Alright I've been thinking about a lot of different mons recently and I've got a few noms to go through. I also thought I'd try to take this thread in a more discussion-based direction, as otherwise it ends up being lots of one-off posts followed by a council saying their own decisions instead of being able to get a feel for a more widespread community opinion. Sorry in advance for the long-ish post.
Noms of my own:
-> 1
Mega Gengar offers so much to every team it's on, and is clearly one of the two best Megas alongside Mega Salamence. To show the clear distance between those top two and any others, I think it's fitting that they rest a full tier above any others. With many bulky setup mons and a few niche Pokemon used to check many threats, having trapping is so crucial and Mega Gengar is strong, fast, and has just the right moves. 104 HP / 4 Def / 148 SpA / 252 Spe has been treating me super well, OHKOing 0/0 Mega Mence with HP Ice while surviving hits from both Zygarde and Tapu Koko.
-> 1.5
With the decrease in fires and people realizing redirection is still good even if Jirachi isn't around, Amoonguss is great. Clear Smog handles the many setup mons, it laughs at Tapu Fini and prevents it from using Heal Pulse too, and its rough Mega Mence matchup isn't enough to say that it's worse than the Pokemon currently sitting in 1.5. Losing the ability to click Spore when Electric and Misty Terrain are set isn't as damaging as people think either.
-> UR
Losing matchups against all of Tier 1 (except Mega Gengar if that goes through) and too many shared weaknesses with Ttar, which pulls far more weight in most matches. Excadrill has exactly two wins in DPL, and in one of them it didn't even get to attack. I find Excadrill difficult to build with and not much easier to use, and though it's usable, that doesn't mean it should be ranked.
-> UR
A whopping 0 uses in DPL and a general inferiority to other Pokemon that fulfill its roles makes it difficult to justify except as a stepping stone to Mega Gyarados, which can better take advantage of Intimidate by being threatening as a setup sweeper. It never really does enough damage and is just generally awkward to use. Pick another Water-type or Intimidate user and your team will improve almost every time.
-> UR
Okay yes it's good on Chase's team but it's never been used on any other team. This is a clear instance, to me, of a Pokemon that is usable and I will not dismiss but that doesn't belong on the Viability Rankings as we currently have them situated. If we wanted to rank every Pokemon that had any sort of non-outclassed niche, Linoone would not be lowest on the list and I'd be more comfortable keeping it.
Noms I agree with:
-> 2
Powerful, bulky (Hashtag's AV set won him two games in DPL), versatile, takes on FiniZap. Check said most of that already, but I wanted to offer my own support. It may not fit perfectly with the description of Tier 2, but I think it fits in better with the Pokemon there and is more comparable in viability to them than to the Pokemon found in Tier 3.
-> 2
qsns nailed it, and this thing also has a 67% winrate in DPL to back up his claims. The ability to wear down threats and deal respectable damage while slurping up HP from Leech Seed and Leftovers is fantastic, and even Curse sets with Misty Seed have shown some merit.
-> UR
I think it's time. Rotom-H has seen 0 use the entirety of DPL and though it checks a few Pokemon it loses to so many and fails to effectively pressure many of the Pokemon it apparently checks. Firium Z should have helped it avoid being a momentum drain by removing the SpA drop of its primary attack but it's underwhelming and unhelpful to most potential teams.
-> 4
I don't remember who said it, but I saw someone recently say "Mew is a win more mon". It doesn't do a ton on its own, aside from extremely specific moves used to check one or two Pokemon at a time, but if you can get into an advantageous position Mew is great for solidifying that. Tailwind, lots of coverage, decent bulk, Fake Out, Transform, everyone knows what this thing does but they also can't be sure because it has so many options to plug holes.
Noms I don't agree with:
-> 2
I'll willingly admit that I'm not the quickest to pick up on metagame trends or where the metagame should be, but I feel that Heatran does far too much for teams to be less than 1.5. It definitely shouldn't move up, but with so much versatility between HP Ice, Eruption, Flash Cannon, Taunt, Sub (though it's not great anymore), and more niche things like Roar, Bloom Doom, and Stealth Rock, Heatran is a great add-on to teams as an emergency button.
What I'd like to see more discussion on:
-> 1.5
I think Snorlax fits the description of Tier 2 far better but I have noticed a high amount of Toxic, Knock Off, Fightinium Z, etc specifically to have answers to it. With more people preparing for it, Snorlax is under control (in my opinion), but does this sheer amount of influence on the metagame mean it should be ranked higher? I feel like at times Snorlax is just answered and can't do much but then other times it just wins. Not really sure, this is a difficult one and I'm curious to see not only what the VR Council has to say but also what other people think.
Removal of Tier 4
I think this entirely depends on what we want the Viability Rankings to stand for. Personally I'm still a fan of keeping Tier 4, it allows Pokemon that I feel are relevant but not necessarily widely usable to be represented and with the C&C section's policy of writing analyses for all ranked Pokemon, I think the current cutoff makes more sense than a theoretical one after Tier 3. However, as check suggested, if we want the Viability Rankings to more aptly sum up what you're likely to face in high-level tournament or ladder matches, I can see the merits of its removal. If people aren't on board for its removal, I think rewriting the description could help fix some of the issues people have expressed with its inclusion. I don't have any ideas off the top of my head for how this new description could read, but I'd be happy to whip something up if anyone is interested but not sure what I'm talking about.