Sneasel has a strong niche in RU thanks to its fantastic offensive typing that preys on many common Pokemon like Nidoqueen, Flygon, and Celebi. Sneasel consistently forces progress by scaring out the likes of the aforementioned Pokemon and removing Leftovers via Knock Off from foes like Registeel and Stakataka. Sneasel's Speed and Swords Dance let it pose sweeping threat, and it has some defensive utility; Sneasel can offensively check Mimikyu with Triple Axel and other setup sweepers with Ice Shard. Choice Band Sneasel trades an immunity to entry hazards for power which allows it to more effectively threaten bulky Pokemon like Galarian Weezing and Metagross. However, Sneasel is held back drastically by its lack of defensive utility. It relies on aggressive switches and VoltTurn for opportunities. Sneasel's reliance on Triple Axel can also make it rather inconsistent due to the poor compounded chance of landing all three hits. Sneasel is also not particularly strong itself relying on its offensive typing to wallbreak, so it struggles to get past bulkier Pokemon like Milotic and Registeel. Sneasel will often be incapable of or fail to sweep due to all of the aforementioned negatives. Choice Band Sneasel is high maintenance with its Stealth Rock weakness.
name: Heavy-Duty Boots
move 1: Triple Axel
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Ice Shard / Low Kick
move 4: Swords Dance
Item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Adamant / Jolly
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Swords Dance and Sneasel's great offensive typing that hits much of the metagame super effectively like Togekiss, Metagross, and Flygon makes Sneasel a good wallbreaker and a circumstantial sweeper. Ice Shard OHKOs Flygon and Noivern and deals with setup sweepers like Dragon Dance Flygon and weakened Tyrantrum. On the other hand, Low Kick helps Sneasel significantly in breaking bulky Steel-types like Stakataka and Registeel. Heavy-Duty Boots keeps Sneasel from getting worn by entry hazards. Inner Focus prevents Incineroar's Intimidate and Togekiss's Air Slash from flinching. Adamant Sneasel misses out on Heliolisk and Tornadus, but Sneasel can prevent revenge kills from them with boosted Ice Shard. Jolly lets Sneasel revenge kill Tornadus and Heliolisk, and not be revenge kill by them if it opts for Low Kick. Life Orb is an option on teams with good entry hazard removal that makes Sneasel much more powerful, OHKOing bulky Pokemon like Seismitoad, Gastrodon, and Galarian Weezing at +2 after Stealth Rock.
Sneasel loves VoltTurn from Xurkitree, Heliolisk, and Noivern to bring it in against the likes of Celebi, Roserade, and Togekiss. Additionally, Xurkitree and Heliolisk check Water-types like Milotic for Sneasel. Knock Off removing Heavy-Duty Boots from Pokemon like Incineroar and Gastrodon increases the effectiveness of entry hazards, making Roserade, Heavy-Duty Boots Heracross, Steelix, and Registeel good teammates. Defensive Incineroar, Metagross, and Nidoqueen can cripple Water-types with Toxic for Sneasel, or Nidoqueen also has the option of preventing their recovery with Taunt. Sneasel removing Leftovers from Steel-types with Knock Off is appreciated by Flying-types like Crobat, Noivern, and Togekiss. In return, they check revenge killers to Sneasel such as Golisopod and Choice Scarf Heracross.
name: Choice Band
move 1: Triple Axel
move 2: Knock Off
move 3: Ice Shard
move 4: Low Kick
Item: Choice Band
ability: Inner Focus
nature: Jolly / Adamant
evs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Choice Band Sneasel is more powerful and immediately threatening than Heavy-Duty Boots Sneasel with Triple Axel 2HKOing bulky Pokemon like Seismitoad, Galarian Weezing, and slightly weakened Milotic with Stealth Rock. Ice Shard forces out Flygon and Noivern and revenge kills setup sweepers like Dragon Dance Flygon and weakened Tyrantrum. Low Kick hits Steel-types like Steelix and Registeel hard. Inner Focus gives Sneasel immunity to Incicneroar's Intimidate and Choice Scarf Togekiss's Air Slash flinch. Jolly gets the jump on Tornadus and Heliolisk, but Adamant is quite affordable because they're the only relevant targets Sneasel misses out on otherwise.
Entry hazard removal is critical, making Tsareena, Dhelmise, and Starmie good teammates. VoltTurn from Xurkitree, Heliolisk, and Noivern grant Sneasel free switches against the likes of Celebi, Roserade, and Togekiss. Additionally, Xurkitree and Heliolisk check Water-types like Milotic for Sneasel. Entry hazard setters like Steelix, Roserade, and Heavy-Duty Boots Heracross appreciate Sneasel's Knock Off removing Heavy-Duty Boots from Pokemon like Incineroar and Gastrodon. Flying-types like Togekiss, Noivern, and Crobat check revenge killers to Sneasel like Golisopod and Heracross. In return, Sneasel removes Leftovers from Steel-types like Registeel. Toxic Metagross, Incineroar, and Toxic or Taunt Nidoqueen help weaken Milotic for Sneasel to break through.
Other Options
Sneasel will often not sweep with Swords Dance, so there's good freedom for other options like Taunt and Low Kick. Taunt prevents recovery attempts from Pokemon like Milotic and Gastrodon.
Checks and Counters
**Fairy-types**: Klefki resists Sneasel's STAB move combination and sets up Spikes, and can potentially punish the use of Triple Axel heavily with Rocky Helmet. Galarian Weezing is only 3HKOed by Triple Axel and KOs Sneasel with Strange Steam after Rocky Helmet damage. Additionally, due to Rocky Helmet Sneasel must be careful about using Triple Axel before removing Rocky Helmet with Knock Off. Choice Band Sneasel can 2HKO Galarian Weezing with Stealth Rock, but it still must be careful of Rocky Helmet. Choice Scarf Gardevoir outpaces and OHKOs Sneasel.
**Steel-types**: Registeel, Steelix, and Stakataka can take Sneasel on a few times with their massive Defense stats, but lose their only form of recovery in Leftovers to Knock Off. Low Kick Sneasel blows right past Stakataka, and a slghtly weakenedafter Swords Dance
**Fighting-types**: Bewear can take Triple Axel well thanks to Fluffy and use Sneasel to set up Swords Dance, but is 3HKOd by Choice Band Sneasel. Lucario resists Sneasel's STAB move combination letting it set up Swords Dance, but it isn't a good direct switch-in. Choice Scarf Herarcoss outpaces and OHKOs Sneasel.
**Faster Pokemon and Priority**: Salazzle, Choice Scarf Chandelure, and wallbreaker Starmie resist Ice Shard, outpace, and OHKO Sneasel. Golisopod and Choice Band Flygon revenge kill Sneasel via First Impression, which outprioritizes Ice Shard. Crobat lives +2 Ice Shard and can chunk Sneasel with U-turn or Brave Bird for a teammate to pick it off, and if it's maximum attack OHKO Sneasel, but attack investment makes Crobat worse at taking Ice Shard.
**Water-types**: Bulky Water-types like Suicune, Seismitoad, and Milotic rely on Scald's burn to check Swords Dance Sneasel. Milotic can check to Choice Band Sneasel, as once its item is removed it can Recover off Knock Off comfortably.
**Incineroar**: Incineroar can take on Sneasel's attacks, but very dislikes Knock Off removing Heavy-Duty Boots and leaving it Stealth Rock vulnerable; offensive Incineroar is even in range of boosted Triple Axel after Knock Off and Stealth Rock damage.
- Written by: [[Yourwelcomethanku, 541847]]
- Quality checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
- Grammar checked by: [[username1, userid1], [username2, userid2]]
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