Silly Things You've Seen On The OU Ladder!

Speaking of Gengar: I have encountered physical Gengar more than once. They tend to run Drain Punch or some shit, I've also faced ones that just had that and then some special attacks. Because the 5% recovery Gengar gets from Drain Punching is incredibly important considering how bulky he is (and it hits hard too!)

Drain Punch is to hit Tyranitar I guess :O (FMiss sucks) I would rather use Substitute + Focus Punch instead of DP...
People using Outrage/Dragon Claw as a coverage move
Outrage Arkanine
Dragon Claw Aerodactyl
and my personal favourite: OUTRAGE VENUSAUR
i mean if you go physical on your venu, use EQ to actually hit things that wall it

Clearly Latias, Dragonite, Kyurem ( to some extent ), etc. aren't venusaur checks and don't get hit hard by outrage

+2 0 Atk Life Orb Venusaur Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Latias: 354-419 (97.25 - 115.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Venusaur Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 265-312 (72.8 - 85.71%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 0 Atk Life Orb Venusaur Outrage vs. 56 HP / 0- Def Kyurem-B: 361-426 (89.13 - 105.18%) -- 31.25% chance to OHKO
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Venusaur because venusaur lures in dragons? lol

It's not really a good set but neither hp ice nor sludge bomb have the ability to cover all dragons like outrage does, not to mention it frees up a hidden power slot for hp fire.
Clearly Latias, Dragonite, Kyurem ( to some extent ), etc. aren't venusaur checks and don't get hit hard by outrage

+2 0 Atk Life Orb Venusaur Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Latias: 354-419 (97.25 - 115.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Venusaur Hidden Power Ice vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 265-312 (72.8 - 85.71%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock
+2 0 Atk Life Orb Venusaur Outrage vs. 56 HP / 0- Def Kyurem-B: 361-426 (89.13 - 105.18%) -- 31.25% chance to OHKO
Sludge bomb?
Outrage Venusaur seems half decent, I always send in Latias. It could be used over Earthquake if dragons are particularly threatening/the team has an answer to heatran and if Venusaur really wants HP Fire

Sludge bomb?
+2 0 Atk Life Orb Venusaur Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Latias: 354-419 (97.25 - 115.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 253-300 (69.5 - 82.41%) -- guaranteed 2HK

Edit: If something else is running HP ground, or maybe it's a Sun Team running Terrakion, Latias suddenly becomes much more threatening with STAB Psyshock.
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And yet outrage venusaur is a free switch into the one thing sun teams fear most: Heatran. In some situations Outrage might even be the better move on Venusaur. It's like saying Fissure is a good move, because sometimes you kill something, but usually you don't.
And yet outrage venusaur is a free switch into the one thing sun teams fear most: Heatran. In some situations Outrage might even be the better move on Venusaur. It's like saying Fissure is a good move, because sometimes you kill something, but usually you don't.

OHKO moves are actually good moves, and the only reason they're not being used is OHKO clause, when PO accidentally didn't enforce it, a lot of teams featuring threats like Sheer Cold Suicune, Guillotine Gliscor and Horn Drill Excadrill started peaking the ladder.
You have the same chance to OHKO something with fissure as you do to burn something with scald, so I don't know how you're gonna say fissure isn't actually a good move.

Nevertheless, I never said Outrage Venusaur is the best option, but it does have a niche, albeit small, in the current metagame.
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Outrage Venusaur seems half decent, I always send in Latias. It could be used over Earthquake if dragons are particularly threatening/the team has an answer to heatran and if Venusaur really wants HP Fire

+2 0 Atk Life Orb Venusaur Outrage vs. 252 HP / 0 Def Latias: 354-419 (97.25 - 115.1%) -- 87.5% chance to OHKO
+2 252 SpA Life Orb Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Latias: 253-300 (69.5 - 82.41%) -- guaranteed 2HK

Edit: If something else is running HP ground, or maybe it's a Sun Team running Terrakion, Latias suddenly becomes much more threatening with STAB Psyshock.

