None of them, did you considered level ball? If you want from that three maybe the one in the middle
None of them, did you considered level ball? If you want from that three maybe the one in the middle
Sorry. I.....have no defense to that other than.......I never even realized that.Luxury. Also, so many of the questions about competitive battling you've been asking can be answered on those forums, this isn't really the place for long winded debates.
I'll vm you about itI would prefer having a female with the correct spread so I could just breed one of my males with a near-good IV set, but if you're certain, I'll try and give you something good in return.
Its not better, it's different. Rhyperior and Zapdos dony have the same roles...All I am saying is Zapdos is better
What does following somebody on the forums actually do? I don't get alerts or anything when they post or update their status :/
I personally use it toWhat does following somebody on the forums actually do? I don't get alerts or anything when they post or update their status :/
You can easily see when they are online right?What does following somebody on the forums actually do? I don't get alerts or anything when they post or update their status :/
first set is probably done better by shuckle. Second set is the way to go IMO.hey i asked earlier but no one replied. probably because it was so late.
but does anyone have any advice to a moveset for accelgor? I'm interested in how this guy has changed in XY.
I was thinking of a stall trapper set timid, sticky hold, 253 speed, 252 hp, 4spA, with the moves substitute, yawn and infestation, encore/recover
or a speedy spikes user with spikes, substitute, bug buzz and focus blast 252 speed 252 spA 4hp
any thoughts on these sets or ideas on others?
hey i asked earlier but no one replied. probably because it was so late.
but does anyone have any advice to a moveset for accelgor? I'm interested in how this guy has changed in XY.
I was thinking of a stall trapper set timid, sticky hold, 253 speed, 252 hp, 4spA, with the moves substitute, yawn and infestation, encore/recover
or a speedy spikes user with spikes, substitute, bug buzz and focus blast 252 speed 252 spA 4hp
any thoughts on these sets or ideas on others?
Agreed. Accelgor has just about 0 bulk..interesting idea though. Also, replace sub with with giga drain and run either life orb or focus sashfirst set is probably done better by shuckle. Second set is the way to go IMO.
Checking your own TSV or ESV is impossible without a third party software or device.@lmitchel0012 - Diancie doesn't evolve from Carbink any more than Manaphy evolves from Phione. They're separate species.
BTW, I have a question.
Is it possible to figure out your TSV by just looking at a shiny you encountered yourself? I found a shiny bellsprout a while ago and still have it in my box. Is there any way I can somehow use that bellsprout to figure out what my shiny value is? To be honest, the standard way people usually check it now kind of goes over my head.
yeah i was thinking about shuckle too, but i figure that an opponent will underestimate Accelgor for being easy to take down and for its unimpressive offensive capabilities. so the opposing poke would rather set up with some sort of boosting move and take an attack then retaliate. that's where that moveset comes into play giving it the edge in speed that shcuckle will never have and substitute protecting it from non-sound attacks.first set is probably done better by shuckle. Second set is the way to go IMO.
focus sash will probably give it more chance to use spikes. plus it can let it possibly yawn a talonflame :pAgreed. Accelgor has just about 0 bulk..interesting idea though. Also, replace sub with with giga drain and run either life orb or focus sash
Only if you find a shiny Spinda (and even then it's hard).Is it possible to figure out your TSV by just looking at a shiny you encountered yourself?
Do you have a PP Max you could spare for the berry?Hey, does anybody have a spare pomeg berry? I was ev training a Pokemon and accidentally killed the wrong horde and got my evs all messed up lol and I don't feel like waiting 2 days to grow one haha
Do you have a PP Max you could spare for the berry?
Thanks:) I will add youI have a handful of Adamant Thick Fat Pursuit Snorlaxes for trade. They're all 3IV, but given Snorlaxes don't care about their SpAtk or Speed, that's not bad. Most are missing either Def or SpDef. I have two females for trade, and I'd like something a little nice for them (such as a matching Pokeball), simply because they're the rarer sex.
For trade:
5IV for 5IV, 3-4IV for 3-4IV. Willing to trade more than one 3-4 for a 5.
- 5IV Careful Pursuit + Stealth Rock Larvitar
- 5IV Quiet Overgrow Giga Drain + Leaf Storm Bulbasaur
- 3-4 IV Adamant Huge Power Belly Drum + Aqua Jet Marill
- 3 IV Naive Sand Veil/Rough Skin Gibles (only males left)
- 3 IV Naughty Justified Play Rough Absols (though males have 4)
- I can breed 5IV Timid Agility Mareep
I'd like:
Does anyone have a Friend Safari with Poliwhirl in it I could add?
- Bold Encore HA Poliwag
- Adamant Swift Swim Kabuto
- cool stuff, feel free to offer :D
acam333 I have some Pomeg Berries. You don't have to give me anything special for it.