Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 50 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

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LF HA Arrokuda/Bergmite/Cubchoo

FT HA Applin/Darumaka/Pincurchin/Dreepy/Sizzlipede/Snom/Mr. Mime/Magikarp/Corsola/Gothita/Drilbur/Silicobra/Toxel/Koffing/Eevee/Swinub/Indeedee/Milcery/Snorlax/Farfetch’d/Rookidee/Mareanie

Some of them come in Apricorn/rare Ball, but I’m looking for any kind of Cubchoo/Arrokuda/Bergmite as long as they have their HA.
HA Hatenne
HA Applin
HA Darumaka-G

Gen 7 Breeding projects

Don’t have much on Gen 8 since we can’t transfer yet.
LF 2x Non English dittos
Will trade whatever you want. Have 4 and 5 ivs dittos. Also all my pokes have pokerus.

Current Link code 0248
It's a long shot, but it's worth trying:

LF: Zacian in a great ball, nicknamed Sif

FT: Shield exclusives are all I can really offer right now, minus Zamazenta as I can't get any more than the one I have. I can use some bottle caps or mints on a Pokemon for someone, as I think BP is all I have at the moment. I wish I had more to offer at this time, but I'm dying for one.
LF HA Arrokuda/Bergmite/Cubchoo

FT HA Applin/Darumaka/Pincurchin/Dreepy/Sizzlipede/Snom/Mr. Mime/Magikarp/Corsola/Gothita/Drilbur/Silicobra/Toxel/Koffing/Eevee/Swinub/Indeedee/Milcery/Snorlax/Farfetch’d/Rookidee/Mareanie

Some of them come in Apricorn/rare Ball, but I’m looking for any kind of Cubchoo/Arrokuda/Bergmite as long as they have their HA.
I don’t have the Pokémon you’re looking for but I do really need that swinub. I have a decent amount of Pokémon I can trade that have 4-5 IVs and some with pokerus too
For the upcoming Galar Beginnings competition, LF: Jolly Axew and Adamant Pawniard with Sucker Punch. Spit backs are fine.

I can give HA: Snom, Hattena, Maractus, Gastrodon, and Zigzagoon.
LF: 0 Sp atk foreign ditto
FT: various apri, dream and safari ball mons. still have all of my apriballs so i’m willing to trade all of them or whichever ones you want
Looking for a 4-5IV Bold Appletun. Have a Flapple to trade but need Appletun since I have Sword. Anyone who has a spare on hand, I will be super grateful.
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LF HA swinub

FT I have plenty of Pokémon with PKRS and 4-5 IVs, but I mainly just need one that I can breed. It doesn’t matter about the nature or IVs
Hi, guys!

I'm looking for these pokémon
Jolly HA Rufflet
Modest HA Eevee (for Sylveon)
Jolly HA Swinub

I have for trade 4 Dive ball Jolly Dreepy 31/31/31/XX/31/31 ready to be EVtrained (2 male, 2 female).
Also I have spitback of Repeat ball modest Rotom (4-5 random ivs in 31).
LF HA Applin or HA Snom
FT HA Pinchurchin, also have a few spitbacks of Dreepy (Jolly, Dusk Ball, regular ability) and Galarian Ponyta (Jolly, Heal Ball, regular ability).

PM me if interested
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