RU Special Attacker Salamence

name: Special Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Intimidate
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Specially attacking Salamence is a devastating threat, capable of hitting much of the metagame for big damage with its powerful STAB and coverage moves. Earthquake is used to hit Steel-types like Hisuian Goodra, Jirachi, and Registeel hard. Roost helps preserve Salamence's health over the game, especially against common foes like Hippowdon and Slowbro that otherwise don't threaten it. Intimidate helps Salamence wall physical attackers like Barraskewda and Slither Wing more effectively, though it risks activating Competitive and Defiant on foes like Empoleon, Bisharp, and Galarian Zapdos. A Naive nature is used to maximize the damage of Earthquake at the cost of becoming slightly frailer against special threats like Volcanion. Tera Steel flips Salamence's weaknesses to Fairy and Ice, allowing it to more reliably check Fezandipiti, Gardevoir, and Mamoswine.

Salamence is an effective wallbreaker and defensive presence on balance and bulky offense teams. Teammates that can capitalize on Salamence's mixed wallbreaking include Bisharp and Mamoswine, which appreciate physical walls like Galarian Weezing and Slowbro being worn down so they can threaten to sweep late-game. Similarly, Armarouge and Volcanion are powerful threats that can appreciate Salamence as a partner, as it can wear down foes like Empoleon and Hisuian Goodra. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Registeel have the physical bulk to keep foes like Galarian Zapdos in check, and they also help wear down the opposition with hazard chip damage. Likewise, Salamence is reliant on its Heavy-Duty Boots, which may get removed during a game, making hazard removal teammates such as Galarian Weezing and Talonflame appreciated. Steel-type teammates like Jirachi and Klefki can provide switch-ins to the strong Fairy-type foes, such as Alolan Ninetales and Gardevoir, that threaten Salamence, and they also provide valuable hazard-stacking support. Teammates that can help take attacks from powerful foes like Rhyperior and Mamoswine, such as Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Galarian Weezing, are important to keep Salamence from being overloaded. Knock Off absorbers like Chesnaught and Slowbro allow Salamence to preserve its Heavy-Duty Boots to keep from getting worn down by hazard chip damage.

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name: Special Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Intimidate
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Special attacking Salamence is a devastating threat, capable of hitting much of the metagame for big damage with its powerful STAB and coverage moves. Earthquake is used to hit Steel-types like Hisuian Goodra, Jirachi, and Registeel hard. Roost helps preserve its health over the game, especially against common foes like Hippowdon and Slowbro that otherwise don't threaten it. Intimidate helps Salamence wall physical attackers like Barraskewda and Slither Wing more effectively, though it risks activating Competitive and Defiant on foes like Empoleon, Bisharp, and Galarian Zapdos. A Naive nature is used to maximize the damage of Earthquake at the cost of becoming slightly more frail against special threats like Volcanion. Tera Steel flips the weaknesses to Fairy and Ice, allowing Salamence to more reliably check Fezandipiti, Gardevoir, and Mamoswine.

Salamence is an effective wallbreaker and defensive presence on balance and bulky offense teams. Common walls like Galarian Weezing, Hippowdon, and Slowbro, who would normally check physically-oriented Salamence sets, crumble at the thought of taking a powerful STAB Draco Meteor or Hurricane, while Jirachi and Registeel sponge these special attacks but fold to its powerful Earthquake. this sentence feels out of place, and probably belongs more in overview than here. Teammates who can capitalize on this Salamence's mixed wallbreaking include Bisharp and Mamoswine, who appreciate physical walls like Galarian Weezing and Slowbro being worn down and can threaten to sweep late-game. Similarly, Armarouge and Volcanion are powerful threats that can appreciate Salamence as a partner as it can wear down foes like Empoleon and Umbreon. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Registeel are valuable to Salamence, providing physical walls to foes like Galarian Zapdos while also helping wear down the opposition with hazard chip damage. idk if you missed a word in this sentence, not entirely sure what it's trying to convey Likewise, Salamence is reliant on its Heavy-Duty Boots which may get removed during a game, making hazard removal teammates such as Galarian Weezing and Talonflame appreciated. Add Knock Off absorbers. Teammates who can help take attacks from powerful foes like Rhyperior and Mamoswine, such as Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Galarian Weezing, are important to keep Salamence from being worn down.

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Good work, make these changes and QC 1/2!
i dont think umbreon is a mon that can be worn down by special mence, so u might want to remove that and put smth else, such as Hisuian Goodra. Also mention steel type partners just because mence is weak to fairy and ice and it provides nice synergy (jirachi, klefki, and registeel can also cripple opps with twave which gives mence more breaking power).

qc 2/2, as usual excellent work
Nice work! Here's an amgp check
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name: Special Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Intimidate
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Special attacking Salamence is a devastating threat, capable of hitting much of the metagame for big damage with its powerful STAB Dragon- and coverage Flying- STAB moves. Earthquake is used to hit Steel-types like Hisuian Goodra, Jirachi, and Registeel hard. Roost helps preserve its Salamence's health over the game, especially against common foes like Hippowdon and Slowbro that otherwise don't threaten it. Intimidate helps Salamence wall physical attackers like Barraskewda and Slither Wing more effectively, though it risks activating Competitive and Defiant on foes like Empoleon, Bisharp, and Galarian Zapdos. A Naive nature is used to maximize the damage of Earthquake at the cost of becoming slightly more frail against special threats like Volcanion. Tera Steel flips the Salamence's weaknesses to Fairy and Ice, allowing Salamence it to more reliably check Fezandipiti, Gardevoir, and Mamoswine.

