Smogon Tour Seasons 1-13 Statistics

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is a Contributor Alumnus

I have successfully moved all of the tour statistics to this spreadsheet:
Seasons 1-13 Tour Statistics

CTRL F IN ORDER TO FIND YOUR NAME (Also ctrl F your past alts and name changes - if you find any on the spreadsheet, Please Contact Me.)

Because the Spreadsheet is so massive (containing 2362 battlers) I regrettably had to make an entirely separate Spreadsheet Just For the People With Zero Wins - A Staggering 840 People. If you know you played in the tour, and do not see your name, check this spreadsheet to see if you are in the Zero Wins Club!

Zero Wins Club Spreadsheet

As always, let me know if you see a mistake that needs to be changed.

The previous thread, which contains all information on Smogon Tours 1-9 Statistics: Smogon Tour 1-9 Standings

Compiled by Kevin Garrett, Here Are The:
Smogon Tour Finals Statistics:

1) Veteran In Love - 6-1 (85.7%)
2) Bluewind - 6-3 (66.7%)
3) Giga Punch - 6-3 (66.7%)
4) Kevin Garrett - 6-4 (60.0%)
5) ENZ0 - 5-2 (71.4%)
6) Delta 2777 - 4-0 (100%)
7) Zak91 - 4-0 (100%)
8) Golden Sun - 4-1 (80.0%)
9) imperfectluck - 4-4 (50.0%)
10) Pokemon Professor - 3-0 (100%)
11) DarkLucario - 3-1 (75.0%)
12) goofball - 3-1 (75.0%)
13) Earthworm - 3-2 (60.0%)
14) Gouki - 3-2 (60.0%)
15) pokemaniac15 - 3-2 (60.0%)
16) xtrashine - 3-2 (60.0%)
17) Krack - 3-3 (50.0%)
18) Loki - 3-3 (50.0%)
19) Bad Ass - 2-1 (66.7%)
20) flax - 2-1 (66.7%)
21) franky - 2-1 (66.7%)
22) Folgorio - 2-1 (66.7%)
23) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 2-1 (66.7%)
24) HolyKnight - 2-1 (66.7%)
25) Nachos - 2-1 (66.7%)
26) peter_pan - 2-1 (66.7%)
27) reyscarface - 2-1 (66.7%)
28) Eo Ut Mortus - 2-2 (50.0%)
29) Lesm46 - 2-2 (50.0%)
30) 0mastar - 1-1 (50.0%)
31) 199 Lives - 1-1 (50.0%)
32) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-1 (50.0%)
33) Bloo - 1-1 (50.0%)
34) Conflict - 1-1 (50.0%)
35) husk - 1-1 (50.0%)
36) kd24 - 1-1 (50.0%)
37) Lady Bug - 1-1 (50.0%)
38) M Dragon - 1-1 (50.0%)
39) Maniaclyracist - 1-1 (50.0%)
40) Ojama - 1-1 (50.0%)
41) Rewer - 1-1 (50.0%)
42) unaware - 1-1 (50.0%)
43) Aqualouis - 1-2 (33.3%)
44) dbolt - 1-2 (33.3%)
45) Deep Thought - 1-2 (33.3%)
46) Eternal - 1-2 (33.3%)
47) Fear - 1-2 (33.3%)
48) gene - 1-2 (33.3%)
49) JabbaTheGriffin - 1-2 (33.3%)
50) Warthog - 1-2 (33.3%)
51) .CarloO~ - 0-1 (0.0%)
52) Abutorn - 0-1 (0.0%)
53) Ace777 - 0-1 (0.0%)
54) Aeolus - 0-1 (0.0%)
55) Anyone - 0-1 (0.0%)
56) Atticus - 0-1 (0.0%)
57) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
58) BIHI - 0-1 (0.0%)
59) blarajan - 0-1 (0.0%)
60) chaos - 0-1 (0.0%)
61) Devilkid - 0-1 (0.0%)
62) docteurM - 0-1 (0.0%)
63) DracoMalfoy - 0-1 (0.0%)
64) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
65) Fabbles - 0-1 (0.0%)
66) Heist - 0-1 (0.0%)
67) Iconic - 0-1 (0.0%)
68) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
69) Limitless - 0-1 (0.0%)
70) locopoke - 0-1 (0.0%)
71) LonelyNess - 0-1 (0.0%)
72) Maaf - 0-1 (0.0%)
73) makiri - 0-1 (0.0%)
74) McMeghan - 0-1 (0.0%)
75) Mekkah - 0-1 (0.0%)
76) mien - 0-1 (0.0%)
77) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)
78) panamaxis - 0-1 (0.0%)
79) Picollo - 0-1 (0.0%)
80) Pikaone - 0-1 (0.0%)
81) Playa - 0-1 (0.0%)
82) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)
83) remlabmez - 0-1 (0.0%)
84) SSBM roy - 0-1 (0.0%)
85) Taylor - 0-1 (0.0%)
86) The_Chaser - 0-1 (0.0%)
87) Tobes - 0-1 (0.0%)
88) ToF - 0-1 (0.0%)
89) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)
90) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Bluewind - 16-10 (61.5%)
2) Giga Punch - 14-7 (66.7%)
3) Veteran In Love - 14-7 (66.7%)
4) ENZ0 - 12-8 (60.0%)
5) Kevin Garrett - 12-16 (42.9%)
6) imperfectluck - 11-9 (55.0%)
7) Golden Sun - 9-5 (64.3%)
8) Krack - 9-8 (52.9%)
9) Delta 2777 - 8-2 (80.0%)
10) Zak91 - 8-2 (80.0%)
11) DarkLucario - 7-3 (70.0%)
12) Earthworm - 7-4 (63.6%)
13) Gouki - 7-5 (58.3%)
14) xtrashine 7-6 (53.8%)
15) Loki - 7-9 (43.8%)
16) Pokemon Professor - 6-1 (85.7%)
17) Bad Ass - 6-2 (75.0%)
18) goofball - 6-3 (66.7%)
19) Lesm46 - 6-4 (60.0%)
20) pokemaniac15 - 6-6 (50.0%)
21) HolyKnight - 5-2 (71.4%)
22) reyscarface - 5-2 (71.4%)
23) flax - 5-3 (62.5%)
24) Folgorio - 5-3 (62.5%)
25) franky - 5-3 (62.5%)
26) Eo Ut Mortus - 5-4 (55.6%)
27) Nachos - 5-4 (55.6%)
28) peter_pan - 5-4 (55.6%)
29) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 4-3 (57.1%)
30) Deep Thought - 4-4 (50.0%)
31) Eternal - 4-4 (50.0%)
32) gene - 4-4 (50.0%)
33) Lady Bug - 4-5 (44.4%)
34) 6A9 Ace Matador - 3-2 (60.0%)
35) husk - 3-2 (60.0%)
36) kd24 - 3-2 (60.0%)
37) Ojama - 3-2 (60.0%)
38) unaware - 3-2 (60.0%)
39) 199 Lives - 3-3 (50.0%)
40) dbolt - 3-3 (50.0%)
41) M Dragon - 3-3 (50.0%)
42) JabbaTheGriffin - 3-4 (42.9%)
43) Aqualouis - 3-6 (33.3%)
44) Bloo - 2-2 (50.0%)
45) 0mastar - 2-3 (40.0%)
46) Conflict - 2-3 (40.0%)
47) Maniaclyracist - 2-3 (40.0%)
48) Rewer - 2-3 (40.0%)
49) Warthog - 2-4 (33.3%)
50) Fear - 2-5 (28.6%)
51) Abutorn - 1-2 (33.3%)
52) Ace777 - 1-2 (33.3%)
53) Aeolus - 1-2 (33.3%)
54) Atticus - 1-2 (33.3%)
55) blarajan - 1-2 (33.3%)
56) Devilkid - 1-2 (33.3%)
57) docteurM - 1-2 (33.3%)
58) DracoMalfoy - 1-2 (33.3%)
59) Iconic - 1-2 (33.3%)
60) Lonelyness - 1-2 (33.3%)
62) Maaf - 1-2 (33.3%)
62) McMeghan - 1-2 (33.3%)
63) mien - 1-2 (33.3%)
64) panamaxis - 1-2 (33.3%)
65) Picollo - 1-2 (33.3%)
66) remlabmez - 1-2 (33.3%)
67) Taylor - 1-2 (33.3%)
68) ToF - 1-2 (33.3%)
69) .CarloO~ - 0-2 (0.0%)
70) Anyone - 0-2 (0.0%)
71) BIHI - 0-2 (0.0%)
72) chaos - 0-2 (0.0%)
73) Fabbles - 0-2 (0.0%)
74) Heist - 0-2 (0.0%)
75) Limitless - 0-2 (0.0%)
76) locopoke - 0-2 (0.0%)
77) makiri - 0-2 (0.0%)
78) Mekkah - 0-2 (0.0%)
79) Pikaone - 0-2 (0.0%)
80) Playa - 0-2 (0.0%)
