shoutouts because i had a fucking great team this season and i want them all to know it.
bro fist - idr which of the two of you was actually responsible for upbidding me but im going to guess it was gengar because i refuse to believe that anything good in this world can come from cbb. huge thanks for that ofc, you let me land on an amazing team and im super grateful for it. i wish you had been a bit more vocal in the middle weeks but you completely turned that ship around and turned the last 3 weeks into a great environment, i'm glad you did what you did when you did and i'm absolutely hoping you can manage me again in the future :D
CrashinBoomBang - i really wish you wouldn't fight with our other teammates and get mad. other people can put a silver lining on it as you really caring about the game and while it's true, and i don't want to sour the end of the season right now, i'm going to be honest and say that there were a lot of times where the team would have been better off without you, and i hope you work on that in the future. but now on to the good stuff: you were super helpful in testing, your blinding hatred of every single one of our opponents helped to keep us motivated, and there were a lot of fun times with you as well. you make a better friend than manager, but now that you're done managing i hope we can still be friends :D
Stathakis - ive never met someone i clicked with so much as you, man. i felt like i was talkin to an older brother, everyone in the scooters chan was fantastic but my life will be greatly lessened if the two of us dont keep in touch after this spl. part of the smash bros core, it a shame feb and march are pretty slow months for melee but we definitely bonded over that during the beginning of the season and then we had so many more things to talk about anyways. thanks a million for the help with schoolwork, and lmk when youre done modeling that electric field and what comes of it. i know youre disappointed with your record this season and that you feel like you let us down vs pdc but you didn't; just because you were the last one to play doesn't mean you are responsible for us losing the week. this is hypocritical coming from me but don't let the haters make you doubt yourself bro :D
xray - we never talked too much but when we did you seemed like a cool guy; i'll be honest my plebian eyes don't know a good play from a bad one but according to everyone else on the team you made some fucking good plays so they must be right. keep strong, man, make smogon tour playoffs again but win em this time :D
Hack - everything i knew about you before this season i had learned from haruno. fortunately i dont take haruno seriously at all or i'd have had some terrible impressions about you. as others have said, im impressed at the amount of dedication it takes to play oras ubers and keep giving it your all after nine weeks. you definitely ran into a rough patch in the middle along with case and kevin but none of you gave up, you all pulled through, and that's what matters. im glad that you were on the team :D
IronBullet93 - super nice guy! I know the end of the season didnt work out particularly well for you but you made a very strong case for being one of the best uu players of all time, and you were always positive in chat to boot :D
New Breed - well, you finally broke your spl curse week 8, so there's that. you said it yourself, this game can destroy your confidence, so don't let some pretty lame losses get you down. thanks for giving us your all after we snatched you from the raiders, you're a cool guy :D
RiCH HOMiE CA$ED - gonna tell you the same thing i told cbb, you need to learn that it's better to let things go than to fight about them or teams will be better off without you. still, youre a very good nu player, though this season had some tough breaks for you. on the other hand, you were an absolutely amazing help on the ORAS front, helping build for not one but FOUR tiers, a man of many talents, truly he is deserving of the title CASEDVICTORY :D
Lohgock - it felt like i cared a lot more and put a lot more effort into this spl than you did, and that could be pretty frustrating at times :( but you're a good guy and a good player, and i appreciated having someone else to play the doubles games because i still don't trust myself with my tournament nerves most of the time, so thanks for that. (i mean this in the best way possible) hopefully we'll get drafted by different teams next season so we can each get to start :D
SkillinJah - i had no clue you had a reputation as a cancer before reading others' shoutout posts but if so that's just incredibly ridiculous lol. sure i guess you were responsible for the little feud with the cryonicles but within our team you were only ever a force of cohesion, not to mention a ridiculously good player. i don't think our lifestyles could be more divergent but that just made you an even more exciting person for me to hang out with :D
liberty32 - you're actually fucking crazy dude, and not the crazy like "man that guy is one crazy dude" but like im glad i dont konw what sort of giygas shit is goin on in that brain of yours, i was legitimately creeped out by the end of the skype call after breed's game. but you're a great player and super fun in chat and absolutely hilarious, keep bein you :D
