" is just unhappy with how the vote went and hoping that they'll get the result they prefer if we rerun it with different voters. As if deciding this question on some purely philosophical measure of whether megas are Pokemon is inherently "better" than deciding it because we want more diversity in lower tiers.

Each option has its upsides as for the clarity of the tiering system. With the current method, we don't have to deal with the awkwardness of, say, Mega Gyarados being explicitly listed as DOU even though it's complete shit because normal Gyarados is good. With the other method, we don't have to deal with the inverse, and our bans of Megas work more closely "with" the tiering system like in Zarel's argument in the other thread (which was a cool point that I hadn't thought of before). Either one we pick, after a week, nobody will give a fuck. But it's pretty dumb to keep bellyaching for a recount.
I've pretty much said all I have to say on this subject, and based on what I've read most people have, the only thing left is to reach a decision, which if its up to the TL vote, a decision has already been reached, and this thread is pretty useless. If it isn't up to a TL vote, then whoever is responsible for deciding should do so, cause this thread has dragged on for long enough.
There's still the issue of when this is going through. The most popular opinion was doing it at the release of Z but there was never any sort of consensus and there are quite a few legitimate arguments for doing it sooner.
i haven't been as involved with this topic, as i've been very busy irl with moving, but it really does seem like discussion has died down and both sides have raised their points and been fairly represented (correct me if i'm wrong). So Oglemi , where do we go from here? Is this going to be a decision made by TL's, or is there going to be another group making this call. I don't want this thread to die off again like it did last time
i haven't been as involved with this topic, as i've been very busy irl with moving, but it really does seem like discussion has died down and both sides have raised their points and been fairly represented (correct me if i'm wrong). So Oglemi , where do we go from here? Is this going to be a decision made by TL's, or is there going to be another group making this call. I don't want this thread to die off again like it did last time
I'm still under the impression that Antar and I will act according to the vote and transition to tiering megas separately (where "holding mega stone = mega" and "megas will be artificially be kept at their non-mega form in tier if they would have fallen below their non-mega form"), as of Pokémon Z's release.

This cannot be done until February, can it?
It's not particularly difficult to retroactively parse past usage stats to do this; we already do it for teambuilder tier display, after all.
Regardless of how soon we actually do it, I think we should pick a specific time other than "when Z comes out" because doing it when Z comes out honestly doesn't make much sense when you consider the fact that there's still no release date. It makes much more sense to do it at a specific time that makes sense for our purposes, because for all we know Z might end up coming out in the middle of SPL and end up messing everything up, whereas if we do it next month (or some other month that isn't in the middle of anything major) we know ahead of time that the timing of the change won't have a negative impact on anything.

My vote is actually A, but on the condition we don't do retroactive stats stuff and just drop base formes below the quick drop mark, (below 1.67% for the this month iirc?). All the base formes that really don't belong as stand-alones will drop quickly anyways.

Initially i was going to vote for option B, but after thinking about Magnemite's point of not knowing when the release date of the next main series Pokemon game is and whether or not it will happen during something important (like say SPL or another important tournament where non megas dropping could really mess things up) and talking with atomicllamas about it on Skype, i really like the proposal of starting to tier Mega Pokemon and Regular Pokemon seperately next month, but agree with atomicllamas that instead of doing work with retroactive stats that we should just drop the base forms that are below next month's quick drop mark.