Monotype Shroottaur (Poison) [QC 2/2] [GP:1/1]


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Amoonguss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Physically Defensive (Poison)
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Foul Play
- Spore
- Synthesis

Amoonguss is a vital part of Poison teams, with its secondary Grass typing allowing Poison teams some breathing room against the multitude of Earthquakes in the tier. Giga Drain is Amoonguss's way to handle threatening Ground- and Water-types like Great Tusk, Swampert, and Urshifu-R. Foul Play gives Amoonguss a tool that not only hits Grass-resistant foes like Dragapult, Dragonite and Ogerpon-W but is also a form of offense that turns their Attack stats against them. Spore allows Amoonguss to pressure threats like Dragonite, Iron Treads, and Scizor by forcing them out of commission, along with creating opportunities to safely position its fellow teammates with free entry.

Alolan Muk complements Amoonguss by being a specially defensive tank capable of handling Ghost- and Psychic-type attacks thrown at Amoonguss from the likes of Flutter Mane, Spectrier, and Hatterene and threatening those foes back with Knock Off. Galarian Slowking helps deal with other specially offensive threats such as Latios, Enamorus, and Iron Moth with its wide array of tools like Ice Beam and Future Sight. Toxapex complements Amoonguss by being another physically defensive Regenerator wall able to handle Ice- and Fire-type attacks from the likes of Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Talonflame. Galarian Weezing provides a full-on Ground immunity, helping out against Ground-types Amoonguss cannot deal with on its own like Clodsire, Mamoswine, and Garchomp. Galarian Weezing also provides Will-O-Wisp support, weakening threats considerably and allowing Amoonguss to take hits from the likes of Mamoswine, and Defog support should Amoonguss lose its Heavy-Duty Boots. Pecharunt is a physical wall, being able to stave off attacks from the likes of the Ogerpon formes, Gouging Fire, and Gliscor, along with appreciating Amoonguss's Spore, which can be used to power up Pecharunt's Hex. Amoonguss appreciates Glimmora nailing threats like Torkoal, Talonflame, and Articuno with Power Gem. Salazzle provides Fire-type assistance, melting Ice-types like Froslass and Alolan Sandslash with ease. Both provide Corrosion Toxic support, wearing down bulky threats like Alolan Muk, Hisuian Goodra, and opposing Amoonguss that can easily switch in and wall Amoonguss. Salazzle and Glimmora also appreciate Amoonguss taking Water- and Ground-type attacks for them. Iron Moth melts through Ice-types giving Amoonguss trouble like Articuno, Alolan Ninetales, and Alolan Sandslash, along with just cleaning Gliscor and Landorus with Choice Specs Overheat, and it similarly appreciates Amoonguss's absorption of Water- and Ground-type attacks. Okidogi and Sneasler enjoy punching holes in monsters like Heatran, Kingambit, and Hisuian Goodra and appreciate Amoonguss giving them free turns with Spore, allowing them to set up safely.

Other Options
Energy Ball trades the recovery of Giga Drain for a solid boost in power, allowing Amoonguss to hit much harder, notably being able to consistently OKHO Great Tusk after it uses Headlong Rush and break the Substitute of Bulk Up Landorus. Stomping Tantrum can be used over Foul Play, providing a strong physical coverage option that can stomp Poison-types like Alolan Muk, Clodsire, and Glimmora. Stomping Tantrum also pairs well with Amoonguss's status spreading options, as attempting to spread status on a foe twice will boost its power, notably hitting bulkier threats like Toxapex and Gholdengo hard. However, Stomping Tantrum renders Amoonguss unable to hit Flying-types and Bug-types for unresisted damage. Stun Spore provides a speed control option for Poison teams, slowing threats like Iron Valiant, Iron Boulder, and Iron Treads down and allowing offensive threats like Sneasler and Iron Moth to outspeed and remove them without having to risk them waking up; however, Stun Spore does not provide the same free turns as Spore. Rocky Helmet provides chip damage against contact attacks from the likes of Iron Hands, Meowscarada, and Great Tusk; however, using it gives up the reliable entry Heavy-Duty Boots provides, which Amoonguss enjoys having for the Ground matchup.

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Amoonguss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Foul Play
- Spore
- Synthesis

[Set Comments]
Amoonguss is a very vital part of Poison teams plans to withstand powerful physical Ground-type attacks rumbling through the their thanks to its Ground-type neutrality granted by its Grass-type(Reword this sentence as its confusing.). This combined with its incredible longevity granting Grass STAB in Giga Drain allows for Amoonguss to handle threatening Ground-, and Water-types like Great Tusk, Swampert, and Urshifu-R. Foul Play compliments Amoonguss Grass STAB not only by hitting threats that resists Grass like Dragapult, Dragonite and Ogerpon-Wellspring but also turning their attack stats against them. Spore allows for Amoonguss to safely handle threats by not only rendering them immobile but also being able to safely position its fellow Poison-types with free entry. (What threats is amoonguss using spore on?)

