Alright, so briyella and I found each other on Smogon yesterday but I needed to go to sleep and apparently she had just woken up, so neither of us were really in a state to play. We agreed that we would just look for each other today since she has other things to do, and if absolutely necessary, possibly postpone until Monday. I've been online since around 11 hours ago from now, with a one hour break from around 9 hours ago to 8 hours ago, and haven't been able to catch her in the LC room, and bottt says that she has "never been seen", or at least never since it logged on this afternoon or something. After thinking about it, offering to play on Monday if need be probably wasn't the best of ideas because we didn't have the chance to battle throughout all of the weekdays of this week, so we probably won't be able to tomorrow, either. Can we leave this until next weekend or something