I love all my tigres and will do a legit shout out thing once i'm done with class for today <3
edit: IBO I WAS TOTALLY ACTIVE -.---------
BW OU: The three usual starters were some of my favorite players on any team I've managed. Peaches probably has already tattooed tigre stripes on her body was the backbone of the team, easily. I'll clump mr fist and king moet together because they were two really fucking active guys who kept us with a really great lineup every week. It was weird having confidence that we would at least win two of the three OU matches every week and you were all among the most active users in #tigres. ltt was the best sub, though it wasn't particularly fun trying to figure out if he had his match scheduled or not :S
BW Ubers: DANKEY and truth were also really solid in #tigres. Fiction did a really nice job of transitioning to the backup role, though I'm not sure how much of that was then directed at poor little tml. We didn't have the best metagame record here, but I attribute that more to luck and donkey's shit avatar than skill, since i've seen you both play u.u
BW UU: Dunk was just a fucking beast. I never had to worry about activity, outside of one week, and I knew I had a great shot at a win here every time we penciled dunk in. He was awesome in the channel, one of the best tigres, though the flack he started to get after st9 confuses me. He's a good boy I promise!! Dunk did take playing time away from Maaf, though, the poor guy only got one week in when I wanted to rotate between the two to get him another game or two in. #maashedformaaf #drunkfordunk
BW NU: We drafted zeb in spl3 essentially because, while he was good at ru, we knew nu was gonna come in spl4 and 13k was gonna be a steal. Well that totally happened and zeb has become one of my better smogfriends in the past year. Had we drafted you this year, tennis and I would probably justified like 25k for you lol. We had to sacrifice ebeast to DEER GOD in the semis after a mysterious and all powerful aura enveloped him. Thankfully he came back to life a couple hours later c:
BW RU: Well going 1-10 kind of was bad... d01 was awesome to have around until his activity dropped and vrille/peaches/dunk did a well enough job keeping up :S
VGC 2013: Biosci is a fucking pathetic loser lol he went 0-3 xDDD dumb hawaiians!!! Huy was a little less active this year than last, but that's probably because his back is still recovering from carrying the team all spl3. He trained lunar and biosci well to take his place, once he moves onto the great beyond....................
DPP OU: DJ TV Rocka played my heart like a fancy German violin with all his cool sets and play. tml will one day grow up and earn his stripes in battle, but his growling matches with fiction were funny in an "oh it's cute because he can't hurt anyone yet" kind of way
ADV OU: Man i first met sir when he joined smogon as a shitty new lc user and kind of expected him to be terrible at everything but battling. His transformation into Danilo hasn't turned him into a champion yet, but he is much less obnoxious than he used to be; I like having him around now!!
GSC OU: I didn't get many chances to talk to RF throughout the season, but he was another constant on the roster. I never needed to worry much about him and he earned his paycheck each week.
RBY OU: I admire austin and gp more than they probably could have figured out from the channel, since we never really spoke much. austin is fucking hilarious and it was always really nice hearing gp's musings to various teammates, especially since he wasn't all that active on irc.
solstice and ibo are cute, but ibo was totally inactive all the time and only gets credit for donkey :<<<
ium is cute, ogles is cute, greencore was our biggest fan