Post "in" to participate.
Additionally, please note that today's tour is SM Pokébank OU (suspect test), therefore with Genesect disallowed!
The Top X players of this Live Suspect Tournament will be granted the ability to vote for the suspect without the need to ladder for it (if you reach the top X multiple times, you will still only be able to vote once).
If it is a...
- 64 man tournament, only the Top 2 (Finals) players get reqs.
- 96 man tournament, only the Top 3 (Finals) players get reqs.
- 128 man tournament, only the Top 4 (Semi-Finals) players get reqs.
- 192 man tournament, only the Top 6 (Semi-Finals) players get reqs.
- 256 man tournament, only the Top 8 (Quarter-Finals) players get reqs.
Basically, you need to win 5 rounds to get reqs.
- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at
- Send a PM to "Prague Kick" on Smogtours or Discord when you win your match. Do NOT PM the host if you lost.
Stay on the server until you're out of the tournament. If you leave before then, you will be disqualified.
General Smogon rules:
Round 1
Niadev vs. RedEmptionMc
Mounts vs. Nelson
Meteordash vs. Obliviate
Empo vs. 0Nl
Erz vs. PDC
Sauga vs. Marcop9923
RickyGao vs. Dundies
Lange vs. p2
Rare Poison vs. Temperarious
SuperCuteAnimeGirl vs. Camilas
Paaadeli! vs. Shoka
Iloveleague vs. starry blanket
MrSoup vs. Ox the Fox
Chill Shadow vs. Floppy
Tele vs. Arii Stella
Blackoblivion vs. Webcamparrot
Hairy Toenail vs. Roseybear
Bowlii- vs. Pohjis
Eo Ut Mortus vs. MewtwoHidden
Teamcali15 vs. insult (activity win)
Hammy vs. Fatalitatis
Littlelucario vs. Dragonit
Tricking vs. Kurukaito
Marrano vs. G0tagofast (activity win)
FullLifeGames vs. ssjjynx
Sensory vs. Lysergic
TheSkyAboveUs vs. profdesinnoh
Vertex vs. shinychimchar
Holiano vs. Celysi
Flares. vs. boudouche
Simiatic vs. Hiye
Misugi vs. Endal (activity win)
Kickasser vs. Alexander.
Leftiez vs. Shadestep
Specterito vs. Welli0u
MegaStarUniverse vs. AQML
WcJay vs. double switches
Mix vs. Eternal Spirit
5th vs. Snugs315
GOAO vs. Quint_
cdumas vs. MiyoKa
Entei vs. GH[O]ST
Magellan vs. DANN3
Corazan.. vs. Darc
violetlannie vs. qwazz
Genesis7 vs. Weshbien
ninamori vs. Sacri'
The Quasar vs. Bomber.
Round 2
violetlannie vs. ssjjynx
profdesinnoh vs. Snugs315
Hiye vs. Chill Shadow
Bomber. vs. insult
Camilas vs. Pohjis
Misugi vs. Lange
Marrano vs. Erz
GH[O]ST vs. Temperarious
MewtwoHidden vs. Tricking
0Nl vs. boudouche
Blackoblivion vs. ninamori
Meteordash vs. Iloveleague
Celysi vs. Tele
Dragonit vs. Nelson
GOAO vs. MrSoup
Shoka vs. DANN3
Leftiez vs. Alexander.
Fatalitatis vs. Hairy Toenail
Specterito vs. RedEmptionMc
WcJay vs. MiyoKa
Eternal Spirit vs. Corazan..
Sauga vs. AQML
Dundies vs. Sensory
Weshbien vs. Vertex
Round 3
WcJay vs. Specterito
0Nl vs. Tricking
ninamori vs. Iloveleague
Dragonit vs. Leftiez
Camilas vs. DANN3
Chill Shadow vs. Lange
profdesinnoh vs. Sensory
Eternal Spirit vs. insult
Temperarious vs. Tele
AQML vs. Vertex
Marrano vs. ssjjynx
MrSoup vs. Hairy Toenail
Round 4
Hairy Toenail vs. insult
Temperarious vs. Tricking
Sensory vs. AQML
Specterito vs. Dragonit
Lange vs. Camilas
Marrano vs. Iloveleague
Round 5 (SF)
Hairy Toenail vs. Lange
Marrano vs. Specterito
Sensory vs. Tricking
Round 6 (Finals)
Specterito vs. Tricking
Tricking vs. Hairy Toenail
Hairy Toenail vs. Specterito
The Top X players of this Live Suspect Tournament will be granted the ability to vote for the suspect without the need to ladder for it (if you reach the top X multiple times, you will still only be able to vote once).
If it is a...
- 64 man tournament, only the Top 2 (Finals) players get reqs.
- 96 man tournament, only the Top 3 (Finals) players get reqs.
- 128 man tournament, only the Top 4 (Semi-Finals) players get reqs.
- 192 man tournament, only the Top 6 (Semi-Finals) players get reqs.
- 256 man tournament, only the Top 8 (Quarter-Finals) players get reqs.
Basically, you need to win 5 rounds to get reqs.
- This tournament will be held on the official Smogon Tournament server at
- Send a PM to "Prague Kick" on Smogtours or Discord when you win your match. Do NOT PM the host if you lost.
Stay on the server until you're out of the tournament. If you leave before then, you will be disqualified.
General Smogon rules:
- You must have a Smogon forum account to sign up for a Smogon tournament. You cannot participate if you do not post in this thread.
