Other Smogon Yu-Gi-Oh! Goat Format Tournament

Round 1

Camden vs. Crossia
Athena's Myth
vs. violet river
MANbat vs. maki
vs. r0ady
Brine vs. ILSB
Hyogafodex vs. benevole
Cicada vs. MeEsSm
ExguardiaN vs. Fakes
hellom vs. Alkione
marsandback vs. Louna
Charmflash vs. Maxisc23
Heika vs. Tack
D4 Repertoire
vs. Isza
Sergio Aguero vs. Concept
Imanalt vs. SM Larvitar
Siglut vs. blank

Select your Deck in the red box. Select Goat Format, and host it as a 2 out of 3 Match in the green box.
Please remember to post the replay with your winpost.
This round will last until December 30th, but you can ask for extensions.

Merry Christmas :sphearical:
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There is a little misuse of Tsukuyomi in this replay. You need to target something if available to set face-down, in this case it had to target itself which wouldn't have let you bounce it back to the hand after Creature Swap.

Generally I will not intervene post-match, if a result is agreed upon by both players that is the result and you are responsible for making sure the games get played cleanly. I just don't want people to see this as an invitation to do their best to cheat so if you're caught doing it intentionally you may incur punishments like a game loss, match loss or just a full re-play depending on severity and intentionality determined.

Also just a short gameplay PSA since it may not be obvious you should try to activate Thunder Dragon asap. His purpose is usually to get more cards in your hand for discards, get light monsters in your grave, and thin your deck.
