Smogon Premier League XVI - Week 3

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is a Top Social Media Contributoris a Forum Moderatoris a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogonis a Top Dedicated Tournament Host

>Games Schedule<
>Season Schedule<
>Prediction Form<

Tournament Rules and General Guidelines



Wi-Fi Wolfpack (8) vs (4) Indie Scooters

SV OU: Ewin vs hellom
SV OU: Stareal vs TheFranklin
SV OU: clean vs Nat
SV OU: mncmt vs aesf
SS OU: Gtcha vs RaiZen1704
SM OU: fade vs robjr
ORAS OU: BluBirD vs Garay oak
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Rewer
DPP OU: Void vs Pkel SweeTforU
ADV OU: Mako vs Sadlysius
GSC OU: choolio vs vani
RBY OU: Prinz vs Gefährlicher Random


Team Raiders (6) vs (6) Circus Maximus Tigers

SV OU: Eternal Spirit vs JJ09LIE
SV OU: Mimikyu Stardust vs DugZa
SV OU: Yovan vs 3d
SV OU: Hiko vs Storm Zone
SS OU: SpookyZ vs Ox the Fox
SM OU: Skypenguin vs c0mp
ORAS OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs RufflesPro
BW OU: Monai vs Sergio Aguero
DPP OU: Laurel vs Christos
ADV OU: Skarpherim vs baddummy
GSC OU: BlazingDark vs Don Eduardo
RBY OU: Serpi vs Genesis7


Alpha Ruiners (8) vs (4) Dragonspiral Tyrants

SV OU: Laroxyl vs myjava
SV OU: Fogbound Lake vs Fusien
SV OU: oldspicemike vs Mada
SV OU: pdt vs vk
SS OU: ChrisPBacon vs Metallica126
SM OU: Punny vs Luigi
ORAS OU: erz vs Poek
BW OU: watashi vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Dridri457 vs BKC
ADV OU: Pak vs Shitrock enjoyer
GSC OU: Siatam vs Rubyblood
RBY OU: Amaranth vs spies


Congregation of the Classiest (7) vs (5) Stark Sharks

SV OU: leng loi vs Jytcampbell
SV OU: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d vs Niko
SV OU: LpZ vs Attribute
SV OU: DAHLI vs Lily
SS OU: damien the genius vs TDNT
SM OU: Tace vs Drachenkeule
ORAS OU: pj vs lighthouses
BW OU: dice vs elodin
DPP OU: Groudon vs crucify
ADV OU: McMeghan vs violet river
GSC OU: BIHI vs Conflict
RBY OU: Kaz vs nicole7735


Cryonicles (8) vs (4) Ever Grande BIGS

SV OU: vivalospride vs lax
SV OU: zS vs emforbes
SV OU: Pais vs Danny
SV OU: crying vs bhkg
SS OU: Sacri' vs Hayburner
SM OU: ima vs Charmflash
ORAS OU: Axel vs Santu
BW OU: Finchinator vs MeEsSm
DPP OU: Lady Bug vs We Three Kings
ADV OU: Triangles vs ArcticBreeze
GSC OU: gorgie vs MrSoup
RBY OU: Sceptross vs chuva de perereca

Deadline will be February 2, 11:00 PM GMT-5.

Wi-Fi Wolfpack (0) vs (0) Indie Scooters
SV OU: Ewin vs hellom
SV OU: Stareal vs TheFranklin
SV OU: clean vs Nat
SV OU: mncmt vs aesf
SS OU: Gtcha vs RaiZen1704
SM OU: fade vs robjr
ORAS OU: BluBirD vs Garay oak
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Rewer
DPP OU: Void vs Pkel SweeTforU
ADV OU: Mako vs Sadlysius
GSC OU: choolio vs vani
RBY OU: Prinz vs Gefährlicher Random

Team Raiders (0) vs (0) Circus Maximus Tigers
SV OU: Eternal Spirit vs JJ09LIE
SV OU: Mimikyu Stardust vs DugZa
SV OU: Yovan vs 3d
SV OU: Hiko vs Storm Zone
SS OU: SpookyZ vs Ox the Fox
SM OU: Skypenguin vs c0mp
ORAS OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs RufflesPro
BW OU: Monai vs Sergio Aguero
DPP OU: Laurel vs Christos
ADV OU: Skarpherim vs baddummy
GSC OU: BlazingDark vs Don Eduardo
RBY OU: Serpi vs Genesis7

