Sneasel @ Choice Band
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Low Kick
With a near-unresisted STAB combination and an outstanding Speed tier, Sneasel has weaseled its way into the NU metagame. Choice Band Sneasel can either work early-game to force switches and catch foes such as Vaporeon and Diancie off-guard with strong neutral attacks, or it can pick off weakened teams late-game with Ice Shard. Low Kick smacks Snorlax and OHKOes Copperajah and Stakataka. Paper-thin defenses and weakness to entry hazards are Sneasel's biggest concerns; if it doesn't force a switch or pick up a KO, it's likely to be KOed itself by bulkier foes like Sylveon and Body Press Mudsdale. Slow pivot teammates such as Rotom-C and Xatu not only help Sneasel get onto the field safely, but also lure in Pokemon like Vileplume, Guzzlord, and Decidueye that Sneasel takes advantage of. Both pivots are also great entry hazard removers, which Sneasel necessitates. Offensive teammates like Silvally-Ground, Salazzle, and Sand Rush sweepers also work well with Sneasel, overwhelming shared defensive checks.
Ability: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Knock Off
- Icicle Crash
- Ice Shard
- Low Kick
With a near-unresisted STAB combination and an outstanding Speed tier, Sneasel has weaseled its way into the NU metagame. Choice Band Sneasel can either work early-game to force switches and catch foes such as Vaporeon and Diancie off-guard with strong neutral attacks, or it can pick off weakened teams late-game with Ice Shard. Low Kick smacks Snorlax and OHKOes Copperajah and Stakataka. Paper-thin defenses and weakness to entry hazards are Sneasel's biggest concerns; if it doesn't force a switch or pick up a KO, it's likely to be KOed itself by bulkier foes like Sylveon and Body Press Mudsdale. Slow pivot teammates such as Rotom-C and Xatu not only help Sneasel get onto the field safely, but also lure in Pokemon like Vileplume, Guzzlord, and Decidueye that Sneasel takes advantage of. Both pivots are also great entry hazard removers, which Sneasel necessitates. Offensive teammates like Silvally-Ground, Salazzle, and Sand Rush sweepers also work well with Sneasel, overwhelming shared defensive checks.
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