Smogon Premier League VI - Player Sign-Ups

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Just want to say I would be happy to join any team. And I don't really care if I actually play. Would be super happy just to help test mus. I am mostly good for testing ADV/DPP/BW 2.
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Player Name: zdrup15
Tiers Played: ORAS Doubles / ORAS RU / DPP OU / ADV OU
Timezone : GMT +0
Significant Time Missed?: No
Player Name: Synre
Tiers Played: ORAS Doubles / RBY OU
Timezone : GMT -5, later GMT -8
Significant Time Missed?: Yes. Moving cross-country early in the season, where I will need to find somewhere to live and purchase internet before I'm actually capable of playing. Also, the inherent activity threat of the fact I haven't posted on Smogon in two years, I guess.

Also I've never actually played ORAS Doubles before, so there's that. What could go wrong?
Okay! Our draft is tomorrow, and as per what I posted in the announcement thread, this thread is now going to be closed. If you just missed out on signing up, I don't give a rat's ass because you've had the better part of an entire month to do so, and have had a warning for a week that the thread would be closed a day before the draft. Midseason will be in a few weeks. ;)

Let's get this party started.
just so no one who isn't a complete idiot misses it: the auction will begin 22 hours and 49 mins from this post.
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