Alpha Ruiners (0) vs (0) Dragonspiral Tyrants
SV OU: Laroxyl vs myjava
SV OU: Fogbound Lake vs Fusien
SV OU: oldspicemike vs Mada
SV OU: pdt vs vk
SS OU: ChrisPBacon vs Metallica126
SM OU: Punny vs Luigi
ORAS OU: erz vs Poek
BW OU: watashi vs SoulWind
DPP OU: Dridri457 vs BKC
ADV OU: Pak vs Shitrock enjoyer
GSC OU: Siatam vs Rubyblood
RBY OU: Amaranth vs spies

Congregation of the Classiest (0) vs (0) Stark Sharks
SV OU: leng loi vs Jytcampbell
SV OU: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d vs Niko
SV OU: LpZ vs Attribute
SV OU: DAHLI vs Lily
SS OU: damien the genius vs TDNT
SM OU: Tace vs Drachenkeule
ORAS OU: pj vs lighthouses
BW OU: dice vs elodin
DPP OU: Groudon vs crucify
ADV OU: McMeghan vs violet river
GSC OU: BIHI vs Conflict
RBY OU: Kaz vs nicole7735

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
SV OU: ACR1 vs lax
SV OU: zS vs emforbes
SV OU: Pais vs Danny
SV OU: crying vs bhkg
SS OU: Sacri vs Hayburner
SM OU: ima vs Charmflash
ORAS OU: Axel vs Santu
BW OU: Finchinator vs MeEsSm
DPP OU: Lady Bug vs We Three Kings
ADV OU: Triangles vs ArcticBreeze
GSC OU: gorgie vs MrSoup
RBY OU: Sceptross vs chuva de perereca
ADV OU: Mako vs Sadlysius
ADV OU: Skarpherim vs baddummy
ADV OU: Pak vs Shitrock enjoyer
ADV OU: McMeghan vs violet river
ADV OU: Triangles vs ArcticBreeze
Wi-Fi Wolfpack (5) vs (7) Indie Scooters
SV OU: Ewin vs hellom
SV OU: Stareal vs TheFranklin
SV OU: clean vs Nat HIGHLIGHT
SV OU: mncmt vs aesf
SS OU: Gtcha vs RaiZen1704
SM OU: fade vs robjr HIGHLIGHT
ORAS OU: BluBirD vs Garay oak
BW OU: GaryTheGengar vs Rewer
DPP OU: Void vs Pkel SweeTforU
ADV OU: Mako vs Sadlysius HIGHLIGHT (?)
GSC OU: choolio vs vani
RBY OU: Prinz vs Gefährlicher Random

Team Raiders (6) vs (6) Circus Maximus Tigers
SV OU: Eternal Spirit vs JJ09LIE
SV OU: Mimikyu Stardust vs DugZa
SV OU: Yovan vs 3d
SV OU: Hiko vs Storm Zone
SS OU: SpookyZ vs Ox the Fox
SM OU: Skypenguin vs c0mp
ORAS OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs RufflesPro HIGHLIGHT
BW OU: Monai vs Sergio Aguero
DPP OU: Laurel vs Christos
ADV OU: Skarpherim vs baddummy
GSC OU: BlazingDark vs Don Eduardo
RBY OU: Serpi vs Genesis7

Alpha Ruiners (6) vs (6) Dragonspiral Tyrants
SV OU: Laroxyl vs myjava
SV OU: Fogbound Lake vs Fusien HIGHLIGHT
SV OU: oldspicemike vs Mada HIGHLIGHT
SV OU: pdt vs vk
SS OU: ChrisPBacon vs Metallica126
SM OU: Punny vs Luigi
ORAS OU: erz vs Poek
BW OU: watashi vs SoulWind OH MY GOD!
DPP OU: Dridri457 vs BKC
ADV OU: Pak vs Shitrock enjoyer
GSC OU: Siatam vs Rubyblood
RBY OU: Amaranth vs spies

