1. Finchinator VS. (McMeghan VS. Xray) - This can honestly go either way because all these players are capable. I think roro will win vs xray in BW, ORAS will be close, and idk about SM. I was left with a bad taste in my mouth last season when McMeghan attacked SW's pex turn 1 (whatever season that was actually idr), but i have reason to believe his SM skills have improved. Xray is obviously good at ORAS and to a less degree than that at BW, and decent at SM. The winner of this has to play Finchinator who is pretty well rounded overall in BW/SM/ORAS compared to the two but I think McM has the best odds in winning BW+ORAS, winning here
2. ABR VS. 15. RedEmption - This should be a pretty straightforward win for ABR here, Imo Redemption is overrated: his team choices are poor most of the time and his playing skills are mediocre [from what ive seen]. His opponent isnt new to this tour at all, has a higher skill ceiling overall and is probably more motivated to win this season. Expecting a 2-0 win here
3. SoulWind VS. 14. Malekith - SoulWind is due for a win here and I think he is more favoured because of his insane motivation he has going into this. i think he won't let his guard down to potential cheese malekith might bring. anyway both of these dudes are more than good so this can go either way ultimately
4. Nichiru VS. 13. Empo - Yeah, this should be pretty straightforward as well. Nichiru has been cheesing more than half his games in the tour although he does know what he is doing pretty well. anyways, i dont think you can really expect to go far with cheesing empo. I would give him an edge in BW *maybe*, but I think ORAS and SM are empo's pretty confidently due to experience and skill level (should also note that nichiru has just been recycling others' teams this entire tour).
5. Quaze VS. 12. ima - ima is probably favoured here, quaze isnt bad but i think ima brings better teams and is a bit more skilled. this could go to 3 games for sure
6. FMG VS. 11. Lusa - hm, this is probably the most even closest to 50-50 MU imo, i would say FMG is slightly more favoured though. fmg does have the team advantage as he is pretty creative with his SM teams from what ive seen and as well lusa has been just reusing teams kind of like what i said for nichiru. could go either way, expecting a 2-1 win from fmg here
7. Pohjis VS. 10. Adri - idk much about either to make that good of a prediction (in OU). i think pohjis is definitely favoured as he is better rounded as a player.
8. Lopunny Kicks VS. 9. John W - pretty big edge to punny here, i think he's the better player, good building support, and has more experience