If you're like me, you eagerly anticipate Finchinator's weekly prediction post or video. Why won't your name be bolded this week? You can't wait to read Finch's carefully considered, factually based assessment of your (lack of) skills in competitive Pokemon.
As Smogon's most revered, try-hard prediction poster, I found myself asking: just how good is Finchinator? Is he the best to ever do it?
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I asked our ape to predict the winners of each match for the past 5 weeks of Smogon's Premier League. The ape deliberated on each match for a couple seconds and selected his winner, repeating the process until all 240 matches had been predicted. The ape correctly predicted upsets like Poek vs. p2, but it also blundered on obvious selections like z0mog vs. John.
Overall, the ape managed to predict 50% of matches correct.
I then examined Finchinator's SPL 9 predictions thus far and compared them to the actual results of the past 5 weeks. Surely Finchinator could give our ape some pointers, right?
Well... actually, no.
Finchinator's predictions come in at a staggering 46.63% accuracy. In fact, Finchinator hasn't outperformed our ape in even one (1) week this SPL yet! The closest Finch has come to beating our ape is 50% accuracy in Week 3 when he only posted four predictions about his main tier, BW. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), we can only conclude at 82% statistical significance that Finchinator is worse than an ape at predicting SPL matches. There's still an 18% chance our ape outperformed Finch purely by chance.
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I wasn't quite finished with my investigation. I asked Finchinator what it takes to be considered a good prediction poster. Would a 55% prediction success rate suffice? Higher? Lower?
In order to be a good prediction poster, you need to correctly predict 65%? A tall task indeed. If we take this 65% requirement and run a statistical test for "Is Finchinator a good prediction poster?", we can conclude with over 99.99% certainty that he is not a good prediction poster. Over 5 standard deviations of certainty!
The Finchinator Challenge
Finch, there are the facts my man. Numbers don't lie. Here's my challenge to you:
First, post better predictions than an ape (>50% correct rate)
Second, finish the season better than an ape (>50% overall for the season)
I'll even let you edit that week 6 video if you need to. Conduct your analysis. Crunch the numbers. Give it your best shot. Good luck!