81) PurpleWeezing - 0-2 (0.0%)
82) SSBM roy - 0-2 (0.0%)
83) The_chaser - 0-2 (0.0%)
84) Tobes - 0-2 (0.0%)
85) twash - 0-2 (0.0%)
86) B-Lulz - 0-3 (0.0%)
87) EspyJoel - 0-3 (0.0%)
88) Justin8649 - 0-3 (0.0%)
89) Mystica - 0-3 (0.0%)
90) undisputed - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) Giga Punch - 5-2 (71.4%)
2) Veteran In Love - 5-2 (71.4%)
3) dbolt - 3-0 (100%)
4) HolyKnight - 3-0 (100%)
5) pokemaniac15 - 3-2 (60.0%)
6) gotei(13) hyorinamaru - 2-1 (66.7%)
7) peter_pan - 2-1 (66.7%)
8) Pokemon Professor - 2-1 (66.7%)
9) Lesm46 - 2-2 (50.0%)
10) Devilkid - 1-0 (100%)
11) 0mastar - 1-1 (50.0%)
12) Fear - 1-1 (50.0%)
13) goofball - 1-1 (50.0%)
14) husk - 1-1 (50.0%)
15) Ace777 - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) Aeolus - 0-1 (0.0%)
17) Anyone - 0-1 (0.0%)
18) chaos - 0-1 (0.0%)
19) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
20) makiri - 0-1 (0.0%)
21) Mekkah - 0-1 (0.0%)
22) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)
23) Picollo - 0-1 (0.0%)
24) SSBM roy - 0-1 (0.0%)
25) imperfectluck - 0-2 (0.0%)
26) Warthog - 0-2 (0.0%)
27) gene - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) Giga Punch - 6-1 (85.7%)
2) Veteran In Love - 6-1 (85.7%)
3) Pokemon Professor - 2-0 (100%)
4) goofball - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Lesm46 - 2-2 (50.0%)
6) husk - 1-0 (100%)
7) Picollo - 1-0 (100%)
8) Fear - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 1-1 (50.0%)
10) HolyKnight - 1-1 (50.0%)
11) peter_pan - 1-1 (50.0%)
12) Warthog - 1-1 (50.0%)
13) dbolt - 1-2 (33.3%)
14) gene - 1-2 (33.3%)
15) Ace777 - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) Aeolus - 0-1 (0.0%)
17) Devilkid - 0-1 (0.0%)
18) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
19) Mekkah - 0-1 (0.0%)
20) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)
21) 0mastar - 0-2 (0.0%)
22) imperfectluck - 0-2 (0.0%)
23) pokemaniac15 - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) ENZ0 - 5-2 (71.4%)
2) gene - 3-0 (100%)
3) Krack - 3-0 (100%)
4) goofball - 3-1 (75.0%)
5) pokemaniac15 - 3-1 (75.0%)
6) Kevin Garrett - 3-2 (60.0%)
7) Giga Punch - 3-4 (42.9%)
8) Veteran In Love - 3-4 (42.9%)
9) Aqualouis - 2-0 (100%)
10) JabbaTheGriffin - 2-0 (100%)
11) Lesm46 - 2-0 (100%)
12) Pokemon Professor - 2-0 (100%)
13) franky - 2-1 (66.7%)
14) peter_pan - 2-1 (66.7%)
15) Bluewind - 2-3 (40.0%)
16) Golden Sun - 2-3 (40.0%)
17) 0mastar - 1-0 (100%)
18) Ace777 - 1-0 (100%)
19) Aeolus - 1-0 (100%)
20) blarajan - 1-0 (100%)
21) Bloo - 1-0 (100%)
22) docteurM - 1-0 (100%)
23) Iconic - 1-0 (100%)
24) imperfectluck - 1-0 (100%)
25) gotei(13) hyorinamaru - 1-1 (50.0%)
26) HolyKnight - 1-1 (50.0%)
27) husk - 1-1 (50.0%)
28) M Dragon - 1-1 (50.0%)
29) Ojama - 1-1 (50.0%)
30) reyscarface - 1-1 (50.0%)
31) Warthog - 1-1 (50.0%)
32) Nachos - 1-2 (33.3%)
33) Anyone - 0-1 (0.0%)
34) BIHI - 0-1 (0.0%)
35) chaos - 0-1 (0.0%)
36) Devilkid - 0-1 (0.0%)
37) DracoMalfloy - 0-1 (0.0%)
38) Heist - 0-1 (0.0%)
39) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
40) Limitless - 0-1 (0.0%)
41) makiri - 0-1 (0.0%0
42) McMeghan - 0-1 (0.0%)
43) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)
44) Picollo - 0-1 (0.0%)
45) Pikaone - 0-1 (0.0%)
46) Playa - 0-1 (0.0%)
47) SSBM roy - 0-1 (0.0%)
48) Tobes - 0-1 (0.0%)
49) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)
50) 199 Lives - 0-2 (0.0%)
51) xtrashine - 0-2 (0.0%)
52) dbolt - 0-3 (0.0%)
53) Fear - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) imperfectluck - 6-0 (100%)
2) Bluewind - 6-3 (66.7%)
3) Kevin Garrett - 4-5 (44.4%)
4) Bad Ass - 3-0 (100%)
5) Delta 2777 - 3-1 (75.0%)
6) Golden Sun - 3-2 (60.0%)
7) xtrashine - 3-2 (60.0%)
8) ENZ0 - 3-4 (42.9%)
9) 199 Lives - 2-0 (100%)
10) M Dragon - 2-0 (100%)
11) Ojama - 2-0 (100%)
12) unaware - 2-0 (100%)
13) DarkLucario - 2-1 (66.7%)
14) Earthworm - 2-1 (66.7%)
15) flax - 2-1 (66.7%)
16) Folgorio - 2-1 (66.7%)
17) franky - 2-1 (66.7%)
18) Nachos - 2-1 (66.7%)
19) reyscarface - 2-1 (66.7%)
20) Zak91 - 2-1 (66.7%)
21) Loki - 2-4 (33.3%)
22) Abutorn - 1-0 (100%)
23) Atticus - 1-0 (100%)
24) Maaf - 1-0 (100%)
25) mien - 1-0 (100%)
26) panamaxis - 1-0 (100%)
27) ToF - 1-0 (100%)
28) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-1 (50.0%)
29) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-1 (50.0%)
30) JabbaTheGriffin - 1-1 (50.0%)
31) kd24 - 1-1 (50.0%)
32) Maniaclyracist - 1-1 (50.0%)
33) Rewer - 1-1 (50.0%)
34) Aqualouis - 1-2 (33.3%)
35) Gouki - 1-2 (33.3%)
36) Krack - 1-5 (16.7%)
37) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
38) blarajan - 0-1 (0.0%)
39) Bloo - 0-1 (0.0%)
40) Conflict - 0-1 (0.0%)
41) docteurM - 0-1 (0.0%)
42) DracoMalfoy - 0-1 (0.0%)
43) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
44) Heist - 0-1 (0.0%)
45) Iconic - 0-1 (0.0%)
46) Limitless - 0-1 (0.0%)
47) locopoke - 0-1 (0.0%)
48) LonelyNess - 0-1 (0.0%)
49) McMeghan - 0-1 (0.0%)
50) Pikaone - 0-1 (0.0%)
51) Playa - 0-1 (0.0%)
52) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)
53) remlabmez - 0-1 (0.0%)
54) Taylor - 0-1 (0.0%)
55) Tobes - 0-1 (0.0%)
56) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)
57) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)
58) Deep Thought - 0-2 (0.0%)
59) Eternal - 0-2 (0.0%)
60) Lady Bug - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) DarkLucario - 4-0 (100%)
2) Folgorio - 3-0 (100%)
3) Bluewind - 3-1 (75.0%)
4) Delta 2777 - 3-1 (75.0%)
5) Earthworm - 3-1 (75.0%)
6) Loki - 3-2 (60.0%)
7) flax - 2-0 (100%)
8) Bad Ass - 2-1 (66.7%)
9) Krack - 2-1 (66.7%)
10) Zak91 - 2-1 (66.7%)
11) Eo Ut Mortus - 2-2 (50.0%)
12) Gouki - 2-2 (50.0%)
13) imperfectluck - 2-2 (50.0%)
14) Lady Bug - 2-2 (50.0%)
15) Kevin Garrett - 2-3 (40.0%)
16) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-0 (100%)
