Smogon VGC 2021 Major - Confirmation Signups ($1150 in Prizing)

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[QUOTE = "Raineko, publicación: 8843006, miembro: 294287"]
Nombre de usuario de Battlefy : diegoalipioquispe007
Pokemon Showdown Nombre de usuario: DiplioPKMN
Nombre de usuario de Discord (incluya los números): DiplioPKMN # 4846

En para ir x-3
Battlefy Username: RegiKitty
Pokemon Showdown Username: RegiKiッty
Discord Username (include the numbers): Kitty#9295

uhhhh short question for the battlefy sign-up - it asks for a country flag?
Does it matter what I put there? I like, live in the US as a resident but I'm a German citizen lol
so just United States, right?

thank you for answering my question so quickly!
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Battlefy Username: Rahxen
Pokemon Showdown Username: Rahxen
Discord Username (include the numbers): Rahxen#3277
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Reactions: zee
Battlefy Username: mitch2701
Pokemon Showdown Username: Kendrink
Discord Username (include the numbers):


is a Site Content Manager Alumnusis a Forum Moderator Alumnusis a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis a Top Contributor Alumnusis a Past WCoP Champion
MPL Champion
Battlefy Username: Bouff
Pokemon Showdown Username: Bouff
Discord Username (include the numbers): Safir#7965
This is the signup thread for the 2021 Smogon VGC Major! Use this thread to find out the rules and information of the tournament. This thread should be for player signups only. You are required to signup in this thread to play in the tournament.

Please make sure you've already signed up on the battlefy page here.

Once you have, please post the following information:

Battlefy Username:
Pokemon Showdown Username:
Discord Username (include the numbers):
Battlefy Username: rkd272
Pokemon Showdown Username: rkd272
Discord Username (include the numbers): RKD_TBH#2517
Battlefy Username: JotaZombie HL
Pokemon Showdown Username: JotaZombie HL
Discord Username (include the numbers): JotaBrand#8526
Battlefy Username: Draco000
Pokemon Showdown Username: tqew
Discord Username (include the numbers):
Battlefy Username: Willy
Pokemon Showdown Username: WillE_VGC
Discord Username (include the numbers):Willy#1862
Battlefy Username: Trauxe
Pokemon Showdown Username: Trauxe
Discord Username (include the numbers):
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