- When this tour is posted, post as quickly as you can to ensure a place in the tournament. The number of spots available will vary, and it is up to the discretion of the host on when sign-ups will be closed. On Xenforo (our current forum software), YOUR POST NUMBER IS NOT ALWAYS ACCURATE. Do NOT whine to the host or on Smogtours if your post number implies you should have been in the tournament and you are not.
- Substitute players will only be applied in the first round and as deemed necessary by the host.
- If you have signed up successfully, you must stay for the entire tournament unless you have lost.
- You may change teams between rounds without penalty.
- Do not hassle the host(s) of the current tournament.
- All tiers are based on Smogon tiers. The current status of the appropriate standard ladder will function as the prevailing tier list. If you have any question about whether a particular Pokemon is banned or not in any particular tier, reference the banlist of the appropriate ladder on PS!. This is not confusing. There will be no exceptions.
- Species Clause: A player cannot have two (2) of the same species of Pokemon on their team, based on National Pokedex Number. For example, a player cannot have two Koffings on his or her team.
- Sleep Clause: A player cannot put two or more different opposing Pokemon to sleep using attacks that induce sleep to opposing Pokemon
- Evasion Clause: A player cannot increase their Pokemon's evasion stat with a move that specifically increases evasion. Items or indirect boosts do not break this clause.
- OHKO Clause: A player cannot use a move that has a chance of instantly KOing an opposing Pokemon. For example, Horn Drill or Sheer Cold are illegal moves.
- Timer Clause: If a player exhausts the timer, he/she loses.
- Self-KO Clause: If a player uses a recoil move to cause a draw, that player wins. If a player uses Explosion, Selfdestruct, Destiny Bond, or Perish Song to cause a draw, that player loses. If a draw would be caused by a hold item or ability that causes recoil to the opponent, the player that controls the Pokémon with the hold item or ability wins. (This clause helps determine the winner of what would be called a tie in DPPt. Later generations do not apply this clause, because their cartridge mechanics will prevent ties from happening.)
- Endless Battle Clause: A player cannot use a combination of items / moves / abilities to force a game that will never end (example: Recycle / Leppa Berry / Heal Pulse, etc).
Round 1
Niadev vs. RedEmptionMc
Mounts vs. Nelson
Meteordash vs. Obliviate
Empo vs. 0Nl
Erz vs. PDC
Sauga vs. Marcop9923
RickyGao vs. Dundies
Lange vs. p2
Rare Poison vs. Temperarious
SuperCuteAnimeGirl vs. Camilas
Paaadeli! vs. Shoka
Iloveleague vs. starry blanket
MrSoup vs. Ox the Fox
Chill Shadow vs. Floppy
Tele vs. Arii Stella
Blackoblivion vs. Webcamparrot
Hairy Toenail vs. Roseybear
Bowlii- vs. Pohjis
Eo Ut Mortus vs. MewtwoHidden
Teamcali15 vs. insult (activity win)
Hammy vs. Fatalitatis
Littlelucario vs. Dragonit
Tricking vs. Kurukaito
Marrano vs. G0tagofast (activity win)
FullLifeGames vs. ssjjynx
Sensory vs. Lysergic
TheSkyAboveUs vs. profdesinnoh
Vertex vs. shinychimchar
Holiano vs. Celysi
Flares. vs. boudouche
Simiatic vs. Hiye
Misugi vs. Endal (activity win)
Kickasser vs. Alexander.
Leftiez vs. Shadestep
Specterito vs. Welli0u
MegaStarUniverse vs. AQML
WcJay vs. double switches
Mix vs. Eternal Spirit
5th vs. Snugs315
GOAO vs. Quint_
cdumas vs. MiyoKa
Entei vs. GH[O]ST
Magellan vs. DANN3
Corazan.. vs. Darc
violetlannie vs. qwazz
Genesis7 vs. Weshbien
ninamori vs. Sacri'
The Quasar vs. Bomber.
Round 2
violetlannie vs. ssjjynx
profdesinnoh vs. Snugs315
Hiye vs. Chill Shadow
Bomber. vs. insult
Camilas vs. Pohjis
Misugi vs. Lange
Marrano vs. Erz
GH[O]ST vs. Temperarious
MewtwoHidden vs. Tricking
0Nl vs. boudouche
Blackoblivion vs. ninamori
Meteordash vs. Iloveleague
Celysi vs. Tele
Dragonit vs. Nelson
GOAO vs. MrSoup
Shoka vs. DANN3
Leftiez vs. Alexander.
Fatalitatis vs. Hairy Toenail
Specterito vs. RedEmptionMc
WcJay vs. MiyoKa
Eternal Spirit vs. Corazan..
Sauga vs. AQML
Dundies vs. Sensory
Weshbien vs. Vertex
Round 3
WcJay vs. Specterito
0Nl vs. Tricking
ninamori vs. Iloveleague
Dragonit vs. Leftiez
Camilas vs. DANN3
Chill Shadow vs. Lange
profdesinnoh vs. Sensory
Eternal Spirit vs. insult
Temperarious vs. Tele
AQML vs. Vertex
Marrano vs. ssjjynx
MrSoup vs. Hairy Toenail
Round 4
Hairy Toenail vs. insult
Temperarious vs. Tricking
Sensory vs. AQML
Specterito vs. Dragonit
Lange vs. Camilas
Marrano vs. Iloveleague
Round 5 (SF)
Hairy Toenail vs. Lange
Marrano vs. Specterito
Sensory vs. Tricking
Round 6 (Finals)
Specterito vs. Tricking
Tricking vs. Hairy Toenail
Hairy Toenail vs. Specterito
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