17) LonelyNess - 1-0 (100%)
18) xtrashine - 1-0 (100%)
19) Conflict - 1-1 (50.0%)
20) kd24 - 1-1 (50.0%)
21) unaware - 1-1 (50.0%)
22) Deep Thought - 1-2 (33.3%)
23) Eternal - 1-2 (33.3%)
24) .CarloO~ - 0-1 (0.0%)
25) Abutorn - 0-1 (0.0%)
26) Aqualouis - 0-1 (0.0%)
27) Atticus - 0-1 (0.0%)
28) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
29) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
30) Fabbles - 0-1 (0.0%)
31) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
32) locopoke - 0-1 (0.0%)
33) Maaf - 0-1 (0.0%)
34) Maniaclyracist - 0-1 (0.0%)
35) mien - 0-1 (0.0%)
36) panamaxis - 0-1 (0.0%)
37) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)
38) remlabmez - 0-1 (0.0%)
39) Rewer - 0-1 (0.0%)
40) Taylor - 0-1 (0.0%)
41) The_Chaser - 0-1 (0.0%)
42) ToF - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Zak91 - 4-0 (100%)
2) Gouki - 4-1 (80.0%)
3) Deep Thought - 3-0 (100%)
4) Eternal - 3-0 (100%)
5) Krack - 3-0 (100%)
6) Delta 2777 - 2-0 (100%)
7) Lady Bug - 2-0 (100%)
8) Eo Ut Mortus - 2-1 (66.7%)
9) Bluewind - 2-2 (50.0%)
10) Earthworm - 2-2 (50.0%)
11) imperfectluck - 2-3 (40.0%)
12) Kevin Garrett - 2-3 (40.0%)
13) Loki - 2-3 (40.0%)
14) kd24 - 1-0 (100%)
15) remlabmez - 1-0 (100%)
16) Taylor - 1-0 (100%)
17) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-1 (50.0%)
18) Bad Ass - 1-1 (50.0%)
19) Conflict - 1-1 (50.0%)
20) Maniaclyracist - 1-1 (50.0%)
21) Rewer - 1-1 (50.0%)
22) DarkLucario - 1-2 (33.3%)
23) flax - 1-2 (33.3%)
24) xtrashine - 1-2 (33.3%)
25) .CarloO~ - 0-1 (0.0%)
26) Abutorn - 0-1 (0.0%)
27) Atticus - 0-1 (0.0%)
28) Aqualouis - 0-1 (0.0%)
29) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
30) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
31) Fabbles - 0-1 (0.0%)
32) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
33) LonelyNess - 0-1 (0.0%)
34) Maaf - 0-1 (0.0%)
35) mien - 0-1 (0.0%)
36) panamaxis - 0-1 (0.0%)
37) The_Chaser - 0-1 (0.0%)
38) ToF - 0-1 (0.0%)
39) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)
40) unaware - 0-1 (0.0%)
41) Folgorio - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Golden Sun - 4-0 (100%)
2) ENZ0 - 4-2 (66.7%)
3) Bluewind - 3-1 (75.0%)
4) reyscarface - 2-0 (100%)
5) xtrashine - 2-0 (100%)
6) Nachos - 2-1 (66.7%)
7) DracoMalfoy - 1-0 (100%)
8) McMeghan - 1-0 (100%)
9) 199 Lives - 1-1 (50.0%)
10) Bloo - 1-1 (50.0%)
11) franky - 1-1 (50.0%)
12) Kevin Garrett - 1-3 (25.0%)
13) BIHI - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) blarajan - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) docteurM - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) Iconic - 0-1 (0.0%)
17) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
18) Ojama - 0-1 (0.0%)
19) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)
20) Aqualouis - 0-2 (0.0%)
21) Krack - 0-2 (0.0%)
22) M Dragon - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Kevin Garrett - 4-0 (100%)
2) Bluewind - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) ENZ0 - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) reyscarface - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Aqualouis - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) Bloo - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) M Dragon - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) xtrashine - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) BIHI - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) blarajan - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) DracoMalfoy - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Golden Sun - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Krack - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) McMeghan - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) Pikaone - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Kevin Garrett - 8-4 (66.7%)
2) Bluewind - 7-4 (63.6%)
3) reyscarface - 5-2 (71.4%)
4) ENZ0 - 5-3 (62.5%)
5) Aqualouis - 3-3 (50.0%)
6) M Dragon - 3-3 (50.0%)
7) xtrashine - 3-3 (50.0%)
8) Bloo - 2-2 (50.0%)
9) blarajan - 1-2 (33.3%)
10) Dracomalfoy - 1-2 (33.3%)
11) Golden Sun - 1-2 (33.3%)
12) Krack - 1-2 (33.3%)
13) McMeghan - 1-2 (33.3%)
14) BIHI - 0-2 (0.0%)
15) Pikaone - 0-2 (0.0%)
16) undisputed - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) Kevin Garrett - 3-1 (75.0%)
2) Aqualouis - 2-0 (100%)
3) ENZ0 - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) Bluewind - 2-2 (50.0%)
5) blarajan - 1-0 (100%)
6) Bloo - 1-0 (100%)
7) Krack - 1-0 (100%)
8) M Dragon - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) reyscarface - 1-1 (50.0%)
10) BIHI - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) DracoMalfoy - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Golden Sun - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) McMeghan - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Pikaone - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) xtrashine - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Kevin Garrett - 4-0 (100%)
2) M Dragon - 2-0 (100%)
3) ENZ0 - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) reyscarface - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Bluewind - 2-2 (50.0%)
6) Aqualouis - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) xtrashine - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) blarajan - 0-1 (0.0%)
9) Bloo - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) DracoMalfoy - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Golden Sun - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Krack - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) McMeghan - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Pikaone - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Bluewind - 3-0 (100%)
2) reyscarface - 2-0 (100%)
3) xtrashine - 2-0 (100%)
