Shell Break

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Name: Shell Break
Type: Normal
PP: 15
Description: Lowers defense/special defense. Sharply raises attack/special attack/speed

Learned By:

Clamperl - Huntail/Gorebyss


As you can see Shell Break is an amazing move which is probably why GF limited it to so few Pokemon. Cloyster is the first of these. Stats are just high enough to use Shell Break effectively and thanks to Cloyster's high defense stat (even at -1) he should be able to fend off priority which is the bane of any set with Shell Break as due to the defense drops it leaves the user even more vulnerable. Resistance to aqua jet also doesn't hurt. All in all Cloyster is one of the best users of Shell Break.


Omastar is the best user of Shell Break due to one stat - special attack. At +2 Omastar reaches a stat of 722 with a modest nature. Regardless of how powerful Omastar is outside rain. In rain after a shell break this Pokemon is capable of destroying all of current UU and most of OU. To demonstrate the sheer power of Modest LO Omastar in the rain at +2 it does 82.8%-97.5% to standard Wish Blissey so a good chance to 1hko after sr and guarenteed with a layer of spikes on top of that. Omastar is probably the best user of Shell Break and could prove truly devastating with it.


In the depths of NU Magcargo has resided with no hope of ever reaching UU. Now with the best addition it has ever gotten he has a decent chance of achieving that. As you can see his offensive stats are pitifully low except for an okay special attack stat. After a Shell Break his stats rise to 388/508/348 speed with a +speed nature of course weaknesses to mach punch and aqua jet severely limit his usability even with Shell Break not to mention his speed still isn't really high enough even at +2.


Torkoal makes a decent user of Shell Break however that speed (even worse than Magcargo's) holds him back. Even at +2 with a +speed nature he only reaches 308. His high defense will help him survive priority moves except for aqua jet however that speed means he is one of the worst users of Shell Break.


Thanks to the item Deepseatooth Clamperl is just plain scary after a Shell Break reaching a massive special attack stat of 988. Speed holds him back though but he's capable of 2hkoing Blissey after a boost which is no small feat. However, the trouble lies in getting off a Shell Break in the first place meaning Clamperl is a hit and miss user of the move.

104/94/52 and 84/114/52
Thanks to Clamperl these two get access to Shell Break. Huntail can probably make better use of it as he can use a mixed set although Gorebyss does have sheer power without having to split evs. These two among the best users of Shell Break as they have high offensive stats usable speed and good defense (Both 105) allowing them to survive priority even at -1.


Being a 5th gen Pokemon I don't know much about Iwaparesu but just going by its stats it should be able to use Shell Break fairly well. Bug/Rock aren't the best STABs but a decent attack stat should allow him to muscle his way past opponents. Not bad although nothing special either.


Not bad stats. Speed is low which hinders his sweeping potential even at +2 however high attack/special attack means he should be able to do a ton of damage. One of the better Shell Break users.

A truly amazing move which vastly improves some Pokemon lower down the tiers. Omastar is the best and scariest user of this move. So what do you guys think? Which Pokemon do you think gains the most from Shell Break?
Cloyster is the fastest of these and now has a physical ice stab of 125 BP in Icicle Spear, with the addition of Shell Blade as a physical water attack with 75 BP and 95 Acc just give it Explosion as a last filler or Surf/Hydro Pump for Mixed sweeping and it will take down a lot of pokes with itself =D
nice this moves seems to have good use on rain teams with 3 swift swimm pokemon getting this moves boosting their already high speed to incredible levels while boosting both attack stats.

In Rain Gorebyss and Huntail could go mixed with very few speed ev investion and outspeeding a lot of the metagame and imo they are the best users since they can both go mixed too bad their move pool is so bad
Cloyster is definitely the best user of this. It has the same Base Speed as Metagross we know that Agiligross can outspeed a lot of Pokemon. CS Heatran in particular poses a poblem for the other Pokemon who can use this since it can outspeed the rest of them and can hit all of them SE with just Earthpower besides Huntail, Gorebyss, and Iwapuresu. Great physical STAB and access to Explosion helps Cloyster out even more.
If Abagoora or Iwaparesu has Sturdy than after a KO they can switch in and use Shell break. To outrun Agirudaa You need a Salac Berry and Abagoora has to have a +Spe Nature. On a personal note I probably use a Hasty (+Spe -Def) Abagoora with a Salac Berry on my team because It can outrun Agirudaa with a Salac and Abagoora has Aqua Jet.
No love for Omastar? With Drizzletoed support, its Speed goes through the roof, and +2 Surf will eat through everything. +2 Waterfall might even do a decent amount to Blissey.
Cloyster itself forces a lot of switches thanks to its impenetrable defense stat (+2 Garchomp Outrage, who dat), and the fact that it can come in, force a switch on a good few physical Pokemon, and then set this up and go to town with a deadly Ice/Water Dual STAB is pretty scary to me. Even if you bring in a bulky water, +2 Explosion is going to OHKO most of the Pokemon in existance, especially those who don't resist it. I can see Cloyster getting a lot more attention in this metagame, possibly more than Head Smash Aggron did in HG/SS.

Omastar is even worse thanks to that mighty SpAtk. It can sweep despite weather setters ruining its fun, now. Omastar is definitely out of the UU tier, that's for sure, unless Blissey drops down to UU (HA! HA!), but I am not sure if it can sweep outright, considering its speed is borderline just too low to pull it off without being revenged.
Wait wait wait. Is it a -1 or -2 for both defenses?

Trading off two stages for six seems a pretty huge deal lol, there's something wrong here.
Hmm wait wait wait. Is it a -1 or -2 for both defenses?

Trading off two stages for six seems a pretty huge deal lol, there's something wrong here.

I think it just lowers it 1 stage, but if Shell Break lowers defenses 2 stages It would be good for Abagoora and anyone who read my earlier post will know I might have doomed OU to being overrun with sea turtles... COOL! :D
Abagoora will be a beast with this in the rain, if it manages to set it up.

With just 40 EVs and a neutral nature in Speed, he has 110 speed before Shell Break, 220 after, and double that during Rain Dance. Plus, 692 in Attack and 512 in Special Attack. Holy..

However, he will have to fight with Kabutops for a spot on the team. Kabutops maintains higher overall defenses of course, as well as higher speed and attack in Rain. It all depends on the need for a mixed attacker.

A cool Pokemon none the less.

edit: Don't forget Gorebyss in all of this. Her special attack is just a single point until Omastar's and she can pass these boost out to another Pokemon.
I myself think that Cloyster is the best user of this move. Because of his Skill Link ability, and the fact icicle blast or w/e's bp got raised, and he has access to rock blast, that he would be the best user of it. But that's just my opinion, this move could go anywhere. With the drops in def/sp def, just one priority move pretty much dooms you, even if you resist it. If you make your team revolved around killing priority move users, then use the shell break pokemon, this definetly would be deadly.
Just use White Herb with this move.
It heals stat drops, including self-induced ones (unless they changed it... many Overheat/Leaf Storm users had it in Pokemon HG/SS' Battle Factory).

This is a great point, actually. Most of these Pokemon have good defenses that they'd like to keep. However, Life Orb with this move offers incredible power, which is tough to pass up. This may give you the chance to live through an attack and Shell Break twice though.

Is this effect confirmed? Veekun lists this move as +1 Speed and -1 Defense.

If it hasn't been, I'll be able to confirm it tonight as I have a Purotooga on my Black cart.
Double posting to confirm that Shell Break works like we hoped. It lowers both Defense, then Special Defense, then increases Attack, Special Attack, and Speed. I'm not sure if it increases sharply, or not. I can't read Japanese and I was just using Smogon's Japanese to English dictionary to figure out what was going up and down in the first place.

Machamp used Wide Guard!
Clamperl was guarded!
Magcargo was guarded!
Foes tried to attack but didn't do so well considering Clammy and Maggy were guarded.
Clamperl used Shell Break!
Magcargo used Shell Break!


This is assuming Wide Guard allows the protectees to move.
Something that people are overlooking is Gorebyss/Huntail's access to Baton Pass - it could make for an extremely threatening sweep depending on the pokemon waiting in the wings:

Huntail/Gorebyss@Swimming Goggles
Jolly/Timid; 252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Speed

Baton Pass
Shell Break
Aqua Tail / Surf

Huntail goes physical, Gorebyss goes special. Their decent bulk means that they should have little difficulty forcing a Fire or Ground type pokemon to switch, as well as possibly setting up on a Water type or weak enemy. Swimming Goggles and a speed nature help it get as fast as possible to pull off the pass.

Once you've forced a switch, Substitute allows you protection from the switch-in so that your Shell Break isn't pointless, and if you successfully pull it off from behind a Sub you can potentially pass both. Passing to something that resists Grass/Electric attacks could easily spell the end.

Off the top of my head, it would be best used with something decently bulky that resist at least some priority moves. Borutoruso, with its Electric/Flying typing, resists both Bullet Punch and Mach Punch, and its Electric STAB will threaten most users of Aqua Jet at least initially. It also sports high speed, offenses and excellent defensive typing with decent defenses to begin with.

Huntail@Swimming Goggles
Jolly; 252 HP / 6 Atk / 252 Speed

Aqua Tail
Baton Pass
Shell Break


Borutorusu@Life Orb
Naive; 6 Atk / 252 SpA / 252 Speed

Grass Knot
Brick Break
Hidden Power Ice

Simple LO + 4 attack set. Brick Break easily 2HKOs Max/Max Bold Blissey thanks to the boost, while the remaining three moves grant it essentially perfect coverage. Trolly 111 speed means that not even ScarfGar can revenge it.

There is the added advantage that Huntail fares well against Ground types that may attempt to wall Boru, giving the tactic a second shot potentially.
Here is a set with Iwaperesu I was thinking about.

Iwaperesu@ Life Orb
4 HP/252Atk/252Spe
Jolly Nature
-Shell Break
-X Scissor
-Stone Edge

With this he can reach 578 Atk and 414 speed and has excellent coverage.
I'm going to go ahead here and say Cloyster takes the cake for best user of the move.

252 Atk/ 252 Spd- Skill link
@Life orb
-Icicle Spear
-Rock Blast
-Shell Break

Since icicle spear is a 25 power move with STAB and deals physical damage, 5 garunteed hits of that will be able to 2HKO a lot of pokemon. Not to mention it hits Skarmory for neutral damage, or the fact that it completely ignores Focus Sash or Sturdy when it does OHKO other pokemon. This thing is definitely going on a team of mine for sure.
It's a shame -and a little odd- Daikenki goes without Shell Break, considering it's covered with them.

A great addition to Cloyster, however.
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