Salamence is an effective wallbreaker and defensive presence on balance and bulky offense teams. Teammates who that can capitalize on Salamence's mixed wallbreaking include Bisharp and Mamoswine, who which appreciate physical walls like Galarian Weezing and Slowbro being worn down and so they can threaten to sweep late-game. Similarly, Armarouge and Volcanion are powerful threats that can appreciate Salamence as a partner as it can wear down foes like Empoleon and Hisuian Goodra. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Registeel are valuable to Salamence, providing as they have the physical walls bulk to keep foes like Galarian Zapdos in check, and they while also helping help wear down the opposition with hazard chip damage. Likewise, Salamence is reliant on its Heavy-Duty Boots, (AC) which may get removed during a game, making hazard removal teammates such as Galarian Weezing and Talonflame appreciated. Steel-type teammates like Jirachi and Klefki can provide switch-ins to the strong Fairy-type foes, such as Alolan Ninetales and Gardevoir, that threaten Salamence, (consider rephrasing this to "and they also give hazard stacking support", as it sort of sounds like Alolan Ninetales and Gardevoir give the hazard stackings upport) as well as give valuable hazard stacking support. Teammates who that can help take attacks from powerful foes like Rhyperior and Mamoswine, such as Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Galarian Weezing, are important to keep Salamence from being overloaded worn down (reduces repetition in the following sentence). Knock Off absorbers like Chesnaught and Slowbro are also beneficial to Salamence, allowing it to preserve it's its Heavy-Duty Boots to keep from getting worn down by hazard chip damage.
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name: Special Attacker
move 1: Draco Meteor
move 2: Hurricane
move 3: Earthquake
move 4: Roost
item: Heavy-Duty Boots
ability: Intimidate
nature: Naive
evs: 4 Def / 252 SpA / 252 Spe
tera type: Steel

Set Details

Specially attacking Salamence is a devastating threat, capable of hitting much of the metagame for big damage with its powerful STAB and coverage moves. Earthquake is used to hit Steel-types like Hisuian Goodra, Jirachi, and Registeel hard. Roost helps preserve its Salamence's health over the game, especially against common foes like Hippowdon and Slowbro that otherwise don't threaten it. Intimidate helps Salamence wall physical attackers like Barraskewda and Slither Wing more effectively, though it risks activating Competitive and Defiant on foes like Empoleon, Bisharp, and Galarian Zapdos. A Naive nature is used to maximize the damage of Earthquake at the cost of becoming slightly frailer more frail against special threats like Volcanion. Tera Steel flips the Salamence's weaknesses to Fairy and Ice, allowing Salamence it to more reliably check Fezandipiti, Gardevoir, and Mamoswine.

Salamence is an effective wallbreaker and defensive presence on balance and bulky offense teams. Teammates who that can capitalize on Salamence's mixed wallbreaking include Bisharp and Mamoswine, who which appreciate physical walls like Galarian Weezing and Slowbro being worn down and so they can threaten to sweep late-game. Similarly, Armarouge and Volcanion are powerful threats that can appreciate Salamence as a partner, (comma) as it can wear down foes like Empoleon and Hisuian Goodra. Entry hazard setters like Hippowdon and Registeel are valuable to Salamence, providing have the physical walls bulk to keep foes like Galarian Zapdos in check, and they while also helping help wear down the opposition with hazard chip damage. Likewise, Salamence is reliant on its Heavy-Duty Boots, (AC) which may get removed during a game, making hazard removal teammates such as Galarian Weezing and Talonflame appreciated. Steel-type teammates like Jirachi and Klefki can provide switch-ins to the strong Fairy-type foes, such as Alolan Ninetales and Gardevoir, that threaten Salamence, (consider rephrasing this to "and they also give hazard stacking support", as it sort of sounds like Alolan Ninetales and Gardevoir give the hazard stackings upport) as well as providing give valuable hazard-stacking (hyphen) support. Teammates who that can help take attacks from powerful foes like Rhyperior and Mamoswine, such as Hippowdon, Slowbro, and Galarian Weezing, are important to keep Salamence from being overloaded worn down (reduces repetition in the following sentence). Knock Off absorbers like Chesnaught and Slowbro are also beneficial to Salamence, allowing it allow Salamence to preserve it's its Heavy-Duty Boots to keep from getting worn down by hazard chip damage.
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