Alolan Muk compliments Amoonguss by being a specially defensive tank, beast capable of handling Ghost- and Psychic-type attacks thrown at Amoonguss way from the likes of Flutter Mane, Spectrier, and Hatterene.(Mention what moves alolan muk is using to pressure them, its not just a wall.) Galarian Slowking helps deal with other specially offensive threats monsters such as Latios, Enamorus, and Iron Moth with its wide array of tools.(Which are?) Toxapex compliments compliemtns Amoonguss by being another physically defensive rengerator wall able to handle Ice- and Fire-type attacks from the likes of Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Hisuian Arcanine. Galarian Weezing provides a full on Ground immunity helping out against Ground-types Amoonguss cannot deal with it on its own like Clodsire, Mamoswine and Garchomp.(Mention Geezing helping out in the fighting matchup as well as weakening threats with Will-o-Wisp. Galarian Weezing also offers Defog should Amoonguss' be hit by Knock Off.) Pecharunt is a physical physically bulky wall being bethom able to stave off attacks from the likes of the Ogerpon-formes, Braviary, and Zamazenta along with apprecating Amoonguss's spore which can be used to Power up Pecharunt's Hex. Amoonguss appreicates Glimmora's Rock-type STAB nailing threats like Torkoal, Talonflame, and Articuno with Power Gem. which can easily threaten Amoonguss while In return, Glimmora appreicates Amoonguss taking Water- and Ground-type attacks for it. Iron Moth melts through Ice-types giving Amoonguss trouble like Articuno, Alolan Ninetales, and Alolan Sandslash with ease and similary appreicates Amoonguss's absorbation of Water- and Ground-type attacks. Okidogi and Sneasler enjoy punching holes in monsters like Heatran, Kingambit, and Hisuian Goodra and enjoy Amoonguss giving them free turns with spore allowing them to setup safetly for their sweeps. (Overall just adding moves on what teammates is using is helpful as it gives the the readers a visual experience. Also adding what Amoonguss does in return for the teammates is nice as well.) Add Salazzle

Other Options
Energy Ball provides a solid power boost over Giga Drain allowing Amoonguss to hit much harder, notably being able to consistently OKHO Great Tusk after it uses Headlong Rush and being able to break the substitute of Bulk Up Landorus. Stomping Tantrum provides a strong physical coverage option that can stomp Poison-types like Alolan Muk, Clodsire, and Glimmora. Stomping Tantrum also pairs well with Amoonguss status spreading options as attemping to spread status on a foe again will activate its missed attack Power Boost(Gholdengo is huge here as Stomping Tatrum will deal double dmg to ghold after status fail due to Good as Gold). Stun Spore provides a speed control option for Poison teams slowing threats like Iron Valiant, Iron Boulder, and Iron Treads down allowing for offensive threats like Sneasler and Iron Moth to outspeed and remove them. (which moves are you swapping out for the other options? What are the downsides of opting in the other options moves for the main set moves?)

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QC1/2 Please credit both me and Giyu. Well Done!

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Amoonguss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Physically Defensive (Poison)
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Foul Play
- Spore
- Synthesis

[Set Comments]
Amoonguss is a vital part of Poison teams, with its secondary Grass-type allowing Poison teams some breathing room against the multitude of Earthquakes in the tier. Giga Drain is Amoonguss Grass way to handle threatening Ground-, and Water-types like Great Tusk, Swampert, and Urshifu-R. Foul Play compliments Amoonguss Grass STAB not only by hitting threats that resists Grass like Dragapult, Dragonite and Ogerpon-Wellspring but also turning their attack stats against them (it doesnt really complement, more on the latter part...). Spore allows for Amoonguss to safely handle threats like Dragonite, Iron Treads, and Flutter Mane by not only rendering them immobile but also being able to safely position its fellow Poison-types with free entry (its more of threatening guys that if you dont handle me right here right meow I'll sleep you, aside from those, but FM isnt really a target since Amoon cant stay in for long vs it >:C).