Congregation of the Classiest (6) vs (6) Stark Sharks
SV OU: leng loi vs Jytcampbell
SV OU: S1nn0hC0nfirm3d vs Niko CLOSE?
SV OU: LpZ vs Attribute (The Body Presser)
SV OU: DAHLI vs Lily
SS OU: damien the genius vs TDNT
SM OU: Tace vs Drachenkeule
ORAS OU: pj vs lighthouses
BW OU: dice vs elodin
DPP OU: Groudon vs crucify
ADV OU: McMeghan vs violet river kinda banger?
RBY OU: Kaz vs nicole7735

Cryonicles (0) vs (0) Ever Grande BIGS
SV OU: zS vs emforbes
SV OU: Pais vs Danny
SV OU: crying vs bhkg
SS OU: Sacri vs Hayburner
SM OU: ima vs Charmflash HIGHLIGHT
ORAS OU: Axel vs Santu
BW OU: Finchinator vs MeEsSm
DPP OU: Lady Bug vs We Three Kings
ADV OU: Triangles vs ArcticBreeze
GSC OU: gorgie vs MrSoup
RBY OU: Sceptross vs chuva de perereca
WE ARE BACK with week 3 predicts. A little later than usual due to scheduling issues and we've added ima to the cast!! Enjoy & take care
1 highlight from each series:

RBY OU: Prinz vs Gefährlicher Random - new guard vs old guard. I am not going to act like an expert at RBY. TBH whenever I spectate games I am just yelling to make the most hax fishy play possible every turn in game discussion, but tbh that sort of strategy might work for someone with main character energy like Prinz. He's historically one of the best ever, and it'll be interesting to see if he can hold his own against one of the new goats of the tier. He hasn't looked amazing, but I think having a strong opponent in front of him plus a few reps done these last couple weeks might power him up enough to get through. Gonna predict the upset here, even though I think I may have bolded Felix in the prediction form LOL.

ORAS OU: MichaelderBeste2 vs RufflesPro - Ruffles is one of those players who preps so clean you wonder if this guy has a bot or something. Nah jk, I'm a huge fan of the guy and he's probably the most promising ORAS OU player we've seen in a long time. He plays well, he constantly innovates the tier, and he has a good eye for picking the right stuff. All of this makes for a scary player to face in team tournaments. Michael is no slouch either though - obviously one of the better players on the site in general, plus he's German and won Masters so... probably pretty good at ORAS OU. I've liked his teams, but not quite as much as Ruffles. ORAS is a very volatile tier, and I feel like MDB has had some misfortune with matchups, facing a very scary Garchomp set last week and fucking BLUE OFFENSE IN 2025 LMAO week 1. Sick bring by Garay btw. I think the level of variance in this tier makes things hard to get a hold on, and while I rate MDB higher as a player, I rate Ruffles higher as someone who can Tame The Dragon and get a good MU.

BW OU: watashi vs SoulWind - really sick matchup. I feel like in recent years, FLCL goes under the radar af in team tournaments, usually being a low to mid priced buy despite being a historically great player. I had heard he doesn't love BW (not sure if this is a bit or what), but he's 2-0 in it. SW is one of the best in the tier of course, so I think he will win here, but this will certainly be a close game. I highlight this one because normally when there's a price difference of like 25k between the two players it is not considered a highlight matchup unless we are at the end of the tournament and the cheap player has been popping off. Should be a cool game.

DPP OU: Groudon vs crucify - need I say more about why this is a highlight? The third best DPP player of ALL TIME vs a killer who just made a fantastic run in Classic. Gotta go with my GOAT here of course, but this is gonna be a sick game.

SM OU: ima vs Charmflash - both very good at SM OU, using a lot of really interesting teams. Charmflash is a prep mastermind and has done historically well in the tier, plus he has the support of ABR behind him, but man ima has been bringing some really cool shit and playing mostly well. When ima's hot he's hot, and when he doesn't disconnect from the game his cool teams can shine. I think this is a pretty tight matchup but I very slightly lean toward ima due to liking his teams more these last two weeks. Scolipede is heat though.

All of these matchups are very close, and tbh I think I predicted some of them differently in the prediction form lmao. I may be biased, but in general the matchups (both between teams and players) feel much closer this SPL than in previous ones. The tournament has been very competitive so far and I look forward to seeing how things play out.

Go Classiest :toast:
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