Smogon Live Tournament 2/26/2011 [VGC 2012][Won by Nightblade]

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*Approved by Ditto* *Thanks to UPPERDECKER for the Banner*

The Smogon Live Tournaments are on the IRC channel #smogonwifi. We play these tournaments relatively often so keep your eye on Wifi Tournaments for a thread titled similarly to this one. Also, if enough people are on as well as someone to run the tournament, we could have one at any time. So its a good idea to stay in #smogonwifi participate in discussion and have fun!

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Hello. The first live tourney will be this sunday the 26th at 2 pm eastern time. The tournament will be..... VGC 2012. THE RULES

Signups will start at 2:00 PM EST (GMT -5).

Prize will be Biosci's Adamant DW Lucario or Tolan's Jolly DW Lucario

SIGN UPS ARE NOW go to #smogonwifi and pm your fc

Match ups for round 1

Pokemonrocks777 (2967 3045 6918) vs religiousjedi (0218 0108 5761)
Biosci ( 2065 2649 9332) vs Nightblade (4169 3885 0675)
TalkingLion (0475 7427 7064) vs PungentFruit (313870940406)
iss (0390 2039 7473) vs Zari (2709 1903 8177)


TalkingLion (0475 7427 7064)
vs Zari (2709 1903 8177)
Nightblade (4169 3885 0675) vs religiousjedi (0218 0108 5761)


Pokemonrocks777 (2967 3045 6918) vs PungentFruit (313870940406)
iss (0390 2039 7473) vs Biosci ( 2065 2649 9332)


TalkingLion (0475 7427 7064) vs Nightblade (4169 3885 0675)

Third Place

Zari (2709 1903 8177) vs religiousjedi (0218 0108 5761)

Winner of the Losers

Pokemonrocks777 (2967 3045 6918) vs iss (0390 2039 7473)

Overall Points

Nightblade - 3
Talking Lion - 2
Iss - 1
religiousjedi - 1
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