Alolan Muk compliments Amoonguss by being a specially defensive tank capable of handling Ghost- and Psychic-type attacks thrown at Amoonguss way from the likes of Flutter Mane, Spectrier, and Hatterene and threaten back with Knock off. Galarian Slowking helps deal with other specially offensive threats such as Latios, Enamorus, and Iron Moth with its wide array of tools like Ice beam and Future Sight. Toxapex compliments Amoonguss by being another physically defensive Regenerator Rengerator wall able to handle Ice- and Fire-type attacks from the likes of Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Hisuian Arcanine (can you mention ebutton pex which trolls Cerul instead of these fire types? H.Arca if banded will murder pex). Galarian Weezing provides a full on Ground immunity helping out against Ground-types Amoonguss cannot deal with it on its own like Clodsire, Mamoswine and Garchomp. Galarian Weezing also provides Will-O-Wisp support weaking threats considerably allowing Amoonguss to take hits from the likes of Mamoswine and provides Defog support should Amoonguss love lose its Heavy-Duty Boots. Pecharunt is a physical wall being able to stave off attacks from the likes of the Ogerpon-H (Only Pon Moong cant stand)formes, Braviary, and Zamazenta Gouging Fire, and Gliscor along with apprecating appreciating Amoonguss's sSpore which can be used to Power up Pecharunt's Hex. Amoonguss appreicates Glimmora nailing threats like Torkoal, Talonflame, and Articuno with Power Gem. In return. Salazzle provides Fire-type assitance melting Ice-types like Froslass and Alolan Sandslash with ease.(Salazzle is more of messing up Kingambit and Poisons and Steels which Amoon cant, also pops Gholdengo...sort of) Both Provide Corrosion Toxic support wearing down bulky threats like Alolan Muk, Hisuian Goodra, and opposing Amoonguss which can easily switch in and wall Amoonguss. Salazzle and Glimmora also appreicate Amoonguss taking Water- and Ground-type attacks for them. Iron Moth melts through Ice-types giving Amoonguss trouble like Articuno, Alolan Ninetales, and Alolan Sandslash (its one of the mons that strike fear on Lando and Gliscor as Specs Overheat forces major damage onto them) with ease and similarly appreicates (misspelled) Amoonguss's absorbation of Water- and Ground-type attacks. Okidogi and Sneasler enjoy punching holes in monsters like Heatran, Kingambit, and Hisuian Goodra and enjoy Amoonguss giving them free turns with spore allowing them to setup safetly for their sweeps.

Other Options
Energy Ball trades the recovery of Giga Drain for a solid boost in power allowing Amoonguss to hit much harder, notably being able to consistently OKHO Great Tusk after it uses Headlong Rush and being able to break the substitute of Bulk Up Landorus. Stomping Tantrum can be used over Foul Play, providing a strong physical coverage option that can stomp Poison-types like Alolan Muk, Clodsire, and Glimmora. Stomping Tantrum also pairs well with Amoonguss status spreading options as attempting to spread status on a foe again will activate its missed attack Power Boost, notably hitting bulkier threats like Toxapex and Gholdengo (gholdengo is a particularly special mention; it realistically gets in to your spore then proceed to setup..then you stomp them) hard. However Stomping tantrum renders Amoonguss unable to hit Flying-types and Bug-types for unresisted damage. Stun Spore provides a speed control option for Poison teams slowing threats like Iron Valiant, Iron Boulder, and Iron Treads down allowing for offensive threats like Sneasler and Iron Moth to outspeed and remove them without having to risk them waking up from Spore, however Stun Spore does not provide the same free turns of Spore.
Rocky helm could be added

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QC2/2, thankie Pengairxan
stave off attacks from the likes of the Ogerpon-H (Only Pon Moong cant stand)formes, Braviary, and Zamazenta Gouging Fire, and Gliscor
Amoonguss still does not appreciate Rockpon as that easily 2 hits Amoonguss, Gouging Fire Will be banned fair and Gliscor can just easily switch out into something like Enamorus or Landorus with then forces Pecharunt out or it could be a SD variant which in that case, we die. Zama meanwhile even if CB, Crunch won't do that much. And if it isn't CB, Heavy Slam is the far more common option and that just, doesn't hurt.
Sure it can also switch, but Iron Valiant, Fighting's most common special attacker, does not want to come in on a possible chain.
1/1, GP Team done

There was some unclear/wrong stuff in the other options section where I had to use the QC to infer what you meant so I could rephrase properly; I think I got it, but let me know if it doesn't make sense or if you would like to phrase things differently.
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Amoonguss @ Heavy-Duty Boots
name: Physically Defensive (Poison)
Ability: Regenerator
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Def / 8 SpD
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Giga Drain
- Foul Play
- Spore
- Synthesis

[Set Comments SET COMMENTS]
Amoonguss is a vital part of Poison teams, with its secondary Grass-type Grass typing allowing Poison teams some breathing room against the multitude of Earthquakes in the tier. Giga Drain is Amoonguss's way to handle threatening Ground- (RC) and Water-types like Great Tusk, Swampert, and Urshifu-R. Foul Play gives Amoonguss a tool that not only hits Grass-resistant (AH) foes like Dragapult, Dragonite and Ogerpon-Wellspring but is also a form of offense that turns their attack Attack stats against them. Spore allows for Amoonguss to pressure threats like Dragonite, Iron Treads, and Scizor by forcing them out of comission commission, (AC) along with creating oppertunies opportunities to safely poisiton position its fellow teammates with free entry.