Alf' - like everyone else said, it's a shame we didn't get to talk much, but you always turned up and played your battles extremely well, and that's all i can ask. RSE is a fucking stacked metagame and you still managed to kick a lot of ass playing it, so props. LUDICOLO OR BUST :D
Lavos Spawn - ngl i was upset at the start of the season when we drafted you. i had only heard bad things about you as a team player and it seemed super wrong to think this kid known for hyper offense could have the patience to play gsc. fortunately, all the bullshit about you being a bad team player was just that, bullshit. you were great to talk to always. your playing at the start of the season seemed to confirm my fears but as you yourself said, you grew a hundredfold over the course of the season and by the end you were taking down gsc legend fucking TIBA—im proud of what you accomplished this season and i see only great things for you in the future :D
Isa - hope you're not sick of bein called the mvp yet cuz its about to happen again. everyone else had their hands full preparing for one match but you were preparing for four every fucking week (even tho u hardly ever needed the fourth huehue) and despite that you were never in the least bit tired or fed up with having to take lavos under your wing despite the fact that you said you hate gsc, and you were always positive. you're a new level of awesome and have pushed me to become a better teammate by your presence alone. i hope i get to play with you on every spl till i quit this game. i also fully expect to see you beating leffen and armada by 2018 so get on it :D
Henry - i know you were frustrated with feeling like a bad buy but let me tell you you were a fucking delight to have in our team channel and if i could give cbb and gengar advice on who to draft 3 months ago i would absolutely tell them to draft you again. having your first experience playing under pressure is a huge leap of faith for anyone and everyone performs poorly under those circumstances so don't beat yourself up for it. i also busted my ass laughing when you whipped out the toxic keld on that shedinja so hooray for that. i expect big things from you next year :D
Stone_Cold - the second member of the legendary worlds crew, and the man from whence its got its name, legendary dave is truly one of the nicest guys on smogon. i'm sorry you didn't get much play time, still feel kind of bad about what went down week 5, you should have had that game :(. you're probably not proud of your record but the two weeks you did play your skill showed you could accomplish so much more, im sure if you had gotten 3 more weeks you would have went 3-2 :D
praj.pran - sorry we couldn't get you a trophy man :(. the wonderful praj, you bring so much positivity and energy with you wherever you go, everything you do just makes me beam like a fool :D
Aqualouis - thanks for continuing to play even when you felt no motivation to. hopefully you can keep the tradition alive by getting banned and unbanned next spl :D
BKC - the third member of the legendary worlds crew. we didn't get along too well this season and i'm really not sure why, but i wish i could have changed that. you're a great player and i hope you get to fulfill your wish and scoot again next year :D
"aldaron" - it's a shame he'll probably never read this but we all absolutely owe these last three weeks to this guy. we were in a super rough spot towards the end of week 6 and this guy really just kicked our asses out of it. i remember him saying "when this season is over, everyone will be glad they dont have to deal with it anymore" and that was absolutely true for me at the time and for everyone else too. the turning point in our season, we wouldn't have gotten a single point in our last 3 weeks without this man, and definitely none of us would have written shoutouts. maybe he should be freed? :D
Laga and
Mizuhime thanks for being my testing buddies throughout the season and going a nice 1-2 on the top of the record board is definitely an impressive accomplishment for the both of you :D
Braverius we've had our rough patches and i think you are prone to overreacting but i still consider you a friend on this site, and im of course extremely grateful that you convinced the scooters to upbid me :D
dice you're the only reason i wasn't spending another spl in the bleachers so i obviously cannot thank you enough for that. i'm really sorry that our week had to go so sour.
on a last note, i want to apologize to my teammates. i was a fraud and got away with shit i shouldn't have because i was playing a metagame nobody else knew how to play, and it makes me feel terrible reading all of these posts about how great I am at doubles because I didn't earn that from you guys. The team vs finally wasn't ready, Kyurem-B and Charizard sucked in every test battle but in my hubris i really wanted to get the 5-3 lead, not to mention use choice banded kyurem and charizard x, and surprise surprise they sucked in the real deal as well. there's absolutely no excuse for that, and obviously we paid incredibly dearly for it, so i hope you guys can forgive me for that. you live and learn i guess, but i wish my living and learning didn't have to stop 18 extremely deserving people from making playoffs. i'm going to put in work on the offseason and hopefully i can come back next year as someone who earns his spot on the roster and makes his teammates proud.