Smogon Tour 35 is starting on Friday, March 10th! We will be opening host sign-ups for only 3 weeks at a time, so nobody will have to worry about making commitments that they can't keep well in advance. The second set of sign-ups will become available when the time draws closer, so keep your eyes pealed for that as well.
Hosting is an important responsibility and is absolutely integral to the success of Smogon Tour's regular season, so please try your best to be ready to host at your scheduled time and there for the entirety of the tournament. You are certainly welcome to ask me any questions you may have about hosting - especially if this is your first time or you are simply uncertain about any details. If you will not be able to attend, it is up to YOU to inform me so I can find a replacement (tell me as soon as you find out you can’t make it). This season this is especially important with there being more times than prior, so communication in general is important.
Hosting the Smogon Tour is a great way to get more involved with the site (and I will be working on sorting out badges for multi-season regular hosts after this season!!!); this tournament's continued success is truly the result of a massive team effort put forth by Smogon's contributors and a testament to how great our growing tournament community can be! Users who prove to be consistent, responsible, and effective hosts that possess good judgment will be considered for the Community Contributor badge and potentially more as well.
We will be looking to give priority to experienced hosts and tournament regulars, but anyone who can post here can sign-up. Please don't let that anything discourage you from signing up for the first time as we will be sending out an instructional PM to all hosts and I will dutifully answer any questions you might have - we will even walk you through the process personally if you are nervous (NEVER hesitate to PM me!!!), so don't be afraid to sign up! We will be accepting one primary host and one-to-two back-up hosts for each tour. Anyone that can post in this forum is eligible and will be added to the large guide/question-and-answer PM for all hosts. If you can't post in this forum but want to sign up anyway, shoot me or the head TDs (Amaranth / Merritt) a PM on here or discord.
Before signing up, please make sure you understand when 8pm, 6 am, 4 pm, and 1 pm Eastern (currently GMT-5, but eventually GMT-4) will be in your timezone. We've had people in the past sign-up and receive hosting positions only to suddenly realize that the time they signed up for was at an undesirable time. As you can imagine, this has lead to some issues before with finding back-up hosts at such short notice because the main host wasn't aware of when they actually had to host and failed to inform their us or the back-up of the issue.
Additionally, since this has become a recurring trend in recent seasons:
- If you sign up to host, then tell us you can't host, but sign up to play on the day you were assigned, you will be barred from playing on that day and will be prohibited from playing for the entirety of that week. Please treat your hosting position with respect - your job is incredibly important.
- If you sign up to host, but decide you'd rather play instead, the same ruling as explained in #1 applies.
- There will be exceptions to this if there are legitimate reasons, but blatant attempts of avoiding the responsibility of hosting when you yourself signed up to do the job will not be tolerated.
- Friday, March 10th @ 8 pm EST (GMT-5)
- Saturday, March 11th @ 6 am EST (GMT -5)
- Saturday, March 11th @ 4 pm EST (GMT -5)
- Sunday, March 12th @ 1 pm EST (GMT-4 -- please note that the clocks change on this day)
- Friday, March 17th @ 8 pm EST (GMT-4)
- Saturday, March 18th @ 6 am EST (GMT -4)
- Saturday, March 18th @ 4 pm EST (GMT -4)
- Sunday, March 19th @ 1 pm EST (GMT -4)
- Friday, March 24th @ 8 pm EST (GMT -4)
- Saturday, March 25th @ 6 am EST (GMT-4)
- Saturday, March 25th @ 4 pm EST (GMT -4)
- Sunday, March 26th @ 1 pm EST (GMT -4)