Alolan Muk compliments complements Amoonguss by being a specially defensive tank capable of handling Ghost- and Psychic-type attacks thrown at Amoonguss way from the likes of Flutter Mane, Spectrier, and Hatterene and threaten threatening those foes back with Knock off Off. Galarian Slowking helps deal with other specially offensive threats such as Latios, Enamorus, and Iron Moth with its wide array of tools like Ice beam Beam and Future Sight. Toxapex compliments complements Amoonguss by being another physically defensive Regenerator wall able to handle Ice- and Fire-type attacks from the likes of Chien-Pao, Cinderace, and Talonflame. Galarian Weezing provides a full-on (AH) Ground immunity, (AC) helping out against Ground-types Amoonguss cannot deal with it on its own like Clodsire, Mamoswine, (AC) and Garchomp. Galarian Weezing also provides Will-O-Wisp support, (AC) weaking weakening threats considerably and allowing Amoonguss to take hits from the likes of Mamoswine, (AC) and provides Defog support should Amoonguss lose its Heavy-Duty Boots. Pecharunt is a physical wall, (AC) being able to stave off attacks from the likes of the Ogerpon formes, Gouging Fire, and Gliscor, (AC) along with appreciating Amoonguss's sSpore Spore, (AC) which can be used to Power power up Pecharunt's Hex. Amoonguss appreicates appreciates Glimmora nailing threats like Torkoal, Talonflame, and Articuno with Power Gem. Salazzle provides Fire-type assitance assistance, (AC) melting Ice-types like Froslass and Alolan Sandslash with ease. Both Provide provide Corrosion Toxic support, (AC) wearing down bulky threats like Alolan Muk, Hisuian Goodra, and opposing Amoonguss which that can easily switch in and wall Amoonguss. Salazzle and Glimmora also appreicate appreciate Amoonguss taking Water- and Ground-type attacks for them. Iron Moth melts through Ice-types giving Amoonguss trouble like Articuno, Alolan Ninetales, and Alolan Sandslash, along with just cleaning out Gliscor and Landorus with Choice Specs Overheat, (AC) and it similarly appreciates Amoonguss's absorption of Water- and Ground-type attacks. Okidogi and Sneasler enjoy punching holes in monsters like Heatran, Kingambit, and Hisuian Goodra and enjoy appreciate (avoiding repetition) Amoonguss giving them free turns with spore Spore, (AC) allowing them to setup set up safely for their sweeps.

Other Options
Energy Ball trades the recovery of Giga Drain for a solid boost in power, (AC) allowing Amoonguss to hit much harder, notably being able to consistently OKHO Great Tusk after it uses Headlong Rush and being able to break the substitute Substitute of Bulk Up Landorus. Stomping Tantrum can be used over Foul Play, providing a strong physical coverage option that can stomp Poison-types like Alolan Muk, Clodsire, and Glimmora. Stomping Tantrum also pairs well with Amoonguss's status spreading options, (AC) as attempting to spread status on a foes foe twice (assuming this is what you mean after looking at the QC) or status absorbers ("status absorber" doesn't mean what you want it to mean here, it usually means mons that don't care about status- assuming you meant to emphasize Gholdengo as per QC, so added later section) will activate its missed attack Power Boost boost its power, notably hitting bulkier threats like Toxapex and especially Gholdengo, which always makes status moves fail, incredibly inredibly hard. However, (AC) Stomping tantrum Tantrum renders Amoonguss unable to hit Flying-types and Bug-types for unresisted damage. Stun Spore provides a speed control option for Poison teams, (AC) slowing threats like Iron Valiant, Iron Boulder, and Iron Treads down and allowing for offensive threats like Sneasler and Iron Moth to outspeed and remove them without having to risk them waking up from Spore; (replaced comma with semicolon) however, (AC) Stun Spore does not provide the same free turns of as Spore. Rocky Helmet provides chip damage against contact attacks from the likes of Iron Hands, Meowscarada, and Great Tusk; (replaced comma with semicolon) however, (AC) using it gives up the reliable entry of Heavy-Duty Boots provides, (AC) which Amoonguss enjoys having for the Ground matchup.

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