Tournament Spotlight Tournament - Gen 9 Bring 12-Pick 6 Shared Power Random Battle - Finals [Won by Dragonite4242]

question: I tried to schedule with my opponent (Atami) on their wall, but they pm'd me through a conversation. I didn't realize that it wasn't against the rules, and I just went with it. I would still like to play the match, is that possible? We had scheduled for Saturday at 9am -4.
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question: I tried to schedule with my opponent (Atami) on their wall, but they pm'd me through a conversation. I didn't realize that it wasn't against the rules, and I just went with it. I would still like to play the match, is that possible? We had scheduled for Saturday at 9am -4.

We debated a bit between us and decided that the subsitution stays.
We had pinged the players and announced to give us any kind of proof of scheduling, including pms, but this didn't occur with Atami. It would be a disservice for the sub to not allow them to play at this point, I am sorry :/
Activity wins:
Michielleus > AquaGuy2.0
UwU1v1 > GamerX
Go greeninja > hi.naming is hard

Celever vs Sylveesnom
HaunterBoy28 vs elvisma

teal > Legendary
round 2 will be up shortly!
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Round 2​

Dragonillis  vs  Gyarikkuho
Pranjalsingh  vs  Felilou
Memoriazero  vs  Betathunder
smoolic  vs  NAMAN07
meamPearl  vs  SlowCat
soTsoT  vs  AllHailDudunsparce
Celever  vs  Panty&Stockings
Dragonite4242  vs  teal6
UwU1v1  vs  yomaalt
Commander Awesome  vs  livid washed
Ghostilex  vs  thatonenoob12345
x≠x  vs  jyusaan
Irpachuza  vs  nd_
Go greeninja  vs  PokeChess
Michielleus  vs HaunterBoy28
Xsczd  vs  drifttrick

Extension deadline is Wednesday 18th at 11:59 PM GMT +1
DEADLINE is Sunday 22nd at 11:59 PM GMT+1 (UK time, basically)
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