252 +2 SpAtk Life Orb Venusaur Sludge Bomb vs 112 HP/0 SpDef Latias: 76.9% - 91.19% -- 2 hits to KO

This is the LO Latias spread that must be used on a 1 vs 1 battle against +2 Venusaur.
4 SpA Latias Dragon Pulse vs. 72 HP / 0 SpD Venusaur: 106-126 (33.22 - 39.49%) -- 100% chance to 3HKO
Your point?
I'm thinking about STAB Psyshock on the CM set, which I'm sure you know damages Venusaur heavily, but we've got too many Venusaur calcs for a "Silly things you've seen on the OU ladder" thread :P

I've seen a LO Tyranitar with Thunder, Stone Edge, Fire Blast, and a mystery move I'm told was Focus Blast. It probably handles every weather starter heavy handedly except for Hippowdon, though it could run Ice Beam or Blizzard. Game Freak gave Ttar an incredible special movepool.

edit:LO latias with some HP investment definitely handles venusaur better than SubCM with psyshock
You know what, one of us should take a Frisk mon and just reveal what sort of items they could be hiding from us. :p

Edit: @Kingler12345 whoops, meant to post that in the Ubers hread, Still something to think about though.

@Shayhok Yanmega may be the most viable of the Frisk mons, but claiming it can switch in multiple times when you know, SR exists, is flat out wrong.
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I have to point out that most of these are joke sets people are running to see how many KOs they can get with crappy Pokemon.
I actually killed an Arceus with a Wigglytuff using Counter, and used some FEAR Pokemon in ubers. It was a joke though and the team was not intended to win.

I recently saw a Focus Sash Breloom with Spore, Focus Punch, and Swords Dance. I let it kill sleeping 2+ Scizor (as I had Jolly 252 speed Mamoswine waiting in the wings to force it out or kill it with Shard, and it switched out at 1 HP) as I was hoping it would wake up to use Bullet Punch since I did not want to switch in to a potential attack (I had the bulky pivot Landorus-T too). The set seems absurd since he forfeited his priority move Mach Punch or his STAB technician Bullet Seed in order to use Focus Punch, presumably on a hapless switch in or sleeping Pokemon.

It may have some merit as a tactical surprise though since it can overwhelm even a fighting resist switch in or a physical wall. It OHKOs (ha ha; Rock does some damage to break Sturdy) specially defensive Skarmory and has a 6.25% of inflicting > 100% on the physically defensive variant. Again, this tactical surprise comes at the cost of either sweeping ability (even 2+ Mach Punch would not score critical OHKOs without being boosted by Life Orb) or coverage from Bullet Seed. After one knows about Focus Punch, it seems easily to play around something that relies on negative priority move to inflict immense damage.

Regardless of its merits, it just seems Swords Dance Terrakion (with a Focus Sash) is more reliable. Just watch out for priority though.

He also had a Blissey with Thunder (on my Jirachi) and Aromatherapy on a rain team, but that Blissey had Natural Cure, not Serene Grace as I paralyzed it before and it came back without paralysis. That could be a mistake though. Natural Cure seems somewhat redundant with Aromatherapy (Blissey does not care much for burns or paralysis as she does not run physical attacks and she is slow anyway, although it is useful if it is sleeping though and she does not have to use a turn to heal herself from Toxic as she can just switch out) while spreading paralysis with a 100% accurate Thunder is more valuable to support the team and also has some surprise value as Gengar lure.

I actually think that may be a good idea, since it can punish a physical sweeper that attempts to use Blissey at set-up bait (as I did with Scizor in the rain since he lead with Politoed and I had no weather, but he switched out into Gengar, presumably expecting a Superpower).

Edit: The damage calculations show that this would not be a good idea since Thunder only does about 33-39% damage on Gengar with no Special Attack EVs on Blissey or Special Defense EVs on Gengar. This is about 83 to 100 HP for a Pokemon with a low base special defense 75 and base HP of 60 and total HP at level 100 of 262. For a Pokemon with a base 100 Special Defense and no investment, it would do between 65 to 78 HP if it was neutral to Electric attacks. It would not substitute for Seismic Toss as a means of inflicting damage (since it would involve an extra turn or more to kill something with Thunder as opposed to Seismic Toss, although one may get a free turn or two due to paralysis) or the 100% paralysis of Thunder Wave, as the paralysis interferes with the Toxic Stalling tactics of Blissey/Chansey. There are more reliably ways of spreading paralysis for a team or inflicting damage with Blissey.

Here's the Replay...

Also, the using the damage calculator, the Blissey seems to have no physical defense Evs since it took about 40% from Jirachi's Body Slam (the damage calculator says it should do about 20% with max physical defense investment) while his Thunder did 22% to Jirachi (252HP/168SpeDef Jirachi) suggesting it has max Special investment.
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