4) DracoMalfoy - 1-0 (100%)
5) Golden Sun - 1-0 (100%)
6) McMeghan - 1-0 (100%)
7) Bloo - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) ENZ0 - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) Kevin Garrett - 1-3 (25.0%)
10) BIHI - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) blarajan - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Krack - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) undisputed - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Aqualouis - 0-2 (0.0%)
15) M Dragon - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Golden Sun - 4-0 (100%)
2) ENZ0 - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) franky - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) Nachos - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) 199 Lives - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) JabbaTheGriffin - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) Krack - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Ojama - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) Bluewind - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) docteurM - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Iconic - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Heist - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Limitless - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) Playa - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) Tobes - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Golden Sun - 8-3 (72.7%)
2) ENZ0 - 7-5 (58.3%)
3) franky - 5-3 (62.5%)
4) Nachos - 5-4 (55.6%)
5) JabbaTheGriffin - 3-2 (60.0%)
6) Krack - 3-2 (60.0%)
7) Ojama - 3-2 (60.0%)
8) 199 Lives - 3-3 (50.0%)
9) Bluewind - 1-2 (33.3%)
10) docteurM - 1-2 (33.3%)
11) Iconic - 1-2 (33.3%)
12) Heist - 0-2 (0.0%)
13) Kevin Garrett - 0-2 (0.0%)
14) Limitless - 0-2 (0.0%)
15) Playa - 0-2 (0.0%)
16) Tobes - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) ENZ0 - 3-1 (75.0%)
2) JabbaTheGriffin - 2-0 (100%)
3) Krack - 2-0 (100%)
4) franky - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Golden Sun - 2-2 (50.0%)
6) docteurM - 1-0 (100%)
7) Iconic - 1-0 (100%)
8) Ojama - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) Nachos - 1-2 (33.3%)
10) Bluewind - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Heist - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Limitless - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Playa - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) Tobes - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) 199 Lives - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Golden Sun - 3-1 (75.0%)
2) 199 Lives - 2-0 (100%)
3) Ojama - 2-0 (100%)
4) franky - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Nachos - 2-1 (66.7%)
6) Bluewind - 1-0 (100%)
7) JabbaTheGriffin - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Krack - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) ENZO - 1-3 (25.0%)
10) docteurM - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Heist - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Iconic - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Limitless - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) Playa - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) Tobes - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Golden Sun - 3-0 (100%)
2) ENZ0 - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) Nachos - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) 199 Lives - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) franky - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) Bluewind - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) docteurM - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Iconic - 0-1 (0.0%)
9) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) Krack - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Ojama - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Delta 2777 - 4-0 (100%)
2) Bluewind - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) Bad Ass - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) Folgorio - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) Deep Thought - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) kd24 - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Kevin Garrett - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) .CarloO~ - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Eternal - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Maaf - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Lady Bug - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) locopoke - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) The_Chaser - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Delta 2777 - 8-2 (80.0%)
2) Bluewind - 8-4 (66.7%)
3) Bad Ass - 6-2 (75.0%)
4) Folgorio - 5-3 (62.5%)
5) Deep Thought - 3-2 (60.0%)
6) kd24 - 3-2 (60.0%)
7) Eo Ut Mortus - 2-2 (50.0%)
8) Kevin Garrett - 2-4 (33.3%)
9) Eternal - 1-2 (33.3%)
10) Maaf - 1-2 (33.3%)
11) .CarloO~ - 0-2 (0.0%)
12) Lady Bug - 0-2 (0.0%)
13) locopoke - 0-2 (0.0%)
14) The_Chaser - 0-2 (0.0%)
15) B-Lulz - 0-3 (0.0%)
16) EspyJoel - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) Bad Ass - 3-0 (100%)
2) Bluewind - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) Delta 2777 - 3-1 (75.0%)
4) Folgorio - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Maaf - 1-0 (100%)
6) kd24 - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Deep Thought - 0-1 (0.0%)
9) Eo Ut Mortus - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Eternal - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Lady Bug - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) locopoke - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Kevin Garrett - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Folgorio - 3-0 (100%)
2) Bluewind - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) Delta 2777 - 3-1 (75.0%)
4) Bad Ass - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) Deep Thought - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) kd24 - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Kevin Garrett - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) .CarloO~ - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Eternal - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Maaf - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Lady Bug - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) locopoke - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) The_Chaser - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Deep Thought - 2-0 (100%)
2) Delta 2777 - 2-0 (100%)
3) Bluewind - 2-2 (50.0%)
4) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-0 (100%)
5) Eternal - 1-0 (100%)
6) kd24 - 1-0 (100%)
7) Bad Ass - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Kevin Garrett - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) .CarloO~ - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) B-Lulz - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) EspyJoel - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Maaf - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) The_Chaser - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Folgorio - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Zak91 - 4-0 (100%)
2) imperfectluck - 3-1 (75.0%)
3) Lady Bug - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) xtrashine - 2-1 (66.7%)
5) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) Conflict - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) Kevin Garrett - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Rewer - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) Abutorn - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) Aqualouis - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Atticus - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) DarkLucario - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Deep Thought - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) LonelyNess - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) panamaxis - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Zak91 - 8-2 (80.0%)
2) imperfectluck - 7-2 (77.8%)
3) Lady Bug - 4-3 (57.1%)
4) xtrashine - 4-3 (57.1%)
5) 6A9 Ace Matador - 3-2 (60.0%)
6) Conflict - 2-3 (40.0%)
7) Kevin Garrett - 2-3 (40.0%)
8) Rewer - 2-3 (40.0%)
9) Abutorn - 1-2 (33.3%)
10) Atticus - 1-2 (33.3%)
11) DarkLucario - 1-2 (33.3%)
12) Deep Thought - 1-2 (33.3%)
13) LonelyNess - 1-2 (33.3%)
14) panamaxis - 1-2 (33.3%)
15) Loki - 0-2 (0.0%)
16) Aqualouis - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) imperfectluck - 4-0 (100%)
2) xtrashine - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Zak91 - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) Abutorn - 1-0 (100%)
5) Atticus - 1-0 (100%)
6) panamaxis - 1-0 (100%)
7) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Rewer - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) Aqualouis - 0-1 (0.0%)
10) Conflict - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) DarkLucario - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Deep Thought - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) LonelyNess - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) Lady Bug - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Lady Bug - 2-1 (66.7%)
2) Zak91 - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-0 (100%)
4) DarkLucario - 1-0 (100%)
5) LonelyNess - 1-0 (100%)
6) xtrashine - 1-0 (100%)
7) imperfectluck - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Conflict - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) Kevin Garrett - 1-1 (50.0%)
10) Abutorn - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Aqualouis - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Atticus - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) Deep Thought - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) panamaxis - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) Rewer - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Zak91 - 4-0 (100%)
2) Lady Bug - 2-0 (100%)
3) imperfectluck - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) Deep Thought - 1-0 (100%)
5) 6A9 Ace Matador - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) Conflict - 1-1 (50.0%)
7) Kevin Garrett - 1-1 (50.0%)
8) Rewer - 1-1 (50.0%)
9) xtrashine - 1-2 (33.3%)
10) Abutorn - 0-1 (0.0%)
11) Aqualouis - 0-1 (0.0%)
12) Atticus - 0-1 (0.0%)
13) DarkLucario - 0-1 (0.0%)
14) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
15) LonelyNess - 0-1 (0.0%)
16) panamaxis - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) DarkLucario - 3-0 (100%)
2) Krack - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) imperfectluck - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) remlabmex - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) ToF - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) DarkLucario - 6-1 (85.7%)
2) Krack - 5-4 (55.6%)
3) Eo Ut Mortus - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) imperfectluck - 3-3 (50.0%)
5) remlabmex - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) ToF - 1-2 (33.3%)
7) Loki - 0-2 (0.0%)
8) Kevin Garrett - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) DarkLucario - 2-0 (100%)
2) imperfectluck - 2-0 (100%)
3) ToF - 1-0 (100%)
4) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-0 (100%)
5) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) remlabmex - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Krack - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) DarkLucario - 3-0 (100%)
2) Krack - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) imperfectluck - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) remlabmex - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) ToF - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Krack - 3-0 (100%)
2) remlabmex - 1-0 (100%)
3) DarkLucario - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Eo Ut Mortus - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Kevin Garrett - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) ToF - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Loki - 3-0 (100%)
2) flax - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Gouki - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) unaware - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Earthworm - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) mien - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Loki - 6-3 (66.7%)
2) flax - 5-3 (62.5%)
3) unaware - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) Gouki - 3-3 (50.0%)
5) Eathworm - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) mien - 1-2 (33.3%)
7) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) unaware - 2-0 (100%)
2) flax - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Loki - 2-1 (66.7%)
4) mien - 1-0 (100%)
5) Earthworm - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Gouki - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) flax - 2-0 (100%)
2) Loki 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Gouki - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) unaware - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Earthworm - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) mien - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) PurpleWeezing - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Gouki - 2-0 (100%)
2) Loki - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Earthworm - 1-0 (100%)
4) flax - 1-2 (33.3%)
5) mien - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) twash - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) unaware - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Earthworm - 3-0 (100%)
2) Gouki - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Eternal - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Maniaclyracist - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Fabbles - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Taylor - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Earthworm - 6-2 (75.0%)
2) Gouki - 4-2 (66.7%)
3) Eternal - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) Maniaclyracist - 2-3 (40.0%)
5) Loki - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) Taylor - 1-2 (33.3%)
7) Fabbles - 0-2 (0.0%)
8) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Earthworm - 2-0 (100%)
2) Gouki - 1-0 (100%)
3) Maniaclyracist - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Eternal - 0-1 (0.0%)
5) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Taylor - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Earthworm - 3-0 (100%)
2) Loki - 1-0 (100%)
3) Eternal - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Gouki - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Fabbles - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Maniaclyracist - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Taylor - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Eternal - 2-0 (100%)
2) Gouki - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Taylor - 1-0 (100%)
4) Maniaclyracist - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Earthworm - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) Fabbles - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) JabbaTheGriffin - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Loki - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Giga Punch - 3-0 (100%)
2) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Fear - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) gene - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Ace777 - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) dbolt - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) makiri - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Giga Punch - 6-1 (85.7%)
2) gotei(13) hyorinmaru 4-3 (57.1%)
3) gene - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) Fear - 2-3 (40.0%)
5) Ace777 - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) dbolt - 1-2 (33.3%)
7) imperfectluck - 1-2 (33.3%)
8) makiri - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Giga Punch - 2-0 (100%)
2) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) dbolt - 1-0 (100%)
4) Fear - 1-0 (100%)
5) Ace777 - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) makiri - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) gene - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Giga Punch - 3-0 (100%)
2) gene - 1-1 (50.0%)
3) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Fear - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Ace777 - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) dbolt - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) gene - 2-0 (100%)
2) Ace777 - 1-0 (100%)
3) imperfectluck - 1-0 (100%)
4) Giga Punch - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 1-1 (50.0%)
6) dbolt - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) makiri - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Fear - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) goofball - 3-0 (100%)
2) Giga Punch - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) husk - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) dbolt - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Fear - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) gene - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) goofball - 6-1 (85.7%)
2) Giga Punch - 4-2 (66.7%)
3) husk - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) dbolt - 3-3 (50.0%)
5) gene - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) Fear - 0-2 (0.0%)
7) imperfectluck - 0-2 (0.0%)
8) Mystica - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) dbolt - 2-0 (100%)
2) Giga Punch - 2-0 (100%)
3) goofball - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) husk - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Fear - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) gene - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) goofball - 2-0 (100%)
2) husk - 1-0 (100%)
3) dbolt - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Giga Punch - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) gene - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) imperfectluck - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) goofball - 3-0 (100%)
2) gene - 1-0 (100%)
3) Giga Punch - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) husk - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Fear - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Mystica - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) dbolt - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 3-0 (100%)
2) peter_pan - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Giga Punch - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Lesm46 - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Aeolus - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Anyone - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) SSBM roy - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Warthog - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 6-3 (66.7%)
2) peter_pan - 5-3 (62.5%)
3) Giga Punch - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) Lesm46 - 3-2 (60.0%)
5) Aeolus - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) Anyone - 0-2 (0.0%)
7) SSBM roy - 0-2 (0.0%)
8) Warthog - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 3-0 (100%)
2) peter_pan - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Giga Punch - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Lesm46 - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Aeolus - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Anyone - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) SSBM roy - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Warthog - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 2-1 (66.7%)
2) Giga Punch - 1-0 (100%)
3) Lesm46 - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) peter_pan - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Aeolus - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Warthog - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) peter_pan - 2-1 (66.7%)
2) Aeolus - 1-0 (100%)
3) Lesm46 - 1-0 (100%)
4) Giga Punch - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Veteran In Love - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) Anyone - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) SSBM roy - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Pokemon Professor - 3-0 (100%)
2) pokemaniac15 - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) 0mastar - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Warthog - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Devilkid - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Giga Punch - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) goodfball - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Veteran In Love - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Pokemon Professor - 6-1 (85.7%)
2) pokemaniac15 - 4-3 (57.1%)
3) Warthog - 2-2 (50.0%)
4) 0mastar - 2-3 (40.0%)
5) Devilkid - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) Giga Punch - 1-2 (33.3%)
7) Veteran In Love 1-2 (33.3%)
8) goofball - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) pokemaniac15 - 2-1 (66.7%)
2) Pokemon Professor - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Devilkid - 1-0 (100%)
4) 0mastar - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Giga Punch 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Veteran In Love 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Warthog - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Pokemon Professor - 2-0 (100%)
2) Giga Punch - 1-0 (100%)
3) Veteran In Love - 1-0 (100%)
4) Warthog - 1-0 (100%)
5) Devilkid - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) goofball - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) pokemaniac15 - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) 0mastar - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Pokemon Professor - 2-0 (100%)
2) pokemaniac15 - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) 0mastar - 1-0 (100%)
4) Warthog - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Devilkid - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Giga Punch - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) goofball - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Veteran In Love - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 3-0 (100%)
2) HolyKnight - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Lesm46 - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) pokemaniac15 - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) chaos - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Mekkah - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Picollo - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 7-2 (77.8%)
2) HolyKnight - 5-2 (71.4%)
3) Lesm46 - 3-2 (60.0%)
4) pokemaniac15 - 2-3 (40.0%)
5) Picollo - 1-2 (33.3%)
6) chaos - 0-2 (0.0%)
7) Mekkah - 0-2 (0.0%)
8) Justin8649 - 0-3 (0.0%)

1) HolyKnight - 3-0 (100%)
2) Veteran In Love - 2-1 (66.7%)
3) Lesm46 - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) pokemaniac15 - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) chaos - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Mekkah - 0-1 (0.0%)
8) Picollo - 0-1 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 3-0 (100%)
2) Picollo - 1-0 (100%)
3) HolyKnight - 1-1 (50.0%)
4) Lesm46 - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Mekkah - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) pokemaniac15 - 0-2 (0.0%)

1) Veteran In Love - 2-1 (66.7%)
2) Lesm46 - 1-0 (100%)
3) pokemaniac15 - 1-0 (100%)
4) HolyKnight - 1-1 (50.0%)
5) chaos - 0-1 (0.0%)
6) Justin8649 - 0-1 (0.0%)
7) Picollo - 0-1 (0.0%)

Thanks for looking!
Last edited by a moderator:
909) ~xXxXTU_DA1337NESSXxXx~ - 1-1

is bad ass during some random name change

Also, some people who made top 8 are italicized (kd24, bad ass, Deep Thought, Conflict), and I don't think locopoke ever made top 8 (scrub).

Good stuff.
im worried this isnt going to get enough credit - excellent job as always fabbles, although i do have to mention that i should be bolded - i came top 8 in season 10
The distinction between Top 8 and Top 16 isn't based on your performance in the finals. Keep in mind this is solely regular season records. It is based on the final standings of the season.

Amazing job again, Fabbles.
1) Maniaclyrasist - 39-9 (81.3%)
2) Pokemaniac15 - 56-23 (70.9%)
3) Veteran In Love - 103-43 (70.5%)
4) Flax - 40-17 (70.2%)
5) Bluewind - 106-46 (69.7%)
6) Imperfectluck - 189-84 (69.2%)
7) Fabbles - 66-30 (68.8%)
8) DarkLucario - 92-42 (68.7%)
9) Zak91 - 67-31 (68.4%)
10) Deep Thought - 109-51 (68.1%)
11) Krack - 100-47 (68.0%)
12) Anyone - 40-19 (67.8%)
13) Earthworm - 90-43 (67.7%)
14) Delta 2777 - 73-35 (67.6%)
15) Lady Bug - 120-60 (66.7%)
16) Folgorio - 50-25 (66.7%)
17) Kevin Garrett – 134-69 (66.0%)
18) JabbaTheGriffin - 104-54 (65.8%)
19) Twist of Fate - 51-27 (65.4%)
20) Malekith - 72-39 (64.9%)
21) husk - 83-45 (64.8%)
22) Lesm46 - 46-25 (64.8%)
23) Mind - 80-44 (64.5%)
24) Loki - 143-79 (64.4%)
25) Giga Punch - 100-58 (63.4%)
26) Fear - 43-25 (63.2%)
27) 6A9 Ace Matador. - 106-62 (63.1%)
28) FM - 51-30 (63.0%)
29) Eo Ut Mortus - 127-76 (62.6%)
30) Eternal - 102-61 (62.6%)
31) Devilkid - 40-24 (62.5%)
32) Gouki - 87-53 (62.1%)
33) locopoke - 134-82 (62.0%)
34) Conflict - 67-41 (62.0%)
35) LonelyNess - 44-27 (62.0%)
36) goofball - 137-85 (61.7%)
37) Golden Sun - 74-46 (61.7%)
38) PurpleWeezing - 69-43 (61.6%)
39) M Dragon - 59-37 (61.5%)
40) Justinawe - 68-43 (61.3%)
41) Gaborik - 46-29 (61.3%)
42) Heist - 60-38 (61.2%)
43) The_Chaser - 52-33 (61.1%)
44) aziki - 44-28 (61.1%)
45) Bad Ass - 100-64 (60.8%)
46) Atticus - 62-40 (60.8%)
47) Warthog - 65-42 (60.7%)
48) kd24 - 117-77 (60.3%)
49) Stone_Cold - 64-43 (59.8%)
50) Joel - 58-39 (59.8%)
51) .CarloO~ - 57-39 (59.4%)
52) Taylor - 72-50 (59.1%)
53) IronBullet93 - 65-45 (59.1%)
54) Aqualouis - 74-52 (58.7%)
55) wilson46 - 54-38 (58.7%)
56) Philip7086 - 66-47 (58.4%)
57) Pokemon Professor - 45-32 (58.4%)
58) ENZ0 - 53-38 (58.2%)
59) Xtrashine - 80-58 (58.0%)
60) Aeroblacktyl - 81-59 (57.9%)
61) marioland - 44-32 (57.9%)
62) tito - 60-44 (57.7%)
63) Mystica - 45-33 (57.7%)
64) Iconic - 61-45 (57.5%)
65) G80 - 124-95 (56.6%)
66) franky - 61-47 (56.5%)
67) peter_pan - 68-53 (56.2%)
68) Nachos - 50-40 (55.6%)
69) Gotei(13) hyorinmaru - 51-41 (55.4%)
70) twash - 83-67 (55.3%)
71) cune - 47-38 (55.3%)
72) B-Lulz - 76-64 (54.3%)
73) dbolt - 76-64 (54.3%)
74) Celsius - 46-39 (54.1%)
75) Indra - 75-64 (54.0%)
76) Justin8649 - 44-38 (53.7%)
77) Mien. - 62-54 (53.4%)
78) Sapientia - 90-79 (53.3%)
79) Cristal - 56-49 (53.3%)
80) docteurM - 48-42 (53.3%)
81) Aeolus - 79-71 (52.8%)
82) Obi - 41-37 (52.6%)
83) Pocket - 53-48 (52.5%)
84) _Flygon_ - 55-50 (52.4%)
85) Skarm - 45-41 (52.3%)
86) Kefka - 40-37 (51.9%)
87) Tyler - 40-37 (51.9%)
88) KnightOfTheWind - 64-61 (51.2%)
89) Mizuno - 44-42 (51.1%)
90) Reyscarface - 82-79 (50.9%)
91) hanke - 57-55 (50.9%)
92) sasu - 68-66 (50.7%)
93) PrayingMantis - 42-41 (50.6%)
94) Floppy - 51-51 (50.0%)
95) TV-Rocka - 49-49 (50.0%)
96) Takua - 51-56 (47.7%)
97) Picollo - 46-56 (45.1%)
98) Agammemnon - 43-53 (44.8%)
99) symphonyx64 - 43-54 (44.3%)
100) supermarth64 - 40-54 (42.6%)
And I never have been in the top 16, twice #17 with 1 point less than the #16 xD

Great Job ;)
good job BIG man. is it too much to ask for another big deal tourney?? i kinda like loco's idea of a swiss tourney this time around. there are never any high quality swisses!
829) Dublinnaser1 - 2-3

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