Shoddy Battle "Ladder Profile"

I think there should be a simple feature that shows how many wins/losses each person has (either by a search tool, or by a section of each person's profile). Instead of only being able to see the top players, I feel that each competitor should be able to see their standing. Please consider this as an addition to the site.
Win / loss ratio is a rather irrelevant statistic. The entire reason shoddy ranking exists is to compensate for the flaws of other ranking systems like win / loss.

Their standing? Good idea. I think there's a reason it's not there now.
I'd like to see win/loss ratio just to get an idea of the percent of the matches I win. Obviously there would be flaws like people randomly quitting, but that affects CRE as well...
Their standing? Good idea. I think there's a reason it's not there now.

What would that reason be?
See your standing, of all of the players, would be incredible.
Also, seeing how much times you've lost or won is not necesary, why don't you count you'r losses and your wins?
What would that reason be?

If I knew, I'd have posted it. I just figure that the feature listing your position on the leaderboard is such an obvious one that the fact that it's not implemented probably indicates its difficulty.
Alternatively you could be like me and figure your own win/loss rate out. Making a simple tally will give you this information...I don't think it is necessary to have a win/loss rate for players simply because the cre info gives you an idea of how much a person wins/loses on the ladder.
I agree that W-L ratio is unimportant.

Leaderboard standing would be great in theory, but consider just how many people log into SB, play a single match, and then never come back. SB would have to keep track of the dynamic positions of ALL of them, wouldn't it?

I think the problem we're all seeing is that the ranking seems a bit... incomprehensible. "I have a conservative rating of 1024! Is that... good?" The only way to figure that out is to look at the ratings of players you think of as "good" or at the ratings at the leaderboard. I know very little about the actual math behind the rating system, but I would imagine that someone with more experience might see, "Oh, yeah. That means... blah blah blah." So maybe it would be nice for Shoddy to include the "blah blah blah?"

Edit: Okay, well, here's what the rankings mean:

And--I'm a moron--the link is right on the Shoddy login. So a ranking of 1024 means I have a ::snort:: less than 5% chance of beating anyone in the top 5. lolz... Would be nice to get some more information than that... Could/is the FULL leaderboard be published, say, monthly, so we could get an idea of where we are percentile-wise?
Really pointless statistic in my opinion, many use shoddy to create teams instantly without working for hours in game all just to find out their team is no good, also people who just want to improve their game in general come to shoddy to fight people who they know they will almost certainly lose against so they can learn and improve as I notice I do after constantly being bombarded with losses given to me by better players.
What about giving each player a percentile rank along with their CRE? That would give us non-math majors an easier way of seeing how we compare with other players instead of "you have an x% chance of winning this match". If single match players are throwing off the results (hurray, everyone on the ladder is in the top 10%!), maybe a predetermined cutoff for number of battles could be implemented to eliminate infrequent battlers, i.e. only those with, say, 100+ battles would be considered in the percentile rankings.

I have no idea how any of this would be implemented, but it is just a suggestion.
I'm not sure how much value there is in having "user is in 8,734th place" visible... once you get much farther down the ladder there isn't much benefit in ecocking beyond bragging you're higher than other people, which you can do with just your CRE, anyway. I'm not really sure what value there is in having this visible period there is other than said ecocking anyway... not much value in supporting that. I mean, "bigger rating/CRE is better than smaller rating/CRE" is all there really is to it, with the bigger the deviation lowering the value of any assertions.

As far as having stuff visible on profiles or whatever (which was sort of mentioned), I know it's been mentioned we were hoping to do that in the future, but that it isn't super feasible right now since forum accounts and simulator accounts are separate.
I'm not sure how much value there is in having "user is in 8,734th place" visible... once you get much farther down the ladder there isn't much benefit in ecocking beyond bragging you're higher than other people, which you can do with just your CRE, anyway. I'm not really sure what value there is in having this visible period there is other than said ecocking anyway... not much value in supporting that. I mean, "bigger rating/CRE is better than smaller rating/CRE" is all there really is to it, with the bigger the deviation lowering the value of any assertions.

There's definitely value in knowing how close you are, or what percentile you're in, which you can't really do with just your CRE and the leaderboard. I mean, in a competitive game, you want to know semi-objectively how good you are...
I know it's been mentioned we were hoping to do that in the future, but that it isn't super feasible right now since forum accounts and simulator accounts are separate.
chaos could code it in his sleep. So could Doug probably.
chaos could code it in his sleep. So could Doug probably.

You have to tie an outdated, soon to be replaced (ha ha ha) battle simulator to vBulletin. That's not something one could just type a few words to do.
A better and (probably) easier to implement idea would be to add the all time best CRE of every acc below their current CRE.
When the forums are re-done with Project Metachu and SB2 comes out, there will be a connection between the forums and one's shoddy profile. This doesn't really apply at the moment since both things it applies to will soon be removed, and its in the works for the next versions.
What would that reason be?
See your standing, of all of the players, would be incredible.
Also, seeing how much times you've lost or won is not necesary, why don't you count you'r losses and your wins?

I agree, viewing a users the win/loss ratio can be sufficient. But, most people would not want permanent win/loss ratio as it may cause conflicts between members as whom is the better battler. It can certainly prove that one user is "better" at winning than another, given a win percentage accumulated from about 10,000 battles.

And it is logical that most users may feel uncomfortable showing their records. So another suggestion would be to add an option to reset your ratings and win/loss ratio whenever needed. Having an option to reset your records whenever along with win/loss ratio sounds like an awesome idea to me.

While I will agree with Synre that you can correlate ranking on CRE, but it isn't very reliable in "bragging (or certifying) that you've accomplished a greater deal than another battler." Anyone can get a very substantial CRE rating just by battling a lot. While win/loss records can portray more accurate statistics. Showing that you've won a great deal of battles and lost only a few and at the same time maintain a high rating. For instance, one battler might have been battling for 4 hours straight and obtained a 1500 CRE. While another battler only battled for 1 hour and obtained the same CRE. The reason the other battler recieved the same CRE in only an hour is because he has won more than he has lost in that period of time. But, since we are only give a CRE of both these battlers, it is impossible for us to tell which battler here has performed better.

You have to tie an outdated, soon to be replaced (ha ha ha) battle simulator to vBulletin. That's not something one could just type a few words to do.
If I understand correctly, Shoddy uses a mySQL database like vBulletin so wouldn't it just be reading information from the Shoddy database then using php to display it on vBulletin?

At any rate, I wasn't aware that Shoddy 2 was actually coming out so this is a moot discussion anyway.