Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament IX - Cycle 4 Signups

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Quite Quiet

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Welcome to Cycle 4 of Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament. If your sign-up post does not follow the rules explained below, it will be ignored. This Cycle will run for 8 days and will end around Monday, August 29th at 12:00 am EDT (GMT-4).

We use the regular Pokemon Showdown SS OU ladder for this tournament.


LT94JE ForumNameHere
- "ForumNameHere" obviously denotes your forum name. You are only allowed one alt per cycle, which must follow the aforementioned format.

Here's an example sign-up post for you all to follow:
Forum name: Quite Quiet
Cycle 4 Alt: LT94JE Quite Quiet
Does my alt for Cycle 4 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes

YOU MUST SIGN UP WITH YOUR FRESHLY MADE ALT BEFORE STARTING BATTLES WITH IT. You will not be allowed to edit this alt after you include it in your initial sign-up for any given cycle. By the way, make sure to register your LT alt on Pokemon Showdown!. We've had to deal with people who got their account registered by someone else because they were unprotected. It is advised that you once you sign up here, you immediately register the accounts on PS afterwards.

All rules listed in this post aslo applies.

Good luck to everyone! Again, this is Cycle 4 of Smogon's Official Ladder Tournament. If your sign-up post does not follow the rules explained above, it will be ignored. This Cycle will run for 8 days and will end on Monday, August 29th at 12:00 am EDT (GMT-4).
Cycle 3 Top 8

Rank #1: ronaldo o fenomeno
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ fenomeno
ELO: 2124
GXE: 91.4
Total Games: 113 | Wins: 93 | Losses: 18

Rank #2: Skooma
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ im garbage
ELO: 2119
GXE: 86.1
Total Games: 476 | Wins: 294 | Losses: 174

Rank #3: 3d
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ 3d
ELO: 2118
GXE: 89.0
Total Games: 88 | Wins: 73 | Losses: 15

Rank #4: Separation
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ Spr
ELO: 2107
GXE: 87.8
Total Games: 84 | Wins: 70 | Losses: 14

Rank #5: sugarhigh
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ sugarhigh
ELO: 2104
GXE: 81.9
Total Games: 199 | Wins: 129 | Losses: 69

Rank #6: Giannis Antetokommo-o
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ 34
ELO: 2103
GXE: 88.5
Total Games: 159 | Wins: 115 | Losses: 44

Rank #7: Serpi
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ SERPI
ELO: 2103
GXE: 86.1
Total Games: 150 | Wins: 106 | Losses: 44

Rank #8: SoulWind
Qualified Cycle # Name: LT93OQ SW
ELO: 2101
GXE: 86.0
Total Games: 219 | Wins: 138 | Losses: 77
Forum name: YasuKe
Cycle 4 Alt: LT94JE YsK
Does my alt for Cycle 4 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
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Reactions: PZZ
Forum name: altanati
Cycle 4 Alt: lt94je alta
Does my alt for Cycle 4 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
Forum name: nis298
Cycle 4 Alt: LT94JE nis298
Does my alt for Cycle 4 contain my forum name or a very similar variation/abbreviation of it as required